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KGV 1913-36 collection ½d to 1/4 on hagners with all wmks & perfs, with some shades & varieties inc 1d red, 1d red Die III, 1d Harrison L Multi wmk, 1/4 turquoise all perfs & wmks, inc perf 14 S Multi, some inv wmks inc 4d orange, 1d green S Multi perf 13½x12½ Die I/II pr, opt OS ½d-5d. Mainly F-VF M/MLH. Some sl toning noted. ACSC cat $5000+. (140+) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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New South Wales: Postmarks & Postal History. Introduction lot with covers (13) inc 1843 Melbourne NSW to Edinburgh, 1859 Liverpool to England franked QV Diadem 6d grey imperf tied by numeral 20, 1861 Sydney-Sussex franked QV Diadem 6d violet. Early 1900s Registered Mail to Hobart (6) inc Broken Hill, Cobar, Gilgandra, Narrabri West & Wellington, 1904 cover Yalgogrin North to Hobart with numeral 1736 cancel, plus 4 Edwardian era NSW PPC. Other numeral cancels (6) on stamps, all highly rated with 221 (RRR) on 1850s QV 6d brown Diadem imperf, 305 type 4B (RRR) on QV 2d blue, 963 (RRRRR) part strike on 1d dull red QV, 966 (RRRRR) poor strike on piece with West Tamworth cds alongside, 1010 (RRRR) of Tin Tin Hull superb strike on piece with cds alongside & 1080 (RRRRR) of Cedar Party Creek near comp strike on 1d Shield, plus 2 very useful reference works 'The Postal History of NSW 1788-1901' (pub 1988) & 'Numeral Cancels of NSW' (pub 2012). Excellent lot to start collecting this interesting field. (25 items) (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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New South Wales - Postcards: 1875-1904 used inc QV 1d red (3), various 1½d blues (4) inc view card & 1d red Arms (3) -5 with printed reverse. 1897 Arms 1d red die 1, view GPO Sydney in black & with 'Greetings from' in dark grey, superb fresh CTO with NSW ovals cancel. VFU, mostly very fresh. PSSA cat $500+. (13)AVAILABLE at A$130

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South Australia: 1855-1912 collection in binder inc 1855 QV 6d imperf & 1856-58 2d & 6d imperf. 1858-59 QV roulette 2d & 6d, plus 1860-69 to 1/-, roulette. 1868-79 QV perf to 2/- & 1876-1900 to 2/-, plus shades. 1891 Surch set. 1902-04 QV thin Postage to 2/6 & 1904-12 QV thick Postage to 2/-. 1874-1901 OS range to 1/- inc types. Most G-VF M/U, mixed in earlies. SG cat £1950+ = A$3400+. (280)AVAILABLE at A$300

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South Australia: 1855-1912 accumulation in 3 s/books inc 1855-58 QV 2d imperf (4 inc shades). 1868-1900 QV perf to 2/- inc wmks, perfs & shades. Range of 1868-1904 QV 1d green & 2d orange inc wmks & perfs. Range of QV Long Toms to 2/6 inc perf OS. Good range of 1876-1901 OS opts to 2/- inc varieties. Mostly G-VF M/U, 80% being Used, mixed in some parts but overall OK. SG cat £2000+ = A$3900+. (500)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Victoria: Postal Stationery 1880s-1900s Postcards (40) inc CTO types, QV perf OS die, Beer & Baccy card, cpl of Franks etc. Mostly UN. Stieg cat US$800. Also some PPC 1904-11 (10) inc Victoria views & stamps, plus 1883-1911 covers (13) inc local & overseas usages inc to USA, Canada, Ceylon, Germany & Belgium. (63)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Columbian States: 1863-1904 Collection with Antioquia 1869 Arms set to 1P. 1873 Arms & Numerals to 1P. 1873 Arms 5P. 1886 Arms to 2P. 1890 Arms to 5P. 1896 Arms to 2P. Bolivar 1863 Miniature Arms 1P. 1873 Arms vals to 81c. 1879-91 Bolivar range to $80c inc dates. Also some imperf proofs. Boyaca 1902 Perez 5c on blue paper. 1902 High vals 5P & 10P. Cundinamarca 1883 type-set Provisional to 1P. 1883 Registration label. Santander range from 1884 Arms set. Tolima 1870 typeset 10c. 1871 Arms set to 1P & 1879 set to 1P. Most G-VF M/U. SG cat £1300+ = A$2500+. Seldom seen material. (620). (P)SOLD at A$375

