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Collection 1915-32 inc single wmk 4d orange range, lemon-yellow (2), buff-orange & orange inverted wmk, 2d orange, 2d scarlet & 2d deep red-brown, set ½d-1/4 turquoise small multiple wmk perf 13½x12½ inc 4½d violet Die II CTO, then blks of 4 single wmk ½d orange, 1½d black-brown & 4½d pr, also inc 5d on 4½d pr with variety 'narrow last E'. F-VF MLH. ACSC cat $3200. (55+) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1902-76 collection in older style Seven Seas hingeless album with 1902 Postage Due mono-colours (7) to 5/- green & 1909-53 bi-colours (22) to 5/- CTO. Kangaroos (40) with 1st wmk (8) to 1/-, plus extra ½d, 1d, 2d wmk INV (cat $250). 2nd wmk 2d, 6d & 1/-. 3rd wmk set of 10 to 5/- inc 2/- maroon, plus wmk INV 2d, 3d, 9d Used ($525) & 1/- wmk sideways MUH sun-tanned gum ($275). SM wmk (5) to 5/-, CofA wmk to 5/-, plus 6d chestnut opt OS. KGV (60) to 1/4 1931-36 Pics & Commems comp inc 1931-32 OS opts set of 6 to 1/- Lyrebird inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d, 6d, 1932 Bridge set to 5/- (closed tear), 1935 ANZAC 1/- black & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI Def set to £1 Robes, 1949 Arms to £2, QEII pre-dec near comp inc 1964 Navigators to £2 King & comprehensive decimals to end 1976 inc high val Pics/Commems, plus 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. Some variable condition mixed G-F/VF Used. Estimate cat $3700.AVAILABLE at A$375

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1913-50 Pre Decimal collection on pgs inc Roos (22) G-VF U inc 1st wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk 5/-, 10/-, £1 light brown & blue (cat £2500) the last 2 both G-FU, plus SM/CofA wmk to 2/- M/MUH. KGV single wmk to 1/4 inc 4d lemon-yellow, LM wmk 1d red, SM wmk perf 14 to 1/4, CofA wmk to 1/4, (4d, 5d 1/4 MUH), range of 1930s KGV/KGVI commems inc 1934 Vic set to 1/-, Macarthur to 9d. 10/- Robes blk of 4 thick paper & £1 thin paper. KGVI 1937-40s defs, & some Postage Dues 1902 to 10d, 1909 to 5/-. Mostly F-VF M/MLH/U, some mixed condition. ACSC cat $9000. (170+). (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1913-75 collection on Seven Seas illustrated pages in binder, small range of Roos to 5/- (3rd wmk), KGV to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II, 1914 6d Engraved Kookaburra, 1928 3d blue Kookaburra M/Sheet cds at Philatelic Exhibition (flts), 1931 Kingsford Smith comp inc opt OS, 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- (both perfs), 1935 Silver Jubilee & ANZAC, 1937 NSW all comp, Robes set to £1 (2 sets). 1949 Arms comp to £2, Navigators set of 8 to £2 (2 sets), 1971 Christmas se-tenant blk of 7, comp to 1975, range of Postage Dues from 1902 to 2/- & later to 5/- (3), small collection of Reg labels & pmks, blks of 6 Cinderellas, 1938 Philatelic Society (36). BCOF set used to 1/- & useful KGV to 5d M. Mainly F-VF U, some mixed condition, album with toning. Interesting collection. ACSC cat $2500+. (600 + 5 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1915-65 M/MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with KGV single wmk (19) to 5d chestnut inc 2d brown, 4d orange, 4d pale blue & 4½d violet. LM wmk set of 5. SM wmk perf 14 to 4½d inc 2d brown & 3d blue, SM wmk perf 13½x12½ to 5d inc 3d blue Die I, 4d olive & 4½d violet. CofA wmk to 5d brown & OS opts to 5d brown. Generally F-VFM, ACSC cat $1700, plus 1914 Kookaburra 6d UN. 1931-32 OS opts (4) to 1/- Lyrebird F-VFM & Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d CTO. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (both) & Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 inc 3d blue (5) & Robes 5/-, 10/-, £1 thick paper MLH & thin paper set MUH (£1 sun-tanned). 1940 AIF set. 1950s KGVI to 2/6 no wmk. 1953-65 QEII near comp MUH inc 1959 Pics to Cattle 5/- white paper, 1963-64 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King, 1964 Birds to 3/- & all high val Commems. All fresh & clean, ACSC cat $2560. Also 1902-60 Postage Dues (50, cat £725). F-VFM inc 1902 mono-colours (9) to 6d green, 1913 perf 14 to 6d, 1946 CofA wmk to 1/- & 1958 no wmk to 1/-. Mostly F-VF M/MUH as rated, total cat $5500. (400) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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Covers: 1890s-1950s eccentric collection inc 1895 Advertising envelope for Israel Tea Warehouse Sydney, 1902 Pictorial for Foster & Son Sussex St Sydney. 1906 to Quaker Stamp Co Ohio USA from Fred Hagen Sydney. 1908 City Mutual Life envelope to Paddington, 1908 Taxed cover Sydney-USA. 1912 NSW PMG OHMS envelope to Wonthaggi franked current issue Tasmanian stamps. Victoria 1899 QV 2d red embossed up-rated with tri-colour franking to Germany. Australia 1917 PTPO 1d red KGV octagonal Pictorial Advertising envelope for D Sheahan Melbourne. 1932 OHMS envelope with 2d red oval OS in Die (ACSC cat $50) 1930s-50s Unclaimed Mail, 1930s-50s Advertising covers inc odd Pictorial, plus others inc Private Perfins on cover. Taxed Mail. Also WWI era Steads magazine published fortnightly May 1918 issue. Generally F-VF condition. (74)SOLD at A$250

