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Search Result for "20540"

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Australia: Unorthodox collection (116) in black binder with Artist Cards inc Loplumer The Dinkum Scout, F Booty Beach Scenes (7), Russell Drysdale First Awake Christmas Day (Young Child) with signed message on oversize PPC. Malelle Edmonds Glamour (7). Tiger Glamour (4) with B, S, Maud & May. Leslie Board Australian Poetry (5), Alf Ashley Wild Flowers (6), Comic Art inc AG Animals (5), HG Kangaroos (5) inc Cricketing Kangaroo, J Muir Auld Australian Personalities (4) inc The Fossicker, Stuart Allen Horses (6) plus much more inc Magnetic Rock Art (2 real photos), Australasian Rugby League Team 1921-22 (red photos) & Sydney Harbour by Moonlight set of 6. Also small selection of World cards inc A Courtship in over populated Australia set of 6 featuring a pair of Rabbits & souvenir of Monte cards set. Mixed UN/U, generally F-VF condition with some very scarce sighted. (148)SOLD at A$600