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Hungary: 1871-1980s collection/accumulation on 150+ double-sided Vario pages in 2 thick slipcase binders, inc 1871 to 25K, 1874 to 5K, 1888 to 12K, 1904-13 Turul Bird range to 5K, not checked for wmks, 1913 Flood Relief range to 5K, 1914-15 opt range to 60f, 1927 Airs comp to 5P, 1932 Madonna to 10P, 1933 Airs high values 1P-5P, 1945 Reconstruction comp to 3000p 1953 Wembley Victory, mainly comp sets, some duplication particularly early which have not been checked for wmks or perfs. F-VFU, SG cat £3900+ = A$7700+. (6500 + 7 covers)SOLD at A$300

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Nigeria: 1887-2000 used collection on pages in 2 binders & loose on hagners inc Lagos 1876-1906 inc 1887 QV to 1/-, 1904 KEVII to 1/-, Northern Nigeria 1900-12 inc 1902, 1905, 1910 & 1912 KEVII to 1/-, Southern Nigeria 1901-12 inc 1905 & 1907 KEVII to 2/6, 1914 Crown Colony to 10/- inc some shades, 1936 KGV to 5/-, 1938 KGVI to 5/- with shades & perfs, 1953 QEII set to £1, 1961 & 65 sets to £1. Seems fairly comp 1970-2000 inc M/S. Noted Biafra 1968 Independence FDC. Mainly G-VF U. SG cat £1800+. (1000+20 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$350

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South Africa - Cape of Good Hope: 1864-1904 Mint collection inc 1864-77 Hope Seated 4d & 6d (2 shades) crown CC, with outer frame line. 1871-76 Hope Seated ½d, ½d wmk inverted, 1d & 4d, crown CC, no outer frame line. 1874-76 ONE PENNY on 1/-. 1879 THREE PENCE on 4d. 1880 3 on 3d. 1882-83 Hope Seated to 3d, wmk crown CA & 1884-90 to 6d, wmk Anchor. 1891 2½d on 3d. 1892 2½d green. 1893 1d on 2d, variety 'no stop'. 1893-1902 Hope Standing set. 1893-98 Hope Seated set to 5/-, plus ½d blk of 36. 1902-84 KEVII to 1/-. Mostly G-VF M/UN, some mixed. SG cat £3100+ = A$6000+. (80) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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Thailand 1883-1997 collection/accumulation in 3 s/books inc 1883-85 King 1s, 1887-91 King to 64a, 1889-91 surch 1a or 2a, 1892 Surch to 4a on 64a, 1899 - 1904 to 64a, 1905-09 to 9a, 1908 40th Anniv opt to 18a, 1908 Statue 1T & 3T, 1912 King to 20B, quite comprehensive from 1920s onwards with extensive modern sets & M/S. Mainly F-VFU earlier, moderns mostly MUH but with tropicalisation. SG cat est £5000+. (2500, 60+ M/S). (P)SOLD at A$400

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USA 1847-1943, Extensive Collection in 2 older style Schaubek hingeless albums inc slipcases with illustrated pgs 1847-1983, 2 s/books & 20+ hagners, inc 1861 range to 30c, 1867 30c, 1870 range to 30c, 1887 to 30c, 1890 to 15c, 1901 Pan American Expo range to 10c, then 1900s to 1983 inc 1904 Louisiana set to 10c. 1907 Jamestown Expo comp, 1908 Franklin to $1, 1916 Franklin to $1, 1920 Pilgrims comp, various Airmail, Special Delivery, Postage Due, various commems from 1934 National Parks mainly inc comp sets, Presidents, Famous Americans comp. Some M/S from 1936 Philatelic Exhib, 1976 Bicentenary sheet of 50, 1940s-80s marginal plate number blks of 4 (100+). Also range of multiples 1950-80s. Some earlies mixed condition mostly F-VF MLH/MUH, V-VFU. Some pgs are affected by toning. SG cat £3000+ = A$6000. (4000+ 10 M/S).SOLD at A$350

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Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue- Booklets: Current 2020 Edition with 186 colour pgs in A4 format, fully revised inc additions & extra photographs with in depth coverage from 1904 to 2001 Christmas with all sub-types & edition/advert combinations of the popular 1960s & 70s 5d - 7c types, plus 1990s Official Exhibition opts. Essential reference.AVAILABLE at A$90

