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1913-75 collection in hagner album with Kangaroos (14) to 5/-, plus £1 & £2 copies, KGV 22) to 1/4 inc 4d lemon. 1914 Kookaburra 6d engraved M. 1931 Kingsford Smith to 6d brown Airmail. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- & Kookaburra 6d. 1934 VIC Cent set to 1/- & Macarthur to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/-. 1936 SA & 1937 NSW sets. 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes F-VFU & 1940 AIF set M. 1949 Arms to £2. QEII pre-dec M/MUH inc 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle & 1964 Navigators to £2 King. Decimals near comp MUH to 1975 Christmas inc 1966 Defs to $4 & most late 1960s-early 70s Pic/Commem sets inc Fam Australians/Prime Ministers booklet panes. Mixed F-VFU/M/MUH cat/retail $1300. (600)AVAILABLE at A$375

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Germany: SG Catalogue (current 2022 edition) with 430 pgs inc German States, Heligoland, Germany 1871-1945, Post WWII Allied Occupations, West, East, Berlin, & Germany United, Danzig, German Colonies, & WWII Occupations. New, retail £43, plus shipping.SOLD at A$60

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Germany: Michel Specialised Catalogue 2023 Part Two, May 1945-2023 inc Allied Occupations, German Local issues, DDR, West Berlin, Saar, West Germany & Unified Germany inc Booklets, se-tenant strips/multiples & M/Sheet. New, retail €98, plus shipping.SOLD at A$90

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1880s-1960s pre-decimal collection with pre-Federation States (120) inc NSW 1897 Charity 1d & QLD 1880s large Chalon set of 5 to £1. Australia with Kangaroos (80) inc 1st wmk to 2/-, 2nd wmk 2/- (2), 1/- & set to 6d. 3rd wmk to 5/-, SM to 5/- inc 6d opt OS, CofA to 10/- inc 6d opt OS. Perf Large OS (12) to 2/- inc 5d pr, 9d & 1/- (cat $1000), Small OS set to 2/-, plus 10/- CTO, total ACSC cat $5050. KGV (78) to 1/4 inc Perf OS to 5d, all G-FU. Then mixed M/MUH/U to mid 1960s inc 1928 Kookaburra 3d perf OS MUH, 1931 Kingsford Smith sets M & U, plus 2d, 3d, 6d opt OS VFU. 1932 Bridge 5/- CTO, plus 2d, 3d opt OS MLH. 1934 VIC Cent sets (both) MUH, plus extras perf 11½ VFM. Macarthur 9d, plus 2d dark Hills MUH. 1934 Airmail 1/6 perf 11 no wmk MUH. 1935 ANZAC 1/- MUH & KGV SJ set to 2/- FM. 1937 KGVI Robes sets thick & thin papers G-FU. 1940 AIF set MUH. 1949 Arms sets to £2 MLH & VFU. 1959 Cattle 5/- MUH (3). 1964 Navigator set of 6 to £2 King MUH, plus much more inc high val pre-dec Commem sets, 1940s imprint blks & coil prs M/MUH & 1950s-60s Official Perfins G-FU. Mostly F-VF condition with M/MUH/U as noted. Total ACSC cat $8000+. (100s) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1880s-1970s collectors accumulation in 3 thin s/books with Australian States (400) for NSW (120), SA (100), TAS (30), VIC (100), & WA (50). Kangaroos (150) to 2/- inc 3d olive (26) & 9d violet (16). KGV (670) to 5d inc ½d green (75), 1d red (140) & 4d blue (20), 1930s high value Commems inc 1931 6d brown Airmail (9), 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (12), 1934 Macarthur to 9d (3 sets), 1935 ANZAC 1/- (7) & KGV SJ sets to 2/- (5), 1936 South Aust to 1/- (13), NSW Sesqui sets to 9d (15), plus assorted 1930s 3d blue Commems (75). 1940 AIF 6d brown (10) & 3d blue (12). 1937 Robes 5/- (17) & £1 (3). 1941 Surcharges trio to 5½d (18 sets), 1949 Arms sets to £2 (6), plus extra £2 (2), QEII pre-dec Pics to £1 Bass & decimal Defs to early 1980s inc 1966 Navigators to $4 & 1970s/80s Paintings or Gardens. Some sl mixed condition generally G-F/VFU. Huge individual cat val, mentioned stamps retail $3300. (Many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1890s-1940s Collection in Lighthouse s/book with Aust States (430) for NSW (90) inc 1888 Centenary 20/- Carrington VFU with crisp 'Orange' cds. QLD (60) to 2/- Large Chalon. S. Aust (100) inc long QV to 2/6 purple, Tas (50), Victoria (100) inc 1907 QV 5/- variety 'Double' strike to 'POSTAGE' (ACSC cat $250), WA Swans (30). Aust Commonwealth to mid 1940s with 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved MUH. Kangaroos £1 grey 3rd wmk, opt SPECIMEN type C, VFM (SG 75s cat £120, ACSC 53xb cat $350) & £1 grey CofA wmk opt SPECIMEN type D (ACSC cat $80). 1913-36 KGV collection (96) with Single wmk to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II & Die III, 4d lemon & 5d brown. LM wmk set of 5, SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 to 1/4 inc 2d brown & 4d olive. SM wmk perf 13½ x 12½ to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II & 4½d violet Die II. CofA wmk set of 8, all OS opts to 5d brown, plus OS/NSW perfins (10) to 4d blue. Then 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d opt OS, VFU/CTO. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- pr perf G/NSW, VFM, retail $180. 1941 KGVI 2½d/2d & 3½d/3d Ash imprint blks of 4 (3 of ea, ACSC cat $60) & 5½d/5d McCracken imprint blks (3, cat $90), 1946 BCOF opt set to 5/-, Thin paper Fine M (cat $260), plus other Pre-decimals & small selection of Qld Railway stamps. (630) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1902-76 collection in older style Seven Seas hingeless album with 1902 Postage Due mono-colours (7) to 5/- green & 1909-53 bi-colours (22) to 5/- CTO. Kangaroos (40) with 1st wmk (8) to 1/-, plus extra ½d, 1d, 2d wmk INV (cat $250). 2nd wmk 2d, 6d & 1/-. 3rd wmk set of 10 to 5/- inc 2/- maroon, plus wmk INV 2d, 3d, 9d Used ($525) & 1/- wmk sideways MUH sun-tanned gum ($275). SM wmk (5) to 5/-, CofA wmk to 5/-, plus 6d chestnut opt OS. KGV (60) to 1/4 1931-36 Pics & Commems comp inc 1931-32 OS opts set of 6 to 1/- Lyrebird inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d, 6d, 1932 Bridge set to 5/- (closed tear), 1935 ANZAC 1/- black & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI Def set to £1 Robes, 1949 Arms to £2, QEII pre-dec near comp inc 1964 Navigators to £2 King & comprehensive decimals to end 1976 inc high val Pics/Commems, plus 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. Some variable condition mixed G-F/VF Used. Estimate cat $3700.AVAILABLE at A$375

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1913-65 collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk (11) to 2/- with extra 2/- brown, plus 1/- 3rd wmk to fill the gap. 2nd wmk 9d, 2/-, 5/- (ACSC cat $1100), 3rd wmk set of 10 to 5/-. SM wmk (5) to 5/-, CofA (8) to £1, plus both OS opts. KGV (72) with single wmk to 1/4 inc 4d lemon, violet, blue. SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 to 1/4 inc 2d brown, 4 olive. Perf 13½x12½ comp to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II FU & 4½d Die II CTO. CofA wmk set of 8 & all OS opts. Then appears comp to end 1965 inc 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1928 Kookaburra 3d blue M/Sheet VFU, 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d CTO (as is!). 1932 Bridge 5/- CTO & all the other 1930s Commem sets inc 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/-. 1938 Robes sets (2) to £1 slate. 1940 AIF set. 1946 BCOF opt set of 7 to 5/- Robes. 1949 Arms to £2, plus extra 5/- shade. QEII pre-dec comp inc 1959 Pics to Cattle 5/- white paper & 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2. Mostly F-VFU, sl mixed condition in earlier. ACSC cat $6800. A good solid collection. (410) (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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1913-64 collection in older style springback album with Kangaroos (65) with 1st wmk (22) to 1/- inc ½d, 1d (2), 2d, 3d wmk inverted (ACSC cat $450) & 3d olive perf OS/NSW horiz pr. 2nd wmk set of 7 to 5/- ($1300) top 2 parcel pmks. 1916 3rd wmk set (8) to 5/-, plus extras to 5/- light grey & pale yellow. SM wmk to 5/- & CofA wmk set to 10/-. KGV (90) inc 1d green Die II & SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 to 1/4. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved VFU. 1930s Commem sets inc VIC Cent (2) & Macarthur trio to 9d F-VFU. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/- MLH. 1937 Robes to £1 & 1949 Arms set to £2 U. QEII pre-decimals inc high val Commems & Navigators to £1. A bit disorganised, mixed M/MUH/F-VFU, cat/retail $4700. (460)AVAILABLE at A$550

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1913-75 near comp collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk to 2/-, 2nd wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 2/- brown, SM wmk to 5/- & CofA wmk to 5/- inc 6d opt OS, plus 10/-, £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN. KGV comp (retail $750) inc single wmk 1d Die III & 4d lemon, SM wmk perf 14 to 1/4, 1d green Die II, 4½d violet Die II & opt OS set to 5d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet with pale Exhibition cancel. 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d. 1932 Bridge set to 5/- & all other 1930s high val Commem sets F-VFU. 1937 Robes to £1 thick & thin papers. 1949 Arms set to £2. 1953-75 QEII comp inc 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King, 1966 Defs to $4 Navigator, 1974 Paintings to $10 & all other Pic/Commem sets inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. A well balanced, neat, mostly F-VFU collection, nicer than most. ACSC cat/retail $4800. (670+)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1913-65 collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk set to 1/-. 2nd wmk 2d, 6d & 1/-. 3rd wmk set of 9 to 2/- maroon. SM wmk to 2/- CofA to 5/- inc 6d opt OS ACSC cat $1020. KGV (57) with single wmk to 5d inc 1d Die II, 1d Die III & 4d lemon. LM wmk 1d carmine. SM wmk to 1/4 inc 4½d Die II, CofA wmk set to 1/4 & OS opts to 5d brown (cat $700). 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1927-30 Commems perf OS CTO set of 6. 1931 Kingsford Smith set, plus 2d red opt OS CTO. 6d brown Airmail (2) inc OS opt. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS VFU. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (both) & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI set to £1 Robes. 1940 AIF set. Pre-dec QEII comp inc 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle white paper. 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2 (£1, £2 m/s cancels) & all high val Commem sets. Some heavier pmks. Generally G-F/VFU. Total cat $2800. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1913-65 virtually comp pre-decimal collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk (12) to 5/-, 2nd wmk set to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 5/-, plus 10/- 'Star' Telegraph Puncture. SM & CofA wmk sets to 5/- inc both OS opts G-F U, listed retail $2550. KGV Heads comp set of 72 (retail $750) to 1/4 inc 1d red Die III, 4d lemon, 1d green Die II, 4½d violet Die II & OS opt set of 7. Then 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1928 Kookaburra M/sheet M,1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d. All 1930s Commem sets inc 1932 Bridge to 5/- & 1934 Vic Cent to 1/- both perfs. 1938 KGVI Robes sets to £1 thick & thin papers VFU, 1946 BCOF opt set to 2/- M, 1949 Arms to £2 & all QEII pre-decimals inc 1964 Navigator set to £2. An attractive mostly F-VF U collection, retail $4800. (420) (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1913-65 collection on Seven Seas pages inc Roo 1st wmk to 1/-, 2nd wmk to 1/-, 3rd wmk to 5/-, CofA wmk to 10/-, KGV comp single wmk to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II & III, SM perf 14 comp to 1/4, CofA comp to 1/4, 6d engraved Kooka, 1931 Kingsford Smith comp inc opt,1930-40s commems comp, 1937, Robes 5/- to £1 inc both papers, 1949 Arms comp to £2, 1964 Navigators comp set of 8 to £2. Odd flts, mainly F-VFU. ACSC cat $4900. (250).AVAILABLE at A$400

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1913-65 collection in Seven Seas album with Kangaroos (26) inc 3rd wmk set of 12 to 5/- G-FU. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet, 1931 Kingsford Smith sets (2), plus 2d, 3d opt OS & 6d brown (4) inc OS opts (2). 1932 Bridge 2d, 3d opt OS (2 sets, M & MUH). 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- (4 sets M/U) & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- (2) & KGV Silver Jubilee sets to 2/- (2). 1936 SA Cent sets (2) & 1937 NSW Sesqui sets to 9d M (2), F-VFM. 1937 KGVI Robes set to £1 & 1949 Arms to £2 G-FU. Pre-dec QEII near comp inc 1964 Navigators to £1. Some sl mixed condition, M/MUH/G-FU, listed retail $1600. (320)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1913-65 semi-specialised collection in loose leaf album with Kangaroos (75) inc 1st wmk (20) to 1/- inc 3d Die II (cat $400), 3d olive wmk INV (ACSC cat $225), 5d brown Large OS ($90) & Small OS ($125). 2nd wmk (6) to 1/- inc 9d perf OS/NSW (retail $400). 3rd wmk (40) to 2/- maroon inc OS perfins & 3d Die II (cat $200). SM wmk to 2/- & CofA to 5/- G-FU. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved M. KGV (110) with single wmk (75) to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II (5), 1d red Die III, ½d orange wmk INV, 2d brown & 4d blue. SM wmk (25) to 1/4 inc 4½d Die II CTO & CofA wmk set to 1/4. 1931 Kingsford Smith set, plus 6d violet blk of 4 with ACSC listed re-entries (cat $150). 1934 VIC Cent sets (2) & Macarthur set to 9d & 1949 Arms to £2. 1950s QEII Pics to 5/- & 1964 Birds to 3/-. Variable condition inc some heavier pmks mostly G-F/VFM or Used. Est cat/retail $3600. (470)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1913-65 near comp collection to £2 in Seven Seas illustrated album with Kangaroos (40) inc 3rd wmk 5/-, 10/- (cat $675) & £2 bicolour & £1 grey both Telegraph Punctures, plus £1 bicolour 'facsimile' space filler. KGV (62) to 1/4 inc OS opts to 4d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS. 1934 VIC Cent & Macarthur sets. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & 1936 SA Cent set. 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes. 1940 AIF set. 1949 Arms to £2 & high val QEII pre-dec Pics/Commems to £1 Bass. Some sl mixed condition inc bold cancels. Generally G-FU, retail $2200, plus the £1 & £2 Kangaroo Telegraph punches. (380)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1913-65 Used collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk set to 2/- brown inc 5d CTO Melbourne, 2nd wmk 2d, 6d & 1/-, 3rd wmk set to 2/- maroon, SM to 2/-, plus 6d chestnut opt OS & CofA to 5/- inc 6d opt OS. Total ACSC cat $1200. KGV (58) with 1st wmk to 1/4 inc 1d red Dies II & III, 4d lemon & 4d blue. LM wmk 1d carmine, SM wmk to 1/4 inc 4½d Die II, CofA wmk set & OS opts to 5d brown. Odd CTO, mostly F-VF U, cat $700. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved VFU, 1931 Kingsford Smith set to 6d brown, plus 2d & 6d opt OS. 1932 Bridge 2d, 3d & Lyrebird 1/- all opt OS. 1934 VIC Centenary sets to 1/- (both), 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/- UN. 1937 KGVI set of 22 inc Robes 5/-, 10/-, £1 thick & thin papers UN, cat $280 as M. 1949 Arms set F-VFU. Pre-dec QEII comp inc 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle, white paper, 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2 & all high val Commems. A solid G-F/VFU collection, total cat val $3000. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1913-65 collection in hagner style album with Kangaroos 1st wmk to 1/- inc perf large OS to 4d, plus £2 black & rose with Telegraph Puncture. 2nd wmk 2d, 6d, 9d, 1/-, 2/- G-FU (ACSC cat $600). 3rd wmk to 2/- maroon, plus £1 brown & blue Telegraph Puncture. SM wmk set to 2/- maroon, CofA wmk to 5/-. Also OS perfin set 1d to 5/-, NSW Govt perfins (10) to 2/-, plus 6d Chestnut opt OS. ACSC cat $2200 to 5/- bi-colours as normal U KGV (100+) to 1/4 inc OS opts to 4d, Federal perfins to 5d & NSW State perfins to 5d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved (rounded cnr), 1929 Airmail 3d green perf OS CTO. 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d opt OS, 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS postally U. 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- & Macarthur set to 9d U. 1930s-40s imprint blks (25) inc 1948 Hermes 1/6 claret McCracken blk of 4. 1937 Robes set to £1. 1940 AIF set to 6d M. 1949 Arms to £2 U. 1950s/60s high val Commem sets & 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King. Variable condition throughout, mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU. ACSC cat $3700, plus another $4700 for the £1 & £2 bi-colour Kangaroos. (650) (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1913-65 Used collection in older style Seven Seas illustrated album with Kangaroos (30) inc 1st wmk to 1/-, 2nd wmk 2d, 6d, 1/-, 3rd wmk to 2/-, SM to 2/- & CofA wmk to 5/- inc 6d opt OS. KGV (68) with single wmk to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II, 1d Die III, 4d lemon & 1/4 turquoise, LM wmk set of 5, SM wmk to 1/4 inc perf 14, 2d brown, 4d olive, CofA wmk set to 1/4 & all opts to 5d brown G-FU. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1931 Kingsford Smith set to 6d Airmail, 1934 VIC Centenary sets to 1/- both perfs & Macarthur set to 9d. 1937 KGVI 5/-, 10/- & £1 Robes, 1949 Arms 1961 Pics to Cattle 5/- white paper, Navigators to 10/- & all high val Commem sets. Some sl mixed condition, solid G-F/VFU. ACSC cat $1800. (360)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1913-65 specialised collection in thick 60 black pg s/book with Kangaroos (140) with 1st wmk to 1/- inc wmk inverted ½d, 1d (3), 2d, 3d & 1/- (ACSC cat $675), 3rd wmk to 5/- inc wmk inverted 2d & 9d (cat $350), plus OS/NSW to 6d & perf OS to 5/-. SM wmk to 5/- & CofA wmk to 5/-. Total ACSC $3200. KGV (260) to 1/4 inc single wmk ½d orange wmk INV blk of 4, OS opt set of 7 to 5d, perf OS (30) to 1/4 & perf OS/NSW (22) to 4d lemon. Est ACSC cat $1050. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved M & U (cat $180). 1929-36 1½d/2d Commem plate number blks (28, cat $600) with 1936 Cable set of 4 UL cnr, 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 2d (14) & Kingsford Smith (3), plus 1½d Sturt (4) & 1½d Swan (3), imprint blks (10, cat $300) from 1½d Swan to 2d Cable. 3d Commem plate number blks (10, cat $440) with Kingsford Smith plates 1 & 3, 3d Bridge plates 3 & 4, 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee plate 1 all 4 cnrs & 1936 Cable plate 1 (2), plus 3d Bridge & 3d VIC Cent imprint blks (cat $100), 1931-37 Commem sets with 1934 VIC Cent (5), Macarthur to 9d (2), 1935 ANZAC 1/- (2) & KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/- (3), 1936 SA to 1/- (3) & 1937 NSW Sesqui to 9d (3). KGVI issues inc 1937 Robes set to £1, plus £1 Ash imprint pr CTO (cat $350). 1940 AIF sets (8), plus imprint blks (4) to 3d blue. Other KGVI era imprint blks (50) inc to 2/6 Aborigine. 1949 Arms set to £2 FU & useful QEII inc 1959 Pics to 5/- blks of 4, 1964 Navigator set to £2, plus extras to 10/- & 1964 Birds set blks of 4 MUH. Generally F-VF U/M/MUH, bit messy in places, total cat/retail $8200. (2300)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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1913-65 collection in 1950s loose leaf album inc 5d brown M (cat $250) other Kangaroos to 5/-, plus 10/-, £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN (cat $320), KGV to 1/4 inc 3d blue perf OS wmk INV (cat $175) & 2d brown perf OS/NSW. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1930s Commems comp inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d, 6d brown opt OS, 1932 Bridge 5/- green Postally U (ACSC cat $400) & 1935 KGV SJ set to 2/- M. 1937 KGVI set to £1 Robes. 1949 Arms set to £2 green, pre-decimal QEII high val Pics to £1 Bass G-FU & 1966 Navigator set to $4 King MUH. Mostly mixed G-FU condition. ACSC cat $2000+.AVAILABLE at A$300

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1913-65 collection in Seven Seas illustrated album with Kangaroos (26) to 5/- inc 6d opt OS, plus Large OS perfin to 1/- (ex 2½d) cat $675 inc scarce 5d brown & 9d violet. Small OS perfin set of 14 to 5/- (cat $900) & perf OS/NSW (10) to 1/- ($350). KGV (55) inc CofA wmk set to 1/4 & all OS opts. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved W/C light pmk. 1931 Kingsford Smith set (2) inc OS opts. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS. 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- (2 sets), plus Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/-, plus KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 Robes set to £1 & 1949 Arms to £2 G-FU & other KGVI issues to 2/6 mixed M & U. 1953-66 QEII Defs & Commems mostly F-VF MUH inc 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle cream paper, 1964 Navigators to 10/-, 1964 Birds set of 8 to 3/-, 1966 1st decimal set MUH to $4 King. An useful G-VFU/MUH collection, cat/retail $3300. (415)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1913-65 collection in Seven Seas hingeless album very near comp with Kangaroos 1st wmk set to 1/-, plus 5/- 3rd wmk to fill the gap FU. 2nd wmk set of 7 to 5/-. 3rd wmk set of 10 to 5/- inc 2/- maroon, plus 10/- perf OS CTO. SM wmk set to 10/- inc 5/- CTO. CofA wmk set to 10/-, plus both 6d opt OS. Generally G-FU, ACSC cat $4100. KGV comp set to 72 (cat $1300) inc 1d red Die II & III, 4d lemon, violet & blue. SM wmk perf 14 to 1/4 inc 2d brown & 4d olive. Perf 13½x12½ to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II & 4½d Die II, CofA wmk set of 8 & all OS opts. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. Then comp 1929-65 with all 1930s Commem sets inc 1932 Bridge to 5/- & 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. OS opt set of 6 to 1/- Lyrebird inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d (skilful fake). 1938 Robes to £1 (2 sets). 1949 Arms to £2, 1961 Pics to 5/- Cattle white paper & 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2. Odd faults, mostly G-F/VF U. An attractive collection. ACSC cat $6650. (400) (P)SOLD at A$450

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1913-74 collection in older style s/book with Kangaroos to 5/-, KGV to 1/4 inc OS opts to 4d, 1914 Kookaburra 6d engraved, 1931 Kingsford Smith to 6d brown, 1934 VIC Cent & Macarthur sets, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1936 SA & 1937 NSW Sesqui sets. KGVI to £1 Robes FU, plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN. 1940 AIF set. 1949 Arms set, plus £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN. 1964 Navigators to 10/- U & set of 6 to £2 M. Comprehensive decimals G-FU inc 1974 Paintings to $10. Also pre-dec M/MUH multiples inc KGV Heads imprint prs (8) to 3d blue (cat $880). SM wmk 1½d, red plate dot prs set of 4 (cat $300), 1931 Kingsford Smith set blks of 4 ($120) & 1930s-40s imprint blks (22, cat $470) to 5/- Robes inc 1940 AIF 1d, 2d, 3d & all 4 1946-47 Commems set trios to 1/- Mitchell. Total ACSC cat/retail $2700. (860)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1913-74 collection in large s/book with Kangaroos (24) to 5/- inc 4d orange, 5d chestnut, 6d opt OS & 2/- brown, plus £1 & £2 copies. KGV (52) to 1/4 inc 4d lemon & OS opt set to 5d FU. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved MUH (cat $275). 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet VF MLH. 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- Lyrebird inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (2) & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- U & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/- VFU. 1937 KGVI Robes to £1 F-VFU. 1940 AIF to 6d. 1949 Arm set to £2, 1950s-60s QEII pre-decimals inc 1963 Navigator set to £2 King & decimal Pic/Commem to 1974 Christmas inc high val Paintings to $10. Generally F-VFU with odd M/MUH sighted. ACSC cat/retail $1800+. (680)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1913-74 collection in VGC Seven Seas hingeless slipcase album. Kangaroos 3rd wmk, SM wmk, CofA wmk to 2/-, KGV to 1/4 (CofA wmk) all U. Then M/MUH 1930s Commems, 1937 KGVI Defs (all MUH) inc 3d blue (5), 1938 Robes comp to £1 with both papers (MUH), 1949 Arms to £2 (MUH), 1964 Navigators set of 8 (MUH), 1966 decimal Navigators to $4 comp, 1971 Christmas blk of 7 & pane of 25. Then pages to 1989 in excellent condition. Fairly comp 1938-73. Mainly VF MLH with KGVI onward MUH. ACSC cat $3100, plus the VGC album. (500)SOLD at A$550

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1913-75 collection in hagner album with Kangaroos (14) to 5/-, plus £1 & £2 copies, KGV 22) to 1/4 inc 4d lemon. 1914 Kookaburra 6d engraved M. 1931 Kingsford Smith to 6d brown Airmail. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- & Kookaburra 6d. 1934 VIC Cent set to 1/- & Macarthur to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/-. 1936 SA & 1937 NSW sets. 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes F-VFU & 1940 AIF set M. 1949 Arms to £2. QEII pre-dec M/MUH inc 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle & 1964 Navigators to £2 King. Decimals near comp MUH to 1975 Christmas inc 1966 Defs to $4 & most late 1960s-early 70s Pic/Commem sets inc Fam Australians/Prime Ministers booklet panes. Mixed F-VFU/M/MUH cat/retail $1300. (600)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1913-75 collection on Seven Seas illustrated pages in binder, small range of Roos to 5/- (3rd wmk), KGV to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II, 1914 6d Engraved Kookaburra, 1928 3d blue Kookaburra M/Sheet cds at Philatelic Exhibition (flts), 1931 Kingsford Smith comp inc opt OS, 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- (both perfs), 1935 Silver Jubilee & ANZAC, 1937 NSW all comp, Robes set to £1 (2 sets). 1949 Arms comp to £2, Navigators set of 8 to £2 (2 sets), 1971 Christmas se-tenant blk of 7, comp to 1975, range of Postage Dues from 1902 to 2/- & later to 5/- (3), small collection of Reg labels & pmks, blks of 6 Cinderellas, 1938 Philatelic Society (36). BCOF set used to 1/- & useful KGV to 5d M. Mainly F-VF U, some mixed condition, album with toning. Interesting collection. ACSC cat $2500+. (600 + 5 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1913-77 collection in springback album with Kangaroos single wmk (82) to 5/- inc perf OS, plus £1, £2 replica space fillers, SM wmk (21) inc 2/- maroon (4). CofA wmk (7) inc 6d opts OS & 5/- (3). KGV single wmk (86) to 5d inc ½d, 1d inv wmk & 4d lemon. SM wmk (36) to 1/4 inc 3d blue perf OS wmk INV pr (ACSC cat $350). CofA wmk (74) to 1/4 inc OS opts to 5d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1929 Airmail 3d green Ash imprint blk of 4 (cat $125). 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- Lyrebird inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d VF U/CTO. 1931 Kingsford Smith set blks of 4 M/MUH. 1932 Kookaburra 6d Ash imprint blk of 4 (cat $140). 1934 V Cent trio to 1/- Ash imprint prs M (cat $180) & sets to 1/- (2) FU. 1934 Macarthur set to 9d U. 1935 ANZAC 1/-, plus 2d plate num blks (3) & imprint blk of 4 ($170). 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee set U, 2 sets M & 2d plate num blks of 4 (3, total cat $225). 1936 South Aust set M & U, plus 2d, 3d imprint blks of 4 ($140). 1937 KGVI set to £1 Robes U. 1940 AIF sets M & U. 1949 Arms set to £2. Pre-dec QEII high inc Navigators to £2 King & decimals M or U inc 1972 Country Women 7c specialised study (90). Est cat $4200. (1560)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1913-81 collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos (29) inc CofA wmk set to 10/-, retail $300. KGV (26) to 1/4. 1934 VIC Cent & Macarthur sets. 1935 ANZAC 1/-. 1937 KGVI Robes 5/-, 10/- & £1. 1949 Arms to £2, QEII pre-dec near comp inc 1964 Navigator set of 6 to £2 & decimals virtually comp MUH to end 1981 (FV $110) inc 1966 Defs to $4, 1971 Christmas blk of 25 (toned) & 1974-79 Paintings to $10. Some sl mixed G-V/VFU, plus MUH decimals. (700)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1913-86 collection in s/book with Kangaroos (53) inc 1st wmk set to 1/- (cat $300) & perf Large OS (ex 2½d) to 2/- (cat $900), 3rd wmk to 5/-, plus perf Small OS near comp to 5/- (cat $1400) inc 4d orange. Also SM wmk to 2/- & CofA wmk comp to 5/- inc 6d chestnut opt OS. KGV (80) to 1/4 inc OS/NSW Perfin (12) to 4d blue, perf OS to 1/4 & OS opt set of 6 to 5d brown. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1927-30 Commems perf OS set of 6 to 3d Sturt. 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 CTO to Lyrebird 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 4d, 1934 VIC Cent set to 1/- & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/- all VFU/CTO. 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Robes. 1949 Arms set of 4 to £2. Pre-dec QEII appear comp inc 1964 Navigator set of 6 to £2. Decimals to mid 1980s mostly VFU/CTO inc high val Pic/Commem sets & Paintings to $10 Kangaroos & KGV generally G-FU, then mostly VFU/CTO. ACSC cat $2800. (1000)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1913-96 collection in 2 VGC Seven Seas hingeless albums with Kangaroos (34) to 5/- inc 1st wmk set of 10 to 1/- (cat $300) & 3rd wmk comp to 5/- ($475). KGV near comp (68) with single wmk to 1/4 inc 1d Die III & 4d lemon. SM wmk perf 14 2d, 4d, 1/4 & perf 13½x12½, 4½d Die II & CofA wmk to 1/4 inc OS opts to 5d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved 1931-32 OS opts (5) to 1/- Lyrebird inc 6d brown Airmail. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (2) & Macarthur to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI Robes sets thick & thin papers to £1, 1949 Arms set to £2. QEII pre-decimal appears comp inc 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King & comprehensive decimals to mid 1990s inc 1970 Cook ANPEX M/Sheet, 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 7 & 25, Paintings to $10 & high val Pics to $20 Gardens. Est retail $2800 to end 1980, plus extra for 1980s/90s CTO Pics & another $500 for the albums. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1913-2000s collection/accumulation in 3 s/books (1 Lighthouse 64 page as new), 2 binders with Seven Seas pages, inc Roos to 5/-, KGV heads to 5d, 6d Kooka engraved, comp set of 1934 Vic Cent, Macarthur, 1935 ANZAC, Silver Jubilee, 1938 NSW, range of Pre Decimal inc 1949 Arms to £1, Navigators to 10/-, Decimal range (1000s) $5 Painting (6), $10 Paintings (4), AAT 1959 to 2/3, 1973 set comp to $1. Also catalogues Ackland hard cover British Empire & Foreign Countries 1935, Acklands 1945 Aust Comm stamps, both are quite scarce. Retail $50+. Mainly G-FU, some MLH. Albums some toning throughout, most stamps not affected. ACSC cat $1,800+. (3000+).SOLD at A$140

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1914-50 pre-decimal accumulation in large white binder with 1914 Kookaburra 6d engraved (5), 1930 Sturt perf OS CTO (4 sets), 1931 Kingsford Smith opt OS CTO (4 sets), 1931 Kingsford Smith opt OS 2d (6) & 3d (3) mostly VF CTO, other Airmails with 1929 3d green (7), 6d brown (5) & 6d violet (5), 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS (2). 1934 VIC Cent sets (14) to 1/- black, 1935 ANZAC 1/- (2) & KGV Silver Jubilee sets to 2/- (2). 1936 SA sets to 1/- (7), 1937 Robes 5/- (10), 10/- (9) inc SPECIMEN opt & £1 (6). 1940 AIF 6d brown (12). 1949 Arms 10/- (25), £1 (15) & £2 (3), plus reasonable range of 1930s 2d & 3d Commems, scattered Kangaroos to 2/- M, KGV to 1/4 inc OS opts to 4d olive. Also 1964 Navigators 7/6 (4), 10/- (22), £1 (9) & £2 (3). Generally F-VF. ACSC cat $3850 not counting Kangaroos or KGV! (100s)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1914-50 collection in hagners inc 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved (2 MLH). Then mostly fresh MUH inc 1929 Airmail 3d, type A (2) & type B (2). 1931 Kingsford Smith set of 4, plus 6 Airmail opt OS (2). 1932 Bridge OS opts 2d, 3d, plus prs FM 1932 Kookaburra 6d brown. 1934 Airmail 1/6 no wmk perf 11 (2, with rev spots). 1937-48 Zoologicals set of 17 MUH (cat $240). 1940 AIF set of 6 & 1948-52 KGVI Defs to 2/6 Aborigine, plus 1938 Robes 10/- opt SPECIMEN. FM as noted, mostly fresh MUH, ACSC cat $1560. (125)SOLD at A$275

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1914-65 MUH collection inc VGC KABE hingeless album (retail $180+) inc KGV (56) with single wmk to 1/4 inc 2d brown, 4d orange, 4d violet, 4d blue, 4d olive, 4½d violet, 4d brown. LM wmk 1d carmine, SM wmk (18) to 5d brown & CofA wmk set to 1/4. 1920s-30s Pics/Commems near comp inc 1928 Kookaburra 3d marginal blk of 4, 1932 Kookaburra 6d & Lyrebird 1/-, 1934 VIC Centenary sets to 1/- (2) & Macarthur trio to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/-, plus KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1936 SA & 1937 NSW Sesqui sets. 1937 KGVI to 10/- Robes inc 3d blue dies/perfs (5). 1940 AIF set to 6d. 1959 Pics to Cattle 5/- white paper, 1964 Navigators to 10/- Flinders & 1934 Birds set of 8 to 3/-. Some KGV era stamps with sun-tanned gum, generally F-VF MUH. ACSC cat/retail $5000+. (325)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1914-65 Mint collection in older style Seven Seas hingeless album with 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1930 Sturt pr, 1931 Airmail Service 6d brown (2) inc OS opt. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- (2) inc OS opt, 1934 VIC Centenary set to 1/- both perfs, 1934 Airmail 1/6 claret no wmk, perf 11 & Macarthur set of 4 to 9d purple. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937-54 Zoological set of 17 to 1/- no wmk, KGVI to 1/4 inc 3d blue (6) with 'white wattles' Die 1A, Die II thin paper & Die III. 1938 KGVI Robes set 5/-, 10/-, £1 thick & thin papers, F-VFM. 1949 Arms set to £2 green. 1959-61 Pics to 5/- Cattle & 1964 Navigators set of 8 to £2 King inc 10/-, £1 white & cream papers. An attractive collection, mostly VFM. ACSC cat/retail $2100. (P)SOLD at A$525

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1914-65 M/U collection with Kangaroos set to 5/- U inc 6d brown opt OS & short set of 5 to 3d olive M. KGV to 1/4 inc OS opts to 4d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved M & U. 1931 Kingsford Smith sets to 6d brown Airmail (2). 1934 VIC Cent sets (2), 1935 ANZAC 1/- M & U. 1935 KGV Jubilee sets to 2/- VFU & M. 1936 SA sets M & U. 1937 KGVI Robes 5/-, 10/-, £1. 1949 Arms to £2, plus 10/-, £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN. Comprehensive QEII to 1965 Christmas M & U inc Navigators to 10/- Flinders. Mostly F-VFM. ACSC cat/retail $1600. (540)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1914-65 comprehensive collection in older style Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos (35) inc 1st wmk to 1/-. 2nd wmk 2d, 6d, 1/-. 3rd wmk set to 2/- maroon, plus wmk INV 1d, 2d, 1/- U & wmk SIDEWAYS 1/- M. SM wmk to 2/- & CofA set to 5/- inc 6d opt OS. KGV Sidefaces comp set of 72 with single wmk to 1/4 inc 1d red Die III & 4d lemon, SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 inc 2d brown, 4d olive & perf 13½x12½ to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II & 4½d violet Die II. CofA wmk to 1/4 & all OS opts ACSC cat $1260. 1914 Kookaburra 6d claret M. 1930-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- Lyrebird inc Kingsford Smith 2s, 3d. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- M & U, 1934 Macarthur set VFU. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 Robes 10/- opt SPECIMEN (2), plus £1 thick & thin papers FU. 1940 AIF set MLH. 1949 Arms to £2 U. 1953-65 QEII mostly MUH inc 1964 Birds set to 3/-, plus 1964 Navigator set of 6 to £2 King F-VFU. A near comp M/MUH/F-VFU collection, cat $3900. (390)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1914-86 collection in hagner album with 1914 Kookaburra 6d engraved, 1931 Kingsford Smith sets M & U, 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS, 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (both) & Macarthur to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & 1936 Cable set Ash imprint blks of 4, cat $100, KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/- U. 1936 SA & 1937 NSW Sesqui sets M & U. 1937 KGVI to 10/- M & Robes 5/-, 10/-, £1 VFU. 1949 Arms set to £1 FU, plus 10/-, £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN. 1940s-50s imprint blks of 4 (24) inc 1950 KGVI Defs to 2/6 Aborigine. 1952 KGVI 3½d brown, 1963 QEII 5d green & 1965 QEII 5d red 'exploded' booklets (cat $210). 1964 Navigator set to £2 & Birds to 3/-, plus decimals to mid 1980s inc Paintings to $10. M/MUH/U, generally F-VF, est cat/retail $1600. (970)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1915-65 M/MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with KGV single wmk (19) to 5d chestnut inc 2d brown, 4d orange, 4d pale blue & 4½d violet. LM wmk set of 5. SM wmk perf 14 to 4½d inc 2d brown & 3d blue, SM wmk perf 13½x12½ to 5d inc 3d blue Die I, 4d olive & 4½d violet. CofA wmk to 5d brown & OS opts to 5d brown. Generally F-VFM, ACSC cat $1700, plus 1914 Kookaburra 6d UN. 1931-32 OS opts (4) to 1/- Lyrebird F-VFM & Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d CTO. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (both) & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 inc 3d blue (5) & Robes 5/-, 10/-, £1 thick paper MLH & thin paper set MUH (£1 sun-tanned). 1940 AIF set. 1950s KGVI to 2/6 no wmk. 1953-65 QEII near comp MUH inc 1959 Pics to Cattle 5/- white paper, 1963-64 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King, 1964 Birds to 3/- & all high val Commems. All fresh & clean, ACSC cat $2560. Also 1902-60 Postage Dues (50, cat £725). F-VFM inc 1902 mono-colours (9) to 6d green, 1913 perf 14 to 6d, 1946 CofA wmk to 1/- & 1958 no wmk to 1/-. Mostly F-VF M/MUH as rated, total cat $5500. (400) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1920s-60s chaotic collection in hagner album with KGV (80) to 5d brown, G-FU with mostly Federal or State Official Perfins. 1930s high val Commems inc 1931 Kingsford Smith sets (3), 1934 VIC Cent to 1/-, 1935 ANZAC 1/-, 1930s-50s imprint blks (45) to 5/- Robes, plus 1936 Cable 2d plate number 2, 4 cnr blks of 4. Mostly F-VF M/MUH. Then Used array to mid 1960s inc 1929 Airmail 3d green (10), 1930s 3d blue Commems (30), 1931 Kingsford Smith set, 1934 VIC Cent sets (3), 1936 South Aust to 1/- (2), 1937 KGVI to 10/- Robes, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN. 1937 NSW Sesqui sets (3). 1940 AIF set to 6d (3), 1949 Arms sets to £2 (3) & 1964 Navigators to £1 Bass. Also Postage Dues useful accumulation (200) to 5/- & AAT pre-decimal Pics to 2/3 Penguins. Variable condition throughout, mixed M/MUH, G-F/VFU. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1927-65 collector's pre-decimal accumulation in 2 large Chinese s/books inc 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved (2), 1932 Lyrebird 1/- & Bridge 2d (4), 3d all opt OS. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (3) & Macarthur sets of 4 (3). 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee sets to 2/- (2). 1936 SA sets to 1/- (7). 1937 NSW Sesqui sets (3). 1938 KGVI set to £1 Robes. 1940 AIF sets to 6d (4). 1950s 2/- Commems (40) & 1963 Navigators 7/6 (2), 10/- (4) & £1 (4). Variable condition with dust/toning, mostly on the albums with G-F/VFU stamps sighted throughout (see scans). Est retail $1300+. (Many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1927-65 M/MUH collection/accumulation in hagner album with 1929 Airmail 3d (3) inc perf OS. 1931 Airmail 6d brown (2) inc OS opt. 1932 Bridge opt OS 2d (6) inc blks of 4 & 3d (2), 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (4) & Macarthur sets to 9d (2). 1934 Airmail 1/6 claret no wmk MUH. 1935 KGV SJ sets to 2/- (2). 1936 SA set to 1/- & 1937 NSW Sesqui sets (2). 1940 AIF sets (2). 1941 Surcharges set (5). 1949 Arms set to £2, plus extra 10/- (2) & 5/- (2). 1956 Aborigine 2/6 no wmk (4) MUH. 1950s-60s high val Commem MUH. 1964 Navigator set of 6 to £2 MUH. 1964 Birds set of 8 (3 sets), plus extra 2/5 cream paper blk of 4. & much more inc selection of 1940s imprint prs to Arms 5/- mixed M/MUH. ACSC cat/retail over $2000. (680)SOLD at A$300

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1927-72 MUH collection inc VGC Seven Seas album (retail $180) with 1931 Kingsford Smith set, 6d brown Airmail (2) inc OS opt, 1932 Lyrebird 1/-. 1934 VIC Cent set to 1/-, plus Airmail 1/6 no wmk, perf 11 (rev spots), 1936 SA & 1937 NSW sets. 1937 KGVI to 10/- Robes inc 3d blue Dies I, II & III & Zoologicals comp (retail $200) to 1/- Lyrebird. 1940 AIF set to 6d & 1949 Arms to 10/-. QEII pre-dec near comp inc 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle white paper, 1964 Navigator set of 6 to £2 King & 1964 Birds set to 3/-. Then semi-specialised decimals with 1966-72 booklet pane set of 29 (retail $280) inc QEII 4c set of 6 Slogans & 1966 Navigators $1, $2, $4 opt SPECIMEN. Generally F-VF MUH. Total ACSC/retail $2400.AVAILABLE at A$500

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1927-end 1978 virtually comp M/MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet, 1932 Lyrebird 1/- (2) inc OS opt. 1932 Bridge set of 6 to 5/- inc both OS opts & 1934 Airmail 1/6 perf 11, no wmk. 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- (both perfs) & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI to Robes £1 & 1940 AIF set. All F-VF M. Then virtually comp MUH 1941-78 (1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25 MLH) with 1949 Arms to £2, 1959-61 Pics set to 5/- Cattle white paper, 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2, 1964 Birds to 3/- & all high val Commem sets. Decimals 1966-end 78 inc 1966 Defs to $4 King, 1970 ANPEX M/Sheet, all Commem sets & Paintings to $10. All fresh & clean. Total ACSC/retail $3450. (630, 5 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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1927-90 extensive ex dealer back-up stock in massive 64pg s/book inc 1928 Kookaburra 3d (10) inc perf OS (5), 1929 Airmail 3d green (10) inc perf OS (5). 1931 Kingsford Smith sets (4) to 6d brown Airmail, 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (5), 1935 ANZAC 1/-, 1936 SA sets (5) & 1937 NSW to 9d (5). 1930s 3d blue Commems (25). 1937 KGVI Robes 5/- (10), 10/- (2) & £1 (2), plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN. 1940 AIF sets to 6d (4). 1949 Arms set to £2 (3), 1950s 2/- Commems (40) inc comp sets. 1959 Cattle 5/- (10). 1964 Navigators sets to £1 (2), plus extra 7/6 (2) & £2 King. 1960s 2/3 Commem (30). Extensive decimals (4000+) to 1989 inc comp collection inc 1970s Paintings to $10. Some, mostly light, tropicalisation, generally F-VFU, huge retail with pre-decimals alone over $2000. (5200+)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1928-56 KGV, KGVI & QEII collection with duplication on Varios in Lighthouse binder with slipcase mainly in blks of 4 inc imprints, noted 1928 Kookaburra M/S (2), 1930s, Swan, Stuart, Kingsford Smith plate blks, KGV imprints inc 3d & 6d Kingsford Smith, 9d 150th NSW Anniv (2), 1940 AIF set to 6d, range of 1938 KGVI Defs to 1/- with various imprints, 5/- Robes, both papers, 10/- Robes blk of 4, 1941 QEII Defs, 1952-56 various blks of 4. 3d Kooka (12), 3d Sturt (16), 3d Air (8), 3d Kingsford Smith (12), 6d (10), 3d Bridge (12), 3d VIC Cent (24), 2d Macarthur 'dark hills' (8) inc imprint 3d (12), 3d Cable (10), 3d SA Cent (15), 1/- (11) inc 2 imprint blks of 4, 3d Sesqui (16), 9d (12) imprint blk of 4 (2), 5/- Robes thick & thin imprint blks of 4, 10/- thick (4), AIF 3d & 6d (12 ea), plus most later issues (ex Arms) to 1957 in similar quantities inc 1946 BCOF set ½d to 1/- in imprint blks (2 sets), plus some KGV. Some flts & gum tone throughout. Mainly F, VF appearance MLH/MUH. ACSC cat $7700+. Value at estimate. Inspect to evaluate. Interesting range with plenty of potential. (1500+)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1928-end 65 MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album inc 1928 Kookaburra 3d blue, 1931 Kingsford Smith set of 4 to 6d brown, 1932 Kookaburra 6d & Lyrebird 1/-, 1932 Bridge 2d, 3d opt OS, 1934 VIC Cent set to 1/- on sun-tanned paper & Macarthur set 2d, 3d, 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/-, 1936 SA to 1/-, 1937 NSW Sesqui set, 1937 KGV Defs (18) to 10/- Robes thick & thin papers. 1940 AIF set to 6d, 1949 Arms to £1 (horiz crease MUH), 1950 KGVI Defs to 2/6 Aborigine no wmk, 1953-65 QEII pre-decimals comp inc Produce Food strips, 1959-61 Pics to 5/- Cattle white paper, 1963 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King, 1964 Birds to 3/- & all high val Commems. Some darker sun-tanned gum to late 1930s. Generally F-VF MUH. ACSC cat $2240. (270)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1928-65 MUH collection in older style Seven Seas hingeless album with 1928 Kookaburra 3d blk of 4 & single, 1931 Kingsford Smith set, plus 6d brown Airmail (2) inc OS opt. 1932 Kookaburra 6d brown, 1934 VIC Centenary sets (2) with deeply sun-tanned gum, plus Macarthur trio to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- black. 1936 SA & 1937 NSW sets. 1937 KGVI Defs (15) to 10/- Robes. 1937-56 Zoologicals comp (17) to 1/- no wmk (ACSC cat $240). 1940 AIF set to 6d. 1951 KGVI Defs to 2/6, 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle white paper, 1964 Navigators to 10/-, 1964 Bird set of 8 to 3/- & all QEII era high val Commem sets. Mostly F-VF MUH. ACSC/retail $2100. (266)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1930-48 KGV& KGVI Commems on 16 hagners. 1930 1½d Sturt Plate blks of 4. Nos 1-8, Ash imprint blk of 4 (2), 3d Sturt Plate blks of 4 Nos 1-2 (2), Ash imprint blk of 4, 1934 Macarthur 2d imprint blks (3 inc 1 Dark Hills), 3d imprint blk of 4, 9d imprint pr 1935 Jubilee 2d Plate blks of 4, No 1 (2), No2, No3 (2), No4, No5, No6 (2) & imprint blk of 4, 2/- Plate 1 marginal single with fold through top, 1936 SA Cent imprint blks of 4 - 2d, 3d, 1/-. 1937 1/6d Hermes Chalk paper McCracken imprint blk (2), 1948 Hermes CofA wmk McCracken imprint blk. Also 1-2 sets of ea issue 1930 Sturt set perf OS. Some faults but generally F-VF MLH/MUH. ACSC cat $4,000+ (150+).AVAILABLE at A$300
1936 Cable to 1940 AIF 2d Commem accumulation loose & in bundles. Unchecked as received. Weight 800g, G-FU. (11,500). Suit researcher.AVAILABLE at A$120

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1937-51 KGVI collection on pages inc 1937 3d blue Die I, Die II, Die IIb, Die III, Robes set 5/- to £1 with both thick & thin papers, 1936 SA Cent, 1938 150th Anniv, 1940 AIF sets, range of coil prs to strips of 3 or 4, inc ½d Roo no wmk with 'sky retouch' & 2d 'gum tree weak'. Also 5/- Arms thin paper. Few VF MLH inc 5/- Robes. Mainly Superb MUH inc others mentioned. SG cat £900+. (120+) (P)SOLD at A$300

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1937-64 collection (320) in KGVI 3d blue Die I, Die II (2) & Die III (2) all F-VF MUH (ACSC cat $430) & Die I (3), Die II (2) M (cat $200). 1938 NSW Sesqui sets M (2), plus an extra ten 9d G-FU. 1940 AIF sets (4), plus an extra six 6d U. 1938-56 Zoologicals sets of 6 M (5) to 1/-. 1949 Arms set of 4 to £2 U (5), 1952 Aborigine 2/6 M/MUH (20), plus extra £2 (3) inc SPECIMEN opt. 1959 Flowers set of 6 (3) to 3/-. 1964 Birds 2/5 (10) mixed cream/white papers M/MUH, plus 1950s/60s 2/- or 2/3 Commems (28) mixed M/U & small selection of Coil perf multiples 1941-59. Est ACSC cat $1800. Also Postage Dues U (120) ½d to 5/- mixed dies, printings & wmks, inc 1959 5d Die II (6, cat $300), plus 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. (465)SOLD at A$190

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1937-66 blks of 4 collection inc 1937 NSW Sesqui set 2d, 3d, 9d Ash imprint. KGVI 1/4 magenta & 10/- Robes Ash imprints. 1937 Hermes 1/6 claret thick paper McCracken imprint (toned). 1949 Arms 5/- Authority imprint, plus others. Mostly F-VF M/MUH, ACSC cat $800. 1966 Navigator set of 6 in blks, tone spots MUH (FV $34). 1966/67 QEII 4c & 5c/4c booklet panes set of 6 MUH, retail 200. All F-VF M/MUH. Total cat $1000.AVAILABLE at A$200