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Postage Due selection 1902-30 with 1902 Mono-colour 'void base' ½d & 4d VFM (SG cat £60). 1902-09 'complete design' (28) inc ½d blk of 4 m/s cancel, plus 2 singles M & 1d (9) inc 2 prs & blk of 4 & 2d pr. 5d pr (SG cat £130). 1/- (8, cat £880) inc blk of 4 & pr. Generally F-VF UN, plus 5/- emerald lightly pmk, 1909-36 Bi-colour low vals (24) Mint inc 1913 thin paper 3d (2, SG D82, cat £130 ea) & 4d 'misplaced centre' (SG D83(var) cat £150). 1922 3rd wmk 4d (2, SG D96 cat £76). Generally UN (54) mostly no gum, total SG cat £2000+ = A$3800. Also another 100 Used to 1/- very mixed condition. (174)AVAILABLE at A$250

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South Australia: 1855-1912 collection in binder inc 1855 QV 6d imperf & 1856-58 2d & 6d imperf. 1858-59 QV roulette 2d & 6d, plus 1860-69 to 1/-, roulette. 1868-79 QV perf to 2/- & 1876-1900 to 2/-, plus shades. 1891 Surch set. 1902-04 QV thin Postage to 2/6 & 1904-12 QV thick Postage to 2/-. 1874-1901 OS range to 1/- inc types. Most G-VF M/U, mixed in earlies. SG cat £1950+ = A$3400+. (280)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Tasmania: Pic/Commem pmk cover collection mainly 1980s inc 67 diff Pictorial FDC pmks on 24c Botanical Congress PSE, appears to cover most POs open at that time inc Beaconsfield, Cygnet, Fingal, Mole Creek, Port Arthur, Savage River, Sheffield etc. 15 diff cds for 150th Anniv of Postal Services with 1 June 82 QV 27c, other illustrated envelopes, 1949 cover with marking 'CALLED POSTMEN 7 DEC 49, GPO HOBART', few Letterbills Claremont, Launceston 1897-1902, plus 1962 Registered Pontville to Myrtlebank, with black Devonport 'Paid' machine pmk, & 1949 5½d envelope to Hobart with Tarraleah Registered label. 1980s covers fresh CTO, others F-VF. (90+ covers)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Victoria Postal Stationery 1882-1902 range with Postcards (5, inc double replies), Lettercards (6, inc 2 CTO & 1891 surch), Envelopes (4), Reg Env (4, 3 CTO) & wrappers (7). Overall F-VF UN/CTO/U, odd blemishes. Stieg cat US$1200, counting CTO as UN. (26).AVAILABLE at A$180