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1903-10 Inwards underpaid PPCs from GB (9) with a mix of mono-colours inc 1909 to Sydney with uncancelled 1d NSW (ACSC cat $200), 1906 to Adelaide with ½d green filled base (2) with m/s cancels ($100), 1909 (2), both with 1d singles ($160), 1903 to NSW franked KEVII 1d red with 1d green strip of 3 ($100). 1904 & 1905 cards with 1d & 2d m/s cancels ($120 ea). 1905 card to Sydney franked KEVII 1d & 2d, re-addressed to Victoria with 2d bright green m/s card ($80) & 1906 from Madras franked GB KEVII 1d red m/s, card to Sydney with 2d green pmk 'Milsons Point' in violet ($80). Mostly F-VF. Total ACSC cat $960. (9)AVAILABLE at A$90

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1894-1904 'POSTAGE' blue opt QV 10/- violet & claret Stamp Duty, wmk NSW (SG w59), perf 12. F-VF fresh MLH. Scott 76 cat US$350. SG 275 cat £350. (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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1894-1904 'POSTAGE' opt QV 10/- violet & claret Stamp Duty, wmk NSW sideways, perf 12x11. F-VF fresh M. Sc 76d cat US$350. SG 275b cat £400. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1880s-1910s Small Collection with Postcards (12, inc double Reply) inc 1880 1d red, 1889 1d+1d Double Reply 2 diff stocks & perfs (2U) inc uprated to Germany, plus 2d & 3d. 1891 1½d single (2) & double reply (2), 1904 1d double reply & 1910 1d red. Also Envelopes (5) & lettercards (4). All diff, any duplication is diff stocks. Mostly F-VF UN, 2 double reply U. (21).AVAILABLE at A$90

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Postcard: 1904-08 QV 1d black ESSAY showing 'Viaduct near Adelaide' but at a diff angle of view to the issued 'View of Southern Railway'. Also all lines of text (ex POST CARD) are of diff font letters & spacing. Superb fresh UN, tiny retouched surface scuff almost invisible. (Also included with lot is private PPC view closer perspective & photo copy of issued card). According to some sources this essay is believed to have been produced by JB Cooke in the 1904-08 period as proposal for Commonwealth of Australia postcards but was later used as basis for the 1908 SA view cards but with changed view & inscriptions. Unique & important item. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$3500

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Postcards: 1882-1904 collection with 1882 QV 1d red in range of colours & stocks with 3 uprated to GB, another to GB taxed. Also 1882 type uprated ½d red embossed at LL cnr, & later types uprated PTPO ½d red U to NZ or ½d orange UN. (8) (P)SOLD at A$120

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1899-1911 CTO range with Postcards (7, inc double replies), Lettercards (3), Envelopes (4) & Reg Envelopes (2), inc scarce 1904 QV 1d red OS dots die, plus 1905 normal die 1d+1d red double reply card. All diff. All CTO Melbourne on various dates, mostly fresh. Stieg cat US$1000+ for UN. (18)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Postal History: 1840s-1913 usages inc stampless folded letter wrappers 1845, 1847 & similar, various h/s inc 2-line 'Buczacz 4 Apr', 'Sandec 29 Nove', 'Nadworna 12 Nov', & ornate 'Reccomundirt Lemberg.' 1857 Letter Wrapper franked Arms 9k blue tied Stanislav cds. 1888 Reg franked Arms 10k blue(2) - front & back tied 'Sadagora cds, & Teschen' cds. Court Documents franked Court Delivery stamps 'set' of diff values 1898 17½Kr, 1904 34h, & 1916 10h (these 3 alone Mi cat €215), plus PPC used Fieldpost & 1913 Parcel Card Bohemia-Galicia with 'Fishconserve' & Postage Due 4k, tied 'Chorostkow' cds. All usages from towns in eastern Galicia which was afterwards in Poland & now in Ukraine. (10).AVAILABLE at A$180

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1898-1917 proof of delivery forms franked Court Delivery stamps with 1898 usage of 17½Kr blue-violet (vert pr), 1917 10h blue, 1915 10h blue, 1904 & 1907 34h blue perf 12½. MI 1bB, 2B(2), 3b, 3c cat €350. All from towns in Eastern Galicia (later Easter Poland, & now Western Ukraine). (5).AVAILABLE at A$100