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1937-65 collection in album with many notations inc 3d KGVI blue Die I 'white wattles' MUH, 3d blue Die II Ash imprint pr, part 1930 used newspaper wrapper, 1937-49 Animals inc perf 13½x14 1/- Ash imprint pr FU, various coil prs, 5/- to £1 Robes thick paper used sets (2), 10/- Robes Specimens (2), 1940 AIF varieties 1d 'broken rifle butt' & 'broken wings' & imprint prs, 1949 Arms set to £2, 1950 KGVI 6½d brown & green re-entries, various 1963 5d QEII imperfs, Navigators to £2, 1937 ½d to 5/- & 1950s imprint prs & blks, some perf pips blks, inc 5/- Robes prs (3), some pmks & varieties. Interesting collection, value at our estimate. Mainly FU, VF MUH. ACSC cat $3000+. (800+)AVAILABLE at A$300
1940s-60s massive off-paper mix/accumulation (many 1000s) with Pics, Commems, Defs inc OHMS Savings For Service envelopes inc 1930s-40s 1/6 claret Airmails, 1945 Peace, 1946 Gloucester sets inc quantity 1950s-60s Pics/Commems sorted into plastic bags, plus enormous mess inc vals to £1 Arms at the bottom of the carton. Also 1914-63 unbalanced collection in 2 contemporary springback albums inc sparse Kangaroos to 2/-, KGV (120) inc ½d orange opt OS blk of 16, & 1d red (50) inc shades & varieties, 1934 VIC Cent set, 1934 Macarthur sets (3) & scattered 1940s imprints inc 2d, 3d, 6d AIF blks of 4.AVAILABLE at A$150

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1940 AIF 6d (86), 3d (310), 1d & 2d (100 each). Mostly in bundles, G/FU. SG cat £6400+ = A$12,500. (596)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1971 Christmas 7c panes of 50 x4 (2 white paper), blk of 25 (4), blk of 7 (11) & PO Pack (3) all MUH some with odd tone spot. Also 1994 Women in Parliament 45c pane of 25, 1 MUH, 9 CTO, plus some odds & ends inc 1970 Cook M/Sheets (6). (650+, 6 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1980s-90s: FDC hoard (1450) massive FV inc vals to $20 Gardens, plus 1994 Maxicards, Aerograms, UN PSE (140, est FV $40), AAT PO Packs (FV $45), plus various ephemera. Large carton. (1600+)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1994-96, 1998-2006, 2008-11 Australian Territory PO Folders. Later years still sealed, stamps fresh MUH. FV $300+.SOLD at A$180

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1999 Die Proof Reprints: A Selection of the Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia with 28 diff pre-dec Proof impressions in black inc KGV 1d Engraved, 1932 Bridge 2d, 1938 Robes £1, 1948 Aboriginal Art 2/-, 1964 Cook 7/6 & AAT 1957 2/- Map. Superb production similar to Year Albums. ACSC cat $700 as single Proofs.AVAILABLE at A$80

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Bundleware: Super-massive 1940s-90s off-paper accumulation in envelopes of 500 stamps, all neatly packed into 56 boxes/cartons with around half a million pre-decimals!!! Inc 1930s 2d Commems (7500), 1932 Kookaburra 6d (500), 1932 Large Lyrebird (500), 1949 Arms 5/- (500), 1961 Colombo Plan 1/- (11,500), plus many 1000s 1940s-50s-60s Commems & even more Defs! Decimals (700,000+) to late 1990s inc 1966-71 Queens (100,000) to 7c purple (suit specialist researcher), plus good variety of Pics/Commems & other Defs. Unchecked as received, G-F/VFU with list of contents. Total 1,220,000 stamps. Reserved at less than 10c per 100. One for the researcher or postmark collector. Estimated total weight around 100kg.SOLD at A$900

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Cinderellas: NSW 1980s Railway Local Post M/Sheets (21) inc SPECIMEN opts & IMPERF proofs. NSW 1950 Govt Tramway 6d blue Packet stamps (10). QLD pre-decimal Railway Parcel stamps (18) to 2/6 'Hollis Hopkins & Co' imprint. Australia 1971-75 decimal Coil Wrappers (6, cat $150). NSW 1938 150th Anniv labels (42 diff) Revenues inc pre-dec QLD Tax stamps (8) to 4/- & Melbourne Patent Office $50 & $100 Fee stamps, Koala Research M/Sheets, Exhibition M/Sheets, ephemera & labels 1971 XL Postal Strike $1 stamps comp sheet of 100, retail $500. 1911 Commonwealth essay reprint strips of 5 in 6 diff colours. World mix inc Alsace & Lorraine pre WWI Social Security Revenues (156) on 'Quittungscarte' cards. NZ 1980s/90s Greenpeace - Antarctica M/Sheet proof multiples. GB 1940s Coil Machine Test labels strip of 10 MUH. European 1930s Tourist Publicity labels in sheets of 20 diff with Spain (4 diff colours) & Portugal (5 diff colours). Norway 1860s-90s Local Post (Bypost) collection (24 diff), plus other Revenues & Cinderellas. Large s/book.AVAILABLE at A$400

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Collection 1913-77 with Kangaroos to 5/-. KGV to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II, 1d carmine LM wmk & OS opt set of 6 to 5d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1930 Sturt pr perf OS, 1931 Kingsford Smith set to 6d inc 2d, 3d opt OS. 1934 VIC Cent sets (2) & Macarthur to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV SJ set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes. 1940 AIF set FU. 1949 Arms 5/-, 10/- MUH & sets to £2 (2) G-FU. 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle MUH (2 sets). 1950s-60s high val Commem sets MUH & U. 1964 Navigators to £1 Bass MUH & F-VFU (2 sets). Decimals to 1970s Paintings inc 1966 Navigator sets to $4 MUH (2) & FU (2). 1968 Flowers sets (2), 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 (2) & AAT 1966 Defs to $1 Mock Sun all F-VF MUH, plus much more to early 1970s MUH & U. Some sl mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU condition.AVAILABLE at A$220

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Collection to 1995 on loose pages with scattered pre-Federation States (90), Kangaroos (28) to 5/-, KGV (50) to 1/4. 1928-32 Commems with OS opts or Perfins. 1934 Vic Cent set to 1/-, 1937 KGVI Robes 5/-, 10/-, £1. 1938 NSW Sesqui set, 1949 Arms to £1 & 1964 Navigator set to £2 King. Also 1937-1965 Pre-decimal FDC (118) inc 1937 NSW Sesqui set (2), 1953 Food Produce set of 6, 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle & Navigators to 10/- Flinders, some foxing/toning, mainly in the FDC. Then 1966-1995 MUH/M/U collection inc 1966 Def set to $4 M & U, plus Navigator set FDC. AAT 1966 Pic set to $1. 1969-72 PO Packs (14, retail $180) inc 1970 Cook & 1971 Christmas blk of 7. Then 1970s-80s-90s Pics with plenty of M/MUH sets, FDC & good variety of non-letter rate higher vals. Toning/foxing throughout, mainly on the envelope or pgs, mixed M/MUH G-FU. (many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Collection carton lot with 1940s-50s MUH coil join strips of 4 (24) with 12 diff inc 1941 Green Tester, 1941 QM 1d brown, KGVI 2d violet (2), 1948 ½d orange (10), 1951QM 2d green (2), KGVI 3d green & KGVI 3d red & 1953 QEII 3d green (2). Coil join trios (24) & prs (10). Odd minor tone, majority F-VF MUH. ACSC cat $1170. Decimal MUH Pic/Commem sets inc 1966 Defs to $4 Navigator mostly blks of 4 (retail $200), plus extras to 50c Dampier. 1968 WWW/Intelsat set blks of 10, 1968 Flowers blks of 6, 1969 Flight 5c panes of 50 (3) & 1969 Prime Ind sets (6), mostly fresh MUH total retail $500+ 1966-86 Used decimal accumulation in 2 large s/books, plus many 100s more loose in cigar boxes, plus assorted bundles.SOLD at A$250
Covers: 1971-96 FDC collection (400+) in 4 albums & loose in 5 packets inc 1972 PM booklet panes on individual FDC, 1980s Gardens to $20 & 1990s high FV Pic/Commem sets. Also AAT 1982-2013 Base Cancel sets of 4 (22 diff sets, 88 FDC). Also PNG 1969-94 FDC (140) in album 5 & loose in 4 envelopes. All neatly packed into large carton. (500+)SOLD at A$80

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Covers: 1930s-40s range inc 1940 Air Cover with notation Italian stamps obtained in 1940 offensive, 5 active service envelopes inc 2 from Egypt to Palestine & NSW, 5 WW2 Salvation Army covers from N.G to Aust. BCOF cover to Brisbane, 1930/40s Aust covers (20+) with advertising interest. Interesting range. (38).SOLD at A$80

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Covers: 1930s-60s accumulation in box with Airmails (44) inc 1937 Perth-Melbourne franked KGVI 2d Die & 3d Die 1A (ACSC cat $60), 1940 4 colour franking Melbourne-England & 1956 Melbourne-New York franked Cobb & Co 2/-. 1930s-40s ordinary mail covers (40) inc 1945 to USA pmk 'Show Grounds/Sydney'. 1939 Melbourne-Switzerland franked KGVI 3d blue, 1936 Melbourne-USA franked 3d Cable & 1934 Boronia (VIC) to New Jersey (USA). Taxed covers (3) with 1931 England-Australia, 1951 Melbourne-East Brunswick (VIC) & 1952 Sydney-Wellington (NZ). 1930s-50s Philatelic Mail (18) with FDC (6) inc 1929 Swan 1½d (28 Sep, cat $175), 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d, 6d (19 Mar), 1936 South Aust 2d, 3d (3 Aug), 1938 NSW Sesqui (2 sets) & 1930s Philatelic Exhibitions (3) with 1934 Melbourne, 1936 Adelaide & 1938 Sydney. WWII Armed Services Mail (30) inc 1945 Registered from Mil PO Cowra & WWI card from Libya-London. 1930s-40s Registered Mail (12) inc 1927 to Basel (Switzerland) franked 1½d Canberra (5), 1946 Sohana (PNG) to Bougainville. 1938 Botany-Slovagnie franked 6d large Kookaburra & 1941 Sydney-Rhode Island franked KGVI 1½d brown blk of 4. Generally F-VF condition. An attractive assembly. (145)SOLD at A$220
Covers: 1970-99 FDC collection in 3 Davo albums, 40 hagners & loose in 2 boxes, strength in 1990s Pic/Commem sets inc 1994 Family & 1995 Dunlop PNC, plus AAT Base Cancels (44) inc sets of 4 Bases. All fresh & clean inc vals to $20 Gardens. Also another 30 size 2 hagners in 2 plastic packs & empty FDC album. (600).AVAILABLE at A$60

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Covers: FDC/Commem pmk collection 1979-2007 in 11 binders. Comprehensive & large range inc 1998 Bass/Flinders PNC (4), 1997 Bradman PNC (2), 1999 Older Persons PNC. Also AAT covers 1979-97 inc many Base Cancels, Christmas Is 1993-2007 inc 2006 Year of the Dog PNC, Cocos Is 1994-2007 covers. Mostly VF. (1050+)SOLD at A$80

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Covers: 1994-2015 FDC collection stored in a box, strength in post Millennium Issues with 325 covers (FV $930) inc 50 diff M/Sheets, plus odd set in blks of 4 on individual envelopes. Also 80 Christmas Is 1994-2016 FDC (FV $160) inc Lunar Year Pics & M/Sheets & Cocos Is (27, FV $75). All fresh & clean with over 430 covers, FV $1160+ with New Issue costs higher.AVAILABLE at A$350
Covers collection in 2 cartons inc Great Britain FDC & Commem covers 1960-2001 (135) Gilbert & Ellice, Tuvalu, Kiribati 1960s-80s (30+), India 1969-88 mostly FDC (145), New Zealand 1946-80s mostly FDC (250+), New Hebrides 1970-73 (35), Solomon Is c1970-90s (40), Papua New Guinea 1964-late 70s (80). F/VF. (820)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Covers: Pre-Decimal FDC collection (340) to 1965 Churchill inc 1937 KGVI 1d, 2d Die I (7), 1946 Mitchell (registered), 1951 Federation (2 diff cachets), 1952 KGVI 1/0½d. Aborigine 2/6 on single FDC, 1953 Coronation, 1953 Tas Sesqui Cent. 1955 South Aust Cent registered St Paul's (2 diff cachets) 1959 Flowers to 3/- & 1964 Birds set. Decimals (300) to 1979 Trains with wide range of cachets inc 1970 Expo, Grasslands & RV unaddressed PO Pictorials then mostly Private cachets or PO Generic with good variety & minimal duplication. Nearly all addressed, some sl mixed condition inc minor tropicalising, generally F-VF. (640).AVAILABLE at A$150

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Covers: 1929-90 First Flight covers large accumulation in 2 small cartons, mostly 1950s-80s inc bulk 1981 Chichester inc diff types, lots of 1948 Qantas World Flight, plus some overseas flights inc NZ & much more. Estimate 100 diff, inc diff frankings, cachets, pmks etc. AAMC est cat $7000. (600)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Covers & stationery collection 1940s-68 inc 1942 Australian POW Lettercard to Australia from German Stalag 13, various Censor cachets. 2 other Censor Mail/FPO covers, Australia Used in PNG 1947-51 collection of 40 covers, mix of cds. Covers/FDCs 1950-66 inc various Royal, Wesley FDCs noted 1963 2/3 Cable (7 diff). Also a collection of 40 Commercial/Philatelic covers all cancelled 13 Feb 1968 inc 1963-64 Navigators 4/- to £2 on diff covers, plus other pre-decimal pmk last day of valid postal usage. Few others, an interesting lot, F/VF. (240)SOLD at A$120

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Covers: 1994-2015 FDC collection, appear all diff with Australia (225, FV $560) inc International Post to $20, 42 diff M/Sheets to 2015 Gallipoli Anniv, 3 Prestige envelopes & 2008 Beijing Olympics Gold Medallist FDC set of 14. Then Territories (all valid for use in Australia) with AAT (18, FV $45) to 2013. Christmas Is (75, FV $160) to 2017 inc Lunar New Year M/Sheets. Cocos Is (60, FV $200) to 2018 inc 7 diff M/Sheets. Norfolk Is Australia (24, FV $75) from 2016-19 inc 12 diff M/Sheets. All fresh & clean, total FV $1040, Post office costs higher. (400)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Framas: 1984-99 comprehensive MUH collection in well filled Lighthouse album with 1984 Bars 30c, 40c, 85c Button set of 21 (retail $140). 1985 Bars 33c, 45c, 90c Button set ($130). 1985 Kangaroo Button set of 27. 1986-87 Platypus Button set of 45 inc 37c & 53c (retail $80). 1987 Echidna, 1988 Possum, 1989 Lizard, 1990 Koala, 1992 Emu, 1994 Emu green paper (retail $125), 1994 Waratah & 1996 Festive Button sets of 27, 1999 Tiwi Art Button set of 18 & Farewell Frama set of 15. All fresh MUH, retail $900+. Then Commem/Exhibition Frama 1992-99 odd SPECIMEN opt, plus 3 Platypus misprint errors, Farewell Frama PO Pack & Kangaroo 33c set of 9 FDC. Then 1994-2000 CPS with large format sets of 6 (5) inc NPC1 PO Pack ACT 93 & RX1, plus candlestick trials set of 3 (3 sets, retail $900) inc vert prs. Medium format sets of 6 (21) inc PO Packs & Exhibition emissions. All fresh & clean, retail $2200.SOLD at A$425

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Framas: Extensive 1984-2002 collection in 3 over-filled albums. Volume 1 with MUH sets to 2002 Farewell Frama Pack in hagners/Varios inc 1984 Bars Button set of 21 (retail $140), 1985 Bars Button set of 27 (33c, 45c, 90c). 1985 Roos Button set of 36 (33c, 36c, 45c, 90c). 1986 Platypus Button set of 36 (36c, 37c, 50c, 90c), plus printing errors partially printed (16). 1987 Echidna, 1988 Possum, 1989 Lizard, 1990 Koala & 1994 Waratah Button sets of 27, plus others inc odd Exhibition emissions. Est retail $700), plus near comp basic set from 1984 Bars to 1999 Tiwi Art in Seven Seas hingeless pgs. All appear fresh MUH, total FV $350. Other 2 volumes with FDC (230) to 1992 Emus with 1984 Button sets (6) inc Brisbane, Canberra & Melbourne, 1984 15c prs set of 7 (2 sets). 1985 1c BLANK PAPER, plus 1c barred edges CTO on envelope with Casuarina INT cds (3 diff envelopes), 1985 33c barred edge on FDC with 29 July Darwin cds. 1985 Kangaroo Button set FDC (8 diff with Darwin or Casuarina cds), plus 33c sets of 9 FDC (10 sets). 1986 Platypus FDC sets (2), plus combination Platypus Frama/Flower booklet FDC (4 diff), 1987 Cup-pee set, 1988 SYDPEX set, 1991 NORPEX pr, plus other FDC/Commem covers. All fresh & clean in 3 neat albums.SOLD at A$350

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Mixed collection/accumulation inc 1937 KGVI 2d red 2/- part booklet (1 pane), 1942 KGVI 2½d red in 2/6 part booklet. FDC selection, modern MUH range, Replica Cards (35, cat $280), Great Britain FDCs 1960s-70s, PNG 1970s-80s packs & covers, Princess Diana Memorial issues/packs, plus few others. F/VF. (500+)SOLD at A$60

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Mixed mess 1880s-1980s inc Pre Federation States (340) in springback album inc vals to 1/- or 2/-. Australia collection to 1965 in Seven Seas album inc Kangaroos to 2/-, KGV to 1/4, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV SJ to 2/-, 1949 Arms set £2 & high val 1950s-60s Commem sets. KGV accumulation (approx 2000) to 5d in envelopes & glassines. 1937-65 M/MUH Def/Commem accumulation (few 100) in thick VST s/book & 1953-83 Used collection in hagner album. Also unsorted mess in plastic bags & packet of Vario leaves. All in medium carton. (Approx 3000)SOLD at A$210
Philatelic Exhibition M/Sheet accumulation (100) inc Australia 99 Navigators IMPERF pr, 1990 New Zealand 1991 Phila Nippon, 1992 World Columbian, 1993 Sydney Stamp & Coin Fair, 1996 Indonesia, 1996 10th Asian International, 1997 Hong Kong, 1999 Queensland Stamp Show, 2004 China, 2007 Sydney & many others. Also booklets (20) inc 1974 Melbourne, 1984 AUSIPEX (2 diff), 1994 Melbourne & 1996 Canberra. All fresh & clean, FV $280.AVAILABLE at A$200

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Postage Due collection to 1960 inc 1923 1/- thin paper (SG D85 cat £30). 1922 3rd wmk (6) to 4d (both). 1931 CofA wmk 1d (4) & 2d (5) inc 2d perf 11 blk of 4 MUH. 1938 CofA wk set of 7 to 1/- F-VF MLH (cat £225). 1946-57 re-drawn Dies blks of 4 with 2d (2), 3d (2), 4d & 5d MUH (£320). 1958 set of 10to 2/- MUH (at £50), plus extras (24) inc 1d & 6d blks of 4. Odd minor tropical spot o/w fresh M/MUH, total SG cat £940 = A$1800. (93)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Postal Stationery: 1930s-80 specialist consignment remains with KGV-QEII used envelopes (13), UN QEII 4c-20c duplication (heavy, plus 10c long type albino stamp impression ($100), 3½d orange with large red Specimen opt (ACSC cat $150), plus KGV Star 1½d on 2d red UN ($100) & KGV oval 2d on 1½d red ($50). Also Lettercards KGVI-QEII (23) fresh MUH, also 1962 5d blue with Automatic PO opt Used FDI ($200), & finally 1942 Queen 1d+1d doubleton PC uprated for use to USA ($40). Total ACSC cat $1400. (80).AVAILABLE at A$200

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Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes: 1944-70 used collection near comp inc ACSC 1Ad censored, plus 1961 Lettersheet in 2 shades. F-VF U/CTO, all diff. ACSC cat $573. (31)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Postal Stationery - Postcards: 1911-53 used with 1911 Scenic KGV 1d red text setting 1, views Phantom Falls, Buffalo Mts & Coimadai, all in shades of black (ACSC P21(2), (8) & (12).1918 KGV 1d red uprated ½d with 'City of Hawthorne' printed reverse, 1918-19 surch 1½d on 1d red sulphite stock (2), 1920-22 KGV 1½d brown buff stock, 1923 surch 1d on 1½d brown w/o footnote to Scotland, 1925-30 1d green die 3, 1930-37 1½d brown 83mm footnote, 1941-43 Queen 1d+1d doubleton, 1943-50 KGVI 2d, 1953-57 QEII 3d. F-VFU. ACSC cat $635 (13) (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Postal Stationery - Wrappers: 1913-60s used collection inc 1913 Kangaroo ½d green CTO, 1931 KGV 1d green with extra stamp box to USA, & uprated KGVI 3d blue to Germany, 1942 1½d, 1954 2½d, 1953 QEII 2½d, 1967 5c uprated to England, & 6c uprated to England. Also PTPO 1935 use of KGV 1d green with no text, plus OHMS 1919 KGV 1d red OS dots in die uprated ½d. F-VFU. ACSC cat $1100. (10).AVAILABLE at A$180

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Pre-decimal M & Used collection with Australian States (140) inc NSW 1860s Diadems to 1/- rose, SA QV to 2/6 violet, Tasmania 1855 QV Chalon 4d Star wmk (SG 17 cat £150). Victoria early 1900s OS Perfins to 5/-. West Australia 1861 Swan 2d blue. Then Commonwealth of Australia (250), M/MUH to end 1965 (ACSC cat $550) inc 1934 VIC Cent & Macarthur sets, 1935 ANZAC 1/-, 1937 KGVI to Robes £1, 1949 Arms to £1 M, 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle MUH & 1964 Navigators (5) to £1 Bass M. Then F-VFU (400) to 1966 Navigators set with Kangaroos (18, cat $850) to 1/- inc 1d, 2d, 1/- wmk INV, 6d opt OS & 1/- wmk sideways. KGV (120) to 1/4 inc shades & Official Perfins to 5d brown. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1930s Commem sets inc 1934 VIC Cent, 1934 Macarthur, 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee & 1936 SA. 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Robes, 1949 Arms to £2 & comprehensive near comp QEII inc 1964 Navigators set to £2 King. Variable condition throughout, mixed M & U. ACSC cat $2300, plus SG cat £420 for the States = A$3100. (800)SOLD at A$375

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Pre-decimal ex-Dealer's MUH 'back up' stock to 1965 Christmas with many 100s 1½d Commems (34, cat $230). 1931 Kingsford Smith set to 6d brown. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- & Kookaburra 6d (cat $180). 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (2) & Macarthur 2d (4). 1935 ANZAC 2d (14) & imprint or plate number blks (6, cat $300). 1936 Cable sets (4) & 1936 SA Cent sets (2), plus extra 3d (5). 1937 NSW Sesqui Cent sets (2). 1942 Zoologicals sets of 7 to 1/- (3), plus extra 6d (20) & 1/- (10). 1941 Surch set (7, cat $100). 1945-46 Commem trios with 1945 Gloucester (14), Peace (22), 1946 Mitchell (16) & 1947 Newcastle (20). 1940s higher val Defs with 1/6 Hermes (10), plus no wmk (4) & 2/- Croc (10), plus no wmk (3). 1951 Federation sets (25), 1951 KGVI sets to 1/0½ (20), plus 2/6 Aborigine (7) inc no wmk 2. 1950s Commem sets with QEII Coronation (14), 1954 RV (20). 1954-55 Olympics 2/- (20), 1956 Olympics (16), 1958 QANTAS 2/- (10). 1950s-60s letter rate Commems (1100, cat $1100+). 1960s 2/3 Commems (45) inc comp sets. All fresh & clean, total ACSC cat $4800+. (2500+)SOLD at A$400
Unorthodox carton lot with KGVI imprint blks of 4 (54) inc 1937 KGVI 1/4 magenta, 1948 Hermes 1/6 claret with McCracken imprint. 1949 Arms 5/-, 10/-. 1951-52 Defs to 2/- Crocodile & 1940s Commems inc Gloucester & Newcastle sets. Mostly fresh MUH, ACSC cat $1000 inc 5/-, 10/- Arms cat $225. Decimal gutter pr FDC (10) with 1968 Soil Medical, 1982 ABC (4) & 1983 Aust Day (5). Postal Stationery inc Aerogramme collection, 1978-82 Postcard Wallets set of 4, various Maxicards (120) inc to $20 Painting. Pacific Islands 1970s-80s PO Packs (50) inc Hong Kong & Nauru. Postage Dues (52) to 5/- green U & 1909 set of 7 to 1/- M (cat £220), Die proof Replica Cards (20, cat $160) in Seven Seas binder. Frama collection (FV $110) in s/book & hingeless album & 1981 PO Year Albums (3). Unusual combination. Large carton.SOLD at A$220

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Unorthodox carton lot with DIE PROOF Reprint Card collection (30 diff) in Seven Seas slipcase album (2 sets, cat/retail $600), SPECIMEN opt collection 1984-94 with duplication (FV $290) in Seven Seas slipcase hingeless album to $20 Paintings. 1990s FDC (30) in as new album inc Philatelic Exhibition pmks 1993-95 Christmas Is MUH collection (FV $60) in Seven Seas hingeless slipcase album. Also Europe collection on 1960s loose leaf pgs. Six albums.SOLD at A$140

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New South Wales: 1850-1912 collection in binder inc 1850-51 Sydney View 2d, plate III & 3d. 1851-54 QV Laureate to 3d inc 1d on cover. 1854-59 QV Diadem to 1/-, imperf inc 1d & 2d (pr) on covers. 1861-97 QV Coin 5/- (2 shades). 1894-1906 QV Postage 10/- (3 diff shades). 1897 QV Charity set used. 1880 QV OS 10d, perf 13, M. 1880-88 QV Coin OS 5/-. Mostly G-VF M/U, mixed in parts. SG cat £4100+ = A$8000+. (365) (P)SOLD at A$725

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New South Wales: Postmarks on card or cover collection (18) with 1908 Numeral 1 machine cancels with Jan & Feb dates & Numeral 2 machine cancels (3) with Jun, Oct & Dec dates. 1914 Bourke St Melbourne PPC franked KGV 1d red pmk 'Sydney 21 July 1914' being an extremely early date (FDI was 17 July!). 4 other KGV 1d reds on card or cover inc 'TPO 2 North West/UP SE 15/NSW' cds. 1921 KGV 2d orange octagonal envelope uprated with Kangaroo 3d olive with Sydney Registration label at LL (ACSC cat $150). 1932 Bridge Celebrations covers (4). 1940 from Parliament House Canberra to Consul-General for Romania, Newcastle. 1963 Navigator 4/- with 'Relief/95' cds. 1890s 1d Shield Wrapper with 'NSW' Killer Cancel, plus 11 pre 1910 PPC inc stunning view of 'Darling Street, Balmain'. Mostly F-VF condition. (29 items)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Tasmania: Pic/Commem pmk cover collection mainly 1980s inc 67 diff Pictorial FDC pmks on 24c Botanical Congress PSE, appears to cover most POs open at that time inc Beaconsfield, Cygnet, Fingal, Mole Creek, Port Arthur, Savage River, Sheffield etc. 15 diff cds for 150th Anniv of Postal Services with 1 June 82 QV 27c, other illustrated envelopes, 1949 cover with marking 'CALLED POSTMEN 7 DEC 49, GPO HOBART', few Letterbills Claremont, Launceston 1897-1902, plus 1962 Registered Pontville to Myrtlebank, with black Devonport 'Paid' machine pmk, & 1949 5½d envelope to Hobart with Tarraleah Registered label. 1980s covers fresh CTO, others F-VF. (90+ covers)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Victoria: 1850-1912 collection in binder inc 1850-57 QV Halflength 1d (3), 2d & 3d (4) inc printings & shades. 1852-55 Queen on Throne 2d inc printings & 1956 1d, plus 1858 6d (both shades). 1854 QV octagonal 1/- imperf (3). 1854-55 QV Woodblock to 2/- imperf, range of 1857-63 QV Emblems inc imperf, roulette & perf with shades & papers. 1863-73 QV Laureate to 5/- inc 8d orange & 10d grey. 1901-13 QV Postage to 5/-. 1886-1901 Stamp Duty to £1, postally used. 1890-94 Postage Due to 5/-. Mostly G-VF M/U, mixed in parts. SG cat £6000+ = A$11,500+. (550) (P)SOLD at A$1000

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1850s-2000s World collection/accumulation in 11 s/books & binders. Rhodesia from 1892 Arms inc Southern & Northern Rhodesia. East Africa/KUT from 1890s. Sthn Rhodesia 1924-29 KGV Admirals to 2/6. France from 1850s. New Zealand 1990s-2000s MUH collection inc M/S. Australia & States inc 1913-36 Roo vals to 5/-. 1965 Churchill Omnibus collection inc range of FDCs. Netherlands Indies 1870s-1940s collection inc Airmail covers. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, some parts mixed. SG cat £4400+ = A$8600+. (6000+)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1860s-1980s World collection in 18 s/books A-Z of countries inc China with 1940s-60s PRC issues, plus earlier Empire, Republic & Provinces. European countries & Colonies inc French Colonies. Central & South America, plus Asian countries. Most G-VF M/U. SG cat approx £3600+ = A$7000+. (8500+)SOLD at A$220

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1860s-1940s World in a 1930s Universal Stamp album by William Ackland with detailed colour maps (10), packed with stamps inc Austria (150+), Belgium inc Railway stamps, China, Finland inc 1860-71 Arms serpentine roulettes with typical teeth 5-40p, mixed condition, SG cat £3000, Mi cat €3000+. France (100+) inc various French Colonies, Germany (300+) mainly 1910-1930s period, Great Britain (100+), 1890 QV, 1910 KGV inc 2/6 Seahorses (3), Netherlands inc 1946 Queen 2½G-10G, Hungary (150+), Italy (100+), Japan (80+), NSW 1888 20/- (cat £160) FU, Portugal 1911 Republica & Surch opt on Postage Due set 5R-500R/100R VFU, Mi cat €200, SG cat £200), Romania, Russia (100+), Western Samoa 1945 opt on 30/-, NZ Fiscal (4 MUH) (£1100), 1955 opt on £2 MUH (2, £190), Malaysia States, USA (200+), Australia & States (100+) inc 5/- Roo, 1938 9d NSW Sesqui pr, various British Commonwealth inc New Guinea & Papua. Usual varied collection condition mainly F-VF U. SG cat £6000+ = A$11,000+. (2800+) (P)SOLD at A$500

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1870s-1970s World collections with extras in 4 Lighthouse Vario binders. Strength in Germany inc 1930 South American opt Zeppelin Flight 2RM & 4RM (cat £850), 1933 Air Chicago Flight opt Zeppelin 1RM-4RM (cat £1300), some German States, 1916 Germany Occup of Belgium to 20c. Germania to 2M, 1933 Hindenburg to 100pf, 1945 Allied Military Post to 60pf, East Germany 1951 Youth Festival set to 50pf, 1953 booklet panes 5 & 10pf (cat £96), 1949 Debria Stamp Exhibition M/Sheet (cat £200) VF MLH collection 1945-80s. France inc 1953 Sports set comp to 75f, 1957 Air 500f, 2 1941 Legion of French Volunteers in Russia, 1 opt Ostfront, various other countries inc Austria, noted 1950 Air Birds 3s VFU (cat £160), Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland etc. Mostly G-VF M/MUH with some tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £5000+ = A$10,000+. (2400 + 60 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$650

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1880s-1960s World collections with extras in 4 Vario binders with slipcases, s/book & album inc Spain 1872 ¼c blk of 4, 1928 Rome Catacombs to 5p, 1928 Air Service to 1p, 1930 Goya 1p-10p, 1930 Air Goya Designs to 10p, 1930 Columbus Issue set to 10p, 1930 Columbus Air set to 10p, Yugoslavia & States inc 1951 Airs to 500d, various French & Spanish Colonies inc Spanish Sahara, Morocco, Fernando Poo, French Polynesia, Algeria, etc, small Russia collection 1940s-60s. Few minor tones mostly G-VF U, F-VF MLH/MUH. SG cat £1700+ = A$3300. (2900+)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1880s-1970s World collections with extras in 4 Vario binders, 3 with slipcases & 1 binder inc USA Revenue & Postage Stamps 1890s-1970s inc 1890s Proprietary Stamps, Stock Transfer, Postage Dues, Airmail & Postage Stamps inc 1933 1c & 3c Souvenir panes of 25 imperf, various M/Sheets, 100+ plate number blks, prs, blks of 4 etc. Collection of most Central & South America countries inc Cuba, Brazil, Chile, Venezuela etc inc Venezuela 1896 Miranda comp set to 1b, 1940 Independence Air to 2b. Middle East collection inc Iran, Crete, Iraq, Egypt, Israel etc, noted Israel 1948-70s mainly with tabs. Finally collection of themes inc Astronauts, Christmas, UPU, Flowers etc. Interesting collection. GU-FU & F-VF MUH, some tropicalisation throughout. SG cat £2000+ = A$4000+. (7100 + 10 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1890s-1960s Consignment remains with 1965 ITU Anniv custom slipcase album with Br Commonwealth & Foreign issues (some sl tones) - noted French Polynesia & Sthn Antarctic Terr (2ea) SG cat £600+ with album total £1100+. Bulgaria 1932 Airmail set (£250), Portugal 1894 Henry to 100R on envelope with special pmks (£88), Spanish West Africa 1950 Air set (£70), & 2 covers with 1930 Goya stamps, plus PNG 1989 PO Year album. Virtually all F-VF MUH, some U. (350+)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1890s-1940s Yugoslavia & related group inc 1943 Govt in Exile all 3 sets & M/Sheet (Mi cat €30), plus 1917 Montenegro Exile opt set of 19, 1p-5F blks of 4. Croatia 1941-42 Def set of 19 imperf. Montenegro 1897 2n yellow Registered Postcard uprated 5 stamps inc Printing Anniv 2n & finally 1917 Registered cover franked Bosnia Archduke Memorial Church 10h blk of 4 with 'Sarajevo 28 VI 17' cds with this issue only on issue for this 1 day. Interesting lot. (76, M/S, 2 covers/cards)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1915-30 Ideal album with British Empire (500, cat £940) inc Australia Kangaroos 3d olive & 6d brown M & KGV to 1/4 U. Canada 1922 KGV to $1 U & 1930 KGV set to 10c M. GB KGV to 10d M & to 1/- U, plus 1924 Exhibition set. Ireland 1922 opts (8 mixed) & South Africa 1920s Pics. Rest of the World (cat £4550) with Europe inc Bavaria, Belgium (cat £600) inc 1915 Red Cross trio & 1928 Pics to 10FR M. France inc 1920s Charity opts (cat £300), Germany (cat £460) inc 1930 Brandenburg Gate 15pf carmine, Iceland, Italy (cat £220), Lithuania, Poland & Silesia. Also Africa, Asia, Central America, Middle East, Russia, South America & USA. Some mint sighted, mostly G-F/VFU. Total STC £5500 = A$10,500, purchased by vendor from a well known internet dealer for $1250. (Many 100s)SOLD at A$350

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1915-50s Red Cross thematics better items. Group starts with a 1940 Royal Philatelic Society Exhib cover in aid of Red Cross sent to Canada & returned to Liverpool after being salvaged when ship sunk in enemy action. Red Cross M/S for some Exhibition with QV 1d black replica in 5 diff colours, Estonia 1922 Red Cross perf 5-7M marginal blk of 18 (6x3) variety 2nd last column horiz imperf (SG cat £145+), 1943 German Occupation of Serbia War Invalids Fund M/S pr (SG MGS81a cat £250). Trinidad & Tobago 1915 Red Cross opt Britannia 1d red left pane of 60 (6x10) with noted varieties inc 2 SG varieties & others (£3000+) & finally Australia 1954 Red Cross 55 in 3 blks & 1963 sheet of 60. Total SG cat £700+, plus unlisted items so total est $3000+. Interesting lot. (7 M/S, 2 covers, blks etc)SOLD at A$230

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1941-45 Croatia World War II Mint collection in s/book inc 1941 opt Yugoslavia King set to 30D. 1941 Brod Exhib opt set. 1941-42 Pic set to 100k, plus tete-beche prs to 50K. 1942 Aviation Fund M/S perf & imperf. 1942 Red Cross Fund set. 1942 Youth fund M/S perf & imperf. 1943 President M/S perf & imperf. 1943 Famous Croats set in IMPERF proof prs. 1943 Legion Fund M/S perf & imperf. 1943 Exhib M/S. 1943-44 President set to 100k. 1942 Youth Fund set in sheets with labels. 1943 Zagreb 700th Anniv sheetlet. 1944 Red Cross set sheetlets. 1944 Youth Fun set imperf sheets. 1944 Postal Officials set sheetlets, plus 1945 set etc. Mostly VF fresh M/MUH, few spots. MI cat €1500+ = A$2500++. Impressive looking collection. (420 + 35 M/S or sheetlets).AVAILABLE at A$400

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Ascension: 1922-2006 collection in 2 s/books. 1924-33 KGV Ship set to 3/-. 1934 KGV Pic to 5/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-53 KGVI to 10/- inc ½d variety 'long centre bar on E'. 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding set. 1956 QEII Pic to 10/-. 1963 QEII Bird set to £1. 1976 Bird set to £2. 1981 Flowers set to £2. 1986 Ship set to £2. 1991 Fish set to £2.50. 1996 Bird set to £3. Good coverage of Commems & M/S. F-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £2100+ = A$4100+. Attractive collection. (740 + 40 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$450

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Asia. Large two vol collection in 2 thick European s/books with some Straits Settlements QV & KEVII selection. Federated Malay States selection inc BMA opts. Malaysia 1957-2000 with extensive commems/pics & defs with extras. Malay States selection inc Penang 1957 to $5, Perak to $5, Sarawak inc 1950 KGVI Defs to $5 M. Singapore 1948-2005 inc 1948-52 KGVI mixed Defs to $5 with extras, 1955 Defs to $1 M & to $5 U, 1962 to $5 M, plus extra $5 (9), 1968 Defs to $10 (2), 1972 Ships M/S (2), good range of commems/defs with extras inc 1977 Marine $10 (5), 1980 Ships $10 (13), 1985 Insects $10 (3), plus others. Also Brunei 1974 Defs to $2, 1983 Defs to $10. China inc 2002 Birds 4Y20 (2), 5Y40 (19). Taiwan selection, Japan late 1800s-1980s with Pics & Defs noted 1906 Jap/Russ War 11/2s & 3s. Mostly G-VFU , some M, mixed in parts. SG cat £2800 = A$5500. (2500+, 11 M/S)SOLD at A$325

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Australian Territories collection in springback album with 1946 'BCOF JAPAN' opt set of 7 M (retail $180). AAT 1957-86 (155) inc 1966 Pics to $1. Christmas Is 1958-76 (90) inc 1958 QEII & 1968 Fish sets to $1. Cocos Is 1963-79 (60) inc 1963 Pics to 2/3 M. Norfolk Is (285) to 1979 inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1966 dec opt set, 1969 Birds to $1 & others mostly F-VFM. PNG (700) to 1979 inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman M & U, 1963 Pics to QEII £1 M & U, 1964 Birds to 10/-, & 1966-79 decimal Pic/Commem sets near comp. F-VFM. (1300)AVAILABLE at A$240

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Big British Commonwealth carton lot with Asia/Pacific Is 1990s MUH Pic sets (40) & M/Sheets (20). 1978 Coronation SJ set of 21 M/Sheets. 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 diff, FV A$150). Indonesia 1996 Cuscus Joint Issue with Australia booklets (4, cat $100 ea). Aust/NZ Local Railway M/Sheets, plus more, all in black binder. General collection in blue springback album with GB inc KGVI high vals to £1 brown, NZ KGV inc Official opts & Indian States. Neat NZ collection to early 1980s in small s/book inc QV 2d Chalon black printing blk of 4, 1930s-60s Healths, 1967 Pics to $2 Geyser & other MUH decimal Pics. Australia 1970s-80s FDC with Darwin pmks in thick cover album. USA 1970s 3 volume Commem FDC collection. SG 1930s empty Ideal loose leaf album. Norfolk Is 1960s-70s Pic/Commem accumulation inc comp sets. KUT dealer back-up stock (100s) to early 1960s inc KGV Defs to 3/-, 1940s KGVI to £1, 1950s QEII to 20/-, plus plenty in between inc some Pics/Commems. 9 albums in total, mixed G-F/VFU, M/MUH.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Big British Commonwealth carton lot with Great Britain 1840-1990 collection in 2 SG Illustrated Albums inc QV 1840 1d black & 2d blue. 1841 QV imperf 1d UN (cat £600), U (2) & 2d blue lines. 1854 QV letters in lower cnrs 2d blue (3, cat £330). 1847 QV Embossed 6d mauve (£1000) & 10d brown (£1500) both cut square. 1855 QV no cnr letters 4d, 6d. 1867 QV 10d brown & 2/- blue. 1873-80 QV (9) to 1/- brown inc 6d/6d lilac (2), 8d orange & 1/- green. 1884 QV 2/6, 5/-, 10/- (cat £900). 1902 KEVII to 5/- carmine, 1912-35 KGV to 10/- indigo U. KGVI to £1 brown M & U, plus extras inc QEII inc plenty of Pic/Commem sets. Variable G-F/VFU with some M, est cat £900 = A$17,500. Australia 1913-2003 collection in 120 hagners with pre-dec to £1, decimals to $10 inc 1971 Christmas blk of 25 & odd SPECIMEN opt, plus album of PSE. Also 1913-65 Lighthouse illustrated album & 1966-2000 hingeless albums, in thick German made binders (near new, retail $800+). British Solomon Is MUH collection to 1978 in 24 hagners inc 1935 KGV SJ, 1948 KGVI SW sets (2), 1956 QEII Pics to 10/- & 90 1960s-80s Pic/Commem sets inc vals to $5, plus 12 assorted M/Sheets. Nauru 1954-79 comp collection in hingeless album pre-dec Pics to 5/-, 1974 UPU M/Sheet & 1978 Pics to $5. Variable condition as noted, mixed G-F/VFU M/MUH. (Many 100s)SOLD at A$500

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Big double carton lot with 24 small to large albums with Australia to late 1960s inc KGV to 5d, Kangaroos to 2/-, KGVI to £1 Arms G-FU & 1966 Def sets to $4 King MUH. Fiji 1970s-80s Pic/Commem sets inc vals to $2 (240) some tropicalisation, most appear fresh MUH. GB inc KEVII/KGV Private Perfins 1934 KGV Seahorse to 10/-, 1937 KGVI set to £1 brown, 1948 KGVI SW £1 blue & 1960s-70s booklets (80). Italy 1890s Defs in s/book, unchecked for the scarcer types. New Guinea Huts to 1/- & Papua Lakatoi to 1/-. Nauru 1970s-90s Pic/Commem sets (150) mostly MUH with some tropicalisation & similar Norfolk Is (100) inc vals to $5 & scattered M/Sheets. New Zealand to early 1960s inc 1898 Pics to 2/- Mt Cook, 1909 KEVII set to 1/-. 1937 KGVI Official to 2/-, 1954 QEII Defs to 10/- (2 sets). PNG 1960s-70s MUH/CTO Pic & Commem sets (100). World Postage Dues in s/book, much more. Usual variable condition, M/MUH, G-F/VFU. (1000s)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Big double carton lot with 28 small to large albums with 1981 RW FDC collection in bright blue album. Australia 1890s-1950s collection in 5 albums with 1890s-1910 State Issues (170), Kangaroos (180) to 2/- inc perf OS. KGV (100s) to 5d inc 1d red (110), 1d green (700) & 2d red (2500) inc OS opts (360), 3d blue (60), 4d olive (80), plus 1d Engraved (30), 1930s high val Commems sets inc 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- (8), 1934 Macarthur to 9d (5), 1935 ANZAC 1/- (2), 1935 KGV SJ to 2/- (3), 1936 South Aust to 1/- (7) & 1937 NSW Sesqui sets (6). 1945-52 imprint blks, plus 1980s Aerograms in 2 folders. French Overseas Territories in black binder inc Antarctica, Madagascar & New Caledonia. Germany 1890s-1960s in 2 medium albums. Great Britain 1880s-1980s in thick black binder. Pitcairn 1970s-80s MUH Pic/Commem sets (50) inc vals to $2. PNG collection 1952-97 with 150 Pic/Commem sets inc 1952 Pics to £1 Fisherman, 1963 Defs to £1 QEII, 1964 Birds to 10/- & decimals to 10K Bird of Paradise. Also selection of World Cinderellas inc Australia 1938 Celebration collection. Finally New Zealand 1937-52 KGVI specialised collection in plate number blks F-VFM/MUH (26 diff) with 3/- plates 2 & 3A (CP cat $175 ea), 2/- plate 1 ($80), 1/3 plates 3A & 4 ($150), 1/- plate 1 wmk sideways blk of 20 (cat $60), 9d plates 134 & 97, plus much more in the 28 albums & as always for a carton lot mixed M/MUH/G-FU. (Few 1000)SOLD at A$400

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Big double carton lot with plenty to play with inc Australia 1980s PO Packs (FV $280). Box of Australia UN PSE. Sweden 1970s FDC (130). British Commonwealth FDC collection (80) inc Christmas Is 1958 QEII set to $1, Fiji 1960s 8c QEII Registration envelopes UN (6), Ross Dependency 1959 Pic set to 1/9, Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay set, NZ 1954 QEII to 10/- blue, 1967 Lighthouse opt sets (2, retail $250) & 1967 Defs to $2 Geyser (2 sets, retail $150). 1960s-70s British Commonwealth collections in 3 VGC SG Senator springback albums (new retail $300+) with Australia MUH/VFU 1966-71 inc Navigator $1 perf 14¾ MLH & 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. Fiji 1969-84 with 150 MUH/CTO Pic/Commem sets inc 1969 Defs to $2 QEII. NZ 1967-84 inc 1967 Defs to $10 (retail $160) & 1967-75 Health M/S comp ($360) & Tokelau 1967-84. Thin blue s/book with British Antarctic Territory Pic sets (16) inc vals to £3, plus small India 1920s-30s selection. Interesting 1930s-40s collection in medium springback album inc Ceylon, China, Cyprus, India, GB, Malaya & USA. Pacific Islands collection in 46 hagners with PNG 1952-80 inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman, Nauru 1954-80, plus Fiji, Tonga & Samoa. Red s/book with 1970s-80s MUH collection with Australia, Nauru & Norfolk Is. Finally GB 1940s-1940s accumulation in 2 s/books inc 1841 QV 2d blue imperf, 1847 QV 6d embossed, 1890s QV to 1/- green KGV Seahorses 2/6 (37), 5/- (22), 10/- (3), 1937 KGVI sets of 6 to £1 (4) & 1952 KGVI high val sets (10). Usual variable condition for carton lot with G-F/VFU, M & MUH Pics, Commems, Defs & Thematics. (Few 1000)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Booklets: British Commonwealth 1970s-80s accumulation with Jersey (28) to £1. GB 1963 2/- Holiday Resorts (20, SG cat £80). Australia (20) inc 1968-72 Prime Ministers or Famous Aust booklet set (retail $70) & AUSIPEX 84 (2 diff, $30). Canada 1970s mixed covers (22). PNG 1970-94 (18, retail $250). Ireland (22) inc 'Team of the Millennium' (9 diff). Pacific Is (18) inc Fiji, NZ & Vanuatu. British Commonwealth Prestige (15) inc QEII Silver Jubilee & 1981 RW, plus assorted others. Mostly all diff, generally fresh & clean. (220)AVAILABLE at A$150

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British Asia & Pacific collection 1870s-1980s in an album, on 30+ hagners & on album pgs inc Ceylon 1938 KGVI set to 5R, Hong range 1870-1990s inc KGVI to $1, Aden 1942 Quaiti State to 5R, 1955 to 10/-, 1954 Seiyun to 10/-, Morocco Agencies, Kuwait etc opt on KGVI QEII to 5/- Pitcairn Is 1940 KGVI set to 2/6, Sudan 1948 to 50P, range of Malay States inc early Strait Settlements & KGVI to $1, Brunei range 1907-1947 River views to 50c, Labuan QV to 10c, North Borneo range inc 1947 set comp to $5, Fiji range 1878-1922 to 6d, British Solomon Is inc small Canoes to 4d, 1922 to 1/-, 1939 KGVI to 2/-, small range of Papua inc BNG 1d, 2d, range to 1/- Pictorials, range of early New Guinea & later Papua New Guinea, small collection of Australian States, some pmks, numeral cds, large range of India 1900s-50s, Burma inc Japanese Occup. Gilbert Is/Kiribati 1970s-80s collection in album (noted Samoa range inc 1870s Samoa Express to 5/- (not counted), Mauritius range from 1890s. Very disorganised but a lot of valuable material. Mostly VF MLH/MUH, some F-VFU. SG cat £3000+ = A$6000+. (2500 + 10 covers).SOLD at A$475

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British Commonwealth carton lot with Egypt 1920s-60s collection in Palma s/book. Malta collection to 1968 in springback album inc 1948 Self Govt set to 10/- VFU. GB collection 1974-85 MUH collection in SG illustrated pgs, plus 1937 KGVI high val set of 6 to £1 brown G-FU (4 sets cat £240). Indonesia 1996 Australia-Indonesia Cuscus joint issue booklet (4, retail $400). AAT 1957-91 collection inc 1966 Pics to $1 MUH & VFU. Australia collection to 1990 inc pre-decimal imprints (60) to 2/6 Aborigine M/MUH, 1969-75 PO Pack near comp collection (retail $350) & 1971 7c Christmas blk of 25. Small Australian states collection in Royal springback album inc 50 spare black pages. British Commonwealth oddments inc Ceylon 1938 KGVI Pic set to R5 VFU (SG cat £100). Nauru virtually comp 1924-88 collection in Seven Seas hingeless album. Pitcairn Is MUH Pic/Commem sets (60) in large s/book & South Africa 1920s-80s collection in 2 vols. 11 albums in large carton. (Many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$325

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British Commonwealth MUH collection/accumulation in 50 hagners with Australia 1930s-40s imprint blks of 4 (50) inc 1937 Hermes 1/6 claret, KGVI 1/4 magenta (2) & 1½d brown, Kangaroo 2/- maroon (2), 1940s-50s KGVI Defs to 2/6 Aborigine, mostly VF MUH, est ACSC cat $900. Decimal booklet panes (14) inc 1967 opt set of 6. British Pacific Def/Pic sets (5, cat £230) with Cook Is 1949 to 3/-, Niue 1950 to 3/-, Norfolk Is 1966 Surcharges (8 diff imprint blks of 4). NZ 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser & Tonga 1953 to £1 Arms. Mixed M/Sheets (75) inc Cook Is, Pitcairn, Samoa, Seychelles, Singapore, Tristan da Cunha, Tuvalu & Vanuatu. Minor duplication, mostly fresh MUH. (Many 100s)SOLD at A$275