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Western Australia: 1854-1912 collection in binder inc 1854 Swan 1d black. 1854-55 Swan 4d & 1/- imperf. 1857 Swan Litho 6d. 1860 Swan 2d & 6d (2), imperf. 1861 Swans to 1/-, wmk Swan perf. 1864-68 Swan to 1/-, wmk crown CC. 1902-12 QV Swans to 10/- inc wmks. Noted QV 5/- (2), plus perf OS. Mostly G-VF M/U, mixed in parts. SG cat £3700+ = A$7200+. (169) (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Big British Commonwealth carton lot with Great Britain 1840-1990 collection in 2 SG Illustrated Albums inc QV 1840 1d black & 2d blue. 1841 QV imperf 1d UN (cat £600), U (2) & 2d blue lines. 1854 QV letters in lower cnrs 2d blue (3, cat £330). 1847 QV Embossed 6d mauve (£1000) & 10d brown (£1500) both cut square. 1855 QV no cnr letters 4d, 6d. 1867 QV 10d brown & 2/- blue. 1873-80 QV (9) to 1/- brown inc 6d/6d lilac (2), 8d orange & 1/- green. 1884 QV 2/6, 5/-, 10/- (cat £900). 1902 KEVII to 5/- carmine, 1912-35 KGV to 10/- indigo U. KGVI to £1 brown M & U, plus extras inc QEII inc plenty of Pic/Commem sets. Variable G-F/VFU with some M, est cat £900 = A$17,500. Australia 1913-2003 collection in 120 hagners with pre-dec to £1, decimals to $10 inc 1971 Christmas blk of 25 & odd SPECIMEN opt, plus album of PSE. Also 1913-65 Lighthouse illustrated album & 1966-2000 hingeless albums, in thick German made binders (near new, retail $800+). British Solomon Is MUH collection to 1978 in 24 hagners inc 1935 KGV SJ, 1948 KGVI SW sets (2), 1956 QEII Pics to 10/- & 90 1960s-80s Pic/Commem sets inc vals to $5, plus 12 assorted M/Sheets. Nauru 1954-79 comp collection in hingeless album pre-dec Pics to 5/-, 1974 UPU M/Sheet & 1978 Pics to $5. Variable condition as noted, mixed G-F/VFU M/MUH. (Many 100s)SOLD at A$500

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British Commonwealth Mediterranean area 1880s-1980s ollection/accumulation in 3 s/books & binder. Noted Cyprus selection 1938-1954, KGVI def lower values inc 9p LL blk of 4, 1953 QEII Pics to £1 inc 15m (40), 35m (32) MUH, 250m blk of 4, FV 500m/s MUH (2), £1 MUH (2), FV (2), plus others cat £1050, Gibraltar 1886-1986; however noted 1938-51 Defs 2/- Perf 13, 5/- perf 14 U, 1970s-80s MUH sets inc 1983 Naval Crests (24 sets in blks) & similar (cat £530), Malta 1902-90 strength in 1960s on sets MUH also. 1973 Dues in blk of 25 (cat £590). Few others. F/VF. Total SG cat £2200+ = A$4200. (700).AVAILABLE at A$130

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British Commonwealth collection in 3 large & 4 smaller s/books & on leaves, strong in Pacific, also inc Canada QV to 1980s inc 1935, 1937, 1942 Pics to $1 with extras. Newfoundland 1886-1937 Coronation set of 11 M/MLH, Cook Is/Niue, Aitutaki, Penrhyn c1900-80 mostly M/MLH. Niue inc 1931 2d/1½d (14 M/MUH in blks). Penrhyn Is inc 1902 Surch selection M/U, 1917-20 to 1/- M/MLH, similar Aitutaki cat £330+. Tokelau 1940-2003 MLH/MUH, Ross Dep 1957-2011 M & U, retail $200+, Nauru 1954-80s M/U inc Defs, Pics with extras, 1970s-80s MUH, FV $150+ also Papua New Guinea 1952-mid 80s MLH/MUH in 64 pg s/book, 1970s-80s FV K420, then similar range 1952-2000 U, also in 64 pg s/book inc 1952 to £1 (2), 1966 to $2 (3), extensive later Pics, Defs, colourful range, Norfolk Is 1947-80 M/U inc 1970s decimal issues with extras, mostly MUH-F/VF. Mostly F-VF condition. (4000+)AVAILABLE at A$275