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1904-13 KEVII 1/- green & carmine opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh MLH, nice colours. SG 71s cat £110. (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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Bechuanaland: 1884-1960s collection inc Stellaland 1884 Arms set to 1/-. Bechuanaland 1885-87 opt Cape Hope vals to 6d. 1888 QV vals to 10/-. 1888 Surch set to 1s on 1/- inc 4d on 4d, red opt. 1888 One Half-Penny on 3d. 1891 QV GB opt set to 1/-. 1888 Protectorate opt vals to 1/-. 1889 FOUR PENCE on ½d. 1897-1902 QB GB opt set to 1/-. 1904-13 KEVII set to 1/-. 1914-20 KGV Seahorses selection to 2/6 & 5/- inc shades & printings. 1932 KGV Cattle set to 10/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938 KGVI Cattle set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1961 QEII Bird set to 2R. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, tropicalised spots in parts. SG cat £5100+ = A$10,000+. Valuable collection. (375) (P)SOLD at A$1600

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Bermuda: 1865-1970s collection in binder inc 1865-1904 QV range to 1/-, plus shades & wmks. 1902-10 Dry Dock to 4d. 1910-34 Ship to 1/-. 1918-32 KGV high vals to £1. 1920 & 1921 Tercent sets to 1/-. 1936-47 KGV Pic set to 1/6. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-52 KGVI Pic set to £1, plus shades. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1953-62 QEII pic set to £1. 1962-68 QEII Buildings set to £1. Range of later Commems & M/S. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £850+. (650 + 4 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$250

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1904-07 KEVII $5 grey-green & black. Superb fresh MLH, excellent centring. Scott 71 cat US$375. SG 93 cat £375+. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Antioquia: 1868-1904 collection inc 1868 Arms set to 1p, Reprints from defaced plates. 1869 Arms to 1p. 1873 Arms to 5p. 1875 Berrio 10c on laid paper. 1888 Provisional type-set set to 5c. 18789-90 Arms set to 5p. 1890 Provisional type-set to 20c. 1896 Arms set to 5p (both colours), plus 5p frame only proof. 1899 General set to 2p horiz prs, error imperf between. 1902-03 Portrait & Numeral set to 5p. 1903-04 Portrait, Arms & Numeral set to 10p. Most F-VF M/U. Scott cat US$1475+. SG cat £1500+. Seldom seen issues. (374). (P)SOLD at A$500

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Bolivar: 1863-1904 collection inc 1863 Miniature Arms 10c & 1p, plus 10c green reprint blk of 8. 1872 Arms to 1p. 1874-77 Arms to 10c. 1879-85 Dated Bolivar issues for ea year, plus 1879 bluish laid paper 20c & 40c & 1880 5c & 10c. 1882 High vals 5p & 10p. 1885 Bolivar 80c imperf proof blk of 4. 1903 Portrait set to 10p. 1904 Portrait 5c & 10c printed on both sides. Range of 1879-85 Bolivar proofs inc blks, plus 5P & 10P essays. Most F-VF M/U. SG cat £350+, plus 1863 Reprint blk. (164).SOLD at A$220

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Boyaca & Cundinamarca: 1870-1907 collection with Boyaca 1899-1902 Perez 5c range inc 5c horiz pr & singles on blue paper. 1903 Arms Pic to 10p inc 5p & 10p blks of 4. Cundinamarca 1970 Arms set 5c & 10c. 1877-82 Arms set to 1p. 1883 type-set Provisional set to 1p. 1886 Arms set to 1p. 1883 Registration label. 1904 Arms & numeral to 1p. 1883 Cubierta. Most F-VF M/U. Scott cat US$1100++. SG cat £1000+. Seldom seen material. (94). (P)SOLD at A$400

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Santander: 1884-1907 collection inc 1884 Arms set to 10c. 1903 Provisional opt Revenues. 1905 Arms Pic set 1c-10p in full sheets of 28 ea. Range of 1904-07 local Cucuta issues inc 1904 Arms & Pic to 10p, plus 1905-07 Surch selection. F-VF M/U. Scott cat US$1250+. Seldom seen material. (439).SOLD at A$400