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British Commonwealth 1940s-70s MUH accumulation with Australia 1967 Commems 4c Banking Lion, YWCA, Gynaecology & 1988 Soil/Medical 5c in sheets of 100, plus 1974 UPU sets (60) opt SPECIMEN in blks of 30. Anguilla Tercentenary opt set of 6 in large blks or part sheets (60 sets, cat £225). Bechuanaland opts on South Africa Victory set of 3 prs (30, cat £105). Montserrat & St Helena 1946 Victory sets (60 of ea, cat £78). Southern Rhodesia 1947 RV set (100, cat £60), plus others. (2800+)AVAILABLE at A$200
British Commonwealth carton lot with 1977-78 QEII Silver Jubilee collection in water damaged s/book with Commem sets, booklets & M/Sheets, mixed stuck down/disturbed gum/MUH. AUSIPEX 84 collection in 2 brown albums with 33 Pic sets, 50 M/Sheets inc 1982 Games opt set of 5 (retail $100), plus assorted ephemera. Australia 1920s-50s MUH/M/U accumulation in s/book inc 1930s Commems to 9d purple. Faroes 1990s MUH Pic/Commem accumulation with 1995 Leaf Hopper Insects (150 sets, SG cat £1650), Tourism (50 sets, £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), 4K St Olaf (100, cat £240) & 1995 Christmas pr (100 sets, £400). All fresh MUH, total SG cat £3780 = A$14,500. Jersey 1980s FDC/Commem cover accumulation. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklets (4, cat $100 ea). British Commonwealth Ships collection with 32 MUH Pic sets & 18 M/Sheets. Also 1940s-70s Australia M/MUH accumulations & New Zealand 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser MUH. Then more New Zealand with 1990 150th Anniv Heritage collections with FDC & MUH Pic/Commem sets in solid slipcase album (retail $150). All neatly arranged in large carton.AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth carton lot with QEII 1953 Coronation Omnibus collection F-VFM, plus 1981 RW MUH collection in red binder. PNG 1970s MUH accumulation in glassines & PO Packs, plus 1965-69 FDC collection (60) inc 1966 Butterfly & 1969 Shell sets to $2 in small album. Christmas Is 1958-86 CTO collection in thick s/book inc 1958 QEII to $1 (2 sets), 1963 Pics to $1 Bird (4), 1968 Fish (4 sets), 1976 Explorers to $2 & 1982 Birds to $4 blks of 4. Large brown s/book with Falkland Is 1980s Commems. Fiji Kiribati 1979 Pics to $2 blks of 5. Nevis 1984 $1.20 Tourism set imperf plate number blks of 4. NZ 1966-74 Health M/Sheets (11), plus 1969 Cook (2), retail $260. Singapore 2015 50th Anniv MUH collection (FV $40). Tokelau 1997 Diana Memorial $1 Pics & Vanuatu 95t Pics, 100 of ea in sheets of 50 & FV A$210. Finally Australia 1960s-70s MUH accumulation inc 1971 Christmas 7c sets (2), plus 1996 Indonesia/Australia Cuscus Joint Issue booklets (4, cat $100 ea). Then more Australia with 1940s-60s pre-decimal MUH collection in s/book & 1980s FDC in album, 2 empty Seven Seas hingeless albums & bundle of 100 1970s Aust Post PPC. Lastly Pitcairn 1960s-70s MUH collection in 25 hagners with 150 Commem sets inc blks of 4 & 46 mixed M/Sheets.AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth carton lot. Australia to early 2000s in 2 Vols with States (90) inc NSW 1860s Registered (3) & VIC 1860s beaded oval 6d orange (faded, SG 93 cat £750). Kangaroos (100) to 5/-, KGV (230) to 1/4, 1934 Macarthur set, KGV SJ to 2/- M, 1967-72 booklets (7), 1974 Paintings set to $10 MUH & plenty of decimal Pics G-FU, plus unsorted pre-decimals in glassines. Also 2001 PO Year Album, leather edition. AAT pics to early 1980s. Christmas Is 1958 QEII Def set. Nauru 1920s Ships to 2/6, 1950s Pics to 5/- & decimal Pics/Commems to early 1970s. New Caledonia 1905-07 Pics to 2Fr. New Hebrides 1970s Pics/Commems MUH inc 1972 Defs to 5Fr. British Solomon Is 1950s Pics to £1 QEII. PNG pre-dec inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman, 1963 QEII £1 & 1964 Birds to 10/-. Gilbert Is 1970s M/Sheets, Norfolk Is comp pre-dec inc 1947 Ball Bay, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge & 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird G-FU, plus MUH 1970s Pics/Commems. Others inc Nevis (4 diff) 1980s progressive Proof folders. Mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU est cat £2000. Also Europe in Schaubek loose leaf album with Luxembourg 1882-1984 & Switzerland 1862-1982 inc Pro Juventute & Pro Patria Charity sets. Finally Russia (approx 2500) 1880s-1980s collection in thick black s/book. Some variable condition mostly F-VF. All neatly packed into large carton.SOLD at A$250

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British Commonwealth carton lot with Australia 1969-75 PO Pack collection (40, retail $550) inc 1970 Expo & RV Jap Packs 1970 Cook, 1971 Christmas & 1971 selected issues. Australia 1913-65 sparsely populated Seven Seas pre-decimal hingeless album (new retail $160). Seven Seas Territories hingeless album with 1963-72 Cocos/Christmas Is MUH Pic sets. Canada small 1890s-1970s collection on loose leaves. GB 1970s MUH Commem accumulation (250 sets) with 16 diff from 1971 Anniversaries to 1973 Christmas. Nauru 1970s/80s PO Packs (50), plus PNG Year Packs 1981 (2), 1983 & 1985 (2). Marron binder with assorted British Commonwealth Pics/Commems in 50 hagners inc Indonesia/ Australia 1996 Cuscus Joint Issue booklet (4, cat $100 ea), AAT 1966 Defs to $1 Mock Sun (2), Aust 1966-71 decimal MUH Pic/Commem sets. British Pacific Is 1960s-70s Pic/Commem sets, plus M/Sheets. PNG 1969-85 FDC collection (90). Great Britain National Army Museum set of 60 Commem covers Feb 1970 - Feb 1972 in special album. Finally Norfolk Is 1947-80 comp MUH collection in collector album, plus extras inc 1967 Ships to $1 cnr blks of 4. Overall mostly F-VF condition, mixed M/MUH/Used with much to commend. Many 100s.AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth carton lot with collection/accumulation in 4 albums, plus hagners, album pages etc, with British South Africa inc KUT 1930s-1970s inc 1937-54 KGVI to 3/- U, with extras, 1954 Officials to £1, cat £250. Nigeria 1900-1970 inc 1953 Defins (2 sets), 1961 Defins, 1965 Defins U cat £160. Rhodesia 1950s-1970 cat £170, Sth Africa 1931-2010, noted 1933-48 Pics inc 5/- pr, 1938 Voortrekker set in prs, 1939 Huguenot 1d, 1½d in prs M/MUH, plus set in prs U. 1941-45 War Effort selection M & others, cat £630. British West Indies inc Barbuda, Bermuda, M/MUH & many others M/U, cat £100+. New Zealand collection in Illus album 1898-1974 mostly U, retail NZ$300+. Various others F/VF. (2000+, 30 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$220

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British Commonwealth collection in 3 large & 4 smaller s/books & on leaves, strong in Pacific, also inc Canada QV to 1980s inc 1935, 1937, 1942 Pics to $1 with extras. Newfoundland 1886-1937 Coronation set of 11 M/MLH, Cook Is/Niue, Aitutaki, Penrhyn c1900-80 mostly M/MLH. Niue inc 1931 2d/1½d (14 M/MUH in blks). Penrhyn Is inc 1902 Surch selection M/U, 1917-20 to 1/- M/MLH, similar Aitutaki cat £330+. Tokelau 1940-2003 MLH/MUH, Ross Dep 1957-2011 M & U, retail $200+, Nauru 1954-80s M/U inc Defs, Pics with extras, 1970s-80s MUH, FV $150+ also Papua New Guinea 1952-mid 80s MLH/MUH in 64 pg s/book, 1970s-80s FV K420, then similar range 1952-2000 U, also in 64 pg s/book inc 1952 to £1 (2), 1966 to $2 (3), extensive later Pics, Defs, colourful range, Norfolk Is 1947-80 M/U inc 1970s decimal issues with extras, mostly MUH-F/VF. Mostly F-VF condition. (4000+)AVAILABLE at A$275

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British Commonwealth collection in 4 black binders with GB (50) inc KGV Seahorses to 10/-, India (90) to late 1930s. NZ (50) to 1935 inc KEVII to 1/-. Straits Settlements (100) inc KGV to $2 & KGVI to $5. Malay States (130) to late 1940s. USA (170) to mid 1930s. Australia (many 100s) to King Charles Coronation inc Kangaroos (35) to 5/-, KGV (100) to 1/4. 1934 VIC Cent & Macarthur sets, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV SJ to 2/-, plus 1940s, 50s, 60s pre-dec Pics & Commems. Decimals to modern era (MUH FV $240) inc International Post to $10. (Approx 2500)SOLD at A$150

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British Commonwealth collections in 7 albums with Australia (100s) 1913-95 inc Kangaroos to 2/-, 1934 VIC Cent sets (2), KGVI to 10/- Arms, high val pre-dec Commems. Decimal Pics to $10 painting. Also 4 diff 1990s PO Books (issue cost $60) inc The ANZAC Tradition & Under Fire. Also Postage Dues with mono-colours (30) to 4d & bi-colours (120) to 5/-. Seven Seas Territories hingeless pgs (retail $200) with Norfolk Is 1947-82 Nauru 1916-82 & Christmas Is 1958-79, plus scattered contents inc 1958 QEII set to $1.00 green. Bechuanaland 1884-1965 collection (cat £200+) inc 1880s-90s opts on GB QV, 1938 KGVI Pics to 5/-, 1948 KGVI SW 10/- & 1960s Commem sets. Malta collection to 1966 (cat £220) inc 1947 Self Govt opt set to 10/-, 1948 KGVI SW to £1 & 1953 QEII Defs to £1 MUH (cat £120). PNG 1920s-70s collection in blue s/book inc New Guinea Birds & PNG hells. Swaziland 1930s-60s collection (cat £450) inc 1935 KGV SJ set, 1938 KGVI Defs to 10/- U, 1956 QEII Pics to £1, 1961 Surcharges (various printings) to R2 (cat £120+) & 1962 Pic set of 16 to R2 MUH. Finally blue s/book with Antigua, Ceylon QV, Hong Kong, Malaya to $5 & South Africa. All mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU. (Many 100s)SOLD at A$250

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British Commonwealth collections in 3 binders with Norfolk Is (two collections), the first from 1947-2002 in Seven Seas illustrated album with M/MLH to 1987 inc strong Pre-decimal & MUH to 2002, 2nd collection 1947-1998 MLH/MUH inc useful Pre-decimal then Decimal MLH/MUH, plus extras FU. Total cat £1400+ (post 1976), plus FV $480. Pitcairn Island 1940-1991 inc 1948 KGVI SW UPU set, mostly M/MLH, a strong collection cat £500. Three solid mostly F-VF collections. (1600+, 38 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth large double carton lot with Collection in 16 albums with Australia inc Kangaroos to 2/- G-FU, plus SM wmk 5/-, 2/- perf OS CTO (cat $325). 1931 Airmail 6d brown opt OS, 1934 Vic Cent set to 1/-, Macarthur set to 9d, 1937 KGVI 3d blue Dies (6) mixed M/MUH (cat $540). 1930s Plate Num blk of 4 (3, cat $110). 1930s-40s Imprint blks MUH (11, cat $230) inc 1/6 Hermes McCracken Imprint, 1934 Vic Cent 2d & 1937 KGVI 1/4, plus 1969-75 PO pack collection (retail $300) inc 1970 RV Jap pack, 1970 Cook, 1971 selected issues & 1971-75 Christmas packs. British Commonwealth inc Pitcairn KGVI Defs to 2/6 & Nauru strips to 1/- M & U, Cook Is to 3/- & Norfolk Ball Bay to 2/-. Great Britain Decimal PO packs (FV £110 = A$210). New Guinea 1920s Huts/1930s Birds (67 cat £300), plus 1931 ½d orange opt AIRMAIL sheet of 30 (£100). New Zealand 1930s-1970s M/MUH/U collection inc 1934 Faith in Australia 7d Blue. 1935 Pics to 3/-, 1940 Pics to 1/-. 1954 QEII 10/- blue & 1971 Health M/Sheet pr. Papua Lakatoi collection (25) to 1/-, plus 1932 Pics (16) to 1/- M (cat £60). Russia 1950s-60s Pictorial Collection in, plus 2 shoebox with MUH Pic/Commems in glassines inc 1946 Victory sets. Bit messy in places, all in 2 neat cartons. (many 100s).SOLD at A$350

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British Commonwealth selection on hagners with Australia Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk set to 1/- (2, ACSC cat $600), plus 1d red wmk INV (2, cat $100). 1916 set to 2/- maroon (3 sets, cat $675 inc 2/- brown), plus extras 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/- (2 of ea cat $180) & 5/- bicolour ($250). British Occupation of Cyrenaica 1950 Pic set to 500M MLH SG 136-148 cat £225. British Occupation of Italian Colonies 1942-52 collection (116) with GB KGVI Defs for MEF, EAF, Eritrea, Somalia, Tripolitania opts. Mixed M & U, STC £340. Morocco Agencies QV-QEII 2 opt collection (490) mixed M & U from all zones inc French & Spanish, plus Tangier to 1957. New Zealand 1860s-1960s collection (630, retail $4200). 1860s QV Chalons, 1d brown, 2d blue (3), 2d orange & 3d lilac. 1870s QV Sidefaces to 1/- green. 1880s-90s QV to 1/- chestnut inc Adverts (12). 1890s Pics to 1/- inc 4d Terraces (3) & 6d green Kiwi. 1908 KEVII set to 1/-, 1915 KGV of 15 to 1/-, plus extras. 1920 Victory set. 1976 Admirals 2/- (2) & 3/-. 1935 Pics to 3/- inc perf variations. 1940 Centennial set. 1953 Pics to 2/- & 1940 Centennial set. Arms Postal Fiscals (27) to £1 wmk INV. 1980s-1930s Lighthouses to 6d pink, plus others inc 1939 Express 6d. Mostly F-VFM/U. Retail $6450+. Well worth inspection. (1300+)AVAILABLE at A$550
British Commonwealth collection in 2 s/books & hagner binder. Great Britain QV to c2000 mostly Used, noted KGVI 1948 Silver Wedding, 1951 Festival high vals ( 2 sets) G/FU. Extensive collection of 1980s-90s with extras. New Zealand 1930s-c2000 mostly G/FU inc 1960 to £1, 1967, 1968 to $2, later issues extensive with extras. Some MUH inc Best of 1996 etc FV $90 FD & other covers 1981-96 (75). Few others F/VF. (3000+)AVAILABLE at A$80

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British Commonwealth: Atlantic & Antarctic 1940-70 collection in hagner album inc Tristan Da Cunha 1952 KGVI set to 10/-, 1954 & 1960 QEII sets to 10/-, 1961 QEII set to 1R, 1963 Resettlement set, 1965 set to £1, 1971 Surch set, BAT 1963 QEII set MUH, plus most VFU, 1973 Explorers set to £1 MUH & VFU. Falkland Island Dependencies 1944 sets to 1/- Graham Land, South Georgia, South Orkneys, South Shetlands. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH, plus some VFU, some sl tropicalisation. SG cat £1500+ = A$3000. (800 + 18 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Empire & Commonwealth: 1860-2000s ranges in s/book & on Vario pgs. Needs sorting but noted items inc Barbados 1860-80 Britannia vals to 1/- inc perfs & wmks. Aden 1939 KGVI Pic to 10R. Cyprus 1938 KGVI Pic vals to 90Pi. Pitcairn Is 1940 KGVI Pic set to 2/6. Sierra Leone 1907-10 KEVII vals to 2/-. Singapore 1948-51 KGVI Palm Tree vals to $5. St Vincent 1938 KGVI Pic set to £1. Cayman Is 1938 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. Gold Coast 1938 KGVI Castle set to 10/-. Hong Kong 1862-80s QV selection to 48c, plus selection of 1870s & 80s Surch to $1 on 96c. 1912-37 KGV vals to $5. Also 2014 British Empire SG catalogue 1840-1970. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, mixed on parts. SG cat £3100+ = A$6000+. (2000)AVAILABLE at A$400

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British Empire & Commonwealth: 1860-1980s collections with some extras in 2 Vario binder/s/book & 2 Minkus Maldive/Ceylon hingeless album, inc British Guiana 1860s to 2c, 1934 KGV set to $2, 1938 KGVI set to $3, 1954 QEII set to $5, also 1954 set cnr prs to $5 with plate numbers, British Honduras 1938 KGV set to $5, 1953 QEII set to $5, Nigeria 1921 KGV to 2/6, 1936 to 10/-, 1938 KGVI comp to 5/- with shades & most perfs, Ceylon 1950s-70s, 1946 Victory set in blks of 4, 40+ countries. Maldive Islands, 1906 3c & 4c, 1909 Minaret set to 1R, range to 1970s, Burma 1945 BMA set, 1946 Civil Admin set, 1947 Interim Govt sets to 10R. Many comp sets, scarcer issues, plus a huge range of other unmentioned stamps. Mostly F-VF MLH & G-VF U, minor tropicalisation throughout maybe effecting small percentage. SG cat £3600+ = A$7000+. (2300 + 4 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$700

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British Empire & Commonwealth 1870s-1980s collections with extras in 2 Vario binders, 1 Seven Seas hingeless album & Tuvalu PO hingeless album inc Fiji 1876 VR 1d-6d inc 2d Surch, 1882 QV 5/-, 1903 KEVII to 5/-, 1912 KGV to 5/-, 1938 KGV set to £1 inc some shades & perfs, 1954 & 62 QEII set to £1, Gilbert & Ellice 1911 set to 1/-, 1912 KGV to 5/-, 1939 KGVI to 5/-, 1956 QEII set to 10/-, 1965 QEII to £1. Kiribati 1977-80s collection inc 23 PO Packs, Pitcairn Island 1940 KGVI set to 2/6, 1948 Wedding, 1957 QEII set to 2/6, 1964 QEII set to 5/-, usually 1 set Mint & VFU of each. Many comp sets, large collection. F-VF MLH & G-VF U, tropicalisation effecting some stamps particularly on pages. SG cat £3400+ = A$6700+. (2100 + 40+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$400

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British Empire/Commonwealth collection in 105 hagners with Hong Kong (300) inc 1935 KGV SJ sets M & U, 1938 KGVI to $10 G-FU & 1980s Defs to $20, India (300) QV to KGVI inc Official, plus States (60). Jamaica (160) inc 1935 KGV SJ, 1948 SW £1 & KGVI Defs to 10/-. KUT (140) inc 1938 KGVI 2/- (3), 3/-, 5/- (2) & 10/- F-VF M (cat £370). British Levant 1890s-1930s opt collection (50) inc vals to 45P. Malaya (200+) inc Straits & Labuan inc 1948 KGV SW set for Perak & Singapore. Mauritius (120) inc 1965 Bird set to 10R VFU. Natal (18) inc 1861 QV Chalon 2d blue pr (SG 11 cat £160). Nigeria (100) inc 1953 Pics to £1. North Borneo (100) inc 1948 KGVI SW $10 MUH. Rhodesia (380) inc Rhodesia & Nyasaland 1954 QEII Defs to £1 MLH, Sierra Leone (90) inc 1938 KGVI set to £1, Solomon Is (70) inc 1939 Pics to 10/-, 1948 KGVI SW M & U & Dinosaur set to $20. Scrappy presentation throughout. Total SG well over £2000 = A$4000. Mixed M/MUH/F-VFU. (est 2500)SOLD at A$350

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British Empire/Commonwealth collection in 90 hagners with NWPI opts (13) to 1/- Kangaroo F-VF M. New Guinea (65, cat £600) inc Dated Birds opt OS set of 11 to 5/- VF M (SG cat £225) & Undated Birds opt Airmail set to £1 VFM (cat £275). Papua (60, cat £750). BNG Lakatois 2½d, 6d & 1/-. 1907 Lakatoi opt Papua set of 8 F-VF M (cat £250), 1908 Small Papua Lakatoi set of 6 to 1/- M & U (cat £250). 1932 Pics to 2/- M & 1935 KGV SJ set. PNG (300) to 2002 Lakatoi Centenary. South Africa (160) to 1954 Pics & SW Africa (150) (most MUH) Pic sets to early 1980s. St Helena (70) 1940s-70s M/MUH. St Vincent (70), Swaziland KGVI to 2/6 violet M. Tangier opts on GB Pics/commems inc vals to 10/- Castle (cat £100+). Trinidad & Tobago (160) mixed M & U. Newfoundland (100 cat £140) inc 1937 KGVI Coronation set to 48c & 1941 Pic set to 48c F-VF M. Nova Scotia 1860-63 QV set of 6 to 12½c black (£100). Prince Edward 1861-72 QV Sidefaces (9) to 12c violet F-VF M (Cat £130). Canada (330) to Post Millennium era inc 1927 Confederation set M. New Zealand (380) inc isolated revenues, 1940 Centennial set opt official, Ross Dependency Pics/commems. Scrappy presentation throughout. Total SG cat well over £2200 = A$4400. Mixed M/MUH/F-VFU. (est 2000-2500)SOLD at A$500

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British Empire: Omnibus accumulation in a stockbook & on 15 hagners, 1935 Silver Jubilee scarce range inc Bechuanaland, Dominica etc, 1937 Coronation, at least 30+ comp countries, 1945 Victory many sets inc blks of 4 & blks up to 40, 1949 UPU many sets, few others. Vendor has made some comments on varieties (unchecked) & this is an opportunity to acquire these sought after issues for research. Needs rehousing, mainly fresh F-VF MLH-MUH, some FU/CTO. SG est cat £1400+ = A$2700. (1000+)AVAILABLE at A$200
British Pacific 1940s-70s MUH collection/accumulation in 3 albums with 100s of Pic/Commem sets with Norfolk Is (150) inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/-, 1966 opts to $1 (2 sets), 1967 Ships (5), 1969 Birds (3) & others to $5. Nauru (165) inc 1966 opts & others to $5. Fiji (85) inc vals to $2 or $5. Pitcairn (30). NZ (200) inc 1967 Defs to $2 Geyser (2 sets). PNG (570) inc 1968 Shells & 1973 Panorama sets to $2 & 1976 Stamp Anniv (50 sets) in sheets, plus extra scattered Aitutaki, GB, Niue, Penrhyn, Sierra Leone, Solomons & Tuvalu. 1350 sets in total. Mostly VF MUH. Huge cat & retail value. (1000s)AVAILABLE at A$300

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British West Indies 1890-1960s in s/book on 30 hagners & on cards inc Grenada 1951 Def set to $2.50, Trinidad & Tobago. 1938 Defs set to $4.80, British Virgin Is, 1952 KGVI Def set to $4.80, Dominica range from 1880s inc 1938 KGVI Def set to 10/-, St Kitts KGV range to 1/-, Turks & Caicos Is 1950 Defs to 10/- with some plate nos Antigua 1953 QEII Defs set to $4.80, St Vincent 1938 Def set to £1, 1949 Def set to $4.80, 1953 QEII Def set to $2.50, Bermuda 1936 Pictorial set to 1/6d, Montserrat 1951 Def set to $4.80, others inc Barbados, British Guiana, Leeward Is, Falkland Is Dependencies, 1944 South Shetland, South Orkneys, South Georgia sets to 1/- opt. Also inc Newfoundland range inc 1937 set to 48c. Strength is in 1890-1940s. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £2000+ = A$4000+. (1000+).SOLD at A$375

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1945 Burma War Savings 'Post Office 5-Year Cash Certificates' all diff, inc watermark error 'GOVT OF INDIA & stars' on 10R series A1, 20R series H1 & 100R series K1, then all correct wmk 'GOVT OF BURMA & elephant' 10R series A1, 20R series B1, 20R series H1 with 'Joint certificate Class A' imprint at top, 100R series K1 with 'Class A' imprint, 500R series E1, 500R series L1 with 'Class A' imprint, & 1000R series F1. All large banknote size format, with British Burma coat of arms at top middle. Nice UNC/aUNC. Lesser selection sold for an average of £36+ each at a London auction in 2010, so would make these £360+. Very scarce group. (10)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1943 Burma Japanese Occupation Farmer 30c deep blue-green, stock of 1000 stamps!, mostly in part sheets. F-VF UN as issued, mostly very fresh. JSCA 2B48 cat Y250,000, SG J81 cat £1250 = A$2400. (1000)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Canada: 1851-1980 collection in SG illustrated album & s/book. Inc 1851, 1852 QV ½d, 3d Beaver imperf, 1859 QV inc 10c, 12½c & 17c, 1868 QV inc 12½c & 15c (4), then Used. Collection in album 1899-1984 is Mint inc 1927 Confederation set to 12c, 1932 set to 12c, 1932 set to 13c, 1935 set to $1, 1938-47 Special Delivery stamps, 1949-60s range of Officials. General issues 1927-84 90%+ comp, also PO Yearbooks FV C$170 with 1977, 1978, 1979 (2), 1980 (2), 1981 (2), 1982 (2), 1983-87. Stamps in s/book are mainly cheaper Used. The SG album in poor condition but stamps are mainly clean, and well worth rehousing. Earlies mainly FU, later VF MLH with considerable FV. SG cat £2500+ = A$4700. (1400 + 6 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Canada: 1850s-1990s accumulation/collection on loose leaves with 1859 12½c, 17c, 1868 to 15c, 1870-90 to 10c (2) with shades & extras, 1893 QV 50c, 1908 Quebec 10c, 20c, KGV inc 1912-21 Coils selection, 1922-33, 1930-31 Coils U with extras, 1930-31 Pics to $1, 1932 Ottawa, 1935 Silver Jubilee, 1937-38 Pics & Coils, 1942-46 Pics with many extras, 1946 Peace set, plus $1 Peace U (8) & set M thematics, plus a qty of others loose & in packets, many others. Some mixed condition but mostly F-VF. SG cat £2600 = A$5000+. (800+)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Canada 1870-78 collection in red springback binder with 1868-97 QV (19) to 10c salmon inc ½c black VF UN, plus 1868 12½c blue with Cork cancel. 1897 QV Maple Leaves set of 8 to 10c (cat £110) & Old Head set of 11 to 20c olive (£210). 1897 QV Jubilee (9) to 50c (cat £500) inc 10c & 20c. 1903 KEVII set of 7 to 50c (£200). 1908 Tercentenary (6) to 10 violet (£225). 1911-31 KGV (26) to $1 orange (£60). 1928 Pic set to $1 Parliament Buildings (£225) 1930-33 KGV Defs (30) to 10c M (cat £290). 1930 Pics to $1 Mount Edith U (£90) & set of 5 top vals to $1 (cat £385) inc 13c violet. 1935 & 1937 Pic sets to $1 U (£70), plus 1935-48 KGV or KGVI Heads to 8c inc coils F-VFM (£200). 1942 War Effort to $1 & 1946 Peace Conversion Pics to $1. Then good range of Officials Used 1949-63 inc OHMS opts. Also Postage Dues with 1930 & 1935 set to 10c FM (cat £140) & Express 1922-46 F-VFM (13, cat £250). Mostly fresh & clean, a good solid M & F-VFU collection. SG cat £4600 = A$9000. (680)SOLD at A$450

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Canada 1870-2000s Collection/Accumulation in a s/book, on Hagners & on pgs 1990-2004 inc QV 1870s-90s 1c-20c, range 1910-60s inc 1927 Confederation 12c, 1942 War Effort comp, 1906-1933 Postage Dues to 10c, largely comp 1990-2000 inc M/S. Largely VF MLH-MUH, some FU. FV of M/MUH C$320. SG cat £2300+ = A$4500+. (1600, 30+M/S, 2 bklts).AVAILABLE at A$220

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Canada: 1859-1983 collection on white Ace pages in 2 albums inc 1859 5c Beaver, 12½c, 1868 QV to 15c, 1870 QV to 10c, 1888 QV to 50c, 1898 QV to 20c, 1903 KEVII to 50c, 1928 set to 50c, 1935 to $1, 1937 to $1, Special Delivery inc 1898 10c, strong in early period to 1930s, comprehensive from 1940s-70s. Albums some toning, earlies mostly F-VFU, later VF MLH. SG cat £2400 = A$4600. (700+)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Canada: Comprehensive collection to 2002 in near new Davo illustrated album (retail $220) with 1859 Defs (6 diff, cat £580) inc 2c QV, 10c violet, 12½c green & 17½c blue. 1868-78 Large QV set of 10 to 15c violet (£500) inc 12½c blue, 15c slate. 1870-97 Small Queen set of 8 to 10c (£80). 1893 QV 20c & 50c (£135). 1897 QV Maple Leaves set of 8 to 10c (£110), 1897 Jubilee 10c, 15c & 20c (£300). 1898 QV Old Heads (10) to 20c olive (£160), 1903 KEVII set to 50c (£190), 1908 Tercentenary set of 8 comp F-VFU (£425), 1912-25 KGV (22) to $1. 1928, 30, 35, 37, 42 & 46 Pic/Commem Def sets comp to $1 (£445). Then reasonably comp 1949 onwards inc Officials, Express, Airmails & Postage Dues. Generally F-VFU, SG cat £3000 = A$5700 to end KGVI era. (1850, plus M/S)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Canada - Newfoundland: 1876-1949 collection inc 1919 Caribou vals to 15c. 1928-29 Publicity set to 30c, plus shades. 1932 Pictorial set to 30c, plus shades. 1931 Air set to $1. 1937 Additional Coronation set to 48c. Most G-VF M/U. SG cat £500+. (80)SOLD at A$110

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Carton inc Australian pre-decimal collection/accumulation on 50 hagners of singles & blks inc 1941 3½d blue thin paper Authority imprint blk not priced but should be at least double, $350, 5/- Arms blk of 4 with thinner paper, 6d Kingsford Smith Ash imprint blk of 8 with re-entry, 1929 Airmail 3d Ash imprint blk of 4, MUH from 1940s-65. Some used Roos to 2/- CofA wmk & KGV to 4d olive, also noted 1917 6d War savings stamp, range of other countries with many comp sets Christmas Is Fish & Ships sets to $1, Cocos Keeling is 1963 set to 2/3 (3 sets), Fiji Birds to $2, Nauru 1935 Silver Jubilee to 1/-, 1966 decimal set to $1 & 1968 Republic to $1. Norfolk Is 1962 10/- Bird (2), 1970 Birds set to $1, Papua New Guinea 1968 Shells to $2, several 1970 booklets, Pitcairn Is 1940 set to 2/6 FU, range of Vatican stamps 1940-50s inc comp set 1951 Beautification to 115L (cat £60). Singapore 1970 Osaka M/Sheet & 1971 Paintings both VF MUH. Retail $100+, plus much more. Quite an interesting & eclectic range. Some FU, mainly VF MLH-MUH. (1400+, 3 booklets)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Carton lot with British Commonwealth accumulation inc AAT with pre-dec Pic sets to 2/3 (2), 1966 Pics to $1 & 1973 PO Pack. Australia 1940s-50s imprint blks (20) inc 1951 Defs to 8½d Aborigine. Aust decimal MUH to early 1980s inc 1973 Fam Australians blks of 4 (12), 1972 Prime Ind (2 sets) & 1971 Christmas blk of 7. Indonesia 1996 Aust-Indonesia Cuscus Joint Issue booklet (4, cat $400). Norfolk Is to 1970s Commems comp sheets of 50 (6 diff) inc 1970 Cook sets. NZ 1965-75 Health M/Sheets (11) MUH, plus 1969 Cook M/S, retail $300. Nevis 1984 $1.20 Tourism set marginal IMPERF blks of 4. Then stamps of All Countries 1980 FDC collection with around 200 diff in 2 brown boxes. Australia 1914-80 & 1985-92 G/VGC Seven Seas hingeless in 2 separate binders (new retail $300). Aust decimal mess in s/book & general World collection in springback album. Egypt 1890s-1970s accumulation (100s) in thick Lighthouse s/book. 1918-30 Palestine collection (110+) in blue binder. Lastly near comp 1952-82 M/MUH PNG collection with 1952 Pics to £1 Fisherman MLH, 1963 Pics to QEII £1, 1964 Birds to 10/- & decimal Pic/Commem sets. 10 albums in total, mixed M/MUH G-FU. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Carton lot with British Empire omnibus collections (3) for 1937 KGVI Coronation M/U in Westminster album, 1946 Victory & 1953 QEII both appear comp M in 2 small s/books. SG cat £430. World, mostly Thematic collection, in large s/book with wide range of Pics & Commems, plus 30 M/sheets. Australian pre-decimal in 48pg KEK s/book inc 1934 Vic Cent 1/- (4), KGVI to 5/- Robes. Arms sets to £1 (3), 1950s 2/- Commems (40) & Cattle 5/- (40) cream & white papers, plus dec FDC (200) inc Commem/Pic cancels. Then more covers inc FAI History of Aviation Stamp Collection with 56 World FDC in over-size custom album, & 1981 RW Omnibus collection with 24 FDC. Finally Norfolk Island near comp MUH (odd CTO) to end 1974 in VGC Seven Seas hingeless album (pgs to Dec 1991) inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, surcharges set of 5 to 2/8, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1966 dec opts to $1 (both), 1967 Ships, 1969 Birds & other Pics/Commems to 1974 UPU M/sheets retail $600 inc the VGC hingeless album. Variable M/MUH/U.AVAILABLE at A$325

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Carton lot inc The Improved (early 1900s edition) Postage Stamp Album with Asia inc Japanese Revenues, Europe inc France Ceres & Napoleons, GB 1840s onwards, plus some Empire issues. Then another 14 album inc 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee in blue binder, 1981 RW collection in large blue album inc M/Sheets & non Crown Agent sets & singles, GB 1890s-1980s collection in red springback album. Blue binder with British Commonwealth Pics/Commems inc AAT 1966 Defs to $1. Australia in 3 s/books inc 1940 imprint blks, plus 1956-2000 Olympics MUH collection in Junge album. Australia 1970s Official PO Pre-Paid PPC (100). 1984 Los Angeles Olympics Official IOC FDC collection in original blue box. British Pacific Is 1930s-70s Used collection in philatelic binder with Fiji to 1975 inc 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee, 1954 Defs to £1 Bugler, QEII 1960s Defs to £1 Arms & 1970s MUH pics & British Solomon Is similar era inc 1940 Defs. 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding set, 1956 QEII to £1 Shield, 1965 Pics to £1 Canoe & 1966 opts to $2. Also NZ 1984-87 PO Year Albums (FV $85). Fifteen albums in total. Large carton. (1000s)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Carton lot with Japan 1970 EXPO collection with folders & M/Sheet. WWF 1976 Official collection of Wildlife FDC set of 108 in custom made green album with estimated new issue cost of $500. 2 Lighthouse FDC albums with a variety of covers (150) inc Ireland, Fiji, Israel, Ceylon & GB mixed FDC/Commercial Mail. Australia collection in Seven Seas Junior album, plus decimal duplicates in thick s/book. World 1930s collection in maroon springback album inc Europe, French Colonies & Indian States. Australian 1940s Commem imprint blks (18) inc comp sets on loose pgs. AAT 1957-73 collection on Seven Seas pgs, plus 1966-73 PO Pack set of 4 (retail $75). Aust Territory & Pacific Islands accumulation in red Lighthouse s/book with 150 MUH Pic/Commem sets inc Christmas Is 1958 QEII to $1 blks of 4, Cocos Is 1963 Pic sets to 2/3, NZ 1953 Officials to 3/-, plus 1969 Cook M/Sheet (2), Pitcairn KGVI to 2/6 & QEII to 8/-, these retail $560. Finally Nauru collection 1966-88 in 20 hagners with 60 Pic/Commem sets & 18 M/S inc 1979 Rowland Hill numbered set of 12. Overall variable condition mixed M/MUH, G-F/VFU. Large carton. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Carton lot with British Commonwealth Pics/Commems inc Antigua 1938 KGVI Defs to 5/-. Cocos Is 1990 Exhibition M/Sheets (2), Falkland Is 1938 KGVI Pics to 2/6 Penguins, Nevis 1984 Tourism $1.20 Pic set of 4 imperf plate number gutter blks of 10 fresh MUH & Virgin Is 1935 KGV SJ set & 1938 KGVI high vals to £1. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklet (4, cat $100 ea), plus much more inc 1997 Diana Memorial Pics with Tokelau $1. Vanuatu 95f & Bahamas 15c (100 of ea) in sheets of 50, all in brown binder. 2nd binder with more MUH British Commonwealth inc M/Sheet (60), PNG 1970s Commem sets (60) in blks of 4 or 10. Samoa 1971-83 Pic/Commem sets (14 diff). 1977 QEII SJ collection with 35 M/Sheets & 25 Pic sets fresh MUH ex New Issue Service, plus 1978 Jubilee M/Sheets set of 21 diff. Australia 1978-81 PO Card Wallets 18c-22c set of 4 packs. West Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs 1949-74 as new in original boxes (retail $140), plus lightly duplicated collections in European s/book. Asia collection in 2 older style loose leaf albums inc Hong Kong, Siam, Malaysia, India, Ceylon, Japan & Indonesia. New Zealand 1970, 71, 73, 74, 76, 78, 81, 83 PO Year Packs (retail $240), plus 1984 Year Album. Finally Australia 1986-93 decimal VFU/CTO collection (FV $300+) in Seven Seas illustrated album, plus small FDC collection inc AAT Base Cancel covers. Usual variable M/MUH/U.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Carton lot with Australia pre-decimal collection inc 1930s Commem sets to 1/-, 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Robes, 1949 Defs to Arms to £2, QEII Navigators to 10/- Flinders, decimal Pics to late 1970s inc Paintings to $10, plus 1966-90 Seven Seas hingeless album (new retail $250). Faroes 1990s MUH Pic sets with 1995 Leaf Hopper Beetles (200, SG cat £2200), 1995 Tourism pr (50 sets, cat £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Ravens pr (50 sets, £220), Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600) & 1995 Christmas (100 sets, £440), all fresh MUH, total SG cat £4310 = A$8300. Australia, GB & Europe 1960s-80s Pics/Commems collection in VGC hagners. Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs for West Berlin 1948-69 on original boxes (retail $80). New Zealand 1940s-60s M/MUH/U pre-decimal accumulation inc 1940 Officials to 1/-, 1940s-60s Health sets MUH in quantity inc odd plate number/imprint blk, 1953 QEII Coronation sets MUH (12), 1954 QEII Defs to 10/- U (2 sets), 1955 QEII sets to 8d brown MUH (7), 1956 Southland Centenary sets MUH (40), 1960 Pic sets near comp (4) to £1 Geyser & plenty of other 1950s/60s Pic/Commem sets with around 4000 stamps in total. Norfolk Is comp collection to end 1975 in Seven Seas album inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird & all dec inc 1974 UPU M/Sheet. Also some other bits & pieces inc Russia, Spain & 1981 RW collection. Few flts, mostly F-VF M/MUH/U.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Carton lot with Australian Territories in Seven Seas album with AAT 1957-83 comp inc 1966 Pics to $1 Mock Sun, Christmas Is to 1979 inc 1958 QEII Defs & 1968 Fish sets. Cocos Is to 1976 comp. Norfolk Is 1966-79 inc 1969 Birds set & 1974 UPU M/Sheet. British Commonwealth collection to mid 1960s with Australia inc 1930s high val Commems, 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes, 1949 Defs to £2 Arms & QEII pre-dec to £1 Bass. Then Canada, GB, Hong Kong, Malaya, NZ, Portugal & USA. Faroes 1990s MUH Pic/Commem accumulation with 1995 Leaf Hopper Beetles (190 sets, SG cat £3000), Tourism pr (50 sets, £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Raven pr (50 sets, £220) & 1995 Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), all fresh MUH, total SG cat £4670 = A$8900. GB 1971-79 MUH collections inc QEII Machins to £5 blue. Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs for 1872-1918 Empire & WWII General Govt (retail $80). Australia 1980s FDC accumulation in 2 FDC albums. New Zealand 1790, 73, 74, 75, 77, 83 PO Year Packs (retail $200), plus 1984 PO Year Album. San Marino collection in blue springback album. World general collection in 2 thick loose leaf albums inc Australia 1970s-80s Mint decimals, then Europe, South East Asia, Pacific Islands, USA. Some sl mixed condition, M/U/MUH. All in large carton.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Carton lot with British Commonwealth accumulation in 40 hagners inc 1978 QEII SJ set of 21 M/Sheets. Australia inc 1953 Tasmania 150th Anniv sets blks of 20 MUH, 1965 ICY 2/3 cnr blk of 20 & 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 7 & 25. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklet (4, cat $100 ea). Nevis 1984 Tourism $1.20 set of 4, UR cnr IMPERF plate number blks of 4 MUH. New Zealand 1968-74 Health M/Sheets (9), plus 2006 Kiwipex Exhibition set of 4 & 1969 Cook M/Sheet all VF MUH (retail $260). NZ 1953-85 collection in Seven Seas hingeless pgs (retail $350) with decimals near comp MUH inc 1967 Arms set to $10 & 1967, 69, 72-75 Health M/Sheets (retail $275). Germany 1995 PO Year Album, plus Lighthouse illustrated pages for 1945-49 Allied Occup & Saar new, retail $200. Israel 1990s MUH/CTO accumulation in thick Lighthouse s/book with M/Sheets, sheetlets & variety of Pic/Commem sets. GB 1970s FDC collection (66) in black album. USA mixed accumulation inc pre-cancels in maroon binder. Art collection in thick loose leaf album Australia. Norfolk Is 1947-81 collection in hagner album inc 1953 Defs to 5/- brown bridge. 1960 Birds set to 10/-, 1967 Ships sets (5), 1969 Birds, 1986 RW set gutter blks of 10, plus Framas & of Pics/Commems. Some sl mixed condition, generally F-VF MUH/M/U.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Carton lot: Stamps & covers, FAI (Federation Aeronautique International) Official 'History of Aviation' cover collection with 107 FDC in thick custom-made album, original cost well over $800! Australia decimal FDC/PSE (150) inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7. Then stamps with Norfolk Is (800) 1947-95 in 40 hagners inc Ball Bay to 2/-, 1967 Ships to $1, 1980s-90s high val Def sets to $5. Fiji 1935-86 near comp U/M/MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Bugler MUH inc 5d blue Canes & 6d Map Die I (SG cat £275), 1950s QEII Defs to £1 Arms MUH, 1968 Defs to £1 QEII & 75 Dec Pic/Commem sets inc to $5, mostly fresh MUH. Other Pacific Is inc Samoa pre-dec Pics, Tokelau 1997 Diana Memorial $1 MUH (100) in 2 sheets of 50, FV A$90. Vanuatu 1997 Diana Memorial 95t (100) again in sheets of 50 MUH, plus Australia 1970s-80s decimals MUH/VF U in hagners inc to $5 Kangaroo. Finally more Australia with 1913-66 collection in illustrated album inc Kangaroos (35) to 5/-, KGV (45) to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II (2) & LM wmk (2), 1930s Commems to 1/- Vic Cent, high val KGVI to £1 Arms & QEII pre-dec Pic/Commem sets. Mixed M/MUH/U. (many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$450

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Carton lot inc Russia: 1980 Moscow Olympics Commem MUH collection in hingeless slipcase album with huge original issue costs (approx $500 in 1986). Also 1970s/80s M/Sheet accumulation (110) CTO/MUH inc Lenin, Historic Events, Space Exploration, plus small s/book with 1920s-40s Defs & Commems. World mess in another 4 small s/books inc Belgium, Netherlands, Vietnam, PNG, pre-decimal Pics to 10/- Rabaul & early decimals to $2 Shell. Cook Island 1960s pre-decimal Pics to £1 Airmail opt & Australia MUH 1960s pre-decimal high val Pics & Commems. Then more pre-decimal MUH Australia in small box inc 1940s imprint blks (25), mostly Pics/Commems to 1/6. GB 1971-94 collection on loose pgs with approx 200 Pic/Commem sets & QEII Machins to £5. World A-H collection on 1930s pgs inc Belgium Railway Post, Cochin & French Revenues. British Commonwealth collection to 1940s on loose pgs with many 100s of stamps mixed M & U inc Canada, Ceylon, Hong Kong, NZ & GB. Australia 1990s PO Albums (4, new issue costs $60). 1981 RW collection in blue binder, Australia 1970s PO Pre-Paid PPC accumulation (100), Egypt etc. (1000s)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Ceylon: 1935-1947 sheets & multiples inc 1938 KGVI 5c sheet of 60 with variety SG 387fa Apostrophe Flaw (cat £110), others inc 1921 KGV 1c blk of 30 with Plate No 1, 1935 KGV 2c, 3c, 6d blks, 1937 Coronation 6-20c inc 9c (2 sheets of 60), 1938 KGVI 2c-6c blks, 20c sheet of 60, 50c blks, there are several diff perf variations, 1940 3c surcharges in sheets of 60 with diff plate numbers, 1946 Victory 3c with diff plate numbers, 1947 New Constitution 6c-25c, 1949 UPU 5-15c blks of 35. Opportunity to acquire sheets & large multiples for plating study. Mostly F-VF MUH, bit tropicalised/aged with some spots, but 5c variety is nice. SG cat £2200+ = A$4200+. (1300+)AVAILABLE at A$220

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China: 1890s-1940s inc Wuhu Local Post 1894-95 Pics inc Postage Dues. Japan PO in China 1914-19 opt to 5y. Sinkiang 1915-36 vert opt Junk, Reaper & Hall to $10. Szechwan 1933-34 Martyrs opts to 40c & SYS to $20. Most G-VF M/U. SG cat £600+. (118)SOLD at A$325

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China: 1898-1960s ranges in binder. 1898-1960 Dragon vals. 1913-33 Reaper, Hall & Junk to $2. Range of Liberated Provinces inc NE China, NW China & North China. PRC from 1949 inc 1950-52 Heavenly Gate (Tien An Men) to $20,000, & 1954 to $2000. 1960 Gold Fish set 4f-8f, plus few Taiwan. Most G-VF M/UN/U, some mixed. (735)SOLD at A$575

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Christmas Island: 1993 Seabirds (100 sets), 1994 Orchids (100 sets), 2000 faces (100 sets) in bundles. G/FU many on paper. SG cat £1700 = A$3300. (1500)AVAILABLE at A$90

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Christmas Island: 1994-2009 Chinese New Year on paper G/FU with 45c, 50c in qty, plus 2001 Snake $1.35 (73), 2002 Horse $1.35 (34), 2003 Goat $1.50 (90), 2004 Monkey $1.45 (145), 2005 Rooster $1.45 (183), 2006 Dog $1.45 (117), 2007 Pig $1.45 (53) & many others inc vendor's list, stated retail $4000. Lots like this are just not available. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Christmas Is: 1994-2019 Chinese New Year collection in thick s/book with M/Sheets (30) inc Exhibition opts (6), large sheetlets (12), 2002-16 Lunar New Year Cycle sheetlets for 2007, 2010 & 2013, plus 2011 Phila-Nippon SES sheetlet. 1996-2007 gutter blks of 10 (10) inc 2006 set 50c-$1.45, plus 1999 se-tenant blk of 20. 1995-2019 PO Packs (20 diff), plus misc extras inc 2003 set UL & upper right cnr blks of 4 & 2019 set in prs. Odd minor duplicate, all fresh MUH. FV around $250.AVAILABLE at A$190

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Cayman Islands: 1901-2012 collection in binder. 1901 QV set ½d & 1d. 1901 KEVII to 1/- & 1907-08 to 1/-. 1912-20 KGV to 3/-. 1921-26 KGV to 5/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1935 KGV Pic to 5/-. 1938 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1950 KGVI Pic to 5/-. 1953-59 QEII Pic Def set to £1 & 1962 to £1. 1969 QEII Def set to £1. 1969 Decimal Surch set to $2 on £1. 1970 Decimal Def set to $2. 1980 QEII Pic Def set to $4. 1986 Marine Life set to $4. Good coverage of Commems. F-VF M/MUH/U, 80% being M/MUH. SG cat £1400+ = A$2700+. Attractive collection. (785 + 29 M/S)SOLD at A$450

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Cook Islands - Aitutaki: 1972-96 M/U collection in springback album with 170 Pic/Commem sets to 1996 Olympics both M/MUH & CTO inc 1974 Shells to $5 (cat £76), 1978 OHMS opts on Shells to $5 (cat £60), 1981 Birds to $5 Kingfisher (£125), 1983 Surcharge set of 19 to $5.60 (cat £120). 1984 Birds set of 20 to $9.60 (cat £160). 1985 OHMS opt set of 25 to $9.60 (£200). 1989 Moon Landing 20th Anniv (£35). 1992 Pacific Arts set inc Royal Visit opts (£45) & 1994 Flowers set to $5 Hibiscus MUH/CTO (cat £40). Then 60 M & 60 CTO M/Sheet, plus some uncounted extras at the back. Mentioned Pic sets add up to £860 (A$1600) with grand total much higher with a FV NZ$1100 = A$1000. Some light foxing sighted, a mostly fresh & clean collection. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Covers: Carton lot inc Victoria 1902 'The Treasurer/Frank Stamp' small printed Registered envelope to Germanton NSW & re-directed to Glebe Point. GB 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding 2½d, £1 on plain unaddressed FDC (SG cat £425). 1960s-70s small International Inwards correspondence to Sydney NSW, plus assorted unaddressed FDC. Main volume is Australia with wide variety of 1980s/1990s PSE/FDC, plus selection of post Millennium PO Pre-Paid PPC.SOLD at A$100

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Covers: Large accumulation in big flat box with British Africa to 1960s inc Transvaal with odd Boer War cover sighted, Capetown, Rhodesia, South Africa, KUT etc. Solomon Is 1980s Philatelic Mail to Australia. Germany WWII Feldpost covers, Israel 1950s-60s FDC, GB Philatelic Mail inc 1940s-50s FDC & Exhibition pmks, Straits Settlements/Singapore 1930s-50s covers, Europe inc 1840s folded letters, plus much more. Mostly F-VF condition. Approx 700 covers in total.SOLD at A$425
Cover & stationery collection 1948-c2000. A colourful & varied assembly, noted Australia 1960-96 Commercial & FDCs, also Aust Territories FDC & Pacific Is covers inc Fiji, 1948 (25 May) cover Suva to Melbourne, PNG FDCs/Aerogrammes (55), other Pacific. Southern Africa, Homelands/SWA 1980s covers (150+). Great Thematic content, Maxi Cards (60+), First Day sheet (20). Few others, F/VF. (480)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Cyprus & Gibraltar: 1880-1970s collection in binder. Cyprus 1902-10 KEVII to 12Pi. 1934 KGV Pic set to 45Pi. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-51 KGVI to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1955-60 QEII Pic set to £1. 1960-61 Republic opt set to £1. Range of Commems inc useful Europa sets. Gibraltar 1886-87 QV to 1/-. 1889-96 QV Spanish Currency to 5P. 1906-11 KEVII to 4/-. 1925-32 KGV to 10/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-51 KGVI Pic set to £1. 1953-59 QEII Pic set to £1 & 1960-63 Def set to £1. 1971 Views se-tenant set to £1. Good coverage of Commems. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, parts with tropicalisation. SG cat £3300+ = A$6400+. (1135+, plus 23 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Czechoslovakia: 1918-70s collection with extras in hagner binder with slipcase & loose leaf album, very strong in M/Sheets 1930-60s inc 1943 special London Souvenir Sheet, 1945 Slovak Rising M/S, 1950 Philatelic Exhibition, 1952 Philatelic Exhibition, 1955 Prague Exhibition, both perf & imperf, 1962 Praga Exhibition both perf & imperf, stamp issues 1918-70s inc 1918 to 400h, various 1920s Newspaper & Postage Dues, stamp range to 1970s. Small Russia FU collection mainly 1940-80s, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania 1880s-1960s in Lighthouse hagner binder & loose leaf album. Loose leaf Vario binder with 40+ blank Vario pages. There is tropicalisation on album pages & maybe 5-10% of stamps. Mainly GU-FU/CTO, some F-VF MLH. SG cat £2800+ = A$5500 with main value in the M/Sheets. (2100 + 90+ M/S)SOLD at A$300