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British Commonwealth collections in 2 large cartons with Australia 1965-1977 near comp M collection (FV $40) on loose leaves inc 1966 Defs to $4 King fresh MUH. Aust Decimals 1966-89 VFU inc Pics to $10. Canada accumulation in plastic bag. GB 1860s-1970s in black Lighthouse s/book with 1870s-80s QV to 1/- green inc 6d chestnut, 1902 KEVII to 2/6 violet, 1930s KGV to 10/- Seahorse & KGVI Defs to £1 brown. Channel Islands Pic/commems in another Lighthouse s/book, plus literature inc Aden postage stamps 1937-1968. SG 2018 Australia catalogue inc States & Territories. Rennicks Stamps of Australia inc Decimals to December 2020. Also 1970s-90s World Pics inc 35 hagners European Colonies collection with over 1500 stamps inc Belgian, French & Italian Colonies in Africa with good variety throughout. Dutch East Indies, Portuguese Timor & others. 1000s of stamps in total, mixed M/MUH/G-FU. 2nd carton with 5 over-size cover albums inc Australia 1970 RV commem cover set of 22 (cat £120), 2023-2024! FDC (FV $100+), plus 2020-2923 Inwards high FV mail to Sydney suburbs. Finally AAT collection (FV $140) with pic/commem sets or M/Sheets to 2024. Antarctic Birds. All neatly around in 2 large cartons.AVAILABLE at A$250

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Collection/accumulation in 4 large & 6 small to medium albums. South America selections of Argentina, Brazil, Chile etc, Sub-Continent collection inc Bangladesh 1970s-80s inc 1976 10t Def (44 U cat £200+) & others, Ceylon/Sri Lanka mostly 1980s-90s Birds U with extras. Similar Burma & Pakistan. Hong Kong QV to post 2000 inc KGVI to $2 with extras, 1954 to $5 (2), later Defs inc 1987-88 to $50 (4), 1997 to $50, 2002 to $50 (4), 2006 to $20 (5), plus Commems cat £350+, South & South West Africa cat £200, Transvaal inc 1902 to 2/- (5) G/FU & others cat £250. Also some Scandinavia, Malta, Worldwide Airmail labels & others. A good mixed collection/accumulation, 10 albums in total, generally G-F/VFU. (5000+)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Columbian States: 1863-1904 Collection with Antioquia 1869 Arms set to 1P. 1873 Arms & Numerals to 1P. 1873 Arms 5P. 1886 Arms to 2P. 1890 Arms to 5P. 1896 Arms to 2P. Bolivar 1863 Miniature Arms 1P. 1873 Arms vals to 81c. 1879-91 Bolivar range to $80c inc dates. Also some imperf proofs. Boyaca 1902 Perez 5c on blue paper. 1902 High vals 5P & 10P. Cundinamarca 1883 type-set Provisional to 1P. 1883 Registration label. Santander range from 1884 Arms set. Tolima 1870 typeset 10c. 1871 Arms set to 1P & 1879 set to 1P. Most G-VF M/U. SG cat £1300+ = A$2500+. Seldom seen material. (620). (P)SOLD at A$375

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Covers: Carton lot inc Victoria 1902 'The Treasurer/Frank Stamp' small printed Registered envelope to Germanton NSW & re-directed to Glebe Point. GB 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding 2½d, £1 on plain unaddressed FDC (SG cat £425). 1960s-70s small International Inwards correspondence to Sydney NSW, plus assorted unaddressed FDC. Main volume is Australia with wide variety of 1980s/1990s PSE/FDC, plus selection of post Millennium PO Pre-Paid PPC.SOLD at A$100