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Tolima: 1870-1904 Collection inc 1870 type-set 5c & 10c. 1871 Arms set to 1p M&U, 1879-80 Arms & numerals set to 1p. 1884 Arms set to 10p, plus purple proof, imperf. 1886 Condor, Long Wings to 1p. 1886 Condor, short wings set to 10p. 1888 Arms set to 1p. 1903-04 Arms set to 10p, plus shades & 10c blk of 16, plus 20c blk of 25. Also 5p tete-beche pr. Local issues inc Garzon 1894 type-set $0,01 & Honda opt $0,01 on 2c. Cubiertas inc 1879-90 (9). Most G-VF M/U. SG cat £600++. Scott cat US$800+. (135, +9 Cubiertas). (P)SOLD at A$300

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1904-12 KEVII 3/- green. VFU. Scott 28 cat US$160. SG 49 cat £180. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Fiji 1903-20s collection on leaves with KEVII 1903 set to £1, 1904-09 set to 1/-, 1906-12 set to £1, KGV 1912-23 to 2/6 (4) with all listed shades, 1915-19 'WAR STAMP' opts on shades ½d (2) & 1d (4, 1 opt offset on reverse), 1922-27 KGV to 5/-. VF fresh M/MLH. SG cat £1440+. (70) (P)SOLD at A$700

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French Colonies: 1899-1959 collection for Cameroon, Dahomey & Gabon mounted on Hawid strips in album, inc Cameroon, 1916 set on Middle Congo to 5F, 1921 set to 5F, 1925-27 sets to 20F, 1925 Postage Due set to 3F, 1939 set to 20F, various others to 1950s, Dahomey 1899 set to 50c, 1906 to 1F, 1913 set to 5F, 1941 set to 20F, various to 1940s, Gabon 1904 to 1F, 1910 Congo Francais Gabon to 40c, 1910 Afrique Gabon to 5F, 1912 Surch set to 1D on 5F, 1924 set to 5F, 1932 set to 20F. This is a comprehensive collection with most sets M & U. Most cds are period with a lot of full cds. The vendor prepared a list with cat value several years ago & cat value has increased since then. Mostly F-VF MLH & VFU. SG cat £3500+ = A$7000. Seldom offered countries. (1100+) (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Cameroon: 1897-1919 Postal Cards with 1897 opts 5pf & 10pf both singles & Double replies UN, & 5pf singles 2U. 1900 Yacht 5pf (UN/2U), 10pf (UN/4U), 1902 5+5pf Double reply card, 1904 Postkarte at left (2U), 1908 with footnote removed (2U), 1912 5pf singles & double reply divided front UN & 1917-19 Postkarte at centre 5pf & 10pf singles & double replies of each, plus at PTPO PPC of Victoria UN. VF UN/U/CTO - 8 of the U with full messages & some scarcer pmks also. Mi cat €505, plus the PTPO est another €200 = €700+. (26).AVAILABLE at A$250

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East Africa: 1893-1912 Postal Cards with 1895 used no opt Eagle reply half U, 1893 single line opt 3p/5pf (UN & 2 CTO), 5p/10pf (UN & 2U), 3p/5pf & 5p/10pf Double reply cards (UN), 1896 3p/5pf & 5p/10pf both single & double cards (UN), plus 5p single & 3p double U. 1899 opt 3p single & Answer half & 5p/10pf UN. Then Yacht types inc 1900 3p & 5p both single & double cards UN, 5pf single & 5pf front half of Reply card (U). 1904 3p (UN & U). 1905 7½h (UN & CTO), 4h & 7½h both double replies (UN). 1909 4h (UN & 4U), 1910 divided front 4h (U) & 4h+4h Double reply, finally 1919 7½+7½ double reply (UN). Noted better pmks inc Marangu cat €400 premium on cover, Mpapua (+€30), Usambara railway TPO (2 diff, +€175) etc. Mi/ArGe cat €1800+ inc ArGe pmks premiums. Interesting lot. (20). (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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New Guinea: 1904-06 PPC of Papuan natives & village scenes inc Water Village. All franked Yacht 5pf, cds inc Matupi, Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen, Simpsonhafen etc. Nice group. (5).AVAILABLE at A$200

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Cochin & Travancore: 1892-1950 Collection with Cochin 1892-94 Arms to 2p. 1898-1905 Numeral set 1911-50 Raja issues inc officials, plus surch with a range of blks inc 1949 Official 9p sheet of 48 (2 margins) & 1948-50 3p full sheet of 48 with full margins. Travancore 1889-1904 Cochin shell selection to 14ch, plus blks. 1932 Surch selection inc blks. 1937 Temple set in blks of 4. 1939 Raja Pic set to 14ch M (SG cat £40). Travancore-Cochin 1949 Surch to 14ch inc blks with a 1a on 2ch gutter blk of 32. G-VF M/MUH/U with 80%+ being M/MUH. SG cat £2000+ = A$3900+. (575).SOLD at A$500