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 20. Eastern Europe 1990s M/Sheet accumulation (600) inc Tuva Dinosaurs, Kalmykia Ducks, Karjala Musical Instruments, Batum Dinosaurs, Georgia Pre-Historic Wildlife & much more inc Tuva 1995 Birds (50) & 1995 Wildlife (100). All in large shoebox. Another shoebox with Abkhasia 1993 Birds (16 sets), Azerbaijan 1993 Fish set of 5 CTO (80 sets), Kazakhstan 1994 Wild Animals set of 6 (70), Uzbekistan 1993 Flowers set of 5 CTO (64) & Tuva 1995 Dinosaurs sets (100) MUH inc M/Sheet. Final box with Russia MUH Year Packs 1992, 93, 94 (2 of ea) & 2005 (5), est retail $650. Mozambique Souvenir Sheets packs of 50 diff (9, retail $9.50 ea), plus many 100s of Thematics in sealed packets. All neatly packed into 3 large shoeboxes. (1000s)SOLD at A$200

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 34: Russia 2003 MUH Year Packs (5), retail $80 ea, total $400. Mozambique 2001 Paintings M/Sheet set of 25 MUH (4 sets). Tuva 1995 Dinosaur M/Sheet MUH (100). World 1990s M/Sheet packs of 100 (3) mixed MUH/CTO for a total of 500 M/Sheets. Then Batum 1994 Pics or M/Sheets (41 diff) (14 packs), plus 1000s more World Pics, Commems, Thematics in glassines with good variety throughout.AVAILABLE at A$150

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Diverse carton lot with Australia 1930s-90s Pics/Commems (2500+) in 2 s/books & over 70 hagners inc 1931 Kingsford Smith 6d (3), 1936 SA Cent to 1/- (3 sets), pre-dec QEII to £1 Bass & high val dec Pics. 1956-2000 Official Australian Olympic MUH collection in custom-made album 1969-75 near comp PO Pack collection (retail $350) inc AAT & Cocos Is Def sets. British Empire 1935 KGV SJ, 1937 KGVI Coronation & 1946 Victory sets & singles in another s/book. Czechoslovakia 1920s-50s in contemporary loose leaf album. Fiji 1977-2012 MUH collection inc 2008 Emergency opt ERRORS. PNG 1980s-90s MUH Pic sets & M/Sheets inc Exhibition emissions. Norfolk Is near comp 1947-69 collection inc 1953 Pics to 5/- brown bridge, 1960 Defs to 10/- green & 1969 Bird sets (2) to $1.00. 10 albums in total with many 100s of stamps. Medium carton.AVAILABLE at A$250

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East Africa collection/stock on hagners in 2 binders inc KUT & Kenya 1940-83, Uganda 1962-79, Tanzania 1961-70s sets & singles inc M/Sheets retail $350, Lesotho 1985-95 mostly G/FU inc Disney sets, Trains, Cars, Flora/Fauna retail $470, Malawi 1964-70s MUH/FU inc some Defs & similar themes retail $280. A good selection, few extras largely F/VF. Total $1100. (c1100, 75 M/S)SOLD at A$120

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Eight volume carton lot with Mongolia 1960-70s Pics, Commems, Thematics (700), Australia 1966-80 collection in s/book inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. 1970s-80s FDC in 2 vols inc 1970 Grasslands PO envelope unaddressed, 1970 Cook M/Sheet & 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 & 1971 Sydney Philatelic Centre Opening (2, cat $40 ea). Great Britain 1930s-90s accumulation (100s) in 2 s/books inc 1960s pre-dec high val Commems & good range of Small Machins to £5 brown, plus Britannia £10 (28). Also 1970-75 PO Pack accumulation (55) inc Regional Machins. Disorganised mess in 35 hagners inc Hong Kong 1980s QEII to $50, GB 1970s QEII to £5 blue, plus Ireland, Fiji & Europe. Black binder with more British Commonwealth inc PNG 1964 Bird 10/- blk of 10 MUH, Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- & 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge M, Christmas Is 1958 QEII to $1 MUH, AAT 1966 Pics to $1 MUH, Cocos Is 1963 Defs to 2/3, Indonesia-Australia Joint issue booklets (4, Pfr cat $100 ea, $400). GB high values to 10/- Seahorse inc 1880s QV 1/- green (cat £160), 8d orange (£350) & 2/6 violet (£160), KEVII 2/6 (3) & KGV 2/6 brown (5) & 5/- red (6). Some sl mixed condition, unorthodox array variable G-F/VFU M/MUH inc History of Transportation MUH collection in blue box.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Enigmatic carton lot with Egypt 1890s-1950s in 2 s/books, plus post Millennium MUH New Issue sets in glassines. Australia 1988 Bi-Cent folder set of 5 in black Brisbane EXPO box. 1982 Year of the Scout collection with 106 FDC in Official brown box. 1983 Great Automobiles of the World Mint stamp collection with 106 diff MUH Pics on individual illustrated cards in custom green box. British Commonwealth M/Sheet collection (50) inc 1978 QEII Silver Jubilee set of 21. Fiji 1980s-90s MUH sets (46) inc Architecture to $5 (6 sets), London 1980 (10), plus mixed M/Sheet (10) inc 1990s WWF Bats & 1997 Rugby Championship. Nauru 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets 56, mostly blks of 4, Norfolk Is 1947-74 collection inc Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1952 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1966 decimal opts, 1967 Ships & 1969 Birds & 1974 UPU M/Sheets. World G-H collection in 40 hagners inc Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guyana, Holland & Hong Kong Defs to $50, plus 1996 Past & Present Prestige booklet. Australia 1913-80 collection G-FU in Seven Seas Junior Album with Kangaroos to 5/-, KGV to 1/4. 1931 Airmail 6d brown (2) inc OS opt. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/-, 1940 AIF set, 1949 Arms to £2 & decimals near comp to 1980. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Europe 1860s-2000s Large collection on pgs in 8 binders in large carton inc Austria 1870s-1920 to 25k, German Occup 1945 unissued 1-5RM, 1945 Views to 5s, 1950 Birds to 20s, strong in scarcer 1940/50s issues, Belgium range 1860s-1920s inc 1930 Airs to 5f, Czechoslovakia range 1920s, good range of later. M/S, covers, Bohemia Moravia range, France good range to 1920s inc 1949 Air Views to 1000f. 1954 Airs to 1000f inc blk of 4, Netherlands from 1880s to 1920s inc 1906 Tuberculosis set, Ruanda-Urundi, Neth Indies, Russia 1880s-1920s inc 1925 Lenin to 10R, 1934 Air to 80k Sweden 1860s-1920s range, 1936 Tercentenary, range of other countries inc Luxemburg, Monaco, Switzerland etc, plus lots more. Extensive collection only briefly reviewed so could be finds. Vast number face diff, some light duplication. Mainly U-FU, some VF MLH. Reserved at $100 per album. SG est cat £6000-£8000. (14,000+, 100+ M/S, 30+ covers).AVAILABLE at A$550

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Europe: Carton lot with Austria 1920s-80s collection in 4 albums strength in 1960s-80s MUH Pics/Commems (1500) inc many comp sets & isolated M/sheets, plus 1998-2001 Post Office Year Folders (Mi cat €300 = A$500). Germany 1880s-1940s messy collection in 2 s/books, plus scattered Bavaria inc odd 1850s imperf. GB 1930s-2000s in red s/book inc KGVI Defs to £1, QEII decimal high val Castles & Machins to £5, plus mixed Pics/Commems. Hong Kong 1980s-90s Pics & Defs in final album inc vals to $50. Also unsorted mess (approx 3000 stamps) for Austria, GB & Germany in plastic bags. Many 100s of stamps in total, all in medium carton.SOLD at A$130

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Exotic British Commonwealth carton lot with AAT 1957-93 cover collection (64) inc 1966 set to $1 Mock Sun on single envelope, 1972 Cook set all 4 bases & 1973 Food Chain sets pmk all 4 bases. Australia 1913-81 collection in Seven Seas illustrated album inc MUH decimals to 1981 Christmas. Then 1969-75 near comp PO pack collection (retail $350) inc AAT to 1973, plus 1990 PO philatelic themed books (5, issue price $75) inc Under Fire, Railways & Military Aviation. British Commonwealth collection in 6 diff s/books inc GB to 5/- KEVII, KGVI to £1 brown & QEII to £5 castles. Gibraltar KGV Defs to 4/- M (cat £100), north Borneo 1947 Defs to $5 MUH (cat £110). Australia to late 1980s inc Kangaroos to 2/-, KGV to 1/4 & high val Pics/Commems Defs. NZ to 1950s QEII inc 1860s Chalons 1d & 2d, 1880s QV to 1/-, 1913 Auckland Exhibition opt ½d & 1d, 1925 Dunedin set & 1953 QEII to 10/-, plus various British Asia & British Africa. 9 albums, plus the PO publications all neatly packed in large carton. Mixed M/MUH, G-F/VFU. (Many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$325

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Fiji: 1871-2019 collection in a Koroni loose leaf illustrated album & 2 Lighthouse s/books inc 1872 Surch set to 12c, 1878 various Surch & issues to 6d in various perfs, 1881 various 1/- perfs & 5/-, 1891-92 Surch, 1891-8 various issues to 5d in a range of perfs, 1903 KEVII to 5/-, KGV 1912 set to £1, 1922 set to 5/- with 3 plate number singles. 1938 KGVI set to £1 with most perfs, 1971 set to $2, 1972 set normal wmk & sideways wmk to $2, 1995 set to $2, range of 2006 Surcharges to 50c. Value is in the period to 1940 where there is a strong range of diff perf issues. Many comp sets & not much missing from 1940s. Many fresh VF MUH with some used especially in early period inc few F/C. Some earlies very variable condition. Pre 1990 cat £3500, post 1990 £1800 with a FV of $1200. Total SG cat £5300+ = approx $10,000. (1400+, 60+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Fiji: 1935-2017 collection on 80 hagners in 3 binders inc 1935 Jubilee, 1948 Silver Wedding, 1954, 59 & 68 QEII sets comp to £1, decimals to $2 (2 diff), 1971 Birds, Flowers comp to $2, seems comp 1960s-2000s, many M/S, strong thematics Birds, Fish, Whales etc. Few earlies but vast majority diff. Some earlies VF MLH but 1960s on all appear to be VF fresh MUH. SG cat value £1700 = A$3300. FV $1450+. (1600+, 90+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Fiji 1938-1960s Extensive cover collection in Lighthouse album inc 1938-55 KGVI to £1, various Omnibus issues inc 1935 Silver Jubilee, comprehensive pmk range inc Waiyevo, Tavva, Nadrogh, Waimoto, Labasa etc, several Ship Postings inc SS Niagara, few WW2 censorship covers with US stamps. Several 1940s First Flight covers with a number of commercial covers to Australia, USA etc, plus Prouds the Postal History of Fiji. (120).SOLD at A$300

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France: Extensive collection to 1990. All very messy inc 1849 Ceres 10c, 20c 4 margins, 1862 Ceres, 1863-70 Napoleon Heads to 80c wiith extras, 1877-90 Peace & Commerce to 1Fr with extras, plus 20c red/yellow-green M, later key type issues , 1925 5Fr Peace & Commerce M, extensive 1930s Pics/Commems with extras noted 1935 Unemployed Intellectuals set, 50c + 2Fr. Post war inc 1947 500Fr Air, 1949, 51, 53 Nat relief sets, 1949 Airs to 300Fr & others M/MLH. Also some 1980s sets & booklets MUH & others, mostly F/VF total SG cat £3100 = A$6000+. (1200+)AVAILABLE at A$275

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France: 1870-1970s extensive collection in Scott album inc 1871 Ceres range to 80c, 1887 Peace & Commerce range to 75c, 1900-20 Merson range to 10Fr, 1918 15c+5c Red Cross Fund, 1930 Colonial Exhibition set to 1Fr50, 1934 Cartier set, 1937 National Museums, 1935 Normandie set, 1936 Air to 3Fr50 & 10Fr, 1938 Clement Ader, 1947 Air 500Fr, 1949 Air set to 1000Fr, 1953 Sports set. Many sets all diff with range of 1930-50s scarcer sets inc 1950s National Relief Fund, range of French Colonies from 1890s inc China, Egypt, Port Said, Turkey, General French Colonies 1860s, German Occupation of Lorraine comp to 100pf. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH, some G-VF U, mixed condition in parts. SG cat £5500+ = A$11,000. (2200 + 5 booklets) (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Germany 1933-45 Third Reich era collection in Safe hingeless album with 1934 Airs inc 100pf, 2Mk, 3Mk M, 1933 Welfare set, 1934 Welfare Fund set FU, 1935 Welfare Fund sets M & U. 1936 Olympics set, plus both M/Sheets M & U. Brown Ribbon M/Sheets (2) inc 1937 opt, 1937 Hitler M/Sheets (7) with M, Hamburg pmks (2), Nurnberg pmks (2) & imperf CTO Berlin or Hamburg, 1939 Nurnbergring-Rennen opt trio M/MLH, 1939 Danzig opt set M/MUH, 1940 Brown Ribbon M then Wartime issues M/U with extras noted 1942 Defs 1M-3M U, 1940 Officials set MUH & others with extras. Mostly F-VF. SG cat £2300 = A$4300. (580, 13 M/S))SOLD at A$300

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Germany 1850s-2010 valuable & extensive collection in 22 various s/books & 3 Linder illustrated albums commencing with German States inc Bavaria (130+) 1850s 3k & 6k imperf, 1880 Arms to 80pf, 1911 Luitpold to 2m, range to 1920s inc 1m Official, Saxony (20+) 1850 Arms 3pf (as is & not counted in cat value), 1851 Friedrich to 3ngr, 1855 Johann to 3ngr, 1863 Arms to 3ngr, Prussia 1850s 3gr & 4pf, Oldenberg (5) 1861 imperf to 3g yellow (as is & not counted), Heligoland (10) 1867 to 6sch & 1875 3pf U, range of WWI German Occup issues inc Belgium (70+), 1916 various to 2f50c, Poland (18), Eupen & Malmedy (10), Russia (20+) etc, others inc Danzig (150+), Allenstein various 1920-26 issues inc Official to 10m, Memel (60+), Lithuania (8) etc, Saar 1920-59, Germany inc 1872 to 5g, 1880 to 50pf, 1902 to 5m, extensive range to 1945 inc Inflation issues to 100,000m, 1928 President comp to 80pf, 1932 Hitler M/S etc Bohemia & Moravia (150+), Allied Occup 1945 to 80pf, 1946 to 1m inc apparent 75pf offset, 1949 Buildings to 5DM, Soviet zone 1948 Politicians to 84pf, West Germany7 extensive range 1950s to 200g inc 1970-76 & 1982-86 comp MUH on Linder pgs, East Germany 1950s-90s, Berlin (West) 1949-90 inc 1951 Bell set comp, 1986 Famous Women comp to 500pf (MUH & FU sets cat £360), small range of German colonies. 1998-2004 Deutsche Post first day cds. This is a very extensive collection which has only briefly been summarised & has a lot of potential. Some earlies mixed condition mostly GU-VFU, VF M to Superb MUH. Some album have toning but largely not affecting stamps. SG cat £20,000+ = A$40,000+. (10,000 + 50+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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Germany 1872-1968 Collection in 4 Lighthouse illustrated albums inc 1872 Shields (4), 1870s Eagles to 50pf, 1902 Deutsches Reich to 5Mk bicolour, 1920s Weimar Repub issues, mostly G/FU officials, 1933 to 1949 M/U also Occup issues, West Germany 1950-1968 M/U inc 1952 Hostels set FU. Berlin 1950 to 1964 M/U. Useful starter collection wrapped in 4 quality illus albums. Total cat £2000+, plus cost of albums c$600 = A$3900. (1000+).SOLD at A$130

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Germany: 1880s-1940s Covers, cards, & Postal Stationery wide range, almost all diff inc commercial mail, Franking Machine meters (22) inc pictorial types. Postal Stationery (65) inc Pic/View types. Also some 1950s-70s (10) etc, plus 1937 Hitler M/Sheets (8, 2 diff) CTO perf & imperf (SG cat £214) alone. Interesting lot. (150 + 8 M/S).AVAILABLE at A$200

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Germany 1890s-1940s Cinderella Labels & Poster Stamps inc Advertising, Expos, Trade Fair & similar (250) with good variety. Then 1919 'Lost Colonies' stamps (19 diff), WWII Allied Propaganda Issue with Goering 12 Jan 1944 M/Sheet & Hitler 12pf red blk of 4 'Futsches Reich', plus selection Telegraphs, Railway Freight stamps & Revenues inc Estate Tax stamps. Custom fees & Bills of Exchange. Some now stuck down due to water damage in s/book. Mostly F-VF. (370).SOLD at A$275

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Germany: 1903-45 collection on KABE hingeless pages inc early Officials, then Third Reich issues inc 1933 Frederick set, 1933 Hindenburg set, 1934 Airmail set to 2RM, 1934 Welfare set, 1935 OSTROPA M/Sheet with FDI Exhib special pmks (SG cat £1400+), 1935 Welfare set, 1936 Olympics sets & both M/Sheet. 1937 Hitler M/S 3 diff & most other issues to 1945. Mostly F-VFU. SG cat £3000+. (500+8 M/S). (P)SOLD at A$425

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Germany: 1926-45 UK dealer stock mint inc 1928 Zeppelin set (SG cat £140), plus 2RM (£70), 1933 Frederick set (£60), 1933 Wagner set (£450), 1934 Airmail set (£140), extra 2Mk & 3Mk (£78), then extensive range to 1945 inc 1935 Costumes (£50), 1935 Ostropa M/S - interleaf adhered to gum but still unusually nice (£1600 for UN), plus 1936 Brown Ribbon M/S (2 MUH, £80). VF fresh M/MUH. SG cat £3100 = A$6000+. Marked UK retail £1100 = A$2200 conservatively priced. Excellent stock for resale. (123, 3 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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Germany: 1928-45 UK dealer's stock MUH inc 1935 Costumes set (SG cat £225), Winter Olympics & Lufthansa (£160), 1936 Olympics set (£160), 1938 Brown Ribbon (£190), 1939 Derby Anniv (£100), Art Day Women (3, £132), Postal Employees Fund (£110), Winter Relief (£75), 1940 Brown Ribbon (£150), Postal Employees Fund (£70) & 1945 SS/SA pr (£110), M/Sheets inc 1936 Olympics pr (£350), Brown Ribbon (2, £80), 1937 Hitler 6pf M/S with opt (SG MS638 cat £400), MS 635 (£90) & 1937 Brown Ribbon opt (£225). VF fresh MUH. SG cat £5600 = A$11,000. Marked UK retail £1800+ = A$3500 conservatively priced. Excellent lot for resale. (190, 7 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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Germany: 1930s-40s Third Reich Postal History covers inc Hitler & Hindenburg 6pf view cards, many PTPO Postcards, Commem cards, special pmks etc (total 40+ Postcards). Also covers, pictures & photos of Hitler, Registered, Auschwitz Concentration Camp covers, Ravensbruck Concentration comp letter, Luftfeldpost covers franked blue plane, plus 1936 Hitler M/Sheets (26, cat €680) CTO with various diff pmks inc scarce postal use on cover. 1938 Sudetenland Registered cover, 1943 Parcel Card for 'Remaining effects of the Fallen - duty free'. Very interesting lot for historical study. (110 + 26 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Germany: Post-WWII UK dealer stock mostly M/MUH with West Germany (500) inc 1949 UPU (2 U, SG cat £120), 1949 Refugee Relief set (£140), 1951 Posthorns inc 15pf, 20pf, 25pf, 40pf, 60pf & 70pf all MUH (£1200+), 1951 Relief MUH (£170), plus 30pf U (£150), 1952 Relief MUH (£150), 1953 Relief U (£120), 1959 Beethoven M/S (7, cat £217) & range to 1980s (total SG cat £6000+). Berlin 1948-80s (140, £6100+) inc 1948 black opt set M (cat £450), red opt set M (£1600), 1949 Buildings (£1000), UPU set M (£950), Goethe MUH (£375), Surch set M (£300), Relief MUH (£425), 1950 Orchestra MUH (£185), 1952 Berliners MUH (£160) & some more. East Germany (250) (cat £970) to 1980s inc 1950 Academy set M (£170) & 1955 M/Sheets (3, £95), plus odds earlier (85) inc Bavaria 1911 blks of 4, 1919 Free state opts top 3 vals from 2 sets U (£245). Also Colonies & POs (50+, £650+). VF fresh MUH M/MUH/U. Total SG cat £14,000 = A$26,000. Marked UK retail £4800 = A$9500 conservatively priced. Excellent stock for resale. (1000, 16 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1400

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Germany: 1945-77 collection in massive KABE springback album near comp for Allied Occup Zones (mi cat €4200), Berlin & West Germany. Noted various Russian Zones (Mi cat €400), Anglo-American Zone, 1948 Posthorn band & 'all over' opt Pictorial sets (€500), French Zone all sets, Saar extensive inc 1949 Relief Fund set U (€650), West Germany (€2500) inc all scarce early Charity sets, Berlin (€2900 inc some BERLIN opts, some East Germany inc 1950 Debria M/Sheet on nice FDC. Also Lindner hingeless albums for extra French Zone with some sets, plus Anglo-US Zone almost empty album. Mostly F-VFU, some M/MUH in fresh condition. Total Mi cat €9500+ = A$16,000, SG cat would be higher. Attractive collection. (1800).AVAILABLE at A$700

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Germany: 1870s-1945 Postal History covers & cards wide range of commercial & philatelic frankings inc registered Official, COD, perfins, special pmks inc Railway TPO, Airmail, Inflation period large multiple Frankings, 1922 Air Bird set on single cover (Mi cat €170, as loose stamps) 1922 Exhib set on single cover, 1937 Hitler M/S on cover, & much more. Almost all 1920s-40s. Interesting lot. (160).AVAILABLE at A$375

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Germany: 1870s-1940s Postal History covers & cards almost all used commercially with advertising types inc Monkey, range of Pic pmks, Inflation period with 55 stamps (total 100 Million Mk), items to NZ & USA, Danzig Airmails, Officials, Registered, Express, Parcel Cards, perfins etc, plus PPC (200) mostly 1905-20 inc WWI Fieldpost uses. Very interesting lot. (400+)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Germany: 1940-45 Postal History WWII Fieldpost covers & cards with wide range of FPO pmks, unit etc cachets, POW, registered, some PPC etc inc airmail usages with the special stamps, plus some POW camp mail, as well as batch of ration coupons. (58).AVAILABLE at A$90

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Germany Occupations: 1940-45 in 3 s/books collection inc extensive Croatia starting from 1941 opts set to 30D. 1941 Pictorial set to 100k, plus tete-beche prs of 50b, 75b, 2k, 8k, 10k, 20k & 30k. 1942 Aviation Fund M/S, 1943 Labour front M/S, 1943 Pavelic perf & imperf M/S, 1943 Philatelic Exhib inc M/S, 1945 Storm Division M/S (cat £2000 but probably reprint), quite comprehensive ranges of other issues inc some IMPERF proofs. Slovakia 1935-45 inc 1939 postage Due to 20k, Bohemia & Moravia 1939-44 various issues, Alsace. Generally Fresh VF MLH/MUH, some F-VFU. Lorraine & Luxemburg 1940 German set opt to 100pf, other Occupations Latvia, Russia, also Polish exiled Govt comp 1941-45. SG est cat £1400, plus £2000 for Storm Troopers. (700+, 20+ M/S). (P)SOLD at A$300

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Germany WWII Occupations 1941-45 collection in a Lighthouse s/book inc French Legion Airs & 1942 Airs opt, 1942 French Legions on Russian Front, Netherlands 1942 Nazi Legion, 1941 Flemish Legion on Eastern Front Battle designs set of 4 to 50F all with 3 margins from special M/Sheets, 1942 Walloon Legion on Eastern front set of 4 to 100FR, all with LR or LL cnr marginal with control numbers, 1945 Austria Allied Occup Hitler stamps opt Osterreich issue to 90/80pf & Mesh Issue to 42pf, Germany 1945 12+38 Stormtroopers, plus very extensive various reprints & fakes from eBay inc various Propaganda Issue inc German issues on KGV - Liquidation of Empire, Germany Expects you etc, British Issues of Himmler stamps & various German WWII issues, forgeries inc M/S & Theresienstadt Camp blk, etc. The good sets mainly VF fresh MUH, fakes UN as made. Very interesting lot. (300 + 20 M/S). (P)SOLD at A$375

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German Occup Croatia: 1941-45 WWII MUH collection in s/book inc 1941 opt Yugoslavia King set to 30D. 1941 Brod Exhib opt set with tabs. 1941-42 Pic set to 100K, plus tete-beche pr to 20k. Also horiz prs, to 10k error imperf vert & 30k vert pr imperf horiz, plus 1.50k imperf pr. 1942 Aviation M/S perf & imperf. 1942 surch 0.25 on 2k tete-beche blk of 4. 1943-44 Castle 3.5k imperf pr, rare unissued essay design. 1943 President 12k + 8k M/S perf & imperf. 1943 Zagreb Exhib 9k, 'S' variety. 1943 opt 18k, offset variety 1943 Legion range of imperf proof colour trials. 1943 700th Anniv, double perfs variety, plus sheetlet. 1943-44 President set to 1010k - 1944 Postal set sheetlets. 1945 Storm Division set with initials OA at base (reprints), 1945 Feldpost opt Military stamp (rare unissued). 1945 Postal Employees set, sheetlets, plus 50+25 sheetlet with' white dot obliterates, plus sign' variety. Mostly VF fresh MUH. Mi cat €3200+ = A$5300+. Unusually nice quality collection. (550 + 21 M/S or sheetlets).AVAILABLE at A$800

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Germany: WWII Occupations Postal History covers & cards, various issues with Poland inc Exiled Govt Monte Cassino opt Censored Registered cover to USA, Jersey 1944 covers (3) with boxed 'Mit Schnellboot befordert' cachets (by fast speedboat) & 1942 ½d & 1d FDC, 1943 Pictorials (3) & same for Guernsey, plus Albania, Serbia, Estonia, Yugoslavia, 1940 USA-Denmark censored Airmail, Latvia Red Cross PC (2) franked no opt Russia, Fieldpost covers (25), ca1937 6pf Hindenburg view cards (13), Luftfeldpost covers franked blue plane (17), Spain censored (4), 1940 GB to Palestine & redirected with Palestine censor h/s, & 1948 Berlin Airlift cover. (130)SOLD at A$350

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Germany - West: 1947-1983 M/U collection in Davo illustrated album (retail $150) inc Allied Occup Pics to 5 Mark, 1949 Stamp Cent, Relief M, 1949 UPU, MLH + FU, 1951-52 Posthorns to 25pf M, 70pf M, 1951 St Mary's + 1951 Exhib M/MLH, 1951-52 Posthorns to 25pf, 70pf, 1951 30pf Rontgen. M/MLH 1953 Exhib set FU, 1954 Relief set M/MLH later issues M/U, cat £2500+ Also Berlin small selection 1949-70s M/U cat £265. Various others, some mixed condition mostly F/VF total cat £2750 = A$5300, plus cost of album. (850).AVAILABLE at A$140

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Germany-West Berlin, 1949-90 collection in Lighthouse hingeless album inc 1949 red Berlin opt to 1M, 1949 Berlin Relief Fund set & M/Sheet, 1952 Olympics set, 1952 Famous Berliners set, 1986 Famous German Women set, virtually comp from 1957-1990 with many sets, range of M/S, booklet panes, postal stationery etc. Mainly VF MUH from 1957, earlies mostly MLH & VFU. SG cat £6000 = A$11,500, plus high cost of album. (800 + 15 M/S, 10 P/Cs). (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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Germany - East: 1949-80 collection in 2 Davo illustrated albums & a loose leaf album inc 1950 Science comp, 1951 Friendship set to 50pf, 1952 Politicians etc comp set to 84pf, 1953 5 Year Plan no imprint comp to 84pf, 1950 Debria M/S, 1953 Marx M/S (2), 1955 Engels M/S, 1957 National Memorials M/S. Quite comprehensive from early inc many comp sets, all diff, also Soviet Occup 1945-48. Mainly fresh VFU. Some tropicalisation effecting album & a few earlies would definitely benefit from rehousing. SG cat £3500+ = A$6800. (3400+, 120+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$325

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Germany - East: 1949-90s collection in 3 s/books inc 1949 UPU 50pf. 1950-51 President set to 5Mk. 1950 DEBRIA M/S M & U (SG cat £425). 1950 Science set to 50pf M & U (£290). 1960 Piech M/S. 1954 Buchenwald M/S. Then good coverage of Commems & Defs, plus M/S where issued. Also 1990s Reunited German issues. Mostly F-VF M/MUH/U, some earlier tropicalised. SG cat £3200+ = A$6000+. (3000+, & 90+ M/S)SOLD at A$220

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Gilbert & Ellice Islands: 1911-78 collection in quality s/book inc 1911 Fiji set to 1/- opt, 1911 Palms to 2½d, 1912 set to 5/-, 1922 set to 1/-, 1937-71 issues mostly MUH & FU inc 1939 KGV set to 5/-, 1949 Silver Wedding (£1 MUH, 2 Used), 1965 QEII to £1, 1966 & 68 Decimal to $2, plus Commems. Gilbert Is 1976 Independence issues to 1978 when the territory changed its name to Kiribati. Near comp collection, value in the early issues, strong thematics. Most comp sets, many both MUH & CTO. Fresh VF MLH/MUH & VF CTO. SG cat £1000+ with nice earlies worth high percentage of cat. (500+, 8 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Good British Commonwealth carton lot with 1970s booklet collection (40) inc 1977/78 QEII SJ types & PNG 1970-93 collection (13, cat £135). Norfolk Is 1947-74 collection inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Pics to 5/- Brown Bridge (2 sets), 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets), plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN (3 diff UN), 2/8 Local Govt (2), 1966 opt set to 1/- & 1969 Birds set to $1. Mixed MUH/M/U. Australia 1890s-1980s accum in 25 hagners. 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 diff, FV A$150) inc Fiji, Solomon Is, Tokelau & Vanuatu. 1970s-90s M/Sheet inc NZ Health prs MUH 1968, 69, 71 & 73 (retail $170), plus 1995 Singapore sheetlet ($40). NZ 1930s-80s Used collection inc 1970 Pics to £1 Geyser. GB 1930s-70s in hagners & s/book. Australia 1966-80 collection in illustrated album inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 & 1974 Paintings to $10, Singapore 1970s Pics/Commems in hagner album inc 1971 Painting PO Pack, Festival M/Sheet & 1970 Expo M/S. Eleven albums in total, mixed MUH/M/G-F/VFU. Large carton. (many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Great Britain: 1840-1990 collection in loose leaf album with 1840 QV 1d black. 1841 QV imperfs 1d brown & 2d blue (2). 1855 QV 6d lilac. 1862 QV 1/- green. 1870s QV 3d, 5d (2) & 1/- pmk C of Constantinople (cat £360), plus 4d vermilion plate 14 pmk C51 of St Thomas (Danish West Indies, cat £110). 1873 QV 1/- green wmk Spray of Rose FU (SG 150 cat £150). 1880s QV opts 3d/3d & 6d/6d lilac (cat £300). 1883 QV high vals 2/6, 5/- (2, inc Private perfins) & 10/-. 1887 QV Sidefaces to 1/- inc 6d & 9d opt 'Govt Parcels' 1902-10 KEVII set to 10/-. 1934 KGV Seahorse set 2/6, 5/-, 10/- (cat £190). 1939 KGVI set of 6 to £1 brown. 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding £1. Comprehensive QEII pre-dec inc Castles to £1. Wide range of 1970s-80s-90s Pics/Commems. Some mixed condition, many G-F/VFU. High cat value. (Few 100)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Great Britain 1840-early 2000s discordant collection in 2 near new Lighthouse s/books with QV 1840 1d black (SG cat £375). 1841 1d red imperf pmk Numeral 9 in Maltese Cross cancel (SG cat £180). 1880 QV 5d indigo VFU (SG 169 cat £175). 1883 QV 5/- rose. 1887 QV 1/- green opt 'I.R./OFFICIAL' cat £375 with 2021 photo-cert. 1902-12 KEVII 10d (11, cat £825) inc Private Perfins. 1913-18 KGV Seahorses 2/6 VFM. 5/- VFU & 10/- FU (cat £470). 1912 KGV ½d green with underprint M (small thin) with photo-cert, SG PP 251a cat £180. 1924 & 1925 Exhibition prs M (£80). 1948 KGVI SW £1 MUH. 1951 KGVI high vals to £1 brown MUH (cat £100) & Used, Selected MUH decimals (FV £100) inc 1990s Castles to £5, Britannia £10 & QEII Anniv, Pictorials. Mixed G-F/VFU, plus mentioned MUH. SG cat £3300 to 1953, plus £100 FV for decimal MUH, total £3400 = A$6500. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$375
Great Britain: 1940-2010 collection on leaves in 2 large binders with 1840 QV 1d black (2), 1841 QV 2d blue imperf (2), 1840s-1870s 1d plates (300+) inc odd imperf & pmk interest. 1850s-80s QV Sidefaces to 1/- brown inc 4d red (8), 6d lilac (12), 6d/6d mauve (2), 6d brown (12), 8d orange, 10d chestnut & 1/- green. 1883-1901 QV high vals 2/6 (9, cat £1440), 5/- (6, £1300), 10/- (3, £1575) & £1 green cat £800. 1902-10 KEVII 2/6 (5), 5/- (4) (cat £1470), 1913-34 Seahorses Used range inc 1934 5/6, 5/-, 10/- Used on piece. KGVI 1939 Defs inc high values. 1948 RSW set M & set U, 1951 Festival 2½d, 4d set on FDC, QEII extensive Commems, Pics & Defs mostly Used, few M/MLH. Channel Is 1948 set on FDC, Jersey Occupation issues M/U, then 1969-2011, Guernsey similar & others. Also covers inc 1929-1923 range of 27 covers inc 7 sent to J.A. Costello (Irish PM 1948-51, 1954-57) by Ida O'Malley in 1917 prior to their marriage. Few others F/VF. Early GB condition mixed as usual but many useful stamps can be extracted. Huge cat value. (2000+)SOLD at A$700

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Great Britain: 1902-2000 collection in 6 albums with 1902-10 KEVII to 5/-, 1915-34 KGV Seahorses 2/6 (8), 5/- (9) & 10/- (3). 1924 Wembley sets (3), 1937 KGVI sets (2) to £1 (cat £120), 1948 £1 RSW (2), 1951 Festival to £1, 7 sets U & extras. Extensive & voluminous QEII M & U Machin Defs, Wilding Pics/Commems with many extras to 2000, also with Regionals. Few flts mostly G-F-VFU. (5000+)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Great carton lot with 1976 The Official Collection of World Wildlife FDC with over 100 WWF FDC inc comp sets in big green album. Australia 1940s-70s collection in green posthorn s/book inc KGVI to £1 Arms, pre-dec QEII to 10/- Flinders & decimal Pics inc 1966 Defs to $4 King & Paintings to $10. More Australia 1913-75 in green loose leaf album inc Kangaroos to 2/-, KGV to 1/4, Kingsford Smith to 6d brown, 1932 Bridge 2d, 3d opt OS. Plastic bag with British Commonwealth PO Packs inc PNG Year Packs. World collection in 3 VGC green springback binders with 100s of stamps from Africa, Asia, British Commonwealth, Europe, North & South America. General collection in 2 1950s Century loose leaf albums. Finally, Australia KGV 1d red accumulation (400) in s/book & hagners. Usual variable condition M/MUH/G-FU. (Few 1000)SOLD at A$300

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Hong Kong 1880-1990s collection/accumulation in 2 s/books & loose inc QV 1882 to 10c inc 1891 20c surch KGV to $5 inc 4c & 5c blks of 4 M, KGVI to $1, few China opt, range of MUH blks of 4 1970s-90s (40+), M/S 1984 HK Jockey Club (3), Chinese New Year 87, 89, 90 & 91, various 1980s MUH sheets of 50 inc 1984 40c Lantern, 1989 60c Visit (13 sheets), FDCs 1960s-80s inc 1968 Seacraft, various Chinese New Years inc 1969 Cockerel, 70 Dog, 71 Pig etc (100+), few others inc 1st Flight HK to UK 1946 cover. Few early mixed condition. Some U-FU, mainly VF MUH. Vendor cat approx £2000 = A$2900. (1000+, 10 M/S, 110 covers).AVAILABLE at A$250

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Hungary: 1871-1980s collection/accumulation on 150+ double-sided Vario pages in 2 thick slipcase binders, inc 1871 to 25K, 1874 to 5K, 1888 to 12K, 1904-13 Turul Bird range to 5K, not checked for wmks, 1913 Flood Relief range to 5K, 1914-15 opt range to 60f, 1927 Airs comp to 5P, 1932 Madonna to 10P, 1933 Airs high values 1P-5P, 1945 Reconstruction comp to 3000p 1953 Wembley Victory, mainly comp sets, some duplication particularly early which have not been checked for wmks or perfs. F-VFU, SG cat £3900+ = A$7700+. (6500 + 7 covers)SOLD at A$300
Interesting carton lot with a voluminous M & U aggregation in 8 albums. Noted Australia some pre-dec M/U. Austria few pre-war opts inc 1945 'Osterreich' opt selection G/FU, later issues with extras mostly G/FU, British Commonwealth varied range MUH/FU in qty. Egypt selection of 1988 issues MUH inc 5p Opera House M/S (18), 1989 Airs selection in blks MUH & others cat £270. France post war to 1980s G/FU, Hungary in large German s/book post war assembly M/U, good Thematics. Then general World range M & U & F/VF. Some useful pickings in collection in over 150 Vario pages. (6500+)AVAILABLE at A$60

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Interesting mixed range in 3 albums & sheet file largely M. Inc Germany/Allied Occupation French general issues inc 1947 1Mk Goethe (18), 2Mk Schiller (20), 5Mk Heine (16) in blks largely MUH (cat £350), also Saar 1947 issues in blks, Iran 1909 4Kr, 10Kr, 15Kr, 1919 opts to 12Ch, '1925' Surch 1Kr green (19) MLH/MUH & others (cat £600+). Also Iran, India, Nepal random issues in sheets, also French Colonies noted Wallis & Futuna 1985-87 Shells in sheets of 25 & others cat £300+. Russian Civil War Neighbouring Republic issues noted Azerbaijan 1923 Arms h/s selection, Transcaucasian Republic inc 1923 Star Surch on Arms opt inc 1R (7) MLH/MUH with extras, also Pic sets in qty MUH, Georgia 1923 Surch issues on Russian Arms with many extras, opts on Soviet Republic inc 10,000r/1000r, 20,000/500r c50 ea MUH & other Surch in qty. Swaziland 1938 KGVI to 10/- M/MLH, Tuva 1926-35 inc 1932 opt to 15K, 1935 Airmails to 5t, 1934 Pics M & more. Largely VF, total cat £3700+. (1800+, 5 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Iran & Persia: 1870-1970s collection in s/book & on hagners 1870-76 Lion range to 8Sh, 1876 Shah set, 1881-82 Sun & Shah to 10Fr, 1898-99 Shah to 5 Kr, 1909 Arms set to 30Kr, 1910 Saatdjian unissued Lions Officials to 26ch 1911-13 Shah set to 30Kr, plus Officials to 30Kr, 1924-25 Shah to 12Kr, in blks of 6, range of later issues inc 1928 Airmail opt values to 2Kr, 1926 Shah 1Kr, 1929 Shah to 6ch, 1939 Wedding set, 1942-45 Shah Pics to 30R, 1948-54 Building Fund sets, 1949 War Effort to 5r, 1950 31st Birthday set to 5R, 1950 Internment set, 1950 UPU set, 1953 Die set, 1950 Conference, 1956-57 Shah to 20R. All different, also inc Persiphilla Specialised Catalogue by Dr Sadri. Mostly F-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £2100+, Scott cat US$700+, Persiphilla cat $1000+ = A$5000+. (900)SOLD at A$375

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Ireland: 1922-84 collection/stock in black s/book with 1922 opts to 2/6, plus lower value extras. 1940-68 Defs inc St Patrick 2/6 (9), 5/- (10), 10/- (3), earlier Commems with many extras inc 1948-65 Airs 5 sets, 1949 6d Tom Davis (9), 1949 3d Insurrection (11), 1949 Recognition 9 sets, also additional 3d (14), 1954 Education 7 sets, plus extra 1/3 (9), 1963 1/3d Red Cross (10). Also Europa sets inc 1964 1/5 (14), 1965 1/5 (13) & others often similar qty to mid 1980s. Some varied condition but mostly F/VFU. SG cat £2500+ = A$4900. (c1800)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Israel: 1948-2011 huge collection on exhibition annotated pgs & in 4 s/books. 1948 Doar Ivri 1st Coins 3p-50p on FDC, plus vals to 50p on Airmail cover to Australia, 1949 Road to Jerusalem 250p with tab, plus control blk of 4, 1949 Flag 20p with tab, 1949 Petah Tikva 40p with left & right tabs. New Year set with tabs. 1950 2nd Coin set with tabs, 1949 UPU set with tabs, 1950 Air set to 250p with tabs, 1950 Camel 500p with tab, 1952 Menorah 1000p with tab. Collection then appears comp, all with tabs, plus M/S were issued. F-VF fresh MUH with some early used (90%+ MUH). SG cat £6900+ = A$13,500+. (2100+ 100 M/S & 45 covers/FDCs)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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Italian Colonies 1915-42 Collection in Lighthouse slipcase s/book inc Libya 1912-17 King opt set to 10L, 1921 Pictorials to 5L, 1927 set to 1L25, 1936 41 commems are comp. 1927-31 1st - 5th Tripoli sets are comp (Sass cat €860), Airmails inc 1929 King opt set 50c & 80c, 1934-41 appear comp, Special Delivery 1915-27 comp inc 1915 set. Parcel Post 1915-18 5c-4c se-tenant prs, Italian Colonies general issues 1932 Garibaldi comp, 1933 50th Anniv Postage set comp to 10L + 2L50, 1933 10th Anniv set comp Postage & Air to 50L, Italian East Africa 1941 Axis Commemoration comp with both 1L, Somalia 1934 2nd Colonial Exhibition comp to 2L. Mostly fresh VF MLH/MUH. SG cat £3800+ = A$7300, plus premium for the many MUH. (300+). (P)SOLD at A$600

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Japan: 1890s-1990s collection/accumulation in 3 s/books, 2 cover albums & loose, range of early 1900s-40s inc some National parks to 20s, extensive range 1950s-80s, few post WWII covers addressed to British Military, 1980s FDC covers, also 1942 Greater East Asia War 20 Yen Saving Bond. Interesting lot. Some flts as expected, mainly F-VFU. SG cat £1000+. (1400+, 150+ covers)SOLD at A$160

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Kiribati: 1979-2005 collection/accumulation in 4 s/books, 1979 & 80 sets to $5, 1981 OKGS opt set to $5, 1982 Birds set to $5, Specimen set to $5, 1990 Fish to $5, 1993 Tarawa set sheetlets, 1994 Butterflies to $5 & Specimen set to $5, 2002 Fish to $10. Fairly comp, many comp sets, range of M/S, strong in Specimen opts, good thematics Fish, Butterflies etc, some variety inc 1985 Reef Fish inc wmk. Mainly fresh VF MUH, few U/CTO sets. SG cat £1400. FV A$1400+, both, plus Specimens. (1400+,130+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Large carton inc Great Art Stamps of the World with 108 FDC 1978-81 inc comp sets in 'International Council of Museums Foundation' custom album (original cost ca.$500. Then more FDC with 150 Australian/AAT 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets & odd M/sheet in 2 bags, plus EXPO 88 set in folder. Then stamps with Australia 1920s-60s M/MUH collection in black s/book, Africa Pics/Commems/Thematics in thick blue s/book, plus Tokelau $1 & Vanuatu 95c 1997 Diana Memorials, 100 of ea in MUH sheets of 50 FV A$180+. Jersey collection to 1987 in KABE hingeless album with 60 MUH Pic/Commem sets inc 1969 Defs to £1, other QEII to £5, plus 1941/43 Pics set of 8 to 3d (total SG cat £140). Norfolk Is near comp to 1974 UPU M/sheet in springback album inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Local Govt 2/8 & Defs set to 10/- Bird, 1966 opt set, 1967 Ships, 1969 Birds to $1 & most other Pic/Commem sets (160, retail $240). PNG 1952-85 collection inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman, 1963 Pics to £1 QEII, 1964 Birds to 10/-, 1966 Butterflies to $2 & 110 other Pic/Commem sets, mixed M/MUH/U. Also 1973 RW & 1974 Churchill British Commonwealth Omnibus MUH collections.AVAILABLE at A$375

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Large British Commonwealth carton lot with Australia Die Proof replica Card group (10, ACSC cat $80), 1969-75 PO Pack collection (45, retail $450) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp & 1970, 71 Selected Issue packs, Seven Seas 1982-98 hingeless leaves for booklets only, 1940s, 60s pre-decimal cnr/imprint blks of 4 (55), 1974-89 collection inc to $10 Gardens in 40 hagners, Canada 1890s-40s collection on loose pgs, plus collection extras in Chinese s/book. NZ 1890s-1970s collection (100s) in springback album. More British Pacific inc Norfolk Is 1947-98 with 80+ Pic/Commem sets inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/-, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets), 1966 opts to $1 (5 sets), 1967 Ships to $1 (6 sets), 1969 Birds to $1 (7 sets) inc blks of 4 & others to $8 1997 Stamp Anniv. Seven Seas Christmas Is 1958-85 hingeless album with scattered contents. Tokelau $1 & Vanuatu 95c 1997 Diana Memorial MUH (100 of ea, FV A$180) in sheets of 50. Then more MUH Vanuatu with 35 1990s MUH Pic/Commem sets, plus 18 M/Sheets. 10 albums in large carton & as always variable condition throughout but mostly F-VF. (many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Large carton with Australia 1969-75 near comp PO Pack collection (50) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp, 1970 & 71 Selected Issues & Aust Terr Packs to early 1970s (retail $480+). Australian Phonecard accumulation inc 1990 Adelaide Grand Prix $5 Packs (3) & Nauru Com Card $10 Mice pr (10 sets UN, FV $200). Australia Territories disorganised MUH/U accumulation (few 100) inc AAT 1966 Pic sets (5) to $1 Mock Sun & 2 1973 Def PO Packs, Christmas Is 1958 QEII sets MUH (2), plus M & CTO 1963 Pics to $1 Bird blks of 4 MUH & 1968 Fish to $1 blks of 4 MUH. Norfolk Is 1967 Ships to $1 blks of 4, plus 2 PO Packs, 1969 Birds PO Packs (2), plus set CTO, 1974 UPU M/Sheet (2), 1987 Scenes to $5, 1997 Explorers to $5, plus other MUH Pic sets. PNG M/Sheets for 1992 Columbian, 1993 Bangkok, 1994 Phila Korea & 1995 Singapore Exhib (5 of ea MUH), est retail $110. Australia 1991 (Jan) to 2006 (Dec) Seven Seas hingeless leaves in VGC (new retail $400). British Commonwealth collection in 1950s springback binder with 1946 Victory sets (45), Canada Pics & 1953 QEII Coronation odds. Australia 1988 First Fleet Limited Edition artists print, plus issued set in Commem folder. Lastly Airmails of the World Stamp Collection MUH collection on 108 artist drawn cards in unique custom-made album with estimated New Issue cost around $180. Large carton.AVAILABLE at A$350

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Large carton lot with World collection (many 100s) in well filled 1930s Rapkin Move-A-Leaf album inc pre WWII China, India & States, NZ QEII Pics to 10/- blue, PNG 1952 Defs to £1 Fishermen, plus Europe & British Africa. Australia with KGV 1d red collection (300) inc shades & varieties with LM wmk (7) Die II (7) & Die III (2). 1969-75 PO Pack collection (45, retail $450) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp & 1970, 71 selected issues. 1913-65 M/MUH pre-decimal collection (230) inc KGV to 4d, KGVI to 5/- & QEII to 7/6 Cook. 1978-84 FDC collection in thick album & bundle of 100 1978 18c Pictorial cards. GB 1948-83 M/MUH collection (500) inc 80 mixed Pic/Commem sets, plus uncounted Used in another 2 albums. Also box of unsorted Club Circuit Sheets & British Cwlth QEII Jubilee FDC collection in custom made album. Usual sl variable condition, mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU! (Few 1000)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Latvia & Estonia 1918-40 collection in as new Lighthouse hingeless album with deluxe binder & matching slipcase with illustrated pages. Lithuania inc 1919 range to 75k, 1920 Red Cross to 1, in various printings, 1928 President Death comp, 1931 Air Charity comp, 1932 Air comp, imperf (cat £150), 1932 Militia imperf comp, 1933 Air Charity to 25s (cat £300), 1936 Charity comp, 1940 Incorporation comp to 5l, Estonia inc 1919 to 15m, 1923 set, 1930 Surch 2K & 3K. Mainly FU. SG cat £1000+, album with pages retail $600+. (150)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Macao: 1951-2014 extensive collection on hagners in 2 binders. Inc 1951 60a Holy Year with Tab, 1962 Sports set UN, other earlier. Then comprehensive 1994-2014 collection of sets & M/Sheets, many New Year sets & M/Sheet, some Exhib opts & many extras, noted 1999 10p Building M/Sheet with variety 'misplaced perfs'. A strong collection, mostly VF MUH., SG cat £2650 = A$4800. (620, 160 M/Sheets, sheetlets)SOLD at A$350

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Malaya & States: 1886-1980 collection with extras with Straits Settlements 1867 QV to 24c, 1887 to 32c, 1912 KGV to $2, 1921 KGV to $5, BMA to $5 inc $5 green & red, 1957 Pictorial issue to $5 for Kedah, Kelantan, Negri Sembilan, Penang, Perak, Perlis, Selangor, Trengganu, extensive Singapore KGVI to $5, 1948 Wedding set, 1955 set to $5. Noted a few Japanese Occupation issues. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH, some G-VF U, some rather mixed & tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £3400+ = A$6600+. (3200 + 10 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Malaya: 1900-1950s collection in loose leaf album with Federated Malay States 1900 opts 5c (SG 4), 10c (SG 10) M, 1900-34 Tiger/Elephant defins to $1, $2, $5, Japanese Occupation selection, BMA opts 1946-48 selection to $5 purple & orange (5), plus Postage Due group. Malaysia 1957-1980s collection of commems, Pics & defs, noted 1965 Birds set M/MLH, extensive range of later sets + some M/Sheets. Malay States selections inc Johore 1884 to 1950 inc 1949 to $2, Kelantan 1937 Sultan to 40c M/MLH, 1951 Defins to 50c M/MLH, Malacca 1949-52 to $2 M/MLH, 1960 to $5, Pahang 1898 opt 10c, 25c, 50c M/UN (SG 19, 20, 22 cat £400+), 1935 Defs to $2 M/MLH, Penang 1949 KGVI defs, 1954 QEII to $5, 1957 & 1960 Pics to $5. Perak 1957 Pics to $5 G/FU. North Borneo 1909-1964 inc 1939 Pics to 25c M/MLH, 1950 Defs part set to K5 M/MLH, 1964 Sabah opt set M/MLH. Sarawak 1892 to 1950 inc1945 BMA opts to $2, $3, 1950 Pics to $5 M/MLH do to $2, 1955 Defs to $5 & various others. Some mixed condition but many F-VF. SG cat £3300 = A$6400. (1300+, 2 M/S)SOLD at A$350