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Cyprus & Gibraltar: 1880-1970s collection in binder. Cyprus 1902-10 KEVII to 12Pi. 1934 KGV Pic set to 45Pi. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-51 KGVI to £1. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1955-60 QEII Pic set to £1. 1960-61 Republic opt set to £1. Range of Commems inc useful Europa sets. Gibraltar 1886-87 QV to 1/-. 1889-96 QV Spanish Currency to 5P. 1906-11 KEVII to 4/-. 1925-32 KGV to 10/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-51 KGVI Pic set to £1. 1953-59 QEII Pic set to £1 & 1960-63 Def set to £1. 1971 Views se-tenant set to £1. Good coverage of Commems. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, parts with tropicalisation. SG cat £3300+ = A$6400+. (1135+, plus 23 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Germany 1850s-2010 valuable & extensive collection in 22 various s/books & 3 Linder illustrated albums commencing with German States inc Bavaria (130+) 1850s 3k & 6k imperf, 1880 Arms to 80pf, 1911 Luitpold to 2m, range to 1920s inc 1m Official, Saxony (20+) 1850 Arms 3pf (as is & not counted in cat value), 1851 Friedrich to 3ngr, 1855 Johann to 3ngr, 1863 Arms to 3ngr, Prussia 1850s 3gr & 4pf, Oldenberg (5) 1861 imperf to 3g yellow (as is & not counted), Heligoland (10) 1867 to 6sch & 1875 3pf U, range of WWI German Occup issues inc Belgium (70+), 1916 various to 2f50c, Poland (18), Eupen & Malmedy (10), Russia (20+) etc, others inc Danzig (150+), Allenstein various 1920-26 issues inc Official to 10m, Memel (60+), Lithuania (8) etc, Saar 1920-59, Germany inc 1872 to 5g, 1880 to 50pf, 1902 to 5m, extensive range to 1945 inc Inflation issues to 100,000m, 1928 President comp to 80pf, 1932 Hitler M/S etc Bohemia & Moravia (150+), Allied Occup 1945 to 80pf, 1946 to 1m inc apparent 75pf offset, 1949 Buildings to 5DM, Soviet zone 1948 Politicians to 84pf, West Germany7 extensive range 1950s to 200g inc 1970-76 & 1982-86 comp MUH on Linder pgs, East Germany 1950s-90s, Berlin (West) 1949-90 inc 1951 Bell set comp, 1986 Famous Women comp to 500pf (MUH & FU sets cat £360), small range of German colonies. 1998-2004 Deutsche Post first day cds. This is a very extensive collection which has only briefly been summarised & has a lot of potential. Some earlies mixed condition mostly GU-VFU, VF M to Superb MUH. Some album have toning but largely not affecting stamps. SG cat £20,000+ = A$40,000+. (10,000 + 50+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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Germany 1872-1968 Collection in 4 Lighthouse illustrated albums inc 1872 Shields (4), 1870s Eagles to 50pf, 1902 Deutsches Reich to 5Mk bicolour, 1920s Weimar Repub issues, mostly G/FU officials, 1933 to 1949 M/U also Occup issues, West Germany 1950-1968 M/U inc 1952 Hostels set FU. Berlin 1950 to 1964 M/U. Useful starter collection wrapped in 4 quality illus albums. Total cat £2000+, plus cost of albums c$600 = A$3900. (1000+).SOLD at A$130

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Germany: 1872-1980s accumulation on s/cards inc 1872 Eagle Small Shield to 5gr. 1872-74 Eagle Large Shield to 18Kr. 1872 Numeral 10gr & 2Mk, plus shades. 1875 'Pfenige' set to 50pf. 1902-17 Germania range to 5Mk. 1933 Zeppelin Chicago flight opt 2Mk. 1935 OSTROPA M/S. 1926 Air set to 3Mk. 1935 Costumes set to 40pf. 1936 Brown Ribbon M/S. 1937 Hitler M/S, plus Culture Fund M/S. 1936 Munchen Reim M/S. Range of 1950-80s West Germany Commems & Defs. Mostly G-VF M/U, mixed earlies. SG est cat £6000+ = A$10,000+. (3000+)AVAILABLE at A$230

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Great Britain: 1840-1990 collection in loose leaf album with 1840 QV 1d black. 1841 QV imperfs 1d brown & 2d blue (2). 1855 QV 6d lilac. 1862 QV 1/- green. 1870s QV 3d, 5d (2) & 1/- pmk C of Constantinople (cat £360), plus 4d vermilion plate 14 pmk C51 of St Thomas (Danish West Indies, cat £110). 1873 QV 1/- green wmk Spray of Rose FU (SG 150 cat £150). 1880s QV opts 3d/3d & 6d/6d lilac (cat £300). 1883 QV high vals 2/6, 5/- (2, inc Private perfins) & 10/-. 1887 QV Sidefaces to 1/- inc 6d & 9d opt 'Govt Parcels' 1902-10 KEVII set to 10/-. 1934 KGV Seahorse set 2/6, 5/-, 10/- (cat £190). 1939 KGVI set of 6 to £1 brown. 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding £1. Comprehensive QEII pre-dec inc Castles to £1. Wide range of 1970s-80s-90s Pics/Commems. Some mixed condition, many G-F/VFU. High cat value. (Few 100)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Great Britain 1840-early 2000s discordant collection in 2 near new Lighthouse s/books with QV 1840 1d black (SG cat £375). 1841 1d red imperf pmk Numeral 9 in Maltese