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1904-07 KEVII 4R grey & emerald-green, wmk mult crown. VF fresh MLH. Scott 28 cat US$140. SG 29 cat £160. (P)SOLD at A$75

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1904-10 KEVII $25 grey-green & black, wmk mult crown, opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh MLH. SG 139s cat £500 (normal cat £3500). (P)AVAILABLE at A$375

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FMS: 1904-22 Elephants $5 green & blue, wmk mult crown. Superb fresh MLH. Scott 36 cat US$325. SG 50 cat £350. (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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Johore: 1904-10 Sultan $50 green & ultramarine, wmk Rosette. Superb MUH, with darker never hinged original gum, bottom marginal. Scott 74 cat US$425. SG 76 cat £475 for M, should be at least double, £950 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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Malta: 1885-1980s collection in binder inc 1885-90 QV to 5/-. 1899-1901 Pic to 10/-. 1904-14 KEVII to 5/-. 1914-21 KGV to 5/-. 1922-26 'Malta' to £1. 1926 POSTAGE opt set to 10/-. 1926-27 KGV Pic set to 10/-. 1928 Postage & Revenue opt set to 10/-. 1930 KGV Pic set to 10/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-43 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1947 Self Govt opt set to 10/-. 1956-58 QEII Pic set to £1. Good coverage of later Commems. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalised in parts. SG cat £3400+ = A$6600+. (1085 + 10 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$700

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Nigeria 1882-2000 mint collection on pages in 2 binders inc Lagos 1887 QV to 1/-, 1904 KEVII to 1/-, Nthn Nigeria 1902 KEVII to 2/6, 1912 KGV to 5/-, Sthn Nigeria 1903 KEVII to 2/6, 1907 to 2/6, Nigeria 1914 KGV to 10/- inc rare shades & papers inc SG 8a & 10e cat £300+, 1912 KGV to 2/-, 1936 KGV comp to £1 inc 1½d perf 12½x18½, 1938 KGVI set to 5/- with all perfs & shades, 1953 QEII set to £1 with shades & most dies, noted 2d Re-entry, 1961 set to £1, then 1962-2000 seems reasonably comp, plus small Biafra collection inc 1968 Sovereign issue to 5/-, various unissued stamps inc 1970 Christmas £1 M/S, 1970 Biafra £1 M/S. Also Nigeria £1 Sterling banknote & Biafra 10/- banknote. Large majority of cat is in pre 1953. Mostly F-VF, earlies M/MLH, 1970s onwards mainly MUH. SG cat £4500+. Attractive collection. (900+30 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$1300

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1897 Arms Revenue £30 brown & green, perf 15. Superb F/C, perfin, plus violet oval 'Mining Commissioner 12 MAY 1904 Hartley'. Bft 11a cat £200. (P)AVAILABLE at A$90

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Somaliland: 1903-58 Mint collection inc 1903 QV India to 5R, opt at top & 1903 QV & KEVII to 5R, opt at foot. 1904-11 KEVII to 5R. 1912-21 KGV to 5R, plus wmks. 1938 KGVI Map, Buck & Sheep set to 5R. 1942 Full Face set to 5R. 1951 decimal Surch set to 5S on 5R. 1953-58 QEII Pic set to 10/-. Official 1903 QV & KEVII to 1R. 1904-05 OHMS opt KEVII 1R SPECIMEN. F-VF M/MUH, some tropicalised gum in parts, also odd U. SG cat £1600+ = A$3100+. (185) (P)SOLD at A$450

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1904 'Swaziland' opt KEVII Transvaal Revenue 10/- grey-black & blue. Superb F/C, oval Registrar of Deeds 1907. Bft 33 cat £100. Rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$90

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Canal Zone: 1904 opt Portrait set 1c-10c. VF fresh M. Scott 4-8 cat US$395. SG 4-8 cat £523. (5). (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Canal Zone: 1904-06 '8 cts PANAMA' red 13mm reading up opt Canal Zone Map 50c bistre-brown. Fresh MLH, repaired tear at left Scott 15 cat US$2000. SG 15 cat £3000. Rare genuine as only 450 printed. APS photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700