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Marine Life: Extensive 5 Vol collection 1970s-90s (or later), mostly VF MUH with over 500 sets, plus 230 M/Sheets or sheetlets. A wonderfully colourful collection noted BIOT 1994 Sharks, British Virgin Is 1997 Defs, Greenland 1987-91 Marine Life, Grenada Marine sets, Guyana 1995 Marine Life set & M/Sheets, 1998 Marine Life sets & M/Sheets, Iceland 1998 Fish, Philippines 1996 Aseanpex M/S, Fish sets & M/Sheets, Palau 1983 to $10, 1995 Fish set, Qatar 1991 Fish set (2 sets), South Georgia 1987 Birds, 1994 Whale & Dolphins sets, Tonga 1984-90s Marine sets & Surcharges with extras, Turks & Caicos 1983 Whales set & M/Sheet. Many others, some mostly light toning throughout. Many F-VF MUH. SG cat £5500 = A$10,800. (500 sets, 230 M/Sheets)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Mixed collection carton lot with France 1976 Collection Historique de Timbre Poste Francais with 42 Die Proofs individual printed on pgs with descriptive text above & issued stamps CTO at left, all in Official PO Deluxe slipcase album. Olympics Pictorial Packs of 60 diff (50, with 3000 stamps in total). Australia 1970s PPC (100) in 2 binder & Royal Aust Armoured Corp Commem cover collection in black binder. Aust Terr/Pacific Is MUH collection with 140 Pic/Commem sets & over 30 M/Sheets in 65 well filled hagners inc Christmas Island 1958, '63 & '68 Def sets to $1, plus Australia, Fiji, Pitcairn, PNG, Nauru & Samoa. Also 1997 Diana Memorial Pics for Bahamas, Tokelau & Vanuatu (100 of ea, FV A$200) in comp sheets. Aust Post 1990s Topical Books (4, retail $60) inc ANZAC Tradition, Our Pets & Creatures of the Night. Finally Norfolk Is 1947-74 M/MUH collection (retail $200) inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird & all dec Pic/Commem sets to 1974 UPU. Big carton.AVAILABLE at A$250

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Mostly South East Asia collection/accumulation inc Laos, Vietnam selection M/U cat £100, Thailand inc 1991-98 New Year M/sheets, 1994, 95, 96 Year Books, also G/FU range of sets, Pics & Defs cat c£400, Indonesia inc 1970s-90s President Suharto Defs G/FU in qty, Macao 1985 Museum strip of 4 (2) (cat £110), Taiwan selections. Also some Japan, North Korea & others. F/VF. (Few 1000s)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Neat carton lot with Official Collection of World Wildlife FDC with 108 covers in custom-made green album. Huge original costs. Australia 1973-79 WCS FDC collection (60) inc 1974 Painting trio, 1979 Paintings $5 & Pic/Commem sets or singles in mini album, plus 100 Official PO FDC to 1982 in another 2 albums. Australia 1930s-60s pre-decimals in thick blue s/book inc 1936 SA Cent sets (2), 1940 AIF to 6d (2), 1949 Arms £1 blk of 4 U, 12 1940s Commem imprint blks of 4 MUH (cat $140+), plus others. More Australia in brown s/book with Kangaroos (200) to 2/-, KGV (110) to 5d brown inc perf OS 4d blue (4) & 2d brown. Also KGVI to 10/- Robes & some Aust States. 4 large Chinese s/books with more Australia, 1970s British Pacific Is collection in 2 Chinese s/book & GB QEII Machins, Pics, Commems (100s) in the 4th. More GB to 1981 RW in medium springback album inc 1887 QV to 1/- green, 1902 KEVII to 1/- bi-colour, 1910 KEVII to 2/6 violet, 1912-34 KGV to 5/-, 1937 KGVI 2/6- £1 set of 6 & QEII dec to £5 blue (SG cat £950). Finally PNG 1980s-90s MUH Commem sets (16) mostly blks of 10 inc 1982 Coral to 3K. Large carton. (1000)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Netherlands 1850s-1990s collection on leaves. Noted 1852 5c, 10c (2) imperfs, 1872 to 1g with extra lower values inc 7½c (2), 50c (2), 1891-94 to 50c, 1894 to 5g U, 1906 Anti TB 2 sets & extras U, 1931 1g M (thin), 1924-30 to 5g, 1930s Charity sets M/U. Then 1980s-90s sets & booklets MUH & some FDCs with extras. Also Colonies inc Netherlands Indies M/U. Various others with extras, variable condition throughout, mixed M/MUH (modern Pics) /G-F/VFU. (many 100s)SOLD at A$150

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Netherlands: 1852-1964 collection in Schaubek album. 1852-64 King set to 15c imperf. 1867-69 King set to 50c. 1869-71 King Arms to 2.50G. 1891-96 Princess to 5G. 1898-1907 Queen & Numeral to 5G. 1906 Anti TB set. 1913 Centenary to 2½G. 1914-25 Queen to 5G. Useful 1920s-30s Child Welfare sets. 1949-51 Queen to 10G. Postage Dues 170s 5c & 10c. Also 1983 Netherlands Catalogue. Mostly G-VF M/U. SG cat £3800+ = A$7300+. (750)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Netherlands: 1890s-1990s disorganised collection/accumulation on leaves or hagners inc 1864 15c orange FU, other earlies, 1906 Anti TB sets (2), 1913 to 1g, 1923 Culture Fund, 1923 Anniv to 1g U. Also 1930s-50s range of Cultural Fund, Child Welfare Fund & other similar Charity sets M/MLH, 1969 Queen to 10G MUH, plus many Defs Used on leaves. Also booklets 1994-98 & others inc some Neth New Guinea F/VF. SG cat £1500+ = A$2800. (1200+)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Netherlands: 1906-2005 collection in 2 thick binders with many Charity-related sets M & U inc 1906 Anti TB set FU, 1923 Culture Fund M, 1924-40 Child Welfare sets inc duplicated issues, 1927 Red Cross, 1928 Olympics, 1932 Tourist set, 1933 Seamen's Shanty FU, 1938 Child Welfare set on FDC, 1942 Legion Fund M/sheets M/MLH, 1950 Bombed Churches set M, 1950 Culture Fund set M, 1951 Culture Fund set on FD card. 1951-52 & 1954-59 Child Welfare sets all on FDC (high cat value). Comprehensive range of later sets & M/Sheets mostly MUH, often with accompanying FDC. Largely VF cat £2900, plus FDCs €900 = A$6500. (750, 27 M/S, 45 covers)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Netherlands 1945-2004 extensive collection mostly MUH in 4 Davo illustrated albums with good coverage from 1958 onwards inc Cultural Relief, Charity sets & other Commems. Strong from 1970s inc Charity sets & M/Sheets, later issues often 2 of each, Defs right through to 2004, extensive range. Earlier some toning to 1970 o/w fresh MUH, SG cat £4050 = A$7700, plus another $600 replacement cost for the hingeless albums. (1200+, 125 M/S & sheetlets)AVAILABLE at A$350

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New Guinea, Papua, PNG collection to 2005 on loose pgs with NWPI opts (17) to Kangaroo 1/- M, another 10 opt KGV to 2d U. New Guinea 1927 Hut set to 2/- opt OS, F-VFM. 1932 undated Birds opt Air to 10/-, £1 & opt OS no dates to 2/-, Papua Lakatois (68) inc 1901 BNG to 6d U, 1911 mono-colours to 2/6 M & 1917 Surcharges set of 6. 1932 Pictorial 10/- M &U. Extensive PNG 1952-early 2000s inc 1952 to £1 M & G/FU, extensive range of later mainly commercially used, with extras, others M/U. Norfolk Is 1947-90s M/U, also decimal issues MUH, FV $140. Few others mostly F/VF. (1200+)SOLD at A$375

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New Zealand: Comprehensive near comp collection 1870s to 1995 in near new Davo illustrated album with 1882-1900 QV set of 8 to 1/-, 1898 Pics to 1/-, plus 5/- Mt Cook f/c. 1906 Christchurch Exhibition ½d & 1d. 1909 KEVII set to 1/-. 1915 KGV set of 15 to 1/-, all lightly cancelled. 1920 Victory set to 1/-. 1925 Dunedin set UN. 1926 Admirals 2/- & 3/-. Pre-dec Healths near comp inc 1931 Smiling Boy 2d blue. 1937 KGVI to 3/-. 1940 Centennial comp, 1954 QEII set to 10/-, 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser. Decimals virtually comp (ex Healths M/S) to 1995 Christmas with 1967 Defs to $2 Geyser (both), high val Commem sets Pics & $20 Mt Cook. Then Back of the Book with Officials (70) with vals to 5/- inc 1909 KEVII set to 1/-, 1938 KGVI to 2/-, 1940 Centennial set & 1953 QEII to 1/-. 1903 & 1939 Express 6d violet. Lighthouses to 1981 inc 1891 VR ½d, 1d, 2d & 3d. 1905-37 to 6d pink in very scarce 2d chestnut (retail $350), plus 3d brown ($75). Pre-decimal Arms (10) to £1, plus decimal set to $10. Ross Dependency comp to 1994 Arctic Wildlife. Generally F-VFU, NZ retail $4500. (1380 + 32 M/S)SOLD at A$350

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New Zealand: Collection in 3 VGC Lighthouse s/books with 1915 KGV to 1/-, 1919 Victory set to 1/-, 1926 Admirals 2/- & 3/-, 1930s Airmails to 6d, 1940 Centennial set to 1/- inc official opts, 1958 2d/1½d Stars M (NZ retail $350), 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser, 1967-69 Pics to $2 Geyser, other Decimal Pics to early 1990s, generally G-F-VFU. Healths to 1975 comp inc 1929 & 1930 Nurses (2 of ea), 1931 Smiling Boy set, plus 1d M (few tone spots), 1932 Hygeia M & U, 1933 Pathway prs M & U & 1934 Crusader M & U, retail NZ $1100, plus 1957-1975 M/Sheets set fresh MUH ($800+). Also Decimal MUH Pic/commem/sheetlets etc to 2022 (FV $420) with recent issues still hard to find, plus back of the book inc Lighthouses to 6d pink, railways (27) to 6d green & Decimal Arms to $10 blue F-VFU. Also 2016 SG New Zealand Stamp Catalogue. (100s)SOLD at A$450

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New Zealand: 1862-1995 collection in Davo illustrated album with 1862 Full Face Queens 1d (2), 3d & 6d. 1874 QV 1d, 2d, 6d & 1/-. 1882 2nd Side Face to 1/-, 1898 Pics (33) to 2/- with extras 1909 KEVII to 1/-. 1915 KGV near comp to 1/-, 1920 Victory set, 1926 2/- & 3/- Admirals. Healths 1929, 1930 Nurses. 1931 Smiling Boys 1d & 2d, 1935, KGV SJ set 1953 QEII to 10/- blue. 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser, comprehensive decimals to $20 inc 1967 & 1968 Pic sets to $2 Geyser. Then 1931-35 Airmails set of 8 inc 5d in 3d green & 7d Faith in Australia F-VFU. Official inc KEVII 6d, 8d & 1/-, 1915 KGV (9) to 1/- & 1940 Centennial rev comp to 1/-. Lighthouses (22) comp 1947-81 & small collection Ross Dependency. All fresh & clean, generally F-VFU. Est retail NZ$4000. (1300, 25 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$250

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New Zealand: 1864-2000 ex dealer's stock in 5 s/books, cover album & 2 binders, mainly pre-decimal inc perforation varieties, wmks inc inverted & some varieties. Commences with 1864 QV 6d, 1873-90 various QV to 1/- with diff dies, 1898 & 1907 sets to 1/-, 1920 Victory set (6), 1926 Admiral 2/- (6), 1935 & 36 sets to 3/-, inc 1d Kiwi cds FDI, 1940 Proclamation sets (7), 1947 KGVI set to 3/- (20), inc 1/3 wmk upright (7) wmk sideways inverted, 1953 QEII set (4) (1/- to 5/-, 15-30 of ea), various Health sets from 1930s inc Health M/Ss, 1958 & 59 CTO, 1900s-60s Postage Dues, Govt Life Insurance, Officers Stamp Duty etc, mainly Used, also Mint collection inc 1920 Victory set, 1925 Dunedin Exhibition, 1953 QE set to 10/- (2), 1947 Govt Life Insurance set to 1/- (10). Small range of FDCs inc 1930s health sets, 1947 FDC Govt Life Insurance set of 7. Small Ross Dependency range 1957-80s. This would suit a specialist collector or reseller. Mainly GU-FU, small collection VF MLH-MUH. SG cat £6000+. (10,000, 50+ covers, 30+ M/S)SOLD at A$400

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New Zealand: 1865-1986 collection in locally made illustrated album with 1860s QV Chalons (5) to 6d brown inc 2d orange & 3d lilac. 1898 Pics to 2/- Milford Sound. 1901 Boer War 1½d brown. 1906 Christchurch Exhibition ½d & 1d. 1909 KEVII to 1/- inc Official opts 1920 Victory set. 1926 Admirals 2/- blue. 1931 Airmail trio to 7d brown. 1935 Pics to 3/- inc Official opts to 2/-. 1940 Centenary in Official opts to 1/-. 1954 QEII set to 10/-. 1960 Pic set to £1 & 1967-81 decimals inc higher val Commems. Health rev comp inc 1929 & 1930 Nurses. Then BOB with Arms to £1 inc 3/6 Surcharges, 5/- opt Official & 15/- olive, plus Revenues, Officials & Lighthouses. Some mixed condition, generally G-FU. NZ retail $2050. (800)AVAILABLE at A$240

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New Zealand: 1874-1964 collection in Campbell-Patterson illustrated album with 1874 QV Sideface (5) to 1/- green. 1882 2nd QV (22) to 1/- chestnut inc 1d rose, 2d violet (2) & 3d yellow rev Adverts. 1899 Pics (34) to 5/- My Cook inc ½d, 2d, 3d, 2/- opt Official. 1909 KEVII set to 1/-, plus Official opts (10) inc 3d (2), 8d (2) & 1/- (2). 1915 KGV Engraved (24) to 1/- G/FU, plus 4d, 6d, 8d, 9d, 1/- opt Official M (retail $700). 1927 Admirals 2/- & 3/- F-VFU & 2/- opt Official M ($550). 1935 Pic set to 2/- opt Official. 1953 QEII to 5/- U & Officials to 3/- M. 1958 2d opt on 1½d Stars M (retail $250). 1960 Pic set to £1 U. Then Commems to 1964 inc 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 1d, 3d, 6d M ($700), 1913 Auckland Exhib ½d U ($60), 1919 Victory set, 1940 Centenary sets to 1/- inc Official opts, 1903 & 1939 6d Express Delivery stamps, 1908 Victoria Land opt on 1d Dominion VFU. 1931-35 Airmails set of 8. 1944 Lighthouses ½d, 1d, 1d, 2d, 3d & 6d rose set of 6 M ($80), Postal Fiscals to £1 Arms. Finally Healths near comp to 1962 inc 1931 1d & 2d Smiling Boys. A solid basic mostly F/VF/M/U collection inc some extras. NZ retail $6000+. (600) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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New Zealand 1940-1994 Collection in Seven Seas 1953-83 illustrated hingeless slipcase album & on 20 hagners inc 1953 QEII comp to 10/-, 1960 QEII comp to £1, 1967 Decimal Currency comp to $2, 1957-83 Health M/S comp (ex 1969), largely comp, few Ross Dependency, noted a few printing errors on 1970 issue, inc SG 932 '50c Missing Hill on Right'. Largely Fresh VF MUH, few VF MLH. Some toning on album pgs but most stamps are VF. SG cat £750+, FV of Decimals NZ $500 alone. (1100+ 80 M/S).AVAILABLE at A$200

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New Zealand: 1994-97 Limited Edition albums I-VIII (only 2000 of ea) (retail $1360) inc Cricket (Vol I, MUH sets tone spots), Maori Language, Race Horses, Rugby League & Vineyards etc. These albums have the scarce stamp colour separations.AVAILABLE at A$400

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New Zealand: Collection 1855-2013 in 6 large Seven Seas binders (hingeless pgs 1953 on, retail $1200) inc 1855 QV Chalon imperf 6d yellow-brown, no wmk (retail $400). 1882 QV 2/- blue Postal Fiscal opt Official. 1898 Pics to 2/- inc Official opts to 6d. 1908 KEVII to 1/-. 1915 KGV to 1/- inc Official opts. 1919 Victory set of 7. 1931 Arms £1 pink & £3 green. 1931 Health 2d blue Smiling Boy. 1940 Centennial set. 1954 QEII Defs to 10/-. 1960 Pics to £1. Then strength in decimals (100s) inc 1967 Pics to $2 Geyser, 1970s-80s Pic/Commem sets, 1990s-2013 Exhibition M/Sheets inc 1994 Hong Kong, 1995 Singapore, 1996 CANPEX pr, 1999 World Expo & others to 2013 Upper Hutt National. Also over-size sheetlets inc 2006 Hawkes Bay, 2009 A Tiki Tour, 2011 Beyond the Coast & 2012 Tiki Tour No 2. Generally G-VFU to 1980, then mostly fresh CTO to Christmas 2013. Estimated retail $1500 to end 1966, plus $5600 for the decimals & another $1200 for the 6 albums. Also Ross Dependency collection. Total $8500+. (many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$550

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New Zealand: Collection/accumulation in 2 s/books & Seven Seas binder from Full Face Queens to 1980s. Inc 1855/62 selection varied condition G/FU. 1898 Pics inc 2½d Wakitipu blk of 4 M/MUH, 6d green, 5/- Cook M, plus selection G/FU, KEVII to 1/- M/U, 1926 Admirals 3/- M & 3 GU, 1935 KGV SJ (2 sets) U, 1935 Pics to 3/- U, plus Officials to 2/- U, 1940 Centennials to 1/- M & U, plus odd Official, 1960 Pics to £1 3 sets U, 1967 + 1969 Pics to $2. Also extensive range of QEII pre-dec & dec sets M/MUH & U with extras, 1988 PO Year Book. Some Ross Dep & others. Retail c$3000. Some mixed condition F/VF. (c1000)SOLD at A$300

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New Zealand: Covers 1930s-50s FFC/Airmail Flights (26) inc 1933 Faith in Australia Auckland - Invercargill (3), 1934 Faith in Australia Auckland - Sydney franked 7d blue. 1935 (Oct) Pukekohe-London, 1940 NZ-Aust-England flight (2), 1950 Wellington-Sydney (2), 1950 Christchurch-Sydney, 1940 Sydney-Auckland & 1951 Christchurch-Melbourne (3) inc long Pictorial envelopes (2). NZ Airmail cat $450+. Health FDC (60) 1944-77 inc Camp pmks. 50s Commercial Mail (80), 1950s-70s Registered covers (34), plus loose labels (40). World covers/Postal Stationery (50) inc Cook Is 1949 Pic set FDC, Tonga 1930s Tin Can Mail (4) & Samoa 1952 Pics to 2/- FDC. European & South American cover oddments inc Advertising Pictorial, plus Postal Cards (20). Also selection of NZ & Australian loose stamps inc SPECIMEN opts assorted Cinderellas. (250)SOLD at A$350

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New Zealand - Niue: 1930s-2000s collection on 90 hagners in 3 binders, noted 1944 set to 3/-, 1950 set to 3/-, 1984 Flowers to $8.20, 1986 Stampex comp to $4.25, 1992 Birds to $15 & opt OHMS to $15, various comp sets, many M/S. VF fresh & some earlies MLH, decimal issues VF fresh MUH. SG cat £1500. Huge FV of $2200 = A$2000+. Excellent lot, almost all diff. (1000+, 260+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Norfolk Island: 1947-76 collection/accumulation in hagners with 1947 Ball Bay set to 2/- blue MUH, plus another 2 sets F-VFM. 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge MUH (2) & F-VFM (2). 1958-60 Surcharge set of 5 (5 sets, retail $150). 1960 Local Govt 2/8 (2). 1960 Pic sets to 10/- MUH (2, cat £75), plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN M (2 diff, cat £75). 1962 Fish sets MUH (3), plus extras to 1/6. 1964 Scenes set of 4 (14, retail $85). 1966 decimal opt sets (15, inc both $1, retail $180). 1967 Ships sets (2). 1969 Birds sets (3). 1974 UPU M/Sheets (5), plus others. Mostly VF MUH, retail over $1400. (850, plus 5 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Norfolk Island: 1947-2010 Used collection in 3 s/books inc 1947-59 Ball Bay set to 2/-. 1953 Pic set to 5/-. 1960-62 Pic Def set to 10/-. 1966 Decimal opt set to $1. 1967 Ship set to $1. 1970-71 Bird set to $1. 1979 Map set, plus M/S. 1976-77 Butterfly set to $2. 1980-81 Air set to $5. 1987-88 Views set to $5. 1990-91 Ship set to $5. Collection then appears comp for Defs & Commems inc M/S. From 2006 inc blks or gutter blks for ea set. VF U/CTO. SG cat £1800+ = A$3500+. FV alone is $1000+ & moderns purchased as new issues at above FV, plus high retail of earlies. (2700+, 55 M/S, 15 bklts).AVAILABLE at A$400

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Norfolk Island: 1947-69 collection in hagners with 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue MUH, 1956 white paper Ball Bay set to 2d MLH, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge MUH, 1958-60 Surcharges set, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN, sl tropicalised gum, plus all other pre-decimals, decimals to 1969 Birds inc 1966 opt set & 1967 Ships to $1. Also 1974 UPU set inc M/Sheet. Mostly fresh MUH, SG cat £350, retail $540. (128, plus M/S)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Norfolk Is: Collection 1947-74 Christmas in Seven Seas hingeless album with extra pgs to end 1987 with 1947 Ball Bay set to 2/- blue MUH, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge FM. 1958-60 Surcharge set MUH, then fresh MUH inc 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN at UL (retail $120) & all other pre-dec Pic/Commem sets & decimals comp to end 1974 inc 1966 opt sets (2), 1967 Ships (2), 1969 Birds (2), 1973 Architecture & 1974 UPU sets (2) inc M/Sheets. Nearly all fresh MUH, SG cat £300, retail $570. (214, plus 2 M/S)SOLD at A$160

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1947-75 comp MUH collection in hagners with 1947 Ball Bay set to 2/- inc 1956 white papers to 2d. 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge. 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird inc extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN & all other pre-dec inc 2/8 Local Govt. Decimals to USA Bi-Cent inc 1966 opts, 1967 Ships & 1969 Birds, plus 1974 UPU M/Sheet. All fresh MUH, SG cat £400, retail $660. (184, plus M/S)SOLD at A$190

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Norfolk Is 1947-2011 FDC Extensive Collection on 240+ hagners in 7 binders, commencing with 1947 Ball Bay set to 2/-, various Pre-Decimal, Decimal Currency set to $1, 1967 Ships, 1971 Birds to $1, UPU Centenary M/S (x2), 1980 Planes to $2 (x2), 1987 Scenes, 1990 Ships, 1994 Pacific Explorers, 2002 Phillip Is Flowers all to $5, wide range most issues from 1970s included. 1980s PSE collection (70) with both UN & FDI of ea. VF fresh. Norfolk FDC collections are not often seen. (550+ covers).AVAILABLE at A$325

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Norfolk Island: Covers 1940s-90s Philatelic/Commercial collection with pre-decimal (40) inc 1947 Bally sets (2) FDC, 1947 (July 25) OHMS to NSW franked 5½d blue. 1951 Registered Airmail to USA franked 2/- ochre, 1953 QEII Coronation Flight Air-letter (cat $50). 1953 Defs set of 6 to 5/- brown Bridge FDC. 1956 Pitcairners set FDC, Registered to QLD. 1960 Pics to 10/- (2 sets) on Registered FDC (2), plus other Pic/Commem sets/singles on FDC. Decimals (50) inc 1966 opt set FDC, other 1960s-70s FDC. Commercial Mail to late 1980s & Airmail/Flight covers inc 1981 Chichester re-enactment. Also 1977-2007 Official mostly stampless mail (18) with a variety of Official post cachets in black or in violet. Some mixed condition inc tropicalisation, many F-VF. (108)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Pacific Collection 1870s-1980s inc Gilbert & Ellice 1938 KGVI to 5/-, New Caledonia 1930s to 5F, Cook Is 1902 Bird to 6d, 1936 5/- NZ Arms opt Cook Islands, Pitcairn Is 1940 KGVI to 2/6, 1957 QEII to 2/6 both M & U, Samoa 1877 Samoa Express 1d, 3d, 6d unissued 2d & 9d offered as is (SG cat £1400) Western Samoa opt on 2/6, 5/- NZ Fiscal stamps, British Solomon Is 1939 KGVI to 5/-. Various comp sets inc 1993 Crabs, Tonga from 1890s inc 1920 Queen to 1/-, various Gold foil issues, range of M/S, covers throughout. Some light duplication, mostly F-VF M/U. SG cat £2000+ = A$3800+. (3000+, 20 M/S, 20 covers).AVAILABLE at A$220

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Pacific Islands collection inc New Caledonia 1892-mid 1970s mostly Used inc 1928 Defs to 5F, 1928 Postage Dues to 3F, 1966/70 Birds to 37F with extras, 1967 Butterflies, 1968 Shells to 60F G/FU often with part set extras, then similar Pics/Commems also with extras G/FU, cat £950. Norfolk Is 1947-90s inc 1947 Ball Bay set of 12 to 2/- brown blks of 4, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge M, 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN M, 1960 Local Govt M, 1966 Surch set MUH (2 sets), 1974 UPU M/sheet MUH. Then later issues FV $64. Pitcairn Is 1957-93 inc 1977 to $2 QEII (5 sets) mid 1970s-93 FV $135. Samoa 1962-80s MUH inc modern FV $40, Tuvalu 1979-89 inc 1989 Bird Officials (4 sets), 1981 Defs/Officials (5 sets), 1981 Defs (3 sets) FU/CTO cat £140 & various others. F/VF. (c1000+)AVAILABLE at A$170

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Papua New Guinea 1952-96 M/MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN, 1958 Defs to 5/- Cattle, 1963 Pic sets of 4 to £1, plus SPECIMEN for 10/- Rabaul & £1 QEII (2 diff), 1964 Birds to 10/-, plus Postage Dues to 3/-. Then comprehensive decimals inc 1966 Butterflies, 1969 Shells, 1972 Panorama, Birds to 10K, Masks to 10K & 1994 Surch set of 11. Also another 4 albums with decimal extras & duplicates, blks, multiples & pre-decimal Pic/Commem sets. Medium carton, mostly fresh & clean. (1100+)SOLD at A$130

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Papua New Guinea: 1953-1995 specialised collection in 3 thick albums inc 1966-93 issues VFU & 1975-95 issues MUH on illustrated Seven Seas pgs in 2 binders, loose leaf album with range of 1994/95 surch, inc 1994 surch set MUH, noted 1985 Tourist issue 65t omitted on FDC & pmk, Birds 1992 Large T (SG 757b, 758b) & 1993 small T on covers (SG 755b & 756b). Range of 1953-60 Commercial covers to 2/6 inc Parcel Piece with 2/- x2, 5/-, £1, few post WW2 Aust covers. Postmark interest with few relief cancels. VFU & VF MUH, covers VF. SG cat £1300+++, plus all the covers etc. (1100+, 5M/S, 80 covers).AVAILABLE at A$275

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Philippines 1942-1950s large sheet accumulation of various Japanese Occupation issues & Post WWII inc full sheet of 25 of 1942 1P on 4P, 1 with variety S in Peso inverted (Scott N7 cat $5000 M, plus premium for variety & plate number) (J7/J7a cat £2500), adhering to hagner, some maybe MUH. Then range of occup issues 1942 Red Cross Fund to 5c+1c, 1943 Pictorials to 6c, inc 4 sheets cds Manila 1944/45, 1943 Fall of Bataan & Corregidor, 1943 Declaration of Independence, 1944 National Heroes, 1943 Luzon Flood Relief, several 1944 Officials etc. Then range of 1945-46 Independent Republic approx 100+ sheets with approx 20 Japanese Occup printings. Also 17 Jap Occup FDC, some with censor markings & 5 M/S inc 2 x 1943 Independence Declaration U. SG cat £20,000+ = A$40,000+. Although condition is quite mixed due to the tropical climate, this is a great lot for specialist study & offered cheaply so high resale potential also. (130+ sheets, 17 FDC, 5 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$1150

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Poland: 1915-60s collection in 2 printed Polish albums inc 1915-16 Local Posts inc Warsaw & Sosnowice 1916 Arms 3k blue. 1918 opt Austria-Hungary set to 90h. 1918 opt Austria-Hungary Welfare Fund set. 1919 opt Austria Hungary Emperor & Arms. 1919 opt Germania set. 1921 Red Cross opt to 10+30Mk. 1924 Arms & President set to 1z. 1925 National Fund to 50g. 1928 Warsaw Exhib M/S. 1937 King of Romania M/S set of 3. 1938 Exhib M/S perf used. 1938 Balloon M/S. 1945 Town Liberation opt set. 1948 Composers M/S. 1948 Roosevelt Air set. BoB inc German Occup 1939-45 issues. Port Gdansk inc 1925 opt Arms set to 50g, plus ranges of 1919-20 Silesia, Allenstein, Marienwerder & Central Lithuania. Most G-VF M/U. SG cat £4000+ = A$7800+. (1500+, 16 M/S). (P)SOLD at A$500

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Poland: 1918-70s collection with extras in 4 hagner binders with slipcases inc 1922 Miner to 300m, various 1920 Plebiscite issues, 1920 Marienwerder range to 1M, 1920 Upper Silesia range, some fake double CGHS opt, 1920 Allenstein & various unissued stamps for Polish Legion, 1920 Polish Occupation of Lithuania, 1940 General Govt & 'Poczta Polska Leki Szlacheckie' opts on General Govt Hitler, range of 1920 Inflation issues, 1939 M/S 25th Anniversary, 1941-44 Polish Exile Govt inc Monte Cassino set, 1945 set of 10 3z on 25g Liberation issues opt various Towns, range 1940s-70 with mainly comp sets. Very disorganised so could be finds. Mainly GU-FU/CTO, some F-VF MLH/MUH. Some minor tropicalisation noted on about 5% of stamps. SG cat £3000+ = A$6000+. (5500 + 3 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Poland: 1918-70s collection in 2 loose leaf albums inc 1919 Austria Newspaper Stamps set to 30h, 1924 Inflation issue set to 2,000,000M, 1925 National Fund set inc scarce 40g+40g, 1938 Independence set to 3z, 1941-43 issues of Polish Exiled Govt, 1919 Polish PO in Constantinople set to 5M, German Occupation 1939 various issues, 1939 Hindenburg set to 2z, 1940 Official set to 5z, 1941 Hitler to 1z60, some early 1916 unauthorised issues. Quite comprehensive 1950s-70s, many comp sets, all diff. Mainly G-VF U, some M, sl tropicalisation. SG cat £1800+. (2500+)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Portugal: 1853-1969 collection in hingeless KABE album 1853 Queen 5R & 25R. 1855-57 King to 100R. 1862-64 King to 100R. 1866-67 King Curved labels imperf to 100R. 1867-70 King Curved labels perf to 100R. 1870-76 King Straight labels to 300R. 1864-85 King to 500R. 1892-93 Range of Provisorio opts. 1895-1905 Carlos to 500R. 1910 Republica opt set to 1000R. 1923-28 Range of Commems 1928-29 Ceres Surch to 2E. 1930-38 Def to 1E. 1933-34 Red Cross opt to 10E. 1939 Legion to 1.75E. 1940 Centenaries set. 1940 Rowland set. 1949 Portraits M/S. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, mixed in earlies. SG cat £4300+ = A$8400+. (865).SOLD at A$600
Postal Stationery: 1890s-1930s Postal Cards (460) with good variety inc South African Colonial inc Natal, Cape of Good Hope, Transvaal. GB mostly 1890s-early 1900s, Western Europe mainly Australia, Germany, Sweden, France, Canada, USA & South Africa. Also others inc European Colonial & some letter cards. Some mostly minor duplication, generally F-VFU/UN with possible pmk interest. Also another 40 1940s-60s items inc Israel 1950s Maxicards. (500)SOLD at A$220

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Quantity in carton with WWF 1990s-2000s MUH/FDC sets (9) inc Cocos Is Reef Sharks, Black Woodpecker, Cuban Crocodile & River Gorilla in distinct black binder. PNG 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets (18) mostly blks of 10 inc 1987 Ships to 3K. 1997 Diana Memorial, Bahamas 15c, Vanuatu 95f & Tokelau $1, 100 of ea (FV A$200) fresh MUH in sheets of 50. Australia 1940s-50s imprint blks of 4 (72) inc to 2/6 Aborigine all evenly suntanned M/MUH, min ACSC cat $550, plus 1972 Olympics sets (30) & 1972 Christmas 35c (20) in large blks. 1978-82 PO Postcard Packs set of 4 (retail $100). Australia 1968-78 FDC collection (112) inc to $10 Painting. NZ 1950s-80s FDC collection (60) inc Ross Dep pre-dec Pics & 1981 Bee Hive $5 (5). World collection in 4 European made s/books inc Japan MUH pics, Germany post WWII Allied Occup sets, East Germany Pics, British Pacific Is inc Tuvalu 1982 RV M/Sheets (10) opt SPECIMEN & Indonesia 1996 Marsupial booklets (10). France high val Airmails to 1000Fr, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Australia decimals, Greece, Russia Pics & World Thematics, plus 100 Olympic Packs of 30 diff. Large carton. (few 1000)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Revenue/Cinderella/Local Post collection in s/book inc Ceylon 1890s QV Foreign Bill (12). Alsace & Lorraine 1900-09 'Quittungscarte' cards (3) with 156 Social Security Revenues. Straits Settlements Embossed revenues to $5. Australia 1940s Tax Stamps (7) to 4/- & 1980s patent Office $50 & $100 Fee stamps. NSW Numeral Stamp Duties to £10 green in relief tax opts to £5 brown. Yemen 1930s Revenues (5 diff). West Aust Swan bi-colour Duty Stamps to 2/- brown. Cinderellas inc Aust Post 1971-75 Coil Strip Wrappers (6, cat $150), 2000 Olympics 45c Herb Elliott Essay colour reproduction of the comp unissued sheetlet of 10 stamps (now broken up). Philatelic Exhibition ephemera. Parramatta 1938 NSW 150th Anniv bi-colour labels (44). NZ 1994 Greenpeace Antarctica M/Sheets (2 diff), IMPERF Proof strip of 3. European 1930s Tourist Publicity labels sheetlets of 20 diff with Spain (5 diff) & Portugal (5 diff). GB 1973 50p Canada Life booklet cover Proof vert strip of 3 & 1940s Coil Machine Testing labels strip of 10 MUH. Local stamps inc NSW Railway Post M/Sheets (24) mainly imperf Proofs or with SPECIMEN opts. NSW 1950s tramways 6d blue Packet stamps (7). Norway 1860s-90s Local Post (Bypost) collection (30). Australia 1981 PO Strike XL circumvention $1 Airmail stamp sheet of 100, plus others in large s/book.AVAILABLE at A$400

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Romania & Russia: 1858-1915 collection on pgs. Romania 1862 Arms 6p. 1865 Prince Cuza 10p. 1866 Prince Carol 2p & 20p. 1868 Prince to 18b. 1869 Prince no beard 10b & 15b. 1872 Prince to 50b. 1890 King to 50b. 1890-91 25th Anniv to 15b. 1894-96 King to 2L. Range of 1906 Commems. Russia 1858 Arms 10k, 20k & 30k with & w/o wmk. 1868 to 30k. 1889-1913 Arms to 7R. 1906 Arms 5R & 10R. 1913 Tercentenary set to 5R. PO in Levant 1884 Numeral to 7k. Mostly G-VF M/U. SG cat £1800+ = A$3200+. (183)SOLD at A$110
Russia: Collection/stock in 5 binders M/U inc 1947 1k Kremlin (43), 1954-58 25k Pilot (40). 25k Architect (45), 30k Scientist (38), 20k Farm Girl (42) in blks MUH, various sheetlets, M/Sheets MUH, then 1990 Marine (53 sets), 1990 Ducks (50 sets), 1990 Submarine (50 sets) MUH cat £2100+ = A$4000. Then several binders of retired & remaindered stock M/U. Retail $400. Mostly F/VF. (2000, 50 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$60

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San Marino: 1940s-70s MUH collection in s/book. Useful range of thematics inc Commem sets & Defs inc Cars, Trains, Flowers, Sport, Europa & more. VF fresh MUH. SG cat £1200+ = A$2300. Attractive. (515)SOLD at A$170

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Shipping carton with Australia 1969-82 PO Pack collection (90, retail $480) in 2 thick albums inc 1970 Selected Issues, 1969-75 Christmas comp & 1974 Paintings. Panama, Egypt & Aust KGV 1d green in Chinese s/book. Australia 1940-69 FDC (25) in hagner album. Mixed M/Sheet or sheetlets inc Korea Pics, Disney Thematics & Aust 1970 Cook Bi-Cent M/S. Nauru 1980s MUH Pic/Commem sets (220) in large blks or sheets. World collection with 100s of stamps to early 1950s in 2 springback albums with GB inc 1840s QV 1d imperfs, KEVII to 5/- rose, KGVI to £1, 1850s QV 4d rose & 6d lilac, 1880s QV to 1/- brown. Europe from late 1800s inc Italy, Sweden, Germany & Austria, plus much more. Eight albums & 3 folders in total with mixed MUH/G-VF U. Large carton.SOLD at A$240

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Shipping carton with British Commonwealth 1946 Victory collection with 100 M/MUH, appears comp (SG cat £75), plus extras. More British Commonwealth in hagners & 5 s/books inc Samoa 1970-87 Pic/Commem sets (75), plus 40 M/Sheets, Australia, GB, PNG & NZ, plus NZ 1970s-80s FDC (55) in red album. Australia Territories MUH collection in 2 Seven Seas hingeless albums (retail $500) with AAT 1957-85 inc 1966 Defs to $1, Christmas Is decimals to 1987 inc 1968 Fish set. Cocos Is decimals (FV $80) to end 1987, Nauru to Dec 1987 with 60 dec Pic/Commem sets inc to $5, & 7 mixed M/Sheets. Norfolk Is decimals with 45 Pic/Commem sets to 1984 AUSIPEX M/S inc 1969 Birds to $1 & 1984 Flowers to $5.SOLD at A$130

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Shipping carton with Australia 1980-86 FDC collections (140) all with 'Currie King Island' pictorial FDI pmks. Lighthouse 'BOGA1' mint sheet file (3) with misc Australia inc 1970 Grasslands 5c comp sheet, Newspaper Wrappers & Aerogrammes. Tokelau 1948-90 collection in blue springback album with 37 MUH Pic/Commem sets to 1990 Handicrafts (SG cat £70). Christmas Is MUH collection with 38 Pic/Commem sets to 1986 Flowers inc 1958 QEII & 1968 Fish sets to $1 & 1984 Birds to $4. Samoa 1962-86 near comp MUH collection in Seven Seas illustrated/hingeless album with 37 M/Sheet & 98 Pic/Commem sets inc 1962 Independence, 1967 Birds to $5, 1972 Wildlife to $5 Lizard & 1983 Fruit to $5. Also 1996-2015 Pics/Commems (FV $585 = A$330) inc 2015 Marine Life trio FV $63 & 2015 WWF Snake M/Sheet set of 4, 2014 Marine Life set to $25 Shark, 2013 Tequila Festival $30 M/Sheet & 2013 Bird set to $15. Singapore 1880s-1990s collection (300) with QV (23) to 50c, KEVII (34) to $1, KGV (54) to $1, plus 1935 Silver Jubilee set, KGVI (50) to $2 & QEII Def/Pic set to $10 Ships, Insects, Tourism & Trains.AVAILABLE at A$200

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Shipping carton with Sweden 1971-78 MUH collection in solid Schaubek springback binder (retail $140) with useful selection of Pics & booklets, plus continuing collection on loose pgs with more booklets. Ceylon & Indonesia collection in small s/book & France in another. NZ 1940s-70s Pic/Commem collection in Lighthouse s/book. PNG Pics in Chinese s/book inc 1981 & '83 PO Year Packs, plus Seven Seas 1952-78 illustrated album. Nauru 1966-84 MUH Pic/Commem sets (150) in 3 albums inc 1973 Pics to $1 (14 sets), 1974 UPU blks of 10 & 1st Contact (4 sets). Ross Dependency MUH collection to 2001 with 11 Pic sets (retail $260) inc 1967 Defs set of 4. Also other odds & ends inc Australia 1970 Cook ANPEX M/Sheets (3) inc fresh CTO. Again a solid lot. Large carton. (1000s)SOLD at A$120

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Solomon Islands 1939-1980s Extensive Cover collection in Lighthouse album with slip case & binder inc 1939-51 KGVI to 10/-, 1956 QEII to 10/-, 1965 QEII to £1, various Omnibus issues inc Royal Silver Wedding, pmks inc Kirakira, Gizo, Lunga, Yandina etc, various Ship postings inc AV Cicely II, Roviana etc. Also inc 7 Barakoma Airfield covers, some WWII censored covers, inc detailed Nurses letter May, 1944 describing living conditions & Japanese Soldier Post card. Strong in various commercial covers to Australia, USA etc. Interesting range. (180).AVAILABLE at A$400

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South Africa First Flight & Airmail cover collection 1925-60 inc 1925 (2nd Mar) Experimental FFC Capetown to Durban, 1929 (26th Aug) FFC Bloemfontein to Johannesburg, 1929 (29th Aug) Germisten to Port Elizabeth, 1936 JIPEX Commem PPC with Commem cds, 1936 (14th May) Airmail cover Cape Town to USA & 1936 (14th Jly) Airmail cover Johannesburg to England, 1947 Royal Visit set on registered FDC, other similar, also 1952 Australia to South Africa & South Africa to Australia & Mauritius to Johannesburg FFC, 1957 Johannesburg to Perth FFC & vice versa. Few others, F/VF. (23)AVAILABLE at A$100

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South America 1880-1970s collection/accumulation in 3 s/books, on pgs & in packets, inc Bolivia 1932 Air comp to 1b, 1947 Presidents 2b90 comp sheet of 100, 1924 15c on 10c double o/p, Chile 1865-1960s inc 1865 1r, 1896 Party Success comp to 1s, 1938 US Constitution comp to 2s, Venezuela 1900-50s inc 1930 Air comp to 20b, 1947 Air comp to 2b, 1951 M/S, various other inc Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina etc. Many comp sets, strength is in early period to 1930s. Few mixed condition. Mainly F-VF MLH/U. SG cat £1100+ = A$2000+. (2000 + 2M/S).SOLD at A$180

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Straits Settlements, Singapore, Brunei collection in loose leaf album with Straits Settlement 1867-1935 inc 1867 Opts 1½c/1/2a blue UN, 24c on 8a U, 1867 QV wmk CC to 96c grey U, plus 2c brown M, 1883-94 M selection 1906 KEVII to 2c & to 50c M, 1906 Labuan opt selection inc 50c U, 1912-33 KGV to 5c with extras U & 1935 set KG Silver Jubilee U. Also a selection of Flower covers (7), 1936-37 to Dunedin, NZ & a few others. SG cat £1200. Singapore 1948-2010 inc 1948-52 KGVI both perfs to $5 U with extras, plus selection M, 1955 to $2 M, plus to $5 U, 1970 Expo set & M/Sheet MLH + FU, 1972 Shipping M/Sheet, 1973 SEAP set + M/S U, good range of later sets Pics & Defs, mostly U, some others SG cat £1250. Also Brunei 1924-1980s M/U selection cat £100+. Some mixed condition but mostly F-VF. Total SG cat £2550 = A$5000. (1200+, 8 M/S)SOLD at A$275

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Switzerland: 1854-1960s collection in Safe album inc 1854-62 Strubelli imperf to 1Fr, plus shades. 1862-81 Sitting Helvetia to 1Fr inc 1Fr (2) Used. 1882-1907 Standing Helvetia to 3Fr inc shades & wmk. 1900 UPU set. 1923-40 Airmail to 2Fr. 1914-18 high val Pic to 10Fr. 1945 Peace set to 10Fr inc blks of 4. 1915-60s pro Juventute sets inc 1915-17 sets. Mostly G-VF M & U, 90%+ being used, some mixed earlies. SG cat £6000+ = A$11,500+. (850) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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Switzerland 1880s-1970s collection/accumulation on leaves or in hagners. Rather disorganised inc 1900 25c UPU (7 G/FU), 1921 Surch selection G/FU, 1924 Shield value set M/MUH & Used (2). 1928 high vals set G/FU & 1928 3Fr red-brown G/FU (13) & others. 1932 Disarmament set M & G/FU, additional 1FR U (7), 1935 Surch set G/FU, 1941 5Fr Air U (7). Back of Book inc Pro-Juventute odds/sets G/FU, various others inc later issues F/VF. SG cat £1950 = A$3800. (1000)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Switzerland 1882-1970s collection on hagners & album leaves with 1880s. Early 1900s Standing Helvetia to 3Fr G-FU. 1923 Airs to 2Fr M/MLH, 1928 high values G/FU, 1920s-30s Pro-Juventute sets, part sets G/FU with extras, 1936 National Defence M/Sheet M. 1941 Airs to 5Fr M/MLH, 1951 Lunaba M/Sheet MUH (few bands), 1960 pro-Patria M/Sheet MUH & a range of 1960s sets & singles M & U, various others, some mixed condition but largely F/VF. SG cat £1800 = A$3500. (700+, 4 M/S)SOLD at A$230

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Switzerland: 1946-2016 collection in Davo album & loose. Seems fairly comp 1982-2016 some M/Sheets 1999-2016. VF fresh MUH. FV 1400SFr = A$2550. Nice collection. (1300, 35+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$1000
Tea chest carton lot inc 5 albums 4 plastic tubs, nice mix inc Australia KGV to 1950s basic collection on Seven Seas leaves G/FU, large qty of mostly post 1966 sorted in packets in 2 of the plastic tubs, FDC collection 1970-89 (300+), also Aerograms. European loose range Austria, Bulgaria, Czech, Germany & others mostly post war Pics/Commems Great Britain in s/book & album 1941-80 inc collection in SG album, also U in s/book inc 1939 to £1, 1951 Festival 3 sets U others to 1980s with extras U, Olympics & others. Generally F/VF. (10,000)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Thematic Stamps-on-Stamps collection A-Z in s/books & binders mostly Mint but also inc some covers, Cinderellas etc. Noted Argentina 1979 Stamp Exhibition M/Sheet set of 4 SG 1646/49 (cat £172), Australia 1950s-c2000 sets & M/Sheets inc 1999 Navigators M/Sheet double perf & others FV $50, Belgium 1925 Anniv set M (cat £75), Brazil 1938-93 inc 1938 Exhibition M/Sheet, 1941 Stamp cent & M/S (2 of) 1941 Air, tamp cent M/S MUH & others (cat £240), China & Taiwan 1972-90s sets & M/Sheets (FV £110+), Cuba 1940-2000 inc 1955 Air Exhibition M/S, 1986-91 History MUH etc (cat £250+), France 1949-2000 inc 1949 10Fr Stamp Cent M & Used on Commem Postcard etc (cat £200), French Polynesia 1974-97 inc 1974 100Fr UPU, 1993 Officials set MUH etc (cat £160), Germany West 1949-80s inc 1949 Stamp Cent set MUH & on FDC, 1951 NBA set MUH etc (cat £400+), Hungary 1950-99 inc 1950 PO Museum set MUH, 1951 50th Anniv set, 1962 Stamp Day M/Sheet perf & imperf (2) MUH, 1965 Stamp Day set imperf & M/Sheet perf, imperf MUH, 1976 Italia M/Sheet perf & imperf MUH & others (cat £500), Italy 1951 Tuscany Stamp Cent MUH & Trieste set MUH & others (cat £170+), Japan 1921 50th Anniv set M/MLH (cat £360), Korea North & South sets & M/Sheets Mostly MUH (cat £160), Philippines 1954-98 inc 1954 Stamp Cent M/Sheet M, 1977 Espamer Amphilex, 1984 Ausipex, 1998 Exhibition set of 8 M/Sheet MUH etc (cat £200+), M/Sheet, 1943 Cent M/Sheet MUH etc (cat £260), Sweden 1955 Stamp Anniv set of 4 imperf & a range of imperf colour separations etc (30 diff) MUH, Uruguay 1921 Air opt set M (cat £30). These are but a selection of items, there are many other sets & M/Sheets not catalogued. With close to 4000 stamps + approx 1000 sets/issues & 780+ M/Sheets in total. A tremendous array largely VF. (3950+, 780 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Tonga - Kingdom: 2015-16 Butterfly to $89 set of 6 (2 sets), FV $722. Tonga-Niuafo'ou 2015-16 Butterfly set of 6 to $89 (2 sets), FV $722. All fresh MUH. Total FV $1444. SG cat £1194 = A$2300. (8 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Triple carton accumulation inc plastic tubs of mess with Germany 1860s-1990s inc 1945 12th Anniv set CTO/FU, Allied Zones Baden 1948-49 Views set, West Germany 1950-1990s inc 1950 10pf Bach, 1951 St Mary's set, 1951 Relief 30pf, 1952 Otto, 1952, 1954 & 1955 Relief sets, 1952 Hostels set & others U & 1953 Liebig. Then late 1980s-90s sets Christmas booklets. Berlin 1949-1954 inc 1949 Building 1mk to 5mk. 1952 Olympic set, 1953 Bell Clapper at centre set, 1951 20pf Lortzing, 1953 Uprising set, 1953 30pf Kaiser Church & others. SG cat £2300. Israel 1954-1968 selection inc 1960 Taviv M/Sheet MUH & FU, cat £210. Also some world sorted into take-away tubs noted. France & Switzerland. Also Australian covers inc 1980s FDC, plus business size envelopes franked 60c (200), $1.00 (240) & $1.10 (40), all ready for posting out (FV over $400). (large quantity)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Tristan da Cunha: 1952-2008 collection on KABE hingeless pgs & in mounts on plain pgs in 2 large loose leaf albums inc 1952 opt to 10/-, 1954 Island Scenes to 10/-, 1960 Marine Life to 10/-, 1961 Decimal Currency to 1R, 1963 Resettlement to 10/-, 1965 Ships to £1, 1972 Plants to £1, 1994 Ships to £5, 2000 Monarchs to £5, 2005 Birds to £5, also noted 1957 Postage Dues to 5d & (5) c1950-60 Tristan Postcards receiving & delivery mail, also set of 9 values ex 1960 'Potato' sheetlet to 1/-. Mostly comp. Many fresh VF MUH, some CTO, small number MLH. Pre-dec cat £350, dec cat £1250, FV £300. Total SG cat £1600 = A$3000. (900+, 50 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Tristan da Cunha: 1953-77 Sheets collection of mainly comp sheets of 25 or 60, stored in divided manila folders in box. All with Plate nos or imprints inc 1965 QEII 10/- black & deep turquoise (SG 84a) imprint/plate no strip of 6, then lots of other issues in sheets, plus St Helena 1949 KGVI 1½d & 2d sheets of 60. VF fresh MUH, plus 1992 handbook of modern Tristan philately by Richard Peck. SG cat £1650+ as singles. Quantities of sheets are rarely seen & good opportunity for research on plate varieties. (4400+).SOLD at A$250

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Tristan da Cunha: 1971-2015 specialist collection crammed into 2 s/book mainly comp sets in blks of 4, 8, 12. Mostly blks with colour plate numbers & registration markings, as well as imprint blks with printer details etc. Very extensive collection inc 1972 Flowering Plants x 4 diff sets of blks, 1994 Ships x 4, 2000 Monarchs x 4, 2005 Birds x 2 etc. Seems all fresh VF MUH. SG cat £9800+ = A$19,000+. Fantastic modern collection. (4800 + 50 M/S).AVAILABLE at A$2000

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USA 1847-1943, Extensive Collection in 2 older style Schaubek hingeless albums inc slipcases with illustrated pgs 1847-1983, 2 s/books & 20+ hagners, inc 1861 range to 30c, 1867 30c, 1870 range to 30c, 1887 to 30c, 1890 to 15c, 1901 Pan American Expo range to 10c, then 1900s to 1983 inc 1904 Louisiana set to 10c. 1907 Jamestown Expo comp, 1908 Franklin to $1, 1916 Franklin to $1, 1920 Pilgrims comp, various Airmail, Special Delivery, Postage Due, various commems from 1934 National Parks mainly inc comp sets, Presidents, Famous Americans comp. Some M/S from 1936 Philatelic Exhib, 1976 Bicentenary sheet of 50, 1940s-80s marginal plate number blks of 4 (100+). Also range of multiples 1950-80s. Some earlies mixed condition mostly F-VF MLH/MUH, V-VFU. Some pgs are affected by toning. SG cat £3000+ = A$6000. (4000+ 10 M/S).SOLD at A$350

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USA: 1853-1970s accumulation in s/book. 1861-67 Portrait range to 30c inc 5c brown, 10c green, 12c black & 15c Lincoln. 1869 Pic to 12c. 1893 Columbus to 15c. 1894-98 Portrait to 50c. 1898 Omaha to 10c. Useful ranges of 1908-20s Washington & Franklin issues inc printings & perfs. Also odd Confederate States 1861-64 & Hawaii inc 1859-65 typeset 1c & 2c black, plus 5c blue. 1864-82 Portrait to 12c. Mostly G-VF M/UN/U, rather mixed earlies. SG cat £8000+ = A$15,000+. (3200)SOLD at A$600

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USA: 1890s-1940s selection with 1893 Columbians (12) inc 6c (3), 15c & 30c (SG cat £300) & 50c (cat £225). 1933 Zeppelin 50c (cat £100). 1940-41 Famous Americans set M (£35), plus 8 plate number blks of 4 MUH. Then Hunting Permit Duck Stamps (Sc cat US$255) with 1940 $1 UN, 1944 $1 MLH, 1945 $1, 1952 $2 & 1962 $3 MUH (cat $110). Also Spain 1928 Catacomb Fund set of 32 to 5P M (SG cat £100), plus 8 Canal Zone. Useful group. Total cat A$1660. (128)SOLD at A$80

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Varied carton lot with Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay sets of 14 to 2/- blue (3), 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge & 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets) all VFM, retail $200. 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 with Vanuatu 95c (2) & Tokelau $1 (2), total FV A$180. Channel Is 1980s-90s collection with 40 Pic/Commem sets & 20 M/Sheets. 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee FDC collection in custom made silver binder. British Commonwealth collection in 2 springback albums inc Canada to late 1960s, Malta, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Tonga & Sarawak, plus USA 1880s-1980s in a 3rd album. 1984 Los Angeles Olympics FDC collection in red album. Australia 1993-2000 VGC Seven Seas hingeless album (replacement value $200). 1978 18c PPC & 1980 22c PPC (100 of ea). Finally Australia 1970s PO Pack collection (45, retail $500) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp, plus 1970 & 1971 selected issue packs. Few mixed condition, mostly MUH/M/F-VFU condition.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Vatican: Mint collection 1852-1987 almost comp in Lighthouse hingeless album & s/book. Papal States 1852 Arms 3b & 5b, 1867 Cents to 20c & 1868 perf to 80c, 1929 Pope & Arms set to 10L inc express (Sass cat €250), 1933 Holy Year set to 1.25L (€175), 1933 Pope Pictorial set to 20L (€190), 1934 Congress set (€1100), 1936 Exhib to 5L (€380+), 1938 Congress set to 1.25L (€225), 1939 "Sede Vacante" opt set to 75c (€150),1947 Air set to 100L, 1948 Air 250L, 1949 Pope & buildings set to 100L inc express (€170), 1951 Chalcedon set to 100L (€110+), 1953 Air set (€130), 1952 Stamp Cent M/S (€250), 1953 Lombard 100L, 1953-78 appears comp inc 80+ sets. S/book with 1979-87 inc 30+ sets, 1931 Postage Due opt set to 1.10L (€150). All diff, neat & clean. Mostly VF fresh MUH, odd M earlier. Mixed condition in Papal States as expected. Sass cat €5900 = A$10,500+. Seldom offered this comp. Nice lot. (950, 7 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Vietnam: 1892-mid 1970s collection in loose leaf album with French Indo China 1892-1940, mostly Used inc 1892 Tablet to 5Fr, then later Defs. Pic/Commem sets & part sets, plus some Japanese Occupation issues cat £350+, Vietnam Democratic Republic issues M/U, inc 1945 Independence opts M/MLH, various Surch inc 1945 New Currency opts inc 2d on 3c brown, 4d on 6c carmine SG 40 & 42 M, various others cat £300+. Vietnam collection 1951-74 M & U inc 1951 Pic set U, 1951 Refugees set M & to 35p U, 1956 Defs M & to 100p U, 1956 Postage Dues set M/MLH, 1960 Military Frank (2 M), 1968 Postage Dues set mixed M/U then strong range of other 1950s, 60s, 70s sets & singles M & Used cat £1760, plus 1956-57 selection of 7 commercial covers. Also National Front For Liberation of South Vietnam Vietcong issues 1963-76 inc 1963 7th Anniv issues in blks of 4 M/MUH, 1960 Freedom set FU, 1975 15th Anniv set, 1976 Fruit set & various others cat £440. A strong collection but still has basis for expansion, F/VF. Total SG cat £2850 = A$5500. (1170)AVAILABLE at A$500

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World 1890s-1980s in 4 hagner binders with 100+ hagners & Australia Schaubek hingeless album 1966-1980s, wide range of countries Europe, South America, British Commonwealth inc Hong Kong British Est Indies, French Colonies, Spanish Colonies, Nauru, Norfolk Is etc. Noted 1893 Shanghai Local Post 2c & 15c with album of animals inc 1959 Niger set to 500f (cat £150), 1948 Royal Silver Wedding high values of 15R, £1 for Morocco Agencies, Bahrain, Kuwait, Tangiers. Various South Africa & related Countries with prs inc English & Afrikaans, FV for Aus Decimals is $200+ & related Territories is $150+. Also small Faroe Islands collection. Mainly Fresh VF MUH, some V-FU. SG cat £1800+ = A$4000 + FV $350+. (2500+).AVAILABLE at A$325

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World carton lot: 1880s-1960s Deceased Estate unsorted mess, the collector never got round to sorting, so it is in old time circuit books, Dealer cards, small boxes, packets, loose, old album pgs, hagners etc. All of it mixed together, inc various Europe, Asia, South America, British Commonwealth, USA etc in 2 s/books with British Commonwealth, some Aust etc. There are several Country collections mounted on pgs, bought from Dealers inc Albania from 1913, very extensive Bulgaria from 1870s, also new age stamp album with Liechtenstein illustrated pgs 1945-57, also noted Croatia 1941 Youth Fund M/S (cat £60), Vietnam cover 1952 Philatelic Exhibition, also several 100 Belgian Colonies in packets. Definitely worth a look. Some variable condition. Mainly V-VF, some MLH-MUH. Conservative guesstimate. SG cat £1000-£1500. (1000s).SOLD at A$325

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World collection in 5 large albums/binders, 2 small albums/binders, leaves etc. Inc Austria 1915 Feldpost selection M/U, 1940s-60s sets/singles mostly MUH (cat £225), Great Britain 1969-90s FDCs & others (85), Canada 1999/2000 Millennium/Peace issue in uncut sheet of 9 (sl tone), Hong Kong 1965-90s inc 1965 Churchill set MUH, 1988 def pack, 1990s Lunar New Year issues etc mostly MUH (cat £290), Macau 1990s M/Sheet selection (cat £35), New Zealand, Ross Dep 1957-95 inc 1957 Pic sets (4) inc FDC. 1994 Seal Defs imprint blks of 6 & singles etc retail $370+ (FV $135), some Europe inc Denmark & Greece, plus a mix of others.AVAILABLE at A$120

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Kangaroos cover collection with ½d green, plus two 1d reds (2 diff), both Qld to USA. 1d red covers (5) inc pr on 1914 underpaid cover to Chicago. 1920 2d grey, plus KGV ½d green Haymarket-New York. 1916 2d grey single Sydney-Narrabeen, 2½d 1914 Newcastle-Berlin (ACSC cat $150), 1915 (Jan) Sydney-New York & 2½d 3rd wmk on 1917 cover Brisbane-USA. 1919-20 3d olive covers (3) inc Petersham-New York. 1930s 9d violet (3 covers) with 1931 SM wmk Bundaberg-England (cat $550), 1936 Sydney-Batavia & 1937 CofA wmk pr Katherine (NT) to Scotland, 1931 1/-, 9d & KGV 2d Sydney-England (cat $250). 2/- Maroon covers (5) inc 1935 Airmail to Holland franked 2/-, plus KGV 1d green, 1941 'California Clipper' mail to England franked 2/- pr. KGVI 1/4 magenta & 6d Kookaburra pmk Gordon NSW with censor cachet. An attractive group, generally F-VF. ACSC cat $2400+. (24)SOLD at A$275

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Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue - KGVI latest (2024) edition with 237 colour pgs inc imprints, plate numbers, Specimen opts, die proofs, plate varieties, 1946 BCOF opts, Postage Dues & values on cover.AVAILABLE at A$90

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1937-52 KGVI collection on pages inc 1938 150th Anniv & 1940 AIF sets, Robes 5/- to £1 both papers, some shades, 10/- Specimen mostly MLH, ½d Roo 'foggy hills retouch', 1937-45 3d blue all dies with Die I 'white wattles' 1A, II, IIb & III (5) inc blk of 4 all MUH, various coils inc 1944 2d purple CofA strip of 14 with 2 coil joins made from normal sheets. Fresh VF MLH-MUH. ACSC cat $2400. (170+) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1948 Zoological ½d Kangaroo, no wmk, comp coil roll of 960 stamps in orange starter wrapper. Foxing to outer perfs. SG 228c cat £1920 = A$3700. ACSC 180 bh/bj cat $1920 as 480 coil prs, plus extra for the wrapper. An extremely rare survivor.AVAILABLE at A$250

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1949 Arms £2 green opt SPECIMEN, opt variety 'IM of SPECIMEN joined! Superb M. SG 224d(s). ACSC 271xb cat $7500. Extremely rare. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)SOLD at A$2500

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1949 Arms 10/- to £2 opt SPECIMEN. VF MUH. SG 224bs-ds cat £170. ACSC cat $400. (3).SOLD at A$130

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1994-97 Roos & Koalas 45c set of 6 self adhesive blk of 12 with 4 Koala reprint on reverse, was only issued as strips from rolls. VF fresh MUH. SG 1459-64(var). ACSC 1742Ecc cat $400. (P)SOLD at A$150

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1994-97 Roos & Koalas $4.50 Booklet/pane IMPERF 1 Roo & 1 Koala reprint, with 'Book about' cover. VF fresh MUH, sl wrinkle at right, but interestingly was never folded into booklet format. SG 1459ab/SB85a(var). ACSC 1751(2)a/B199Bb cat $600. Only about a dozen discovered. (P)SOLD at A$200

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1946-47 BCOF Japan opt set ½d to 5/- thick paper. VF fresh MUH. SG J1-7 cat £220.AVAILABLE at A$130

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1946-48 BCOF Japan opt set ½d to 5/- thin paper. VF fresh MUH. SG J1-J7a cat £200. ACSC cat $390. (7) (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1946-48 BCOF Japan opt set ½d to 5/- thick paper, all imprint blks of 4, with envelope & letter they were sent from Japan Registered franked 3d pr tied by 'Aust Army PO 246' cds, with reg boxed cachet & 'Duty Free' (reverse endorsed as containing £1.15.6 of stamps). To Australia with 4 diff b/s. Stamps mostly VF fresh MUH, 2 5/- sl gum disturbance. SG J1-7 cat £800+ as singles. ACSC J1-7 cat $2445+, plus premium for cover & letter documenting provenance. (7 blks etc) (P)SOLD at A$450

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1946-48 BCOF Japan opt Kangaroo ½d orange UR cnr blk of 4, variety 'narrow N' on UR stamp. VF fresh 2 MLH/2 MUH, variety MUH. SG J1/1b cat £227+. ACSC J1/1j cat $390+ - both as singles, premium for positional variety blk. 2022 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$180

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1946-48 BCOF Japan opt Kookaburra 6d brown UR cnr blk of 4, variety 'narrow N' on UR stamp. VF fresh 2 MLH/2 MUH, variety MUH. SG J4/4c cat £387+. ACSC J4/4j cat $615+ - both as singles, premium for positional variety blk. 2022 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$240

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1946-48 BCOF Japan opt Lyrebird 1/- green UR cnr blk of 4, variety 'narrow N' on UR stamp. VF fresh 2 MLH/2 MUH, variety MUH. SG J5/5c cat £410+. ACSC J5j cat $530+ - both as singles, premium for variety blk. 2022 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$300

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1946-47 BCOF Japan opt set ½d to 5/- thin paper. VFU/CTO. The 6d is cds AAPO 497 & 5/- AAPO 214. SG J1-7 cat £200+. ACSC J1-7 cat $400+. Scarce Used with proper pmks. (8) (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1947 Airmail cover franked opt Queen 1d (3) tied by indistinct Indian Field PO cds with violet crossed flags of India & Pakistan with ? August 1947 Independence Day cachet. SG J2 cat £25. ACSC J2 cat $15 both as loose stamps, plus premium for on cover. Most unusual usage! (P)SOLD at A$2300

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Air Letter: 1944 KGVI 7d blue with QANTAS Christmas cachet. VFU, light 'Sydney 1944' cds. ACSC A2d cat $800. AAMC 992e cat $800. Only 100 flown. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Envelope - PTPO: 1948 KGVI 2½d red revalued to 1½d green with bars obliterating the 2½d, for B Addison Sydney. VFU, 'Sydney 5 DEC 1946' pmk. ACSC ES80 cat $5000. Great rarity as only 4 known -lesser quality example sold for $6350+ in an earlier Sydney auction. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$3000

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Franking Machines: 1949-70 Specimen red impressions on envelopes with 4 diff 'stamp' types dated 1949-70 & with almost all diff Adverts for various states. Inc 7 items h/s SPECIMEN in violet. All seem diff & diff to the other lot offered in this auction, & probably unique assembly. (43). (P)SOLD at A$100

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Franking Machines: 1949-69 Specimen red impressions on envelopes with 4 diff 'stamp' types dated 1949-69 all diff Adverts for various states. Inc 7 items h/s 'SPECIMEN' in violet. All seem diff & diff to the other lot offered in this auction, & probably unique assembly. (43). (P)SOLD at A$100

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Lettercard: 1918-20 KGV 1½d brownish-black, mottled stock perf 12½, view On the Murray. Superb fresh UN. ACSC LC42(94C) cat $200.AVAILABLE at A$80

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Military Registered Wrappers: 1949 Air Medal Section 4½d Used with tape as always, pmk '15 APR 1957' cds, plus with 'Merchandise Only' h/s & For Army Medal Section. Last 2 VF fresh UN. ASC X4.1 & X4.4 cat £290+ in 1993, plus premium for very rare used. (3)SOLD at A$110

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POW: 1944 use of Air Mail 1/- lettersheet (code aw 200m 3/43), with 'Melbourne FEB 1944' machine pmk, from prisoner at 13 POW Group Murchison to Germany, with 'Approved for transmission??' h/s, plus censor label & h/s. VFU. ACSC POW2 cat $400 to Germany. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Registered Envelope: 1942-48 KGVI 5½d brown with curved flap at right. VFU, 'Field PO 095 27 FE 43' cds, Censor cachet & signed. ACSC RE30 cat $250+, plus premium for nice usage. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Registered Envelope: 1942-48 KGVI 5½d brown with red text & lines, with curved flap on back right. Superb fresh UN. ACSC RE30 cat $600. Rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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Registered Envelopes: 1942-69 KGVI & QEII range inc 5½d red text 3 diff flaps & 1948 brown text, 8½d, 9d, 1/0½d, QEII 1/0½d, 1/7 in 2 diff stocks, 2/5 barred text (2) inc offset of stamp on reverse, plus later 2/5 (2 diff), 24c green 2 diff texts & 25c brown. VF fresh UN. ACSC cat $635. (17)AVAILABLE at A$160

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Wrapper: 1942 KGVI ½d green. Superb fresh UN, unfolded. ACSC W21 cat $400+, plus premium for unfolded.AVAILABLE at A$160

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Wrappers: 1938-53 KGVI range of Used types inc 1938 1½d green ACSC cat $200, 1942-50 1½d green in both sizes, plus a PTPO ($200), 1½d violet (2), 2½d brown to USA uprated, plus 2½d red oval dies Doubleton (2). ACSC cat $675. (8)AVAILABLE at A$140

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Wrapper - PTPO: 1942 KGVI 1½d green wide wrapper (190x260mm) with REGISTERED NEWSPAPERS h/s. VF fresh UN with centre fold. ACSC WS25 cat $400. Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Wrappers: 1942-79 KGVI & QEII range inc KGVI 1½d green, 1½d violet, 2½d brown, QEII 2½d brown both dies, 5d blue, 5d red, 4c red, 5c orange, 6c, 7c, 25c/7c. VF-superb fresh UN many unfolded. ACSC W22-37 cat $700. (35 inc 20 unfolded)AVAILABLE at A$170

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1937-51 Return to Sender & other unusual usages annotated on leaves inc EAMS first service registered & to New Zealand (no service), another with 'Delivery Impracticable??' h/s, 1940 (NOV 7) to AIF Abroad with 'Saved From Sea' h/s & several Return to Sender items, 1954 underpaid air wrapper held for additional postage, 1941 'Received Torn??', 1947 insured food parcel label & a couple of others. Very interesting lot with unique usages. (11) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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POW: 1943 use of printed Red Cross envelope to prisoner ,NX43326 Cpl R C Litchfield' in POW Keijo Chosen (Korea). Also to same POW use of plain envelope with 'Gordon 27 JA 44' cds, both with censor tape & cachet. (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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POW: 1943 use of printed Australian Red Cross envelope to prisoner NX 43326 Cpl RC Litchfield in POW Camp Keijo Chosen (Korea). From Melbourne with censor cachet front, back & censor tape. (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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POW: 1943 use of printed Red Cross envelope to prisoner 'NX43326 Cpl R C Litchfield' in POW Keijo Chosen (Korea). From Melbourne with censor cachet front & back, plus censor tape. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1854-60s QV Diadem collection of Forgeries mostly attributed to Spiro Brothers, inc unfinished Die proof sheet of 8 & blk of 4, stamps mostly used both imperf & perf. 5d (5), 6d (16), 8d (7), 1/- (18), 5/- Coin (20, inc blk of 8), etc. Variable condition, many F/VF with full margins. Interesting lot. (94) (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1894-1904 'POSTAGE' blue opt QV 10/- violet & claret Stamp Duty, wmk NSW (SG w59), perf 12. F-VF fresh MLH. Scott 76 cat US$350. SG 275 cat £350. (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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1894-1904 'POSTAGE' opt QV 10/- violet & claret Stamp Duty, wmk NSW sideways, perf 12x11. F-VF fresh M. Sc 76d cat US$350. SG 275b cat £400. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1886-96 QV Postage & Revenue 2/6 & 5/- perf 10, wmk 'crown/narrow SA' sideways, plus QV 6d blue perf 13 & 2d orange perf 13, all on large piece. VFU, 5/- blunt cnr, MA 18 97 cds. SG 177, 194, 195, 196. Scarce postal usage.AVAILABLE at A$50

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1894-1906 QV Kangaroo & Shield comp inc 2½d & 5d perf 15, 2½d, 3 shades & 5d, both shades, perf 13 & 2½d & 5d, perf 12x11½, all wmk crown SA. F-VF fresh M/MLH. SG 234-240 cat £239. (9)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1894-1906 QV Shield 5d purple right marginal imperf proof blk of 4, no wmk. VF fresh MUH, 4 margins. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Wrapper - PTPO: 1894 use of Stamp Duty large embossed type Platypus 3d red with blue lined borders (as used for WS25). Postally VFU with 'Launceston MR 22 94' duplex pmk, endorsed 'Book Only' & signed by W Petterd, to Adelaide. (In November 1882 the new Stamp Duties act made both embossed & adhesive stamps valid for all purposes. This meant that in addition to the St George & Dragon, & small Platypus adhesive stamp duty issues, the large Platypus embossed Stamp Duty designs were also officially authorised for postal use, although that might not have been the intention of the postal authorities. Thus the Platypus embossed issues could be legally used on postal articles, & examples of the 1d, 2d & 6d values are known, only several of each recorded used, although their creation & usage is somewhat shrouded in mystery). We last sold a 2d with edge flts for $1865 in 2017. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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Wrappers: 1887-1903 collection with 1887 pale pink, & bright red, 1894 ½d orange (5) inc printed text, & uprated ½d orange cut-out, 1901 ½d green w/o Postage CTO, U & uprated U to Mauritius, 1d red CTO & U to Mauritius. 1901 ½d CTO & U. 1903 single thick lines ½d 2U & CTO & 1d thick lines CTO. Also 1887 ½d red PTPO on coloured papers (4UN), plus Sth Aust Wrappers (3) inc opt OS. Fair-VF UN/U/CTO. Stieg cat US$600+. (26).AVAILABLE at A$160

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1885-93 Swan ½d green IMPERF horiz pr, wmk crown CA, from DLR archive imprimatur sheet. Superb fresh MUH, left marginal with all 4 margins. SG 94(p). Rare as only 1 sheet existed. (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Phonecards: Australia Telstra Cup set of 30 Rugby Cards (FV $230). Then 1990s Collector Pack (46, FV $1380) inc Norfolk Is Humpback Whale, Norfolk Is Scenes, Antarctica, Dinosaurs, 1994 Landscape Series, Coastal Birds, Wetland Birds, Michael Doohan, Cyclone Tracy, 1994 Commonwealth Games & more! Also others inc Pre-Paid Call Card $10, $20, $50 packs (FV $240), plus Valentine or Chinese New Year pub (FV $30). All fresh & clean, total FV $1880. Also Com-Card Pacific Mickey & Minnie Mouse $10 prs (10, FV $200) & 1990s phonecard collector magazines No 1-36.SOLD at A$950

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Phonecards: Telecom/Telstra Australia collector pack accumulation (47, FV $1400) inc First Issue Life Saving set, 1994 Red Cross, 1990s Coca Cola (2 diff), Disney Characters (2 diff), then others inc Antarctica, Mawson's Huts, Marine Life, Landscape Series 1993, 1996 Olympics, Landscapes & more! Also others inc Pre-Paid Call Card $10, $20, $50 packs (FV $160), late 1990s Telstra Rugby Cup (29/30, FV $220). All fresh & clean, total FV $1620, plus Com-Card Pacific Mickey & Minnie Mouse $10 prs (10, FV $200)SOLD at A$650

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Shihr & Mukalla: 1942-46 Sultan Pic set ½a-5R, perf SPECIMEN. VF fresh MLH. SG 1s-11s cat £325. (11) (P)SOLD at A$170

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Argentina: 1858-2000 Collection in s/book & binder. 1858 Confederation set 5c-15c, plus 5c & 10c blks of 4. 1862 Arms to 15c inc types & noted reprints. 1864-67 Rivadavia set to 15c, perf, plus 5c imperf. 1873 Portrait set to 90c M. 1873 Surch 1 on 5c - 8 on 10c. 1887 Portrait set to 50c. 1890 High val set 1p-20p, plus set opt MUESTRA (Specimen). 1899 Liberty set to 20p. 1910 Centenary set to 20p. 1912 Ploughman no value imperf proof. 1916 San martin 5p-20p opt MUESTRA. 1917 San Martin set to 20p imperf proofs. 1923 Belgrano 3c blk of 4, error imperf between stamps & right margin. 1930 Revolution to 20p, plus set to 50p opt MUESTRA. 1920 Airmails to 3.60p. 1930 Zeppelin opt to 3.60p inc blue & green opts. 1932 Zeppelin opt set. 1935-51 Pic Def to 20p. 1944 Anthem M/S imperf, both shades. 1952 Eva Peron set to 50p. Useful later commems inc M/S. Also 1891 Tierra Def Fuego 10c Local Post. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £6700+ = A$13,000+. (2250, +85M/S). A valuable collection. (P)SOLD at A$1400

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Ascension: 1922-80s Mint collection in binder inc 1922 opt KGV St Helena set to 3/- (SG cat £325). 1924-33 KGV Ship set to 3/- (£350). 1934 KGV Pic set to 5/- (£130). 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-53 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1956 QEII Pic set to 10/-. 1963 QEII Bird set to £1. 1981-82 Flower set to £1. 1986 Ship set to £2. G-VF M/MUH, post 1960 MUH, some gum tropicalisation. SG cat £2300+ = A$4500+. (475 + 19 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1942-45 opt KGVI set 3p-12a white background. VF fresh MUH. SG 38-50 cat £160. (13) (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Bahamas: 1863-1980 collection in Vario binder with slipcase inc 1863 1d, 4d, 6d & 1/-, 1884 QV 5/- & £1, 1902 KEVII set to £1, 1911 Staircase to 3/-, 1912 KGV set to £1, 1938 KGVI to £1, 1942 Columbus set to £1, 1948 KGVI set to £1, 1954 QEII set to £1 (2 sets), 1964 New Constitution, 1965 QEII set to £1, 1967 Decimal Currency set to $3. Then virtually comp to 1980s inc M/S. Many comp sets. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH inc some FU, tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £3000+ = A$6000+. (600 + 50 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Bechuanaland: 1884-1960s collection inc Stellaland 1884 Arms set to 1/-. Bechuanaland 1885-87 opt Cape Hope vals to 6d. 1888 QV vals to 10/-. 1888 Surch set to 1s on 1/- inc 4d on 4d, red opt. 1888 One Half-Penny on 3d. 1891 QV GB opt set to 1/-. 1888 Protectorate opt vals to 1/-. 1889 FOUR PENCE on ½d. 1897-1902 QB GB opt set to 1/-. 1904-13 KEVII set to 1/-. 1914-20 KGV Seahorses selection to 2/6 & 5/- inc shades & printings. 1932 KGV Cattle set to 10/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938 KGVI Cattle set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1961 QEII Bird set to 2R. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, tropicalised spots in parts. SG cat £5100+ = A$10,000+. Valuable collection. (375) (P)SOLD at A$1600

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Belgium: 1949-80 Railway Parcels Mint collection inc 1949 set to 300F (SG set £500). 1953 set to 300F (£500). 1953 Nord-Midi Junction 200F (both colours, £575). 1960 set to 60F (£225). 1968 set to 500F (£275). 1980 set to 500F (£130). VF fresh M/MUH. SG cat £2400+ = A$4700+. (143) (P)SOLD at A$500

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Bermuda: 1865-1970s collection in binder inc 1865-1904 QV range to 1/-, plus shades & wmks. 1902-10 Dry Dock to 4d. 1910-34 Ship to 1/-. 1918-32 KGV high vals to £1. 1920 & 1921 Tercent sets to 1/-. 1936-47 KGV Pic set to 1/6. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-52 KGVI Pic set to £1, plus shades. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1953-62 QEII pic set to £1. 1962-68 QEII Buildings set to £1. Range of later Commems & M/S. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £850+. (650 + 4 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$250

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British Empire: KGVI 1937-52 collection in 4 binders. A-Z inc Aden 1939 KGVI Pic to 10R. Antigua 1938 KGVI Pic to £1. Ascension 1935-53 KGVI Pic set to 10/-, plus perfs. Bahrain 1938-42 KGVI Pic to 25R. Basutoland 1938 KGVI Crocodile set to 10/-. Bechuanaland 1938 KGVI Cattle to 10/-. Cyprus 1938-51 KGVI Pic to £1. Falklands 1938 KGVI Pic to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1952 KGVI Pic to £1. Gambia 1938 KGVI Elephant set to 10/-. Hong Kong 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding $10 U. India 1948 Gandhi set to 10R U. KUT 1938-51 KGVI Pic to £1, plus perfs. Malacca 1949 KGVI Palm Tree set to $5. Montserrat 1938 KGVI Views to £1. North Borneo 1945 BMA opt Pic to $5. Northern Rhodesia 1938-52 KGVI Giraffe & Elephant to 20/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Nyasaland 1938 KGV Leopard to £1. Pakistan 1947 KGVI Service set to 10R. Seychelles 1938 KGVI Pic to 5R inc 1R green. Singapore 1948-52 KGVI Palm Tree sets to $5, both perfs. Swaziland 1938 KGVI Shields to 10/-, plus perfs. Tristan Da Cunha 1952 opt KGVI Ship set to 10/-. F-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £19,000+ = A$37,000+. Attractive collection. (5800) (P)AVAILABLE at A$4000

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Arabia & Arab States: 1890s-1970s collection in binder with Aden 1937 Dhow set to 10R. 1939-48 KGVI Pic set to 10R. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1951 KGVI decimal Surch set to 10s on 10R. 1953-63 QEII Pic set to 20/-. Seiyun 1942 Sultan Pic set to 5R. 1948 Silver Wedding set M & U. South Arabia from 1964 inc Defs & Commems. Bahrain 1964 Sheikh Pic to 10R. Range of 1960s-70s Qatar. Abu Dhabi 1964 Pic set to 10R. Range of Umm al Qiwain Pic, plus other Trucial States. Mostly F-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £3900+ = A$7600+. (1375) (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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British Africa: 1903-60s collection in binder with East Africa & Uganda. 1903-07 KEVII 4R. 1907-08 KEVII New Currency set to 75c M. 1912-21 KGV to 20R F/C, KUT 1935-37 KGV Pic to 10/-. 1938-54 KGVI Pic to £1. 1954-59 QEII Pic set to £1 & 1960-62 set to 20/-. 1959 Official set to £1. Tanganyika 1922-25 Giraffe to 10/-. 1927-31 KGV to 10/- opt or perf SPECIMEN. Brit Occupation Eritrea 1948-49 BMA ERITREA opt KGVI set to 10/-. 1943-47 MEF opt KGVI set to 10/-. Also selection of Belgian Congo & Ruanda/Burundi. Mostly G-VF M/U, some tropicalisation. SG cat £1000+ = A$1900+. (1275 + 12 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$250

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British West Indies: 1862-1970s collection in binder with Antigua 1863-87 QV to 6d inc wmk & shades. 1953-62 QEII Pic set to $4.80. Barbuda 1922 opt KGV set to 5/- (SG cat £150). St Kitts Nevis 1938-50 KGVI Pic set to £1. Virgin Is 1849 St Ursula set to 5/- (£150). 1913-19 KGV set to 5/-. 1922-28 KGV Badge to 5/-. 1938-47 KGVI Badge set to £1. 1952 KGVI Pic set to $4.80. 1956-62 QEII Pic set to $4.80. St Vincent 1938-47 KGVI Pic to £1. St Lucia 1936 KGV Pic set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some parts with tropicalised gum/gum spots. SG cat £2200+ = A$4300+. (1090) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Rhodesia, Swaziland & Basutoland: 1892-1960s collection in binder. Rhodesia 1892 Arms £1 & 1898 Arms £5. Southern Rhodesia 1924-29 KGV Admiral set to 5/- M & U. 1931-37 KGV Field Marshall set to 5/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1937 KGVI set to 5/-. 1953 QEII Pic set to £1. Northern Rhodesia 1925-29 Giraffe & Elephants set to 20/-. 1938-52 KGVI Giraffe & Elephants set to 20/-, plus 1953 QEII set to 20/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Rhodesia & Nyasaland 1954-56 QEII set to £1. Swaziland 1938 KGVI Shields set to 10/-. Basutoland 1933 KGV Crocodile to 5/-. 1938 KGVI Crocodile set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalised gum etc. SG cat £3800+ = A$7400+. (1250) (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Somalia: 1941 Mogadisciu 'British Occupation Postage' opts on Italian Africa Colonies Revenues 2L- 10L inc both issues of 4L. (These opts on Italian revenue stamps, plus also on postage stamps, were prepared on orders of the South African forces that captured the region. But due to objections from London were never issued & most of the stock destroyed). VF MUH. Unlisted SG, but listed in Italian & Michel cats, mentioned in Robson Lowe. Sass 11-17 cat €3000+. Rare & almost never offered. 2016 Ceremuga photo certs. (7) (P)SOLD at A$1000

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Somalia: 1941 Mogadisciu 'British Occupation Postage' opts on Italian Africa Colonies Revenues 2L- 4L, 8L/10L & 10L. VF MUH. Unlisted SG, but listed in Italian & Michel cats, mentioned in Robson Lowe. Sass 11-13 & 16-17 cat €1200+. Rare stamps. 2011 Ceremuga photo cert. (5) (P)SOLD at A$400

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1945 War Savings 'Post Office 5-Year Cash Certificates' all diff, inc watermark error 'GOVT OF INDIA & stars' on 10R series A1, 20R series H1 & 100R series K1, then all correct wmk 'GOVT OF BURMA & elephant' 10R series A1, 20R series B1, 20R series H1 with 'Joint certificate Class A' imprint at top, 100R series K1 with 'Class A' imprint, 500R series E1, 500R series L1 with 'Class A' imprint, & 1000R series F1. All large banknote size format, with British Burma coat of arms at top middle. Nice UNC/aUNC. Lesser selection sold for an average of £36+ each at a London auction in 2010, so would make these £360+. Very scarce group. (10)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1943 Farmer 15c magenta & 30c deep blue-green, in FULL SHEETS of 50 with marg, ea with lots of positional varieties. VF fresh UN as issued. JSCA 2B46 & 2B48 cat Y25,000++, SG J79 & J81 cat £78++ as singles, plus premium for sheets which are great for specialists. (2 sheets = 100).AVAILABLE at A$65

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1943 Elephant 20c yellow-green & 30c olive-brown, plus Watch Tower 1R red-orange & 2R bright violet all FULL SHEETS of 200 with marg ea 2 panes of 100 with gutters. VF MUH, mostly very fresh. JSCA 2B67-70 cat Y130,000+ = A$1500+. SG J94-J97 cat £520+ as singles, plus premium for scarce gutter prs, & for full sheets which are very impressive. (4 sheets = 800).AVAILABLE at A$150

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1900-80s collection in binder inc 1900 QV set ½d & 1d. 1902-05 KEVII to 1/-, plus wmks. 1907 h/s Surch ½d & 1d on 5/-. 1907-09 KEVII set to 10/-. 1912-20 KGV set to 10/-, & 1921-26 KGV to 10/-, plus wmks. 1932 Centenary set to 10/-. 1938-48 KGVI Pic set to 10/-, plus perfs. 1948 Silver Wedding set M&U. 1950 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. 1953-62 QEII Pic set to £1. 1962-64 QEII Pic set to £1. 1969 QEII Def set to £1, plus 1969 dec Surch set to $2. Good coverage of Commems. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation in parts, 70%+ being M/MUH. SG cat £4600+ = A$9000+. (1100 + 27 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1942 WWII War Purposes Contribution stamps 5c, 10c full sheet of 25 with margins of 5c green & 10c blue & yellow. Some margin flts, paper a bit aged, generally F-VF MUH, reverse stamps affected by gum loss & 40 in blue on gum of one. These are quite scarce as single stamps. Rare as comp sheets. (2 sheets - 50 stamps) (P)SOLD at A$200

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China: Revenues c1920s-40s accumulation inc SYS Savings Stamp opt. 1949 Communist Flag issues inc Surch. Buddhist Swastika opt inc Cigarette Taxes. Also a selection of various strips & blks. Mostly G-VF M/U, well above average for Revenues. (535)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1949 World Federation of Trade Unions set $5000-$35,000 for North East China, original printing. VF fresh UN as issued. C3NE. SG NE261-NE263. Extremely rare set. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$5000

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1953 Military Post $800 orange-yellow, vermilion & brown-purple. Superb fresh UN as issued, perfect perfs & excellent centring. M2. SG 1594 cat £2250+. Very rare genuine stamp in pristine quality. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$3500

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1962 Mei Lan-fang 3Y M/Sheet. Superb fresh but unfortunately gum fully adhering to the original paper interleaving, margins are original size & blue surface in perfect quality, free of the usual imperfections. C94M, SG MS2044a cat £11,000 & under-catalogued as retail is now $25,000 for VF. The key M/Sheet of the PRC. (P)AVAILABLE at A$9000

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Manchurian Locals: 1945-46 collection of h/s Manchukuo issues for newly liberated province by the Soviet forces. Issued by both Govt Postal Authorities & Local Postmasters with a variety of diff h/s from all 9 regions. Most F-VF M/UN. Very interesting lot. (144)SOLD at A$350

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Chinese (Lunar) New Year collection 1994-2019 in thick s/book with M/Sheets (32) inc Exhibition opts (5), large sheets (14), 2002-16 Lunar New Year Cycle sheetlets for 2007 & 2013, plus 2011 Asian Exhibition SES sheetlet. 1994-2008 gutter blks of 10 (14) inc 2002 45c & $1.35, 2007 50c & $1.45, 2008 50c & $1.45 sets, 1995-2019 PO Packs (22 diff), plus misc extras inc 2003 LL cnr blks of 4, 2008 set horiz prs - 2010 BLKS OF 4. All fresh MUH, FV around $280.AVAILABLE at A$210

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Boyaca & Cundinamarca: 1870-1907 collection with Boyaca 1899-1902 Perez 5c range inc 5c horiz pr & singles on blue paper. 1903 Arms Pic to 10p inc 5p & 10p blks of 4. Cundinamarca 1970 Arms set 5c & 10c. 1877-82 Arms set to 1p. 1883 type-set Provisional set to 1p. 1886 Arms set to 1p. 1883 Registration label. 1904 Arms & numeral to 1p. 1883 Cubierta. Most F-VF M/U. Scott cat US$1100++. SG cat £1000+. Seldom seen material. (94). (P)SOLD at A$400

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Tolima: 1870-1904 Collection inc 1870 type-set 5c & 10c. 1871 Arms set to 1p M&U, 1879-80 Arms & numerals set to 1p. 1884 Arms set to 10p, plus purple proof, imperf. 1886 Condor, Long Wings to 1p. 1886 Condor, short wings set to 10p. 1888 Arms set to 1p. 1903-04 Arms set to 10p, plus shades & 10c blk of 16, plus 20c blk of 25. Also 5p tete-beche pr. Local issues inc Garzon 1894 type-set $0,01 & Honda opt $0,01 on 2c. Cubiertas inc 1879-90 (9). Most G-VF M/U. SG cat £600++. Scott cat US$800+. (135, +9 Cubiertas). (P)SOLD at A$300

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Cook Islands: 1890-1980 collection in Vario binder with slipcase inc 1893 set to 1/- with shades & some perfs, 1901 opt crown on 1d, 1919 Rarotonga opt set to 1/- with some perfs, 1921 Postal Fiscal set to £1, 1931 Postal Fiscals to £1, 1932 Pictorials set to 1/-, 1943 Postal Fiscal set to £5, 1949 set to 3/-, 1980 Corals to $10. 1950s-80s fairly comp inc M/S. F-VF MLH/MUH, some FU. SG cat £2500+ = A$5000. (900+, 160+ M/S) (P)SOLD at A$600

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1880 'CYPRUS' opt QV GB 1d red inc plates 201, 205, 208, 216, 217 & 218, all with diff numeral barred oval pmks inc '942', '969', '974', '975', '981', '982', 'D47', 'D48' & 'O98'. G-VFU. SG 2 cat £504. (9) (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1880 'CYPRUS' opt QV 1/- green, plate 13, letters KB-BK. Superb U barred oval '942' pmk, perfect centring. Scott 6 cat US$525. SG 6 cat £500. Only 2880 printed. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1892-94 QV 6Pi olive-grey, Die II, wmk crown CA. Superb fresh M. Scott 24a cat US$275. SG 36 cat £275. (P)SOLD at A$160

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Dominica: 1883-1970s collection in binder inc 1886 QV Surch ½d on 6d & 1d on 1/-. 1903-07 KEVII View set to 5/-. 1908-20 KGV View set to 5/-. 1923-33 KGV Badge to 5/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-47 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1951 KGVI Pic set to $2.40. 1954-62 QEII Pic set to $2.40. 1963-65 QEII Pic Def set to $4.80. Range of Commems inc M/S. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation. SG cat £1000+ = A$1900+. (530, +27 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$275

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1889-94 Arms 10p green, imperf proof colour trial sheetlet of 10, no wmk wove paper. Superb fresh UN as made. Mi 29(p) cat €700, SG 112(p) cat £1000, both for normal singles. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1889-94 Arms 10p blue, imperf proof colour trial sheetlet of 10, no wmk, wove paper. Superb fresh UN as made. Mi 29(p) cat €700, SG 112(p) cat £1000, both for normal singles. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1889-94 Arms 10p red, imperf proof colour trial sheetlet of 10, no wmk wove paper. Superb fresh UN as made. Mi 29(p) cat €700, SG 112(p) cat £1000, both for normal singles. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1889-94 Arms 10p brown-orange, imperf proof colour trial sheetlet of 10, no wmk wove paper. Superb fresh UN as made. Mi 29(p) cat €700, SG 112(p) cat £1000, both for normal singles. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1889-94 Arms 10p orange, imperf proof colour trial sheetlet of 10, no wmk wove paper. Superb fresh UN as made. Mi 29(p) cat £700. SG 112(p) cat £1000, both for normal singles. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1892-1945 Railway Parcels Mint collection on pgs inc 1892 10c imperf & 10c, 25c perf. 1901 Train set to 2F. 1924 Surch set to 3F30 on 50c. 1926 perf 11 set to 3F (Yv cat €300). Good range of 1920s - 30c A, B, C & D opts. 1941-45 Train & Bridge sets to 4F50. F-VF fresh M/MLH. Yv cat €2900+ = A$4800+. Seldom offered area. (212) (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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Collection 1920-2008 Pre-cancels Mint on pgs inc 1920 Sower 5c & 15c. 1921 Sowers to 30c. 1922 Sowers to 30c. 1922-47 Blanc to 10c & Merson 45c. 1922-27 Sower to 65c. 1922-32 Pasteur to 50c. 1933-39 Peace to 1F40, 1938-43 Mercury to 60c, & Petain to 2F. 1949-51 Marianne to 15F. 1953-59 Cock to 55F. 1975-56 Coin to 1F70. 1980 Monuments to 3F30. 1983-87 Pic to 4F75. 1989-93 Musical Instruments to 5F32. 2002-8 Flowers range. F-VF fresh M/UN/MUH, post 1950 being MUH. Yv cat £8800+ = A$14,500+. Very seldom offered issues. (231) (P)SOLD at A$1100

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1941 Petain set 40c-2Fr50,, plus Relief Fund 1Fr+10c, all IMPERF. Superb fresh MUH, 4 large margins. SG 690-93(var), Yv 470-73nd & 494nd, Maury 470-73nd & 494nd cat €345. Very scarce. (5) (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1942 Tricolour Legion in Russia full sheet of 25 with 2 rows 1Fr20+ 8Fr80 blue, 1 row of albino impressions & 2 rows of 1Fr20+8Fr80 scarlet, with printer sheet no margin. VF fresh MUH. SG 769-70 cat £165 as M singles, so £330+ MUH. Maury 566B cat €250+ as setenant strips, plus premium for attractive sheet. (25)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1943 Vichy Government Officials set 10c-20Fr, showing fascist symbols, full set inc very rare 70c. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. Maury S1-15, Yv S1-15 cat €3200+. Very rare WWII set which was never issued for political reasons & of which almost the whole printing was officially destroyed. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (15) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1942 Military Airmail opt Petain 1Fr50 with 'Par Avion Batiment de Ligne Richelieu' issued on Battleship Richelieu in New York', tied by appropriate shipmail pmk on Petain 1Fr20 Postal Card, with large censor h/s. VF. Yv AM3, Maury AM4 cat €3500. Rare & attractive. 2005 Rendon photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1943 Military Airmail opt Angers 10Fr violet with 'Par Avion Batiment de Ligne Richelieu' issued on Battleship Richelieu in New York. VF fresh MUH. Yv PAM 10 cat €1600+, Maury PAM 7 cat €1700. Very rare, as only 1 or 2 sheets of 50 printed. 2016 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Alencon: 1944 'Cross, V, wreath' opt Mercury/Petain 10c (2), 30c, 50c, 70c, 80c, 1Fr, 1.20Fr & 1.50Fr, tied to 4 covers by 'Le Messle s/Sarthe Orne' 9(or 12) 9 1944 cds. Yv 1, 2, 4 & 6-10. Mayer 1, 2, 4, 6-10 cat €515. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Annemasse: 1944 '18-8-1944 Liberation Annemasse F.F.I.' opt on Petain set 70c-4.50Fr. Superb fresh MUH. Mayer 1-11 cat €285+, Yv 1-11 cat €285+ both for M, plus premium for MUH. (11) (P)AVAILABLE at A$140

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Chatelleault: 1944 'R.F.' opt Mercury 30c (unissued) Petain 1F & 1.50F, ea on cover with non-opts-inc Registered tied by 'Chatellerault various 10-44 pmks. Yv 4,6 & unlisted. Mayer 4, 6 & 17 cat €470, plus premium for unusual postage usage. (10 on 3 covers). (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Chatellerault: 1944 'R.F' opt SIDEWAYS on Petain 1F, with 'Arc' 50c defin tied by 'Chatellerault 20 10 44' hexagonal pmks. Yv 4(var). Mayer 4(var) cat €320. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Montreuil-Bellay: 1944 't Maquis Montreuil Bellay' opt Petain 1.50F, tied by cover by 'Montreuil-Bellay Maine et Loire 12 9 44' cds. Yv 9 cat €200 as M, Mayer 7 cat €250+ (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Paris 122: 1944 opt 'RF (cross) Paris 122' opt Petain 1.20F, tied by 'Paris 122 Av Porte Montmartre 30 8 1944' cds. Mayer 25 cat €170. (P)AVAILABLE at A$90

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Provins: 1944 Cross 'Republique Francaise 1944' opt Mercury 10c in red, plus Arc 50c, & Cock 40c & 50c, tied by 'La Croix en Brie Seine et Marne 17 11 44' cds, with boxed 'Retour a L'Ennoyeur' h/s (Return to sender) with Postage Due 50c. Mayer 1 cat €15++, plus premium for unusual Postage Due usage. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Provins: 1944 Cross 'Republique Francaise 1944' opt on Mercury 40c in red with 'Arc' 10c & 1F, tied by 'Rozay en Brie Seine et Marne 13 11 44' cds, with 'Retour a L'Envoyer' h/s (return to sender). Mayer 5 cat €50++, plus premium for unusual postal usage. (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Provins: 1944 Cross 'Republique Francaise 1944' opt Petain 70c orange green opt INVERTED with 'Arc' 50c defin, tied by 'Gouaix Seine et Marne 23 10 44' cds. Mayer 22a(var) cat €400+. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Provins: 1944 Cross 'Republic Francais 1944' green opt on Petain 1.20F opt INVERTED, plus non opt Mercury 30c tied by 'Herme 11 10 44' Seine et Marne' cds, with boxed 'Retour a L'envoyeur' h/s (Return to sender). Mayer 28(var) cat €400+, plus premium for unusual postal usage. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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St Nazaire: 1945 LIBERATION opts Mercury/Petain 10c, 40c, 50c & 1.50F (2) tied by 'Pornichet 9 5 45' cds to 2 covers also Franking Machine 1Fr dated '11 7 45 St Nazaire', plus Tax triangle 'T' for Poste Restante. Mayer L1 & L2 etc cat €500+. (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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St Nazaire: 1945 LIBERATION opts group with Mercury 40c, Petain 20c, 30c - these 3 opt INVERTED, 1F, 1.20F, 4F & 4.50F tied by 'Batz s Imer 9 5 45' cds, all with s/l 'Taxe Percue, Ilot de St Nazaire, Vive la Liberation' h/s. Also Petain 1.20F Postcard with Taxe Percue h/s inverted & 'Ilot de St Nazaire' s/l cachet. Mayer L1(var), L2(var) & l14E cat €1300+. (8). (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1945 St Nazaire Liberation 'LIBERATION' h/s opt Petain 1.20Fr postal card, with 'TAXE PERCUE' postage paid h/s & 'ILOT de Dt NAZAIRE / VIVE la LIBERATION' at left, with 'Guerande 11.5.45' cds & 'GUERANDE' s/l. Superb fresh. Mayer L13 cat €600. Rare & attractive. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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French Colonies: 1891-1957 collection for Reunion & Madagascar in s/book inc Reunion general issue with diag opt to 25c, 1892 set to 1F, 1907 set to 5F, 1922-24 Surch set to 20F, 1933 set to 20F, various issues to 1950 inc unissued Vichy French issues. Madagascar inc 1891 set to 5F, 1903 set to 2F, 1908-22 set to 5F, 1922 Surch set to 20F, 1930 set to 20F, 1935 set to 20F, 1943 Surch set to 20F on 5F grey-blue, 1952 Air set to 500F. Quite comprehensive collection, most sets are M & U. The early French issues have not been checked for varieties. SG cat £2,700+ = A$5,300. (1100+) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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French Colonies: 1899-1959 collection for Cameroon, Dahomey & Gabon mounted on Hawid strips in album, inc Cameroon, 1916 set on Middle Congo to 5F, 1921 set to 5F, 1925-27 sets to 20F, 1925 Postage Due set to 3F, 1939 set to 20F, various others to 1950s, Dahomey 1899 set to 50c, 1906 to 1F, 1913 set to 5F, 1941 set to 20F, various to 1940s, Gabon 1904 to 1F, 1910 Congo Francais Gabon to 40c, 1910 Afrique Gabon to 5F, 1912 Surch set to 1D on 5F, 1924 set to 5F, 1932 set to 20F. This is a comprehensive collection with most sets M & U. Most cds are period with a lot of full cds. The vendor prepared a list with cat value several years ago & cat value has increased since then. Mostly F-VF MLH & VFU. SG cat £3500+ = A$7000. Seldom offered countries. (1100+) (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Guadeloupe: 1945 R F Cross of Lorraine, imperf blank duty DIE PROOF set of 12 diff colour combinations with OMITTED value tablets. Superb M/UN as made, all affixed on 8 & 18 August 1944 pieces from Thomas De La Rue archive pgs, all 4 margins. SG 183-201(p). Yv 178-96(p). Unique items for specialist. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (12) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1700

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Madagascar: 1944 Travellers Tree Surch 50c on 5c, 2Fr40 on 25c & 3Fr on 25c, horiz prs, opt colour trial proof opts in BLACK, with 50c/5c being UNISSUED as such (instead of RED opt). Superb fresh M, all affixed on pieces from De La Rue archive pgs. SG 282, 286 & 287(p). Yv 290, 294-95. Unique item for specialists. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (6) (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Martinique: 1945 Victor Schoelcher 2Fr50 IMPERF proof colour trial set of 10 diff colours, being an UNISSUED value as was changed to 2Fr40 value. Superb fresh M as made, 2 affixed on piece from 10 September 1944 De La Rue archive pg & 8 MLH on another piece. SG 203-21(p). Yv 199-217(p). Unique item for specialists. 2023 Ceremuga photo cert. (10) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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New Caledonia: 1945 Kogu Bird Surch 1Fr20 on 5c, 2Fr40 on 25c & 4Fr50 on 25c, horiz prs, opt colour trial proof opts in BLACK, with 1Fr20/5c being UNISSUED as such (instead of RED opt). Superb fresh M, all affixed on pieces from De La Rue archive pgs. SG 294, 295 & 297(p). Yv 249, 253 & 255(p). Unique item for specialists. 2023 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (6) (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Obock: 1894 Triangle 2Fr, 5Fr & 10Fr. VF, 2Fr M, 5Fr UN, 10Fr superb MLH, full margins. Scott 60-62 cat US$375. Yv 60-62 cat €355. SG 78-80 cat £470. (3) (P)SOLD at A$170

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Obock: 1894-1903 Triangle 2Fr blue & brown. VFM, full large margins Scott 63 cat US$875. Yv 63 cat €1100. SG 81 cat £1000. Exp Brun AIEP, plus 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Gambia: 1880-1980s collection in s/book inc 1880-93 QV Cameo to 1/-, plus shades & blks of 4. 1898-1902 QV Tablet set to 1/-. 1902-05 KEVII set to 3/-. 1906 Surch ½d on 2/6 & 1d on 3/-. 1909 KEVII New Colours set to 3/-, plus set opt SPECIMEN. 1912-22 KGV set to 5/- & 1921-22 set to 4/-. 1922-29 KGV Elephant set to 5/-, wmk mult crown & set to 10/-, wmk script. 1938-46 KGVI Elephant set to 10/- M &U. 1935 Silver Jubilee set M & U. 1948 Silver Wedding set M & U. 1953-59 QEII Pic set to £1. 1963 QEII Birds set to £1. 1965 Independence opt set to £1. Useful later Commems inc M/S. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, 80% being M/MUH. Some tropicalised gum. SG cat £3000+ = A$5800+. (790 = 27 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$800

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1930-32 Charity booklet se-tenants inc 1930 8pf & 15pf 6 diff vertical prs or trios & 2 horiz. 1931 both panes, 1 separated, plus vertical combinations (7) & horiz (2). 1932 both panes, plus horiz (4) & vert (4), plus blks (4) cat as appropriate prs. VF fresh M/MUH. Mi 576-80, S84, W37-8, HB1 70B & 71A, S88-92, S94 & 96, W40, HB1 72B & 73B, S100-W44 cat €1560. (33 combinations)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1934-41 Charity & Hitler booklet se-tenants Mint collection inc from booklet sheets, inc extras, with Wagner 13 diff combinations, unfortunately some stuck to page (Mi cat €760), 1934 Workers with 2 panes & all combinations (€525), again some stuck, 1935 Costumes comp inc panes (€255), 1936 Olympics comp but only 1 pane, 1936 Buildings comp in 2 panes (€169), 1937 Ships then all comp to 1940 Buildings with all panes & combinations (€637). Then Hitler with all panes & missing only 2 combinations (€266). Some stuck, only a minority, some others with sl adhesion marks, generally VF M/MUH, overall good appearance. Mi cat €2600+. (580, inc 22 panes)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1935-40 Charities booklets 2RM with 1935 Costumes, 1936 Buildings, 1938 Scenes, 1939 Buildings & 1940 Buildings. F-VF M/MUH, 1st 3 all panes stuck, last 2 a few sl toned perfs. SG SB37, 40, 43, 45 & 47 cat £970. MI MH41, 43, 45, 46 & 47 cat €710. (4)AVAILABLE at A$90

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1940-41 Hindenburg booklet 2RM, code 14 with 1pf, 2pf, 4pf, 5pf, 6pf, 7pf & 12pf in 5 panes. VF fresh MUH. SG SB46 cat £325. Mi MH39.4 cat €200.AVAILABLE at A$55

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1940-41 Hindenburg booklet 2RM code 11 with 1pf, 3pf, 4pf, 5pf, 6pf, 8pf & 12pf in 5 panes. VF fresh MUH. SG SB46 cat £325. MI MH39.1 cat €240.AVAILABLE at A$65

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1941-43 Hitler 6pf violet comp sheet of 100, with spectacular MISPLACED PERFS error resulting in 90 with misplaced perfs, bottom row of 10 IMPERF at base horiz & large part imperf vert. SG 773(var), Michel 785aUu listed but unpriced. F-VF UN, some aging. This item considered something of a family heirloom by post war Germany migrants to Australia, has never been on the market previously. Has to be value for money at a reserve of only $6 per stamp. (100). (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1945 SA/SS Storm Troopers set 12+38pf scarlet, LR cnr marginal blks of 15, with row numbers. VF fresh MUH. Mi 909-10 cat €1350+, SG 897-898 cat £1635+, both as singles, plus premium for blks. (2 blks of 15).AVAILABLE at A$275

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1945 SA/SS Storm Troopers set 12+38pf scarlet, LR cnr blks of 10, with sheet row no. VF fresh MUH. Mi 909-10 cat €900+, SG 897-98 cat £1090+ both as singles, plus premium for blks. (2 blks of 10).AVAILABLE at A$180

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Poland General Govt: 1940-43 covers & cards inc Registered, Official & Express. All from towns in eastern Poland now in Ukraine with pmks of Lemberg (9) inc 12gr green or violet postcards, pmks of Drohobycz, Nadworns, Przeworsk, Rawa Ruska, Sanok, Stryu & Tarnopol, plus some postal agency h/s, all towns then in eastern Galicia & now in Ukraine. (18)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Postal History: 1880s-1940s covers, cards etc inc 1901 Telegram Env with contents, Poland DP Osten opt set, & range of Gen Govt 1940 surch to 3zl (SG cat £148+), as loose stamps alone) 1941 Luxembourg 'RPF' surch set on reg cover (£30+), 1898 Private Post envelope, PTPO Postcards, German cards with views at left, 'Rohrpost Brief' 40pf PC, franking meters (10), 1932 Czechoslovakia Zeppelin 2nd Sth American flight cover, 1944 cover with 'Boha Koturska' barred opt set, barred opt set, plus set loose (£100), 1918 'Marine Feldpost PC with 'SMS' Wurttemberg' cachet, WWI POW mail noted 'Offizer Lager Gutersloh' cachet, range of Feldpost & commercial covers, Official Mails, range of cachets, Postal Stationery, 1938 colour Hitler-Mussolini card with 'Fuhrer DVX' pmk, & much more. (120).AVAILABLE at A$300

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WWII 1939-44 Fieldpost covers censored & related with stampless eagle & swastika censor cachets (25), same again but all registered (16), Telegram Envelopes, Swiss view cards to Germany (2), Italy PPC Italy to Austria & Germany, 1940 Yugoslav PC to Germany, 1940 Deutsche Post Osten on 2 reg covers. POW inc from Canada, cover with Admont-Lager camp cds, & more. Interesting lot. (55).SOLD at A$325

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Turkey POs: 1894-1915 Postal Stationery Envelopes with opt Eagle 20pa/10pf red (4) inc 2 sizes & uprated U, Reichspost Germania 10p/5pf green (2 UN/1 U), plus wrappers 10p/5pf green Reichspost (2 diff UN). Then Postal Cards with a forerunner U cat €50, then good range with Mi 1 & 2 UN, Mi 3 (2 U), Mi 4 UN, 5 UN/U, 6 UN, 7 U, 8 (rare opt 'Specimen'), P11 (UN), 13 (2 UN/2 U), P19 (2 U) inc with wmk cat €500. Mi cat €1600+, plus premium for usages in Palestine - Jaffa & Jerusalem pmks. (30)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1921-24 Pictorial issues mint collection inc 1921 set to 25Mk, plus tete-beche pr selection to 80pf. 1921 Surch set to 5Fr on 25Mk. 1922 Redrawn set to 5Fr. 1923 New Colours set to 75c. 1922-24 Official set to 1Fr. 1923-24 Official set to 75c. VF M/MUH. Mi cat €590+. SG cat £790+. (94)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Postal Stationery: 1920-57 specialist collection inc 1920 opt Germania 15pf & 20pf Lettercards, Postcards opt (9), 1921 1st Pictorials (14) 30pf, 40pf & 30pf double reply, Surch (9), French Currency Pics (7) & 20c (5) both sizes. Then 1927-33 New Pics (15) 1933 30c double reply uprated to Netherlands (Mi cat €400). Then 1949-58 (28, €500). As new expensive Lighthouse slipcase cover album. F-VF UN/U. Mi cat €1850. Excellent lot. (81)SOLD at A$425

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Aegean Islands-Rhodes: 1944 Rodi 30c brown on bluish illustrated Postal Card (1st half of double reply card) -file punches at left, with Italian & German text, uprated Rodi Wing 50c with 'Posta Aerea 9 6 44' cds. To Italy, with censor h/s in red, & 2 other censor h/s. H&G 19b. Mi P3F cat €300 for UN & unpriced U. Interitalia 3B cat €600. Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Albania: 1943 '14 Shtator 1943' opt Pictorial 1Fr blue-green, error '1944' instead of '1943'. VF fresh MUH. SG 399a cat £350 for M, should be at least double, £700 MUH, Sass 11h, Mi 11III cat €500. Important error. 2015 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Belgium-Russia: 1941 Flemish Legion on Eastern Front '+50Fr' set of 4 historical battle designs. Superb fresh MUH, all with top & bottom margins. Mi I-IV cat €120+. (4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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Belgium-Russia: 1942 Walloon Legion on Eastern Front set '+20Fr' - '+100Fr' Legionnaire. Superb fresh MUH, all LR cnr marginal. Mi I-IV cat €180+. (4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$110

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Belgium-Russia: 1943 Flemish Legion on Eastern Front set '+5Fr' - '+100Fr' Emperor & Empress designs. Superb fresh MUH, with top & bottom margins. Mi IX-XIV cat €260+. (6). (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Bohemia-Moravia: Postal History inc 1939 opts 9 diff to 4K, 1942 Hitler's Birthday set on Commem cover, 1941-43 Official frankings, 1941 Official/Postage Due franking, Registered, Express, part Parcel Cards etc, plus Postal Stationery (27) in Double Reply & Lettercards. Mi cat €250 & covers cat €200 as loose stamps, total €450. (45)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Croatia: 1941 Gold opts on Castle set 1.50+1.50D & 4+3D in sheetlets of 16 stamps & 9 gutter tabs - 5 tabs with gold 'Shield' opts, top margin also opt 'Nezavisna Drzva Hrvatska'. 1st sheet pos 9 variety 'engravers mark 5'. Mostly VF fresh MUH, margin blemishes. Mi 39-40 KLB cat €1670. SG 26-27 cat £704 as M singles alone, should be at least double, £1408 MUH, plus large premium for tabs & full sheets. Very scarce & most attractive. (2 sheetlets) (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Croatia: 1942 Model Plane Expo M/Sheet 2+2K & 3+12K imperf, with variety 'red R in LR cnr of blue stamp' engraver's secret mark. VF fresh MUH. SG MS58a(var), Mi Block 1I cat €200. (P)SOLD at A$70

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Croatia: 1942 National Relief Fund set 3+1K to 5+5K in blks of 9 inc 4K variety 'accent on A' (pos 7), plus UL cnr marginal blk of 12 with varieties 'cross on D' (pos 11) & '1 for K' (pos 16). Also 3K (pos 13) & 5K UL cnr marginal blk of 12 with variety 'A on ??'. VF fresh MUH. SG 64-66(var). Mi 83-85 inc 83I, 84I, 84III, 84IV& 85I cat €346+. (6 blks)AVAILABLE at A$110

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Croatia: 1943 Famous Croats set 1K-3K50 IMPERF PROOFS, ea 4 diff shades of issued colours, plus issued perf set. VF fresh MUH. SG 82-84(p), Mi 103-05UP cat €630+. Rare & attractive (15) (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Croatia: 1943 Legion in Russia set 1 + 0.50K to 9 + 4.50K, set in horiz prs, plus imperf proof colour trials inc proof with blank value tablets, plus diff colours. VF fresh MUH. SG 85-88(p). Mi 107-110UP UP cat €460. (26 prs inc 46 proofs) (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Croatia: 1943 Croat Legion in Russia set 1+0.50K - 9+4.50K PROOFS on 'carton paper', plus 1+0.50k w/o darker final print, all imperf horiz prs. VF UN. Mi 107-10UP(var), SG 85-88(p). Rare, only 1 sheet of ea believed printed. 2008 & 2011 Zrinjscak AIEP photo certs. (5 prs). (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Croatia: 1945 Storm Division set 50+50K - 100+100K. Superb fresh MLH, almost MUH. SG 142-144 cat £475+. Mi 170-172 cat €350+. Scarce genuine set. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Croatia: 1945 Storm Division set 50+50K - 100+100K. Stamps superb fresh MUH, with never hinged original gum, upper marginal. SG 142-144 cat £475 for M, should be at least double, £950 MUH. Mi 170-172 cat €700. Scarce genuine set in perfect quality. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Croatia: 1945 Storm Division set 50+50K - 100+100K, IMPERF. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum, all 4 large margins from edge of sheet. SG 142-144(var). Mi 170U-172U cat €1500. Very rare imperf set in perfect quality. Exp, plus Petric photo-cert. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Croatia: 1941-45 MUH collection in s/book almost comp inc 1941 opt Yugoslavia King set to 3VD. 1941 opt Brod Exhib set with tabs. 1941-42 Pictorial set to 100k, plus tete beche prs to 50k. 1942 Aviation M/S perf & imperf, plus stamps from both M/S, 1942 Youth Fund set blks of 8 with tabs, plus M/S perf & imperf, plus tamps from both M/S, 1943 President M/S perf & imperf also, plus stamps from both M/S, 1943 Legion Fund set perf & imperf, plus M/S perf & imperf. 1943 Zagreb M/S. 1943-44 President set to 100k. 1945 Post Officials M/S etc, as well as most other issues with tabs also. Superb fresh MUH, all selected nice quality. Mi cat €700++. SG cat £640++ for M, should be at least double, £1280 MUH. Beautiful collection that only needs 2 sets + 1 M/S for completion. (295 + 11MS).AVAILABLE at A$400

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Croatia: 1944 Labour Front set 3.50+1K - 32+16K perf 12 - usually found with lower 3 values perf 14½, tied by special FDI pmk thematics, plus normal FDC included. Mi 162-65. 2012 Zrinkscak BPP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Croatia: 1945 Registered Express cover franked Postal Employee's Fund set 3.50+1.50K - 50+25K, tied 'Zagreb 31 III 45' cds. To Switzerland with arrival b/s. Scarce late war issue to overseas with only a few known with this set to foreign countries. Mi 173-76. 2012 Wieneke BPP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$160

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Estonia: 1941 sets with Eesti swastika sets both papers, Pic set perf & imperf & Pernau type II opt set to 50k. VF fresh MUH. SG 3-5A & 3-5B & 6-11 cat £76+ (plus imperf Pics & Pernau unlisted). Mi 1-3x, 1-3y, 4-9 & ex 1II-10II cat €248. (27)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Estonia: 1941 sets with Eesti swastika sets both papers, Pic set perf & imperf & Pernau type II opt set to 50k. VFU. SG 3-5A, 3-5B & 6-11 cat £194+ (plus imperf Pics & Pernau unlisted). Mi 1-3x, 1-3y, 4-9 & 1II-10II cat €475, plus Pernau U not listed. (22)AVAILABLE at A$90

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Estonia: 1941 Swastika set 15k-30k MLH & on cover with other stamps, Pictorials to 100k MUH & on cover, plus 15k IMPERF between horiz pr, 15k imperf blk of 15 & 20k marginal blks of 4 (2) MUH & Pernau type II opt set inc 3k perf. Some tones, the Pernau set VF fresh MUH. Mi cat €800+ as stamps, plus premium for the covers. (45, 2 covers) (P)AVAILABLE at A$140

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Estonia-Pernau: 1941 Pernau type I opt Russia set 1k-50k inc 3k perf & imperf. Superb fresh MUH. SG unlisted. Mi 1I-10I inc 3IA & B cat €80. (11). (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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France: 1940 Coudekerque Provisional 'Besetztes Gebiet Nord- Frankreich' boxed h/s opt type II on Mercury 5c rose, horiz strip of 3, with 1st stamp part opt reading downwards & right pr normal horiz opt. Superb fresh MUH. Maury 28+28(var), Mi 6II+6II(var) cat €2100+. Very rare genuine as less than 100 printed & in that only tiny number vertical. 2023 Behr AIEP photo cert. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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France: 1940 Coudekerque Provisional 'Besetztes Gebiet Nord- Frankreich' boxed h/s opt type II on Mercury 60c orange-red, with 1st stamp part opt reading downwards & right pr normal horiz opt. Superb fresh MUH. Maury 38+38(var), Mi 15II(var)+15II(var) basic stamp previously unrecorded in Mi with type II opt & est cat €3750 (as pr is €2500) per footnote for such other values not specifically listed. Very rare genuine as less than 100 printed & in that only tiny number vertical. 2023 Behr AIEP photo cert. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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France & Luxembourg: 1940-45 Postal Stationery Postal Cards with 'Elsas' opt 5pf & 6pf Postcards, PTPO 6pf VFU, colour pictorial 6pf brown Postcards (5). 'Lothringen' opt 6pf olive Stamp Duty U, 6pf brown Pics (6) & uncoloured Pics (4), 5pf & 6pf cards. Luxembourg 5pf green (4) M/U/CTO, 6pf (2 CTO), Surch (4), plus 5 general covers. Also 1945 'St Nazaire Poche de L'Atlantique' black on buff reg envelope used Guerande to La Baule (cat €700) & similar reg cover with 4.50 stamp black on pink of same design as reg envelope from Batz to La Baule. Mi cat €1175, plus 5 covers. Interesting lot. (40)AVAILABLE at A$220

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France-Russia: 1941 French Legion on Eastern Front 100Fr M/Sheet showing Russian Bear & town in flames. Superb fresh M in marg only stamps MUH. Maury Blc1 cat €400+. Mi Blk1 cat €450+. Scarce genuine. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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France-Russia: 1941 French Legion on Eastern Front 100Fr M/Sheet showing Russian Bear & town in flames. Superb fresh MUH, with never hinged original gum. Maury Blc1 cat €750. Mi Blk1 cat €800. Rare genuine MUH. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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France-Russia: 1941 French Legion on Eastern Front 100Fr M/Sheet showing Russian Bear & town in flames, variety 'small blue line above design' Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. Maury Blk 1. Mi Blk IPFI cat €1200. 2019 Scheller photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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France-Russia: 1941 French Legion on Eastern Front 100Fr M/Sheet showing Russian Bear & town in flames. VF fresh MLH in top margin only, stamp MUH with never hinged original gum. Maury Blc1nd. Mi Blk1U cat €2000+. Very rare genuine imperf as vast majority of those on the market are forged. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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France-Russia: 1941 French Legion on Eastern Front 100Fr M/Sheet showing Russian Bear & town in flames. Superb fresh VFU/CTO 'Expdn Philat Paris L'Art le Timbre 25 NOV 41' cds with never hinged original gum. Maury Blc1 cat €650+. Very rare with genuine cancel from the time. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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France-Russia: 1941 Legion on Eastern Front set Airmail F (+10F) green & red, & F+10 red & blue, both blks of 4, last with variety 'missing accent on Aerienne' (pos 15) & variety 'N of AVION short at right' (pos 10). VF fresh MUH. Maury 2-3(var). Mi II-III inc III PFI & III PFIV cat €400+, plus premium for the positional multiples. (2 blks). (P)AVAILABLE at A$140

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France - Russia: 1941 French Legion on Eastern Front set Airmail F (+10F) green & red, & F+10 red & blue, both blks of 4, last with variety 'missing dot in Aerienne' (pos 24). VF fresh MUH. Maury 2-3(var). Mi II-III PFII cat €330+, plus premium for the positional multiples. (2 blks) (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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France-Russia: 1942 Legion on Eastern Front set F (+10F) green & red, & F+10 red & blue with OSTFRONT opts, shifted on last, blks of 4. VF fresh MUH. Maury 4 & 5g cat €528. Mi IV & V(var) cat €320+, plus premium for shifted opts. (2 blks). (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on Eastern Front set Airmail F (+10F) green & red & F+10 red & blue with OSTFRONT opts both shifted down, 2nd with variety 'N of AVION short at right' (pos 10). Both blks of 4. VF fresh MUH. Maury 4g-5g cat €880. Mi IV-V inc VPIV cat €400+, plus premium for positional multiples. (2 blks). (P)AVAILABLE at A$140

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on Eastern Front set Airmail F(+10F) green & red, & F+10 red & blue with OSTFRONT opts, both LR cnr marginal blks of 4 last with variety 'missing dot in Aerienne' (pos 24) on LL stamp. VF fresh MUH. Maury 4-5(var. Mi IV-V & VP FII cat €400+, plus premium for positional multiples. (2 blks). (P)AVAILABLE at A$140

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on Eastern Front Airmail 'F' green-black with OSTFRONT opt, plus German Fieldpost Luftfeldpost blue plane (2), tied by 'Feldpost d 10 4 44' cds to cover, with 'Dienstelle F.P. Nr 05492A' cachet at LL (of 3rd Battalion of the French Infantry Regiment 638) to France, with 'Angers RP 27-4 44' b/s. Maury 4 cat €775++. Mi IV. Extremely rare genuine airmail usage from the Eastern front. 2017 Roumet photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on Eastern Front Airmail F+10 red & blue with OSTFRONT opt, plus German Fieldpost Luftfeldpost blue pane (2), tied by 'Feldpost d 23 4 44' cds to cover (centre fold) with 'Dienstelle F.P. Nr 05492A' cachet at LL (of the 3rd Battalion of the French Infantry Regiment 638, with censor tape on reverse & 'Kommando' b/s to France. Maury 5 cat €775++ Mi V. Extremely rare genuine airmail usage from the Eastern front. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on the Eastern Front battle scenes set F+1F with printed tabs. Issued by French Legion Against Bolshevism. Blks of 4 with dated & undated pictorial tabs. VF fresh MUH. Maury 6-10. Mi VI-XZfBr cat €800. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on the Eastern Front battle scenes set F+1F with printed tabs. Issued by French Legion Against Bolshevism, full sheets of 25 with pictorial margin tabs, & 1 tab per pane dated '2 4 42', & ea pane with h/s serial number. VF fresh MUH. Maury 6-10. Mi VI-XZfBr cat €1500+ as singles, plus premium for sheets. Very attractive. (5 sheets of 25=125). (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on the Eastern front battle scenes F+1F charity stamps with 'Watch over Moscow design of soldier looking over the front lines imperf (proofs) in blue with red text, & in violet w/o text. VF fresh UN as made. Maury 10(var) cat €400. Mi XP cat €500. Ceremuga photo-cert. (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on the Eastern front battle scenes F+1F charity stamps with 'Watch over Moscow design of soldier looking over the front lines imperf (proofs) in blue with & w/o red text, & in violet w/o text, all LL cnr marginal blks of 4 with pictorial tabs at left. VF fresh UN as made. Maury 10(var). Mi XP+XPZf(var) cat €4200+ as singles, plus premium for very rare positional multiples. East with 2011 Ceremuga photo-cert. (3 blks). (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on the Eastern Front battle scenes F+1F charity stamps with 'Watch over Moscow design of soldier looking over the front lines set of 5 tied to Fieldpost cover by 'Dienstelle F.P. Nr03865' censor cachet, with 'Feldpost 13 1 44' cds. To France, with censor tape 'Oberkommando de Wehrmacht' & red censor cachet. Maury 6-10 cat €400+. Mi VI-X. Rare genuine postally used cover. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert.AVAILABLE at A$350

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on the Eastern Front battle scene F+1F brown & blue charity stamp with pictorial tab, with 'Tank' design of soldiers advancing, tied to Fieldpost cover by 'Feldpost d 04 4 44' 'Dienstelle F.P. Nr 05492' cachet at LL & censor h/s at right. Maury 9 cat €350++. Mi VI. Very rare proper postal usage. Copy of 2017 Roumet photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on the Eastern Front battle scene F-1F green & purple charity stamp with pictorial tab with 'Artillery' design of soldiers firing, tied to Fieldpost cover by 'Feldpost d 06 3 44' cds, Dienstelle F.P. Nr 05492B' cachet & censor h/s at right to France. Maury 7 cat €350++. Mi VII. Very rare genuine postal usage. Copy of 2017 Roumet photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on the Eastern Front battle scene F+1F red & blue charity stamp with pictorial tab & with 'Cavalry' design of mounted soldiers advancing, tied to Fieldpost cover by 'Feldpost d 10 5 44' cds with censor tape & h/s on reverse, to France. Maury 6 cat €350++. Mi VIII. Very rare proper postal usage. Copy of 2017 Roumet photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on the Eastern Front battle scene F+1F blue & purple charity stamp with pictorial tab, with 'Infantry' design of soldiers saluting & Napoleonic Army, tied to Fieldpost cover by 'Feldpost 23 2 44' with 'Dienstelle F.P. Nr 05492A' cachet, censored at left to France with address partly obliterated. Maury 8 cat €350++ Mi IX. Very rare proper postal usage. Copy of 2017 Roumet photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on the Eastern Front battle scene F+1F blue & purple charity stamp with 'Infantry' design of soldiers saluting Napoleonic Army, tied to Fieldpost card by 'Feldpost g 02 12 42' cds. To Reims with 'Dienstelle F.P.Nr 03865D' cachet & red censor h/s. Maury 8 cat €300++ Mi IX. Very rare genuine non-philatelic postal usage. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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France-Russia: 1942 French Legion on the Eastern Front battle scene F+1F violet & red charity stamp with pictorial tab & with 'Watch over Moscow' design of soldier looking over the front lines, tied to Fieldpost cover by 'Feldpost 19 2 44' cds, & 'Dienstelle F.P. Nr 05492A' cachet, censored at left to France. Maury 10 cat €350++. Mi XZf. Very rare proper postal usage 2017 Roumet photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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France: 1942 Tricolour Legion in Russia full sheet of 25 with 2 rows 1Fr20+ 8Fr80 blue, 1 row of albino impressions & 2 rows of 1Fr20+8Fr80 scarlet, with printer sheet no margin. VF fresh MUH. SG 769-70 cat £165 as M singles, so £330+ MUH. Maury 566B & Yv 566b cat €250+ as setenant strips, plus premium for attractive sheet.AVAILABLE at A$100

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France-Alsace: 1940 Elsass opt Hitler set 3pf-100pf, blks of 4 all UL cnr marginal, many with plate numbers. Superb fresh MUH. SG 1-16 cat £116 for M, should be at least double, £232 MUH. Mi 1-16 cat €220 - both, plus premium for margins & plate numbers. (16 blks).AVAILABLE at A$100

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Kotor: 1944 Registered cover franked Italian Stamp Duty Revenues (9 diff) 50c-6L, tied by 'Josica 11 IX 44' cds, with 'Platzkommandatur Cattaro' cachet added later. Attractive & rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Laibach (Slovenia): 1944 opt set 5c-50L& Express. VF fresh MUH. SG65-83 & E92 cat £212 for M, should be at least double, £424. Mi 1-20 cat €400. (20). (P)SOLD at A$140

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Latvia-Kurland: 1945 opt Hitler set 5/5pf, 5/10pf, 5/20pf, plus '12' opt Eagle perf & roul. Superb fresh MUH. SG 1-3, 4A & 4B cat £289 for M, should be at least double, £578 MUH. Mi 1I-3I, 4A & 4B cat €250. Exp van Loo BPP. (3). (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Latvia-Kurland: 1945 opt Hitler set 6/5pf, 6/10pf & 6/20pf, all opt type II 'slender 6' (pos 12 & 13) setenant with type I normal. VF fresh MUH. SG 1-3(var) cat £310 for M should be at least double, £620 MUH. Mi 1I+II-3I+II cat €365+ as singles, plus premium for setenant prs. (3 prs). (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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Latvia-Kurland: 1945 opt Hitler set 6/5pf opt type IV, 6/10pf type I & 6/20pf type II, plus '12' opt Eagle perf & roul. VFU. SG 1-3, 4A & 4B cat £289+. Mi 1II, 2IV, 3II, 4A & 4B cat €430. All exp van Loo BPP. (P)AVAILABLE at A$140

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Latvia-Kurland: 1945 opt Hitler 6/10pf brown half sheet of 50 showing the full opt forme of 50, with varieties type I opt normal (36), type II 'slender 6' (pos 12, 13, 17, 24, 34, 35, 39, 45 & 46), type III 'flat top 6' (pos 18), type IV 'damaged right of 6' (pos 15) type V 'missing serif on D' (pos 21) & type VI 'holes in both bars' (pos 30 & 33). VFU/CTO 'Liepaja Latvija 20-4-45' cds. SG 2(var) cat £1900+ for normal singles. Mi 2I-VI cat €2372+ as singles, plus premium for rare full opt forme. (P)SOLD at A$600

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Macedonia: 1944 '8 IX 1944' opt Bulgaria 3L/15s blue opt type II, error opt shifted blk of 9. VF fresh MUH. SG 2(var). Mi 2II(var) cat €90++ as normals. (9) (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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Macedonia: 1944 opt set 1L/10st - 30L/14L, all horiz or vert prs 15L/4L & 30L/14L with opt types I & II as setenant prs, others all type I only. VF fresh MUH. SG 1-8 cat €380 as M singles, should be at least double, £760 MUH. Mi 1I-8I, plus 6II & 8II cat €885 as singles both, plus premium for prs. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (8 prs). (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Macedonia: 1944 opt set 1L/10st - 30L/14L. The 15L/4L & 30L/14L type I opts, others type II. VF fresh MUH. SG 1-8 cat £190 for M, should be at least double, £380 MUH. Mi 1II-5II, 6I, 7II & 8I cat €35. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (8). (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Macedonia: 1944 3-line opt Pictorial set 1L/10st - 30L/40L tied to envelope by 'Skopie 30 X 44' cds. The 15L/4L & 30L/14L opt type I, others type II. SG 1-8 cat €475+ as loose stamps. Mi 1-8 cat €500 for set on such CTO cover. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Montenegro: 1943 cover franked 'Deutsche Militar Montenegro' opts 0.50L on 3D-8L on 4D, tied by 'Berane 18 XI 43' cds, to Cetinje with arrival b/s. SG 76-82 cat £588+ as loose stamps alone. Mi 1-7 cat €229+ as CTO stamps with this cancel. Sass 1-7 cat €1300. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Montenegro: 1944 'Fluchtlingshilfe' opt set 0.15+0.85 RM/3D to 0.50+1.50 RM/2L. VF fresh MUH. Mi 20-28 cat €500, SG 95-103, Sass 15-A8 cat €675. (9). (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Montenegro: 1944 Red Cross opt set of 7 used on Yugoslav King Postcard with 5-line 1 Lire opt tied by 'Berane 22 V 44' cds. SG 104-10 cat £1700 as loose stamps alone. Mi 29-35 cat €700 for CTO stamps with cancel & cat €2000 on cover, plus the card Mi P1 unpriced used. Sass 21-24 & A9-11 cat €1500 as set on cover, plus card Interitalia P4 cat €800, total €2300. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Montenegro: 1943 Registered censor cover franked 'Deutsche Militaer Verwaltung Montenegro 0.50 Lire' & 1 Line (4), 5-line opt King 3D tied by 'Niksic 15 XII 43' cds, plus censor tape & cachet. SG 76-77 cat £230+ Mi 2-3 cat €175+ - both as loose stamps & unpriced on cover. Extremely rare genuine postal usage. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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Poland General Govt: 1939-45 collection Used comp inc 1939 opt Hindenburg set to 2zt. 1940 Eagle & Swastika opt set to 3zt inc 12g & 50g both types. 1940-41 Views set. 1941-44 Hitler set to 1.60zt. 1944 5th Anniv 10zt. 1940 Official set large to 5zt & small to 50g, plus scarce 1941 Radio licence '4' & 'A' set of 2. VFU. Mi cat €457. SG cat £575+. Nice collection. (169).AVAILABLE at A$150

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Poland-General Govt: 1939-45 collection Used comp in special Fischer album inc 1939 opt Hindenburg set to 2z. 1940 Eagle & Swastika opt set to 3z inc 12g & 50g both types. 1941-41 Views set. 1941-44 Hitler set to 1.6z. 1944 5th Anniv 10z. 1940 Official set Large to 5z & small to 50g. 1941 Radio '4' & 'U' set of 2. VFU. Mi cat €487. SG cat £575+, plus cost of album. (169).AVAILABLE at A$150

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Poland - General Govt: 1942 Court Fee revenue 10zl,, plus 1943 'D' opt Court Fee set 50gr-10zl. VF fresh MUH. Bft 13 & 14-18 cat £150+ as M or U, plus premium for MUH. (6)AVAILABLE at A$70

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Poland General Govt: 1940 use of Hindenburg opt Deutsche Post Osten 12pf/6pf postcard, uprated same opt 6pf/3pf & 12pf/6pf tied by s/l 'Susiec Toma Szewsk' provisional cancels, plus Russian 'Lwow 16 5 40' cds original cds. Mi P1II cat €70, plus the 2 stamps. Mi 1 & 3. Rare usage during the period when Nazi Germany & Soviet Russia were allies. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Poland General Govt: 1940 censored cover franked DP Osten 8pf/4pf, 12pf/6pf & 30pf/15pf, tied by indistinct cds dated '23 340' sent to Soviet occupied eastern Poland. Also captured Soviet postcard franked General Gouv 12pr Pictorial tied by Sambor cds, to Russian postcard with Soviet arms obliterated. Mi 2, 3, 7 & 43. The 1st item is scarce usage during the period when Nazi Germany & Soviet Russia were allies.AVAILABLE at A$80

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Poland-General Govt: 1941-44 legal documents franked various Court Fee Revenues frankings to 10z. Bft cat £62 as loose stamps alone, plus premium on documents. (11 stamps on 5 docs).AVAILABLE at A$80

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Poland-General Govt: 1942 legal document franked 1939-43 Court Fee Revenues, 1zl, 3zl, 5zl, 10zl & 50al with violet X h/s. Bft 3-6 & 19 cat £79+ as loose stamps, plus premium for on documents. Attractive & rare top value usage. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Poland-General Govt: 1944 legal document franked 1939-43 Court Fee Revenues 50gr, 1zl, 3zl, 5zl & 50zl (3) m/s cancelled. Bft 2-4 & 19 cat £166 as loose stamps alone, plus premium on document. Attractive & rare to value usage. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Poland - General Govt: 1940-44 legal documents with various Stamp Duty & Court Fee revenues to 5zl, inc mixed frankings. Mostly F-VF. Interesting lot. (11 docs)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Poland - General Govt: 1940-44 legal documents with various Court Fee & Stamp Duty revenues to 10zl, inc mixed frankings. Mostly F-VF. Interesting lot. (12 docs)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Russia-Soviet Union: 1941 cover franked Worker 10k (3) with Feldpost cds dated 1941. Similar period uses of Pilot 30k blue, & Arms 60k red Postal Stationery Envelopes, all sent by German soldier. (3).AVAILABLE at A$80

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Serbia: 1941 POW fund set 0.50+1.50D - 4+12D, all type III, with 'E' pointing left tied by 'Nis 19 VI 43' cds. SG 50A-53A(var) cat in footnote £380++. Mi 54III, 55III, 56III & 57AIII cat €570++ - both as loose stamps, plus premium on cover. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Serbia: 1941 POW Fund set 0.50+1.50D - 4+12D all type IV, with 'E' pointing right, on cover, tied by 'Nis 19 VI 43' cds to ?? with?? SG 50A-53A(var) cat in footnote £380++. Mi 54IV, 55A IV, 56IV & 57AIV cat €570++ - both as loose stamps, plus premium on cover. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Serbia: 1941 POW Charity 1st set 0.50+1.50 - 4+12D all in full sheets of 50 ea (double panes of 25+25 stamps), 10 w/o underprint (on 2 vals, centre stamp with designers secret mark), 32 with underprint (1st 3 pointing up, last pointing down), 4 with 'E' pointing right & 4 with 'E' to left. VF fresh MUH. Mi 54-57I-IV & AI-AIV KLB cat €2065, SG G50-53A/B cat £1052++ as M singles, should be double, £2100++ MUH, plus premium for engravers mark, & for full panes. Attractive & very rarely seen. (4 sheets = 200). (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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Ukraine: Kolomea 1941 5-line opt 50sot on 20k red Farm-girl Postcard with Ukraine trident opt at UL. Superb UN. Mi P1 cat €125+ & greatly undercatalogued. Rare provisional produced by local Ukrainian authorities. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Auschwitz Concentration Camp: 194 censored letter sheet with camp rules on front (6 points), franked Hitler 12pf tied by 'Auschwitz (Ober-Schles) 16 12 43' cds. Sent by prisoner to occupied Poland. (P)SOLD at A$150

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Auschwitz Concentration Camp: 1941 censored cover (side flap gone) with camp rules on front (7 points), franked Hindenburg 15pf tied by 'Auschwitz (Ober-Schles) 21 1141' cds. Sent by prisoner to occupied Poland. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Auschwitz Concentration Camp: 1943 censored letter sheet ¼ folded & separations, with camp rules on front (7 points), franked Hindenburg 12pf tied by 'Auschwitz (Ober-Schles) 9 & 43 cds. Sent by prisoner to occupied Poland. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Auschwitz Concentration Camp: 1944 censored letter sheet ¼ folded, separations etc with camp rules on front (6 points), franked Hindenburg 15pf tied by 'Auschwitz (Ober-Schles) indistinct cds. Letter dated '1.1.44'. Sent by prisoner to occupied Poland.AVAILABLE at A$150

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Dachau Concentration Camp: 1940 inwards cover stampless, stamp removed by censor, endorsed at left '28 IV 40' & with censor cachet. Inwards mail is rather rare.AVAILABLE at A$100

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Dachau Concentration Camp: 1942 inwards cover franked Bohemia & Moravia 1.20Kc Hitler tied by 'Kladno 29 VI 42' pmk, with camp censor cachet. Inwards mail is rather rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Lebrechtsdorf Concentration Camp: 1944 use of Hitler 6pf postcards with indistinct 2-line cancels, ea with diff censor cachet. One dated '25 VI 44'. (2)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Lietmeritz Concentration Camp: 1944 inwards usage Hitler 12g General Govt postcard with 'Krakau 29 11 44' cds. Mi P13 cat €30+ for normal card alone. This was a sub-camp of the Flossenburg Concentration & such inwards mail is very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Litzmannstadt-Radogoszcz Prison/Concentration Camp: 1942 inwards usage Hitler 6g postcard with 'Klobuck (Oberschles) 10 4 42' cds with censor date h/s. Sent to a female prisoner. Very rare inwards mail.AVAILABLE at A$100

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Posen Fort VIII Prison/Concentration Camp: 1941 stampless postcard with 'Posen 15 6 9 41' cds, censor h/s. Sent by Polish POW Officer being held there which was contrary to the Geneva Convention.SOLD at A$120

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Sachenhausen-Oranienburg Concentration Camp: 1941 printed letter card franked Hindenburg 12pf tied by 'Oranienburg 15 5 41' cds, with censor h/s & with special type-written slip about mail sending instructions. Sent by prisoner Johann Schutz to his wife & children in Danzig who most likely was a German political prisoner. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Sachenhausen-Oranienburg Concentration Camp: 1943 inwards parcel card tabs (3). 2 with Danzig 1943 cds & 3rd with special Danzig h/s.AVAILABLE at A$80

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Sachenhausen-Oranienburg Concentration Camp: 1943 printed cover franked Hitler 12pf tied by 'Oranienburg 19 8 43' cds. With censor h/s. Sent by prisoner to occupied Poland.AVAILABLE at A$100

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Stutthof Prison/Concentration Camp: 1940 inwards use of Surch 12g/15g General Govt postcard with 'Kielce 19 8 40' cds. Mi P3II, plus piece of folded letter paper with instructions & censor h/s also.AVAILABLE at A$150

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Theresienstadt: 1940-44 'Pol.Gefangnis-'Kleine Festung' Gestapo Prison Camp Postcards stampless with 7+ diff printed texts, plus diff frames & 6 diff stock colours, plus 2 ordinary Bohemia PC for same usage. With stamps (26) mostly Hitler on Leaves 60h, stamps removed (3), & UN w/o stamp (4). Also Parcel card tags (9) - mostly diff types. Very interesting lot for specialist research. (36, plus 9 tags).SOLD at A$500

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Theresienstadt Ghetto & Prison Camp: 1942-44 exhibition collection of mail with printed postcard dated 12 XII 1943 franked Bohemia 60pf Hitler. Part Money Order card franked Bohemia 4K Pictorial tied by 'Thersienstadt 17 VI 42' cds. 1944 homemade postcard with blue-green boxed cachet 'Theresienstadt ?? Post und Velkher'. Acknowledgment of Receipt postcards (8) with or w/o stamps, range of diff texts, stocks etc & typed stampless card with indistinct cachet 'Judisch Selbstverwaltung Thersienstadt (date) Postablagestelle' & 2 with 'Altestenrat der Juden' h/s. Interesting lot. (12) (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Forced Labour camps 1940-45 mail inc postcard with call to undertake forced labour franked Gen Govt Hitler 6g, Railway camp in Berlin, Agricultural Labour, Oels Labour Camp, central & south Chrsitianstadt camps & finally Lodz Ghetto postcard Hindenburg 6pf with boxed red cachet. 4 cards use Hitler 6pf postcards, others with stamps, various cachets & pmks. (8)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Storkow: 1946 Town Arms 3pf-6pf black, IMPERF proofs horiz prs. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. Mi 9-12P cat €240 (4 prs) (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Storkow: 1946 Town Arms 5pf green & 6pf purple, tete-beche prs, imperf. VF fresh MLH/MUH, all margins. Mi KZ1-KZ4 cat €700. Very rare. (2 prs) (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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Anglo-US Zones: 1946 Registered cover franked monogram 3pf lilac (28 front & back) perf 11 tied by 'Kirchlengern 13 4 46' cds. SG 1. Mi 1 cat €600 for this franking & rate. (P)SOLD at A$200

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French Zone - Rhineland-Pfalz: 1947-78 Pictorials IMPERF prs 2pf, 3pf, 20pf, 24pf, 50pf Building & 50pf Gutenberg, all horiz prs (one Building 50pf is vert). VF fresh MLH/MUH, all 4 margins. SG FR2, 7, 11, 16, 21, & 23(var). Mi 2U, 7U, 11U, 16U, 24U, 26U cat €1200. (7 prs) (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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French Zone - Wurttemberg: 1947-48 Pictorials selection IMPERF horiz prs of 1947 12pf & 60pf. 1948 6pf (blk of 4) 10pf, 24pf, 30pf. VF fresh MLH/MUH, all 4 margins. SG FW4, FW10, FW15, FE16, FW19, FW20(var). Mi 4U, 10U, 15U, 17U, 22U, 23U cat €1050. (14) (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Russian Zone: 1945-50 Postal Stationery specialist collection on Vario pgs in expensive Lighthouse slipcase binder inc 1945 'Kreis Glauchau' opts 10pf/6pf, 15/6pf & 15/15pf (Mi cat €180), Berlin Brandenburg (22), then Mecklenburg, East & West Saxony, Saxony & Thuringia (total 24) Currency Reform h/s OPD '6 Berlin' on 12pf grey, 3-line SBZ opts (10) & 1948 Personalities (13). Mostly VF UN/U. Mi cat €1300. (73)SOLD at A$220

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Russian Zone - West Saxony: 1945-46 Used collection on pgs inc 1945 Numeral set to 12pf imperf, wmk 'falling steps'. 1945 Numerals to 40pf perf wmk 'falling steps', & set to 40pf wmk 'rising steps'. Saxony 1946 Reconstruction set perf & imperf. 1945 Land Reform set perf & imperf, plus perf varieties imperf horiz & vert & set rouletted, plus 6pf vert pr, error double perf vert. VFU. Mi cat €1000 = A$1500 (49)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1949 UPU set 12pf-2DM. VF fresh MUH. SG B54-60 cat £1000. Mi 35-41 cat €750. (7) (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1949 Goethe set 10pf-30pf. VF fresh MUH. SG B61-63 cat £400. Mi 61-63 cat €320. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1949 Relief Fund set 10pf-30pf. VF fresh MUH. SG B68-70 cat £425. Mi 68-70 cat €350. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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West Berlin: 1948-90 comp mint collection inc 1948 'Berlin' opt set to 5Mk. 1949 red opt 'Berlin' set to 2Mk. 1949-54 Building set to 5Mk. 1949 Goethe set. 1949 Surch set to 1Mk on 3Mk. 1949 Relief Fund set, plus M/S. 1950 Europe Recovery 20pf. 1950 Orchestra set 1951-53 Bell sets with clappers left, right & centre. 1952-53 Portrait set to 40pf. Then all Commems & Defs to 1990, plus M/S where issued. VF fresh M/MUH, post 1960 being MUH. SG cat £8500+ = A$16,000+. Nice collection. (760 + 8 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Booklets 1949-89 collection with 1949-52 Buildings Mi MH 1&2, 1962 Durer, 1965 Architecture, 1966 Brandenburg (4 diff), 1970 Brandenburg smaller size (2 diff), 1972-74 Accident Prevention (4 diff), 1977-82 Castles yellow covers (20 diff), 1989 Tourist sights. VF fresh MUH. Mi MH1, 2, 3a, 4a, 5a-d, 6a, 7a, 8a, 9A-D, 10a1, Ba & Bb, 11aoZ, 11b, 11c, 11e-k, 12aoZ, 12boZ, 12cq etc, 13aoZ, 13b-c, 14oZ, 15mZ cat €2700+ = A$4500. (40).SOLD at A$600

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Booklet combinations 1949-89 collection of Booklet panes, tabs, tete-beche gutter prs etc on Vario or album pgs with Buildings good range inc 1949 panes all 4 (Mi cat €440), & 1952 panes (5, €900), 1962 Durer pane & 2 tete-beche, 1965 Buildings pane & 2 tete-beche, Brandenburg panes (3) & all tete-beche etc, 1972 Accident Protection comp panes, prs etc (€130+), 1977 Castles comp (€140+) & 1989 Tourism comp (€379). All above MUH, plus U inc 1949-52 4pf panes all 3 (€680), plus scattered tabs, prs etc, 1962-65 Durer & Buildings comp (€190), 1966 Brandenburg comp, Accident Prevention comp (€200), Castes comp (€250), & Tourism comp (€585). VF fresh MUH/U/CTO. Mi cat €1100+ for MUH, plus €2000 for U - total €3100 = A$5000.SOLD at A$400

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Postal History: 1948-55 collection in 2 lighthouse slipcase albums on Vario pages with pre-cursor covers franked Anglo-US Zone Def Pics w/o BERLIN opts (6 covers/cards), then Berlin opts (80 on 33 covers) - SG cat £1000 as loose stamps alone. Then from 1949 inc Buildings to 5Mk, UPU (£250+), 1949 Goethe 20pf (3), & 30pf (3) singles & mixed frankings. Then appears comp 1950-55 inc ERP (3), Orchestra (4 ea £680), 1951 Lortzing (2, £140), Bells clapper left (16, £640+), Stamp Day inc FDC, Bells clapper right set, plus extras, 1952 Beethoven (5), Olympics FDC, Berliners set, 1953 Bells central clapper set, Church (3 sets inc FDC (£825+) etc to 1955. Mi cat €8400+ on cover, noted Berlin Airlift covers (2), & the FDC cat €2350 alone. Total SG cat £6165 = A$12,000 as loose stamps alone! Fantastic lot for specialist. (180). (P)SOLD at A$1500

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Postal History: 1949-89 covers & cards with some FDC inc 1949 Union Congress (Mi cat €400), 1951 Leipzig Fair (€100), some part covers/fronts (5), 1958-59 Official Central Courier Service stamps (12) in 3 diff colours. Also 1950 Debria M/Sheet on Registered Exhib cover (£280) & much more. Quite a number Airmail to Australia & USA, also saw to Holland, India, Switzerland, Hungary etc inc many Registered. Mi cat FDC or on cover €1300+. (200)AVAILABLE at A$220

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Gold Coast: 1884-1970 collection in binder inc 1884-91 QV to 2/-. 1889-94 QV Tablet 10/- M (SG cat £150). 1898-1902 QV Tablet set to 10/- opt SPECIMEN (£325). 1902 KEVII to 10/- opt SPECIMEN. 1913-24 KGV to 10/-, plus shades. 1928 KGV Castle set to 5/- (£120). 1935 Jubilee set. 1938-43 KGVI Castle set to 10/-. 1948 Wedding set M & U. 1952-54 QEII Pic set to 10/-. 1957 Independence opt set to 10/-. 1959-61 Pic Def set to £1. Useful 1960s Commems. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, 80% being M/MUH, some tropicalised gum in parts. SG cat £1800+ = A$3500+. (1175 + 58 M/S)SOLD at A$550

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1880-83 QV 2½d blue plate 21, 3d rose, plate 21 & 3d on 3d lilac. F-VF M/UN. Scott 82,83,94 cat US$1900. SG 157 - pl 21, 158 - pl 21 & 159 cat £1650. (3). (P)SOLD at A$140

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1924-42 Booklet & Coil wmks stamp collection inc 1929 KGV ½d, 1d & 1½d, 1925 UPU ½d-1½d. 1935 Silver Jubilee ½d-1½d, all wmk inverted. 1937-50 KGVI range to 2½d, wmk inverted. 1941-42 KGVI Coil Stamps 1d, 2d & 2½d, wmk sideways. VF fresh MUH. SG cat £464. (31).AVAILABLE at A$130

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1940 Youth set 3D-100D, plus Airmail set 2D-100D. VF fresh MUH. Kar 571-80, A45-54 cat €1485. SG 534-53 cat £1750 for M, should be at least double, £3500 MUH. (20). (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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1948 'SERVICE' opt Gandhi 10R purple-brown & lake, top value of the provisional issue of official stamps for the Governor General's Secretariat at the start of Indian independence period, which were in use for very short period before being withdrawn. Superb fresh MLH, with nice original gum. Scott O112D cat US$225,000. SG O150d cat £160,000 = A$320,000. Great rarity as only tiny number printed and only around 10 examples recorded. Offered strictly only on the basis of the RPSL certificate, but still an amazing opportunity to purchase this perfect quality rarity, which is offered with very low reserve. Ex CT Sturton collection & with 1959 Royal Philatelic Society of London photo-cert. (P)SOLD at A$30000

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Cochin: 1946-48 Varma III 1a3p magenta, perf 13, w/o official opt & so unissued thus. Superb fresh UN, as issued, right marginal. SG footnote after SG 108 cat £130+ (P)SOLD at A$80

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Cochin: 1949 'SIX PIES' opt Varma III 9p ultramarine, unissued. Superb UN as made. SG footnote after 126 cat £130. (P)SOLD at A$100

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Cochin & Travancore: 1892-1950 Collection with Cochin 1892-94 Arms to 2p. 1898-1905 Numeral set 1911-50 Raja issues inc officials, plus surch with a range of blks inc 1949 Official 9p sheet of 48 (2 margins) & 1948-50 3p full sheet of 48 with full margins. Travancore 1889-1904 Cochin shell selection to 14ch, plus blks. 1932 Surch selection inc blks. 1937 Temple set in blks of 4. 1939 Raja Pic set to 14ch M (SG cat £40). Travancore-Cochin 1949 Surch to 14ch inc blks with a 1a on 2ch gutter blk of 32. G-VF M/MUH/U with 80%+ being M/MUH. SG cat £2000+ = A$3900+. (575).SOLD at A$500

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1948-51 King 3f-200f M/Sheets set both perf & imperf. VFU 'Baghdad Jonouli 4 MAY 50' cds, original size. SG MS297 cat £650. (2)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1949 Airmail 3f-100f M/Sheet set both perf & imperf. VF fresh MUH, original size. SG MS338 cat £240. (2).SOLD at A$80

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1949 Airmail 3f-100f M/Sheets set both perf & imperf. VFU 'Baghdad Jonouli 4 MAY 50' cds, original size. SG MS338 cat £280. (2)SOLD at A$80

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1948 1st Coins Doar Ivri 250m deep green, on THIN yellowish paper (as used for the low values, instead of the thick white paper used for the 250m), rare perf 10, with FULL TAB perf at base, error vert perfs shifted right so they cut through 2 of the denomination. Superb fresh MUH, never hinged original gum. SG 7aTB(var), Bale 7faTB(var) cat US$4000++ for normal imperf at base tab, unlisted with the rare perf at base & est at least +100% premium so US$8000+. Extremely rare, only several sheets printed on this paper & probably only 10 examples existed of such with tab perf at base. 2020 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2500

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1948 1st Coins Doar Ivri 1000m indigo on blue, rare perf 10, with FULL TAB IMPERF AT BASE. Superb UN. SG 9aTB(var). Bale 9faTB cat US$10,000. Extremely rare as such a combination as only several sheets (only 10 tabs per sheet) believed to have existed perf 10 & imperf at base. 2020 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2500

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1943 Provisional Government 'Badoglio' rose-carmine signature opt Victor Emmanual 50c violet, prepared but unissued (Opts were prepared in Naples on the orders of Marshal Pietro Badoglio's administration. But never issued as King Victor Emmanual III vehemently objected to his portrait being defaced in such a way, & almost all the stock was then officially destroyed). Superb fresh MUH with never hinged original gum. Sass footnote after 515I, CEI 471 cat €10,000 = A$16,000+. Extremely rare & historically interesting Italian item. 1993 Raybaudi cert for blk it came from, plus 2019 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1945-48 Work, Justice & Family 100L carmine, perf 14. VF fresh MUH. SG 669 cat £600, Sass 565 cat €575. (P)SOLD at A$80

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1945-48 Work, Justice & Family 100L bright carmine rough perf 14. VF fresh MUH. SG 669 cat £600, Sass 565a cat €600. (P)SOLD at A$90

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Fiume-Arbe: 1920 large ARBE opt set 5c-25c. Superb fresh MLH. Scott 122a-25a cat US$2100. SG 1A-4A cat £2225. Sass 1-4 cat €3200. Rare genuine as only 450 sets printed, & most were used. 1994 Enzo Diena & 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-certs. (4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Fiume-Veglia: 1920 large VEGLIA opt set 5c-25c. Superb fresh MLH. Scott 128a-31a cat US$2075. SG 1A-4A cat £2225. Sass 1-4 cat €3200. Rare genuine as only 450 sets printed, & most were used. 1994 Enzo Diena & 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-certs. (4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Montenegro: 1942 Registered cover (horiz fold at base) franked CRNA GORA opt set of 10, tied by 'Podgorica 12 VII 42' cds, to Italy with Fiume arrival b/s. SG 38-27. Sass 15-23 & A9 cat €240 for set on cover. Attractive.AVAILABLE at A$130

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Montenegro: 1943 Registered Airmail cover franked CRNA GORA opt King 50c & 1.25 (2) tied by 'Sop 1 VII 43' cds to Red Cross in Switzerland with Bologna & Geneva b/s, censor tape & cachet. SG 34 & 36. Sass 21 & 23 cat €82++. Scarce proper usage. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Montenegro: 1942 'Governatorato' 5-line red LIRE opt King vals 1D-16D (ex the 3 rare values), tied by 'Berane 18 III 42' cds on cover. SG ex 43A-51A. Sass ex 50-59 cat €560+ as loose stamps. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Montenegro: 1943 National Poem Postage set 5c-20L on airmail cover, tied by 'Podgorica 31 78 43' cds. To Rome with arrival b/s. SG 60-69 cat £80, Sass 60-69 cat €325 - both as loose stamps & cat €650 for set on cover. Rare. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P)SOLD at A$400

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Montenegro: 1943 National Poem set 50c-20L on Airmail cover tied by 'Podgorica 31 7 43' cds. To Rome with arrival b/s. SG 70-75. Sass A26-31 cat €325+ as loose stamps & cat €650 for set on cover. Rare. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P)SOLD at A$400

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Montenegro: 1941 Registered cover franked bilingual 3-line opt King 1D green in 2 blks of 4 tied by 'Hercegnovi 13 VI 41' to Denovic with arrival b/s. SG 2. Sass 2 cat €84+ as loose stamps & €220 for this franking. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Montenegro: 1941 cover franked 'CRNA GORA' opt 5c, 10c & 15c tied by 'Cetinje 2.X.41' cds. To Switzerland with Longirod arrival b/s, with censor tape & cachet. SG 28-30. Sass 15-17 cat €80+. Scarce international usage.AVAILABLE at A$100

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Montenegro: 1941 Registered Airmail use of 'CRNA GORA' opt Italy 30c brown Postcard, 'Cetinje 26 XI 41' cds, to Italy with arrival b/s. SG 28-37. Sass 15-23 & A9 cat €240 for set on cover, plus card Interitalia P2 cat €175 so total €415+. (P)SOLD at A$180

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Montenegro: 1941 use of 'CRNA GORA' opt Italy 30c brown Postcard uprated opt King 30c tied by 'Danilov-Grad 15.X.41' cds to Croatia with censor cachets. SG 33. Sass 20 cat €70+, plus the card Interitalia P2 cat €175, total €245. Rare usage. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Montenegro: 1942 bilingual 3-line opt King 25c-4D on Censored cover (centre fold), tied by 'Cetinje 19 11 42' cds, to Ljubljana with 2 censor cachets. SG 1-6. Sass 1-6 cat €84+ as loose stamps & €220 for this franking. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Montenegro: 1943 Registered cover franked CRNA GORA opt King 50c & 1.25L tied by 'Danilov-Grad 30 VIII 43' cds. To Cetinje with arrival b/s. SG 34 & 36. Sass 21 & 23 cat €76++. Scarce proper usage.AVAILABLE at A$130

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1949 Postal Week 8Y violet, sheetlet of 5 stamps with inscription & imprint. VF fresh MUH. Sak C173 cat 125,000Y+. SG 556 cat £700+ as singles, plus premium for sheetlet. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Burma: 1943 Farmer 15c magenta 20c grey-lilac & 30c deep blue-green, all FULL SHEETS of 50 with marg, ea with lots of positional varieties. VF UN as issued, mostly very fresh JSCA 2B46-48 cat Y40,000+ = A$450+, SG J79-J81 cat £93++ as singles, plus premium for sheets which are great for specialists. (3 sheets = 150).SOLD at A$130

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Burma: 1943 Elephant 20c yellow-green & 30c olive-brown, plus Watch Tower 1R red-orange & 2R bright violet all FULL SHEETS of 200 with marg ea 2 panes of 100 with gutters. VF MUH, mostly very fresh. JSCA 2B67-70 cat Y130,000+ = A$1500+. SG J94-J97 cat £520+ as singles, plus premium for scarce gutter prs, & for full sheets which are very impressive. (4 sheets = 800).SOLD at A$210

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Leeward Islands: 1890-1954 collection inc 1890 QV Tablet set to 5/-. 1897 Diamond Jubilee opt set to 5/- (5/- with Friedl photo-cert). 1902 KEVII set to 5/-. 1912-32 KGV vals to £1. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-51 KGVI set to £1, plus perfs & shades. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1954 QEII set to $4.80. Also few St Christopher 1870-90 QV vals to 6d. Most F-VF M/MLH, some with tropicalised gum, plus few U. SG cat £2500+ = A$4900+. (199) (P)SOLD at A$700

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1941 Soviet Russian Occup use of Postcard Worker 20k red uprated 10k tied by 'Juodupe 23. IV. 41' cds, with red censor h/s, with message in Polish sent to German occupied Poland. Mi P161 cat €10++. Rare use during the period that Nazi Germany & Soviet Russia were allies.SOLD at A$85

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Straits Settlements: 1882-1943 Mint collection on old album pgs inc 1882-91 QV vals to 96c. Rage of 1885-92 Surch vals. 1892-99 QV key type 50c & $5. 1906-07 Labuan Crown opt to $1. 1912-18 KGV vals to $2 & 1921-27 vals to $2. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. Mostly F-VF M/MLH, some tropicalised spots. SG cat £1400+ = A$2700+. (100) (P)SOLD at A$300

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1945-48 opt KGVI 8c grey, unissued. VF fresh MUH. SG 7(var) footnote cat £550. Rare genuine opt. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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Selangor: 1942-44 'Dai Nippon 2602 Malaya' 4-line h/s in blue on Mosque 10c dull purple part sheet of 90, inc DOUBLE h/s on 3 stamps & some interesting greatly shifted opts, with Plate No 2 at LR. VF MUH. ISC FAT4 cat M$2700. Bft 206 cat £3150+, both M singles, plus premium for double opts & almost certainly unique multiple. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (90) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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Kedah: 1942-44 'Dai Nippon 26 02 Malaya' 4-line h/s in blue on Sultan 25c blue & purple full sheet of 60 with Waterlow imprint, inc some interesting greatly shifted opts. VFM, pink backing paper adhered. ISC BAT3 cat M$4200+. Bft 52 cat £3000+ as singles, plus premium for extremely rare & almost certainly unique sheet. 2021 BPA photo cert. (60) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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Kedah: 1942-44 'Dai Nippon 26 02 Malaya' 4-line h/s in blue on Sultan 50c black & blue partial sheet of 54 (no bottom row). VF MUH, 1 small thin. ISC BAT4 cat M$5400+. Bft 53 cat £2700+ both for M singles, plus premium MUH & for probably unique multiple. 2021 BPA photo cert. (54) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1944 War Memorial Survey Dept essay die proofs in blue orange, grey, green, red, yellow, violet, brown orange, light grey, prink, slate & mauve all w/o value & opt 'SAMPLE COLOUR' imperf. VF UN as made, all 4 margins. These are later bogus productions but still interesting items for specialist. (12 items). (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1944 War Memorial set 1c-15c perf 12½. VFU, part Trengganu cds, all marginal. Scott 2N1-6 cat US$281. SG TM1-6 cat £200. (6). (P)SOLD at A$170

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1944 Postcard 4c deep lilac, later worn printing with central shading mostly gone. Superb fresh UN. ISC MT1 cat MR900. Rare so nice. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1944 Postcard 4c pale lilac early print clearer design with strong central shading. ISC MT1 cat MR900. Rare so nice. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Malta: 1885-1980s collection in binder inc 1885-90 QV to 5/-. 1899-1901 Pic to 10/-. 1904-14 KEVII to 5/-. 1914-21 KGV to 5/-. 1922-26 'Malta' to £1. 1926 POSTAGE opt set to 10/-. 1926-27 KGV Pic set to 10/-. 1928 Postage & Revenue opt set to 10/-. 1930 KGV Pic set to 10/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-43 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1947 Self Govt opt set to 10/-. 1956-58 QEII Pic set to £1. Good coverage of later Commems. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalised in parts. SG cat £3400+ = A$6600+. (1085 + 10 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$700

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Montserrat: 1903-70s collection inc 1903-14 Badge of Colony vals to 2/6. 1914 KGV 5/-. 1916-29 KGV Badge vals to 5/-. 1932 Tercentenary set to 5/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-48 KGVI Pic set to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set M & U. 1951 KGVI Pic set to $4.80. 1953-62 QEII Pic set to $4.80. 1965 QEII Fruit & Plants set to $4.80. 1970-74 Birds set to $5. Mostly G-VF M/MUH, tropicalisation in parts, plus some VFU. SG cat £1100+ = A$2150+. (375) (P)SOLD at A$275

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1946 Queen Wilhelmina 1G-10G high values. VF M/MLH SG 616-19 cat £750 = A$1450. (4)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1915-16 opt Kangaroo 2d grey, 2nd wmk pane of 30 with opt type a+b+c strips. Plated as 2R1-30 with major variety 2R10 'scratch under P' (ACSC 6 (2) g), opt from 4th setting with hollow stops. Edge stamps have red staining apparently caused by water damage putting out a fire in the Rabaul Treasury safe when it was opened with oxyacetylene torch. A number of panes were reported damaged but are rarely seen. Mostly VF fresh MUH. SG 94 £540 as M singles, should be at least double, £1080 for MUH. ACSC 6 (2) + variety cat $8450 MUH for singles w/o opt. rare pane. (30) (P)SOLD at A$1000

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1977 Surch set 5FN - 500NHF Port Villa opts (the 200 NFH is the French stamp). VF-MUH. SG 233-41 cat £300+. Yv 486-94 cat €440+. (9). (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1940-58 Arms £4 blue, mult wmk inverted. Superb MUH. SG F210 cat £350. CP Z50b cat NZ$600. (P)SOLD at A$230

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1940 Official opt Centennial set ½d to 1/-. VF fresh MUH. CP SO26a-38a cat NZ$475. SG O141-51 cat £225. (11) (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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New Zealand: Collection 1900-87 in 2 Lighthouse hingeless slipcase albums with only scattered early inc 1900 Pictorials ½d-4d, 1906 Christchurch set NZ retail $725, 1909 KEVII set ($470), 1915 KGV set ($425), 1920 Victory set ($150), 1925 Dunedin ($95), 1926 Admiral pr ($420), from 1929 all Health, inc Smiling Boys ($450), to 1952 ($260). QEII comp ($460) inc Health M/Sheets, then decimals to 1987 inc Health M/S, long Def sets $2-$10 etc thematics, plus Officials inc 1907 Pics set to 5/- ($2000), KEVII ($300), 1915-25 QV Postal Fiscals (2, $550), 1935 Pictorials ($450), 1938 KGVI ($45), 1940 Centennial Official set ($175), QEII set, 1931-58 Arms Postal Fiscals to £5 & opts to 35/- (27, $7100). Postage Dues set to 2/- (20, $1720), Lighthouses etc. Then decimals comp to 1986 inc long Def sets, M/S etc. All diff. Generally F-VF M/MUH but unfortunately some tropicalisation with spots on perfs etc. NZ retail $15,000+, plus cost of albums extra $800. (780) (P)SOLD at A$1200

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Postmarks: 1892-94 opt issue usage collection with GB transit/arrival (4) cds or barred ovals, Bakana (4), Benin River in red (4), Bonny River (13) to 1/-, Brass (4), Brass River (3), Buguma (7) inc 1/-, Forcados River (5) inc 1/-, Old Calabar (11), Old Calabar River (10) inc 1/-, Opobo parcel type (3), Opobo River (8) inc 1/-, Qua Ibo, Sombriero River (4) & Warri (4) inc 1/-. F-VF U. SG 1-6 cat £1175+, plus premium for better pmks. (85) (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1940 Ball Bay 1/- slate-green, perf 11, unissued due to WWII. Superb fresh marginal MUH, W/C. SG footnote after SG 12a. Only a few examples recorded & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1350

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1947-59 Ball Bay 3d emerald-green & 2/- deep blue on white paper, both LL cnr marginal blks of 4 with Authority imprints. VF fresh 2 MLH/3 MUH. SG 6a & 12a cat £124 as singles, plus premium for blks. (2 blks)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1947-59 Ball Bay 3d green & 2d violet tied on 1959 (26 Oct) cover paying the reduced 5d Airmail rate introduced on 1st Oct, to Melbourne. VF. SG 4 & 6a. The 3d green is extremely rare on cover. (P)SOLD at A$275

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Norfolk Island: 1947-72 MUH collection in binder inc 1947-59 Ball Bay set to 2/- inc ½d, 1d, 1½d & 2d on white paper. 1953 Pic set to 5/-, 1960-62 Pic Def set to 10/-, plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN in 3 diff positions, 1960 surch set in blks of 4, 1962 Fish set in blks of 4, 1966 Decimal Def set to $1 in blks of 4 (top 3 vals imprint blks). 1967 Ship Def set to $1, blks of 4, 1970-71 Bird Def set to $1 in blks of 4. VF fresh MUH, odd U extras not counted. SG cat £480+. (440)AVAILABLE at A$180

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BCA & Nyasaland: 1891-1964 collection inc 1891 BCA opt Arms to 10/-. 1895-96 Arms to 5/-, opt SPECIMEN. 1903-07 KEVII to 10/-, opt SPECIMEN. 1913-33 KGV to £1, plus vals to 4/- opt SPECIMEN. 1934-35 KGV Leopard set. 1938-44 KGVI Leopard to 10/-. 1945 KGVI Pic to 20/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1953-54 QEII Pic set to 20/-. 1963 Surch set to £1. 1964 Pic Def set to £1. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation in parts. SG est cat £2100+ = A$4100+. (535) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1947 forgery of GB Consular Service KGV 3/- green & violet revenue, blank bakground, no wmk, line-perf 13¾, which was printed in setenant sheets of various values. Bft 138(F). VF fresh MUH. This is a contemporary forgery produced in Palestine / Israel around 1947 by the 'Haganah' Jewish paramilitary organization for use on forged immigration documents into British ruled Palestine. Very rare historical item. Copy of 2018 Tsachor AIEP photo cert for pane, plus 2018 Ceremuga photo cert for this stamp. (P)SOLD at A$100

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Papua: 1901-41 comprehensive used collection beautifully presented in New Age stamp album inc 1901 BNG Lakatoi ½d to 1/-, 1906 Large Papua opt to 2/6, 1907 Small Papua opts to 2/6, plus perf OS 2/6, various Small Papua with perf 11 & 12½ inc perf OS, 1911 mono-colours with 2d mauve wmk Crown to right, 1916-31 bi-colours to 10/-, range of opts inc Airmail opt 3d Harrison printing, Aeroplane opt 6d Harrison with DOUBLE perf, 1932-40 to £1 inc ½d McCracken. Range of scarce pmks inc Tamatai, Nepa etc, also Queensland QV on piece with BNG cancel, plus varieties & small range of 1930-41 covers inc 2 1941 Censored covers. Mostly VFU & few M. SG cat £4800+ = A$9200. Nice lot offered intact as received. (200+, 15 covers) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1100

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Papua: 1901-41 used collection inc 1901 wmk horiz ½d to 1/- (SG 1-7), 1906 Large Papua to 2/6, 1907 Small Papua wmk vert ½d to 2/6 comp, 1907-10 various to 2/6, 1916 Lakatoi to 5/- with various shades, 1920s-30s various opts, 1932 Pics to 5/-, then comp to 1941, some interesting pmks particularly on the earlies inc Daru, Buna, several versions of Samarai. G-VF U. SG cat £2400+ = A$4600. (130+) (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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Registered Envelope: 1917 Lakatoi 4d orange. Superb fresh UN. ASC RE2 cat $1000 in 1994. ACSC PAP3 cat $400 & under-catalogued. (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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1994 Emergency opt set 5t on 35t Dancer to 1K on 20t Mask, in matching LL cnr imprint singles. Superb fresh MUH. SG 730-40 cat £200+. (11) (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1994 Emergency opt 5t/35t Musical Bow, error opt TRIPLE! with opt normal & 2 opts inverted & weak. VF fresh MUH. SG 731(var). Very rare error of which only 1 sheet was discovered - examples have previously sold for up to $800+ in our earlier auctions. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$110

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1994 Emergency opt 5t-35t Musical Bow, blk of 9 with right centre stamp error value 5t opt TOTALLY MISSING, with part of 't' missing on lower stamp. VF fresh MUH. SG 731/731a listed but unpriced. Extremely rare with the 5t totally missing as usually traces still present. Previous examples we have offered have sold up to $2000+. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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PNG: 1925-2000 comp sheets ranging in size from 30-100 stamps in 2 sheet files, commences with 1925 ½d New Guinea Huts (2), ½d Birds Airmail & comp set of 1937 Coronation values, then PNG range from 1952-2000 inc 1961 5d Legislative Council (sheet of 100), 1964 2/3 Birds (100), 1973 Panorama $1 & $2 (sheets of 50), 1987 Ships 5t, 35t, 40t, 70t & 2K, range of Surcharges inc 1995 Pope Paul 21t & 1K (SG 745/46) in full sheet of 20, 1994 21t on 35t Fish (sheet of 50) SG 708 etc. Generally fresh Superb MUH, few earlies have some toning. SG cat £2300+. This is a rare opportunity to acquire a large quantity of full sheets for further research on varieties. (100 + sheets) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1952-90s specialised collection/accumulation on Vario pages in 2 binders inc 1952 Defs to Fisherman £1 VF MUH, another set MLH, & imprint prs & blks of 4 inc 10/- Map pr, £1 prs (2), plus 10/- & £1 Specimen, 1963 Pics to QEII £1, inc 10/- & £1 blks of 4, 10/- & £1 Specimens, range of By Authority imprint blks, 1964 Birds to 10/- singles & some blks, 1966 Butterflies, 1968 Shells singles & comp to $2 blks of 4, 1960 Postal Charges range inc (4) 6d on 7½d blue (SG cat £45 ea), 1960 Postal Charges in singles & blks, small range of Australian stamps used in PNG 1947-52 on piece with various town cds. Then range from 1970s-90s in singles, blks CTO/MUH, 1980s PO packs, coil strips & a few covers, (4) 1970s stamp booklets inc 1973 INTERPEX (SG cat £120). This is a large collection with a lot of potential. Many VF MUH/CTO some VF MLH, some aging on earlies. SG est cat £3000+. (3500+, 4 s/books) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1969 Pictorials 1st issue set 1c-40c IMPERF horiz prs (this is a full set of 13 as other 2 values issued years later & do not exist as imperfs). VF fresh MUH. SG 94-106(p). Very rare, only 1 imperf sheet of each existed, of which only half were in nice condition. (26) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1944 National Heroes set 15gr-1zl LR cnr blks of 4, perf 11. Superb fresh UN as issued. SG 499b-501b cat £960+. Mi 380A-82A cat €1600+ - both as singles, plus premium for cnr blks. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (3 blks). (P)SOLD at A$650

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1944-45 opts PKWN & RTRP (2ea) & Liberation opts (9 diff) VFU - 1 of ea of 1st 4 with 'Poczta Polska Markowa' cancel, the rest with 2-line 'Blelskol 7 III' cancels. SG 504/05 & ex 508-17 cat £200++. Mi 387-8, & ex 390 I-X cat €215++, plus premium for scarce provisional cancels. (13).AVAILABLE at A$130

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1945 Anniv of 1863 Revolt '22.I.1863' opt 5zl/15gr brown-rose UR cnr blk of 4. Superb fresh UN as issued. SG 507 cat £176+. Mi 389 cat €320+ - both as singles, plus premium for cnr blk. (P)SOLD at A$160

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1945 Liberation Town opts set 3zl/25gr red. VFU, all with ' Krakow 3.IV.45' cds. SG 507-17 cat £180+. Mi 390-I-X cat £200+. Rare genuine used. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (10). (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1945 Battled of Grunwald 5zl blue blk of 4 with 'Katowice 22 VII 45' cds, plus on pieces (2) with 'Grunwald 1410-15.7-1945' special cds, or 'Lancut 21.8-45' cds. SG 532 cat £150. Mi 405 cat €300. Scarce genuine used group. (6).AVAILABLE at A$70

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1946 Bedzin Castle 5zl brown imperf error printed DOUBLE one impression weaker but still very clear. VF MUH. SG 568a(var). Mi 441b(var). Extremely rare. Exp Krawczyk, plus 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1948 Roosevelt M/Sheet 80zl-120zl tied to registered cover by 'Warszawa 30 12 48' FDC cds. Superb U, original size 159 x 95mm. SG MS645d cat £900, plus premium for FDC. Mi Blk 11 cat €1400 as FDC. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1948 Roosevelt M/Sheet 80zl - 120zl tied to registered airmail cover by 'Sieadz 7 10 51' cds, with Sagittarius Airs (4). To Chicago with arrival b/s & Customs cachet. SG MS645d etc cat £900++ Mi Blk 11 etc cat €700++ - both as loose M/S, plus premium on cover. (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1942 Polish Army in Russian Central Asia 50k 'Dojdziemy' issue, black print from defaced plate, full sheetlet of 6 with 3 tete-beche prs. SG M16a cat £2250 as normals. Also black print from defaced die of the 'Stan' map essay in a sheetlet of 6 also in tete-beche arrangement ('Stan' essay was rejected by Soviets as map showed Wilno & Lwow still part of Poland). Superb UN as made. Interesting historical items.SOLD at A$110

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Poland - General Govt: 1942 Court Fee revenue 10zl,, plus 1943 'D' opt Court Fee set 50gr-10zl. VF fresh MUH. Bft 13 & 14-18 cat £150+ as M or U, plus premium for MUH. (6)AVAILABLE at A$70

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Poland - General Govt: 1940-44 legal documents with various Stamp Duty & Court Fee revenues to 5zl, inc mixed frankings. Mostly F-VF. Interesting lot. (11 docs)AVAILABLE at A$70

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Poland - General Govt: 1940-44 legal documents with various Court Fee & Stamp Duty revenues to 10zl, inc mixed frankings. Mostly F-VF. Interesting lot. (12 docs)AVAILABLE at A$90

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Soviet Russian Occup of Eastern Poland: 1940 use of Postal Stationery Postcards Workers 30k blue (3) or Pictorial 25gr, sent to Polish soldiers in German POW camps, with extra stamps removed by camp censors. Scarce usages from the period when Nazi Germany & Soviet Union were allies. (4).AVAILABLE at A$100

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Soviet Russian Occup of Eastern Poland: 1940 cover franked 1939 Shevchenco 30k, & Worker 20k, tied by 'Lviv 9 1 40' cds - censor tape on reverse. Scarce usage.AVAILABLE at A$80

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Soviet Russian Occup of Eastern Poland: 1940 use of Postal Stationery Postcards Workers 10k blue (3) or 20k red, sent to Polish soldiers in German POW camps, with most extra stamps removed by camp censors. Scarce usages from the period when Nazi Germany & Soviet Union were allies. (4).AVAILABLE at A$80

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Soviet Russian Occup of Eastern Poland: 1940 use of Postal Stationery Postcards Workers 10k blue (2) or 20k red (2) sent to Polish soldiers in German POW camps with extra stamps removed by camp censors. Scarce usages from the period that Nazi Germany & Soviet Union were allies. (4).SOLD at A$100

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Soviet Russian Occup of Eastern Poland: 1940 registered cover franked 1939 Agricultural Fair 50k pr, & Pilot 30k, tied by 'Lwow 9 7 40' cds. Censor tape & cachet on reverse. Scarce usage.AVAILABLE at A$80

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Soviet Russian Occup of Eastern Poland: 1940 use of Postal Stationery Postcards Workers 10k blue (3) or 20k red (2) sent to Polish soldiers in German POW camps, with extra stamps not removed by camp censors. All diff. Scarce usages from the period when Nazi Germany & Soviet Union were allies. (5).SOLD at A$100

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Soviet Russian Occup of Eastern Poland: 1940 uses of Poland 25g Envelopes with Russia stamps over the Polish imprint, plus Workers 10k dark blue Postcard uprated 10k. (3).AVAILABLE at A$100

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Soviet Russian Occup of Eastern Poland: 1940 registered cover franked Red Army 1R & Worker 30k Pilot, tied by 'Lwow 11 8 40' cds. To Bohemia-Moravia, censor tape & cachet on reverse. Scarce usage.AVAILABLE at A$80

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1940-41 Soviet Occup of Eastern Poland with Workers 10k (3), 20k & 30k postcards (2 ea), covers 1940 Airmail 80k Plane & Workers 15k green (2), Aviation (2 prs) & 30k blue 92 prs) & 30k purple. Stamps Mi 576, 679, 681, 682 & 699 cat €13+. The cards Mi P150-52 cat €74. Scarce usages from towns now in Ukraine. (12) (P)SOLD at A$325

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1945-46 Soviet Occup of Eastern Poland with Workers 20k red postcards (3) in 2 uprated Worker 30k for Registered use, plus letters (2) folded into triangle format franked Arms 60k, or Heroes 60k. Stamps Mi 682, 855 & 930 cat €8+. Postcards Mi P161 & 180 cat €70. Scarce usages from towns now in Ukraine.AVAILABLE at A$100

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1939-45 WWII Internee & POW Mail inc registered use of 12pf Postcard (2), from Poland to Portugal, Hungary to Poland (2), Rumania to Poland (2), Portugal-Poland, & Hungary to Germany. POW mail inc printed Postcards, Lettersheets etc (15) with range of cds & censor h/s. Also some later inc 1946 Polish PO Danzig 3+12z on postcard with view at left, & Exiled Govt covers (2) ea franked 4 diff registered & censored. Interesting lot. (39 covers/cards, some stamps).SOLD at A$325

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1894 Prince Henry Anniv set 5R-1000R. Mostly F VF M/MLH. SG 314-26 cat £2000. Mi 96-108 cat €1800. Rare mint set. (13). (P)SOLD at A$350

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1924-49 sets inc 1924 Camoes set of 31 M (SG cat £85), 1931 Alvares Pereira M (sl tones £300), 1940 Legion M (cnr flt on 1E, £190), 1940 Rowland Hill MUH (£130), 1941 Costumes M (£225), 1944 Exhib M (£60) & Brotero MUH (£24), 1945 Navigators MUH (£46) & 1949 Avis Dynasty M (£160). VF M/MUH. SG cat £1220. Mi cat €1200. (9 sets).AVAILABLE at A$250

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1940-45 large M/Sheets inc 1940 Rowland Hill M (SG cat £130), 1941 Costumes MUH (£225), 1944 Brotero M (£70) & 1945 Navigators MUH (£70). VF M/MUH. SG cat £495. Mi cat €490. (4).AVAILABLE at A$150

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1943 Caravel original issue set 5c-50E. VF fresh MUH. SG ex 942-58 cat £790 as M, should be at least double, £1580. Mi 646-62 cat €950. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1944-49 M/Sheets with 1944 Exhibition, 1945 Carmona, 1946 Castles & 1949 Avis Dynasty. VF MLH, last with interleaf adhered to gum. SG MS964a, 984a, 996a & 1028a cat £780. Mi Blk 5, 8, 10 & 14 cat €705. (4).AVAILABLE at A$130

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Portugal 1853-1972 Extensive collection in 2 SG loose leaf albums, most issues from 1853 are present in quantity inc 1853 25R (4), 1856 King 5R (2), values to 100R, 1862 King to 100R, 1866 to 120R, 1867 to 240R, 1870 to 1000R, 1882 to 500R. Fairly comp from 1892 to 1972 inc 1892 Provisorio opt. 1894 500th Anniv to 300R, 1898 Vasco da Gama to 150R, 1912 Ceres to 20E with various printings & shades, 1931 Don Pereira set 1940s better M/Sheets inc 1945 President M/S, 1946 Castle M/S, 1946 Bank M/S, 1952 NATO set M&U (cat £570). Also 1876 Newspaper stamps, 1920s-30s Parcel Post. The vendor some years ago calculated a cat value of £21,000 as marked by pg. A check with latest SG cat shows is definitely higher. Mainly VF MLH, U-FU early issue have some faults. SG est cat £24,000+ = A$47,000. Valuable collection. (3300+ 10M/S). (P)AVAILABLE at A$1800

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1946-52 sets & M/Sheets: Guinea 1946 Anniv set MLH (SG cat £130), India 1952 St Francis 9T M/Sheet MUH (£23), Mozambique 1946 Air Taxe percue set 50c - 50E MUH (£140), St Thomas & Prince. 1948 Fruit set MUH (£170) & Timor 1948 Peoples M/S MUH (£180). VF all but 1st MUH. SG c at £643 & undercatalogued as seldom seen issues. (3 sets & 2M/S).AVAILABLE at A$170

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1894 stampless cover with 'St Petersburg 23 XI 94 cds, with 2 diff postage due h/s, plus blue PO label on reverse that posted w/o stamp, & arrival cds.AVAILABLE at A$80

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1935 Anti-War set 5K-35K. VFM. Mi 494-498 cat €850. SG 673-677 cat £400. (5) (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1987 Polar Bears WWF set 5k-35k, ea in full sheetlet of 8. Superb fresh MUH. SG 5742-45. Mi 5694-97KLB cat €700+. (4 sheetlets) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1944 Diplomatic mail cover franked 1944 Stratosphere Disaster Anniv 1R, & Repin 30k & 2R cancelled on arrival in Washington with duplex pmk. From 'NC Fuller US MilMis Moscow USSR', censored & with 2-line cachet 'This article originally mailed in country indicated by postage.' SG 1042, 1082 & 1086. Mi 892, 932 & 936. Rare usage.AVAILABLE at A$80

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1922-37 KGV Ship 15/- grey & purple on blue. VF fresh MLH Scott 94 cat US$1100. SG 113 cat £1100. Key stamp. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1922-37 KGV Ship 15/- grey & purple on blue. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. Scott 94 cat US$1100 for M. SG 113 cat £1100 for M, should be at least double, £2200 MUH. Holcombe photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1935-42 WESTERN SAMOA opt NZ Arms £5 indigo-blue, wmk single Star NZ (W43). Superb fresh MUH. Scott 180 cat US$235 for M. SG 194 cat £225 for M, should be at least double, £450 MUH. Scarce high value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1945-53 'WESTERN SAMOA' opt NZ Arms 30/- brown. VF fresh MLH. SG 211 cat £225. (P)AVAILABLE at A$85

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1945-53 WESTERN SAMOA opt NZ Arms £2 bright purple, wmk mult NZ star. VF fresh MLH. SG 212 cat £200. (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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1945-53 'WESTERN SAMOA' opt NZ Arms £3 green. VF fresh M. SG 213 cat £325. (P)AVAILABLE at A$110

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Samoa: 1877-1980s collection in 2 Vario binders with slipcases inc Samoa Express range to 5/- sold 'as is', 1886 Palm Tree to 2/6, 1893-95 Surch to 2½d on 2/6, 1886 Bisect of Palm Tree on piece with Apia 1895 cds, 1899 Provisional Govt set to 2/6, 1900 Samoa opt on Germany set to 50pf, 1900-19 Yachts to 5Mk M & to 2Mk U, 1914 GRI opts to 9d/80pf, 1914 Postal Fiscals set to £1, 1920 Victory set in blks of 4 to 1/-, 1921 Huts set to 1/- & in blks of 4 to 1/-, 1932 Postal Fiscals to £1, 1945 Postal Fiscals to £5, 1955 Postal Fiscals set to £2. Then fairly comp range to 1980s inc many blks of 4, many sets & M/S. Very extensive & valuable collection. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH, plus some sl tropicalisation. SG cat £5000+ = A$10,000+, plus Express not counted. (3000+, 45+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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Sierra Leone: 1876-1970s collection in binder. 1876-91 QV to 1/- inc shades & wmks. 1893 QV ½d on 1½d, error opt INVERTED (SG cat £120). 1896-97 QV Tablet to 2/-. 1897 QV 2½d on 3d & on 6d. 1912-27 KGV Elephant to £1, plus shades & wmks (£1 SG cat £250). 1933 Wilberforce set to £1 (£1100). 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1938-44 KGVI Pic set to £1. 1956-61 QEII Pic set to £1. 1961 Independence Def set to £1. 1963 Flowers set to £1. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, 70%+ being M/MUH, some tropicalised gum. SG cat £2400+ = A$4700+. (620) (P)SOLD at A$700

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Singapore: 1948-89 Collection in Lighthouse hingeless slipcase album. 1948 KGVI Def set to $5, perf 14 & 1949-52 set to $5, perf 17½x18. 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding set 1955 QEII Pic set to $5. 1962-66 Flora & Fauna set to $5. 1968-69 Musical Instruments set to $10. 1969 150th Anniv set, plus M/S. 1971 Festivals set, plus M/S. 1971 Paintings set. 1973 Flowers & Fruits set to $10. 1977 Sea Shells & Marine Life set to $10. 1980 Ship set to $10. 1985 Insects set to $10. Good coverage of Commems & M/S. Most G-VF M/MUH some tropicalisation, post 1975 being almost all MUH. SG cat £1800+ = A$3500+ thematics, plus album retail $400+. (450 + 21M/S). (P)SOLD at A$575

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1938 KGVI Map, Buck & Sheep 1a - 5R. VF fresh MUH. SG 94-104 cat £175. (11) (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Somaliland: 1903-58 Mint collection inc 1903 QV India to 5R, opt at top & 1903 QV & KEVII to 5R, opt at foot. 1904-11 KEVII to 5R. 1912-21 KGV to 5R, plus wmks. 1938 KGVI Map, Buck & Sheep set to 5R. 1942 Full Face set to 5R. 1951 decimal Surch set to 5S on 5R. 1953-58 QEII Pic set to 10/-. Official 1903 QV & KEVII to 1R. 1904-05 OHMS opt KEVII 1R SPECIMEN. F-VF M/MUH, some tropicalised gum in parts, also odd U. SG cat £1600+ = A$3100+. (185) (P)SOLD at A$450

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1857-61 embossed 6d green tied by oval Pmburg pmk on cover to England with m/s '6' charge on front, b/s London & Manchester MY 1 & 2 59 cds. VF with stamp unusually large size & strong embossing. Scott 2 cat US$2000+. SG 5 cat £1600+ both as loose stamps & 'from x2' on cover. Very rare & attractive classic cover. 1946 PHS & 1985 Holcombe photo-certs. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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1894-96 QV Tablet ½d to 4/-. VF fresh M. SG 20-27 cat £351 (8). (P)SOLD at A$250

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1894-96 QV Tablet £1 purple on red. Superb fresh M, nice deep colour. Scott 23 cat US$675. SG 28 cat £650. Exp Diena. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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South Africa: 1910-94 collection in Lighthouse album with illustrated pages, 3 s/books & a sheet file inc 1913 KGV to 2/6 with 1½d tete-beche pr, 1929 Air set to 9d (2), various bilingual prs, all M inc 1927 1/-, 1930 1/- & 2/6 (2), 1933 1/-, 5/- & 10/-, 1938 sets Voortrekker Centenary & Commemoration, 1939 Huguenot Landing set, 1945 redrawn 2d with all shades, various other prs, 1932 1/- inverted pr, 1941 War Effort ½d-2d Bantam in blks of 4 or 6, various 1930/40 plate numbers, various Arrow prs & blks, 1948 booklet panes, 1954 Animals comp to 10/-, various 1920-40s Postage Dues & Officials. One s/book is devoted to varieties to 1950 inc 1941 3d 'cigarette flaw' (SG 91a cat £120), 1951 3d 'flying saucer' (SG 117ab cat £90), 1949 1½d 'extended rigging' & 'pennant' flaw. 1000+ other varieties not cat listed, in singles, prs & blks. Finally 1940-50s in sheets MUH & CTO inc Basutoland, Swaziland, SWA etc. Extensive specialist collection with a lot of potential. Mainly fresh VF MLH-MUH, some G-VF U. SG cat £7000+ = A$13,500+. (6000+, 30+ M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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1927-30 'S.W.A' opt KGV set 1/3 pale violet & £1 pale olive-green & red. VF MLH. Scott 94,95. SG 56-57 cat £132. (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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SWA: 1923-70s collection inc 1923-26 KGV to 2/6 inc horiz bilingual prs. 1927-30 opt Pic to 10/-, horiz bilingual prs. 1931 Pic Def set to 20/- horiz bilingual prs, plus Airs. 1935 Voortrekker set. 1941-43 War Effort set to 1/3, plus 1943-44 Bantam set to 1/-. 1954 Pic Def set to 10/-. 1961 decimal Def set to R1. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £890+. (460) (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1940-46 Zarogosa Virgin/Cathedral set 10c+5c - 10P+4P. VF fresh MLH. SG 982-95 cat £325. Ed 889-902 cat €250. (14). (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Sudan: 1897-1950s collection inc 1897 opt set 1m-10Pi, 1898 to 2Pi, 1903 surch set, inc error surch INVERTED, 1921 set to 15m, 1927 set to 20Pi with both papers, 1935 Gen Gordon set to 50Pi, 1931 set to 10Pi with most perfs inc 7½Pi reversed wmk, 1935 & 38 surcharges comp, 1951 set comp to 50Pi, 1897-1947 Postage Due sets, 1898 Military Telegraph set, 1906 Army Service opt to 1Pi, 1948 SG opt set to 50Pi. 1951 SG opt to 50Pi. VF fresh M/MLH. SG cat £1300 (300+) (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1924-40 Shield set 90c-2Fr, on granite paper (1924 issue). VF fresh MUH. Mi 194x-197x cat €440. SG 329-332 cat £185 for M, should be at least double, £370 MUH. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1924-40 Shield set 90c-2Fr, on chalky paper with grilled gum (1933 issue). VF fresh MUH. Mi 194x-197x cat €400. SG 329a-332a cat £219 for M, should be at least double, £438 MUH. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1940 Red Cross M/Sheet imperf. Superb fresh MUH. Mi Blk5 cat €400. SG MS404a cat £450 for M, should be at least double, £900 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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1945-55 M/Sheets 1945 Basel Stamp Centenary 10c, 1951 Lunaba Exhib 40c & 1955 Lausanne 10c+20c. VF fresh MUH. SG MS446b, 531a, 561a cat £640. Mi Blk12,14,15 cat €550. (3 M/S).AVAILABLE at A$120

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1945 Peace set 5c-10Fr. VF fresh MUH. Mi 447-59 cat €500. SG 447-59 cat £275 for M, should be at least double, £550. MUH. (13) (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1945 Peace set 5c-10Fr, all LL cnr marginal blks of 4, some with imprint. VF fresh MUH. Mi 447-59 cat €1800+. SG 447-59 cat £1100 for M, should be at least double, £2200 MUH, plus premium for nice blks. (13 blks of 4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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1850-1960 collection on illustrated pages in Davo album inc 1850 10r, 1851 5r, 1852 15r, 1854 5r-1Fr imperf, 1962 2c-1Fr comp, 1862 1Fr bronze-gold, 1867 2c-50c comp, 1881 2c-1Fr comp, 1882 2c-15c comp, 1882 to 3Fr, 1923 Air set to 2Fr comprehensive to 1950s inc 1945 Pence set comp to 10Fr with many both M & VFU, 1913-63 Pro Juventute sets comp, few League of Nations, Officials & Stamp Duty issues mostly comp sets, all diff. Mostly F-VF fresh M/U, some mixed classics as expected, while there are many superb stamps in later issues. SG cat £12,000+ = A$23,500. Valuable collection. (900 + 2 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1944-2005 Mint collection in hawid mounts on pgs. League of Nations opt Pic set to 10Fr. Labour Office 1944 opt Pic set to 10Fr & 1950 opt set to 70c (SG cat £160). Education 1944 opt Pic set to 10Fr & 1950 opt set to 70c. Health 1944 opt Pic set to 10Fr (£350). Refugees 1950 opt set to 2Fr (£275). UN 1950 opt Pic set to 10Fr (£700). VF fresh M/MUH. SG cat £1900+ = A$3700+. Beautiful collection. (262) (P)AVAILABLE at A$475

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1939-43 Proofs selection inc 1939 National Day Survey Dept Essays, imperf blks of 4 w/o value in green (3s), orange (10s), blue (15s), & violet, plus violet UR cnr marginal blk in blue, perf. Also 1943 Rama VIII Survey Dept essay die proof in grey w/o value, opt '25 401 sample colour', 1941 Rama VIII essay die proof in red w/o value, opt '25 402 sample colour' & Thai Occup of Malaya 1944 War Memorial Survey Dept essay w/o value in purple, opt SAMPLE COLOUR. VF UN as made, all 4 margins. Some of these are later bogus productions but still interesting items for specialist. Original bought by vendor at major auction in USA at cost of $1300+. (8 items).AVAILABLE at A$200

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1940 Palace & Bird 5s green, error of colour (instead of deep purple), due to cliche of 5s in plate of 3s. VF MUH. Scott 239a cat US$900 for M. SG 286b cat £1100 for M, should be at least double, £2200 MUH. (P)SOLD at A$350

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1941 Rama VIII Survey Dept essay die proofs in blue, red, grey, green, orange, pink, violet & light grey, all w/o value, all opt 'SAMPLE COLOUR', imperf. VF UN as made, all 4 margins. SG 290(p). These are later bogus productions, but still interesting specialist items. (8).AVAILABLE at A$100

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1943 Rama VIII Survey Dept essay die proofs in violet, blue, green, pink, grey, slate, red & light grey, all w/o value & opt 'SAMPLE COLOUR' imperf. VF UN as made, all 4 margins. These are later bogus productions but still interesting items for specialist. (8 items).AVAILABLE at A$100

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1943-48 Thai Pagoda 2a brown-orange, UL cnr marginal blk of 12, error printed on both sides. F-VF MUH. Scott 258(var). SG 311 cat £660 for M singles, should be at least double, £1320 MUH, plus premium for blk. (P)SOLD at A$100

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Thailand: 1947-2022 King Bhumibol comp collection in 10 special large hingeless slipcase albums made from Vario style pgs with protective sleeves (retail $700+). Early issues with Commems generally both MUH & VFU, & Defs VFU, while modern issues have MUH stamps, M/Sheets & sheetlets, plus VFU stamps of all & some VFU M/S too. Inc better issues such as 1953 Red Cross set. 1955 Surch set. 1961-68 King set to 40b. Useful M/S & sheetlets inc 1982 Bicentenary of Dynasty M/S. 1982 Bangkok Exhib M/S (SG cat £130), plus 2nd issue M/S & 3rd issue perf & imperf. 1987 Thaipex 87 M/S perf & imperf. 1988 Long Reign M/S set of 2. 1989 Thaipex 89 M/S perf & imperf. 1990 Minerals M/S perf & imperf. 1990 Letter Writing M/S perf & imperf. 1991 Red Cross M/S perf & imperf. Thaipex 91 M/S perf & imperf & Bangkok 93 M/S perf & imperf. 1992 New Year M/S perf & imperf. 1992 Queen's Birth sheetlet. Thai-China M/S perf & imperf. 1996 50th Anniv sheetlet. VF fresh MUH & VFU. SG cat £8400 = A$16,000. Very impressive collection of modern issues which are hardly ever offered for sale. (5500+60 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$2000

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1941 Registered censored airmail cover franked Pictorials Thailand 5s & Siam 25s (2) & 50s, tied by 'Takurpa 19 5 41' cds, to Victoria with censor tape & h/s with b/s of Bangkok, Darwin, Melbourne & Bright, plus PPC franked Garuda 5s tied by 'Bangkok 18 10 26' cds. Rare mixed franking usage from tiny town. (2).SOLD at A$50

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Soviet Russian Occup of Eastern Poland: 1940 use of Postal Stationery Postcards. Workers 10k blue, or 20k red (2), sent to Polish/Ukrainian solders in German POW camps, with extra stamps removed by Camp Censors. Scarce usages from the period when Nazi Germany & Soviet Union were allies. (3).SOLD at A$70

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Carpatho-Ukraine: 1945 'Zakarpatska Ukraina' opt on Hungary Postcard 18f green with Berehova 40 type C opt. VF UN. Mi P30 listed but unpriced. Rare. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)SOLD at A$150

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1873 Official Interior set 1c-90c vermilion, plate proofs on card, imperf in issued colour. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O194-O203(p) cat £1300 as normals. Sc O15P4-O24P4 cat US$100+ (normal cat US$1450). (10) (P)AVAILABLE at A$110

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1873 Official Interior set 1c-90c brown, trial colour proofs on thin card, imperf instead of vermilion issued colour, for Atlanta Exhibition. VF UN as made, all 4 margins except 1c which has 3. SG O194-O203(p) cat £1300 as normals. Sc O15TC4c cat US$370 (normal cat US$1450). Only 1 sheet of ea printed. (10) (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1875 Newspaper Periodical 96c rose, Continental printing on hard paper. F-VF fresh M, original gum, reperfed at left & top. SG N194 cat £1400. Sc PR23 cat US$2250. Very rare M. 2001 PSE photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1875-79 Newspaper Periodical 96c rose, large DIE PROOF on India paper on card (145x225mm), imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG N194(p) cat £1400 as normal. Sc PR23P1 cat US$100+ (normal cat US$2250).AVAILABLE at A$120

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1898 Trans-Mississippi 5c black & blue, bicolour Essay, with comp design, on India paper, on card (203x152mm). Superb fresh UN as made. SG 294(p). Sc 288-E5 cat US$750. Very rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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Vatican: 1852-1997 Vatican & Papal States comp collection used in Lighthouse album. Papal States 1852-64 Arms set to 1S inc 1b (3 shades), 2b (3 shades inc white paper), 3b (3 shades), 4b (3 shades), 5b (4 shades), 6b (3 shades), 7b (2 shades), 8b (2 shades), 50b dull blue 1852 printing (with 2013 Scheller cert) & 50b deep blue 1864 worn impression (with Scheller cert), 1S top value (with Scheller cert). 1867 New Currency Arms set imperf to 80c inc 3c grey & lilac papers. 1868 Arms perf set to 80c inc 2c (3), 10c (3), 2c lilac & magenta, 40c (2) & 80c (2). Vatican 1929 Arms & Pope set to 10L. 1931 Postage Due set to 10L. 1931 Parcel Post set to 10L, plus extras. 1933 Holy Year set. 1934 surch set to 3L70 (Sass cat €2000, Hunziker photo cert).1933 Pope Pictorial set to 20L. 1935 Congress set (€275). 1936 Expo set (€185). 1938 Congress set. 1949 Pope Pictorial set. 1948 Airmail set (€550). 1949 UPU Air set (€150). 1951 Gratian Air set (€300). 1952 Centenary M/S (€275). 1953 Lombard 100L. All later sets & M/S comp. All diff inc shades. Vatican all VFU, some mixed Papal States as expected, but most G-VFU. SG cat £28,000+, Sass cat €44,000+ = A$66,000+. Nice clean comp collection. (1250, plus M/S). (P)SOLD at A$2400

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Vatican: 1852-2011 collection on Marini alb pgs in 6 binders starting with Papal States 1852-57 Arms vals to 8b imperf & 1867 vals to 80c imperf. Vatican 1929 Pope & Arms set to 10L. 1931 Parcel Post opt set to 10L. 1933 Pope & Pictorial set to 20L. 1934 Provisional Surch set to 3L70 on 10L (SG cat £1900). 1935 Congress set to 1L25. 1936 Expo set to 5L. 1939 Sede Vacante opt set. 1949 Pope & Pictorial set to 100L. 1953 Lombard 100L. Then a large comp run of sets. F-VF mostly fresh M/MUH/U, post 1960 being 90%+ MUH. SG cat £4000+ = A$7800+. (1290 + 40 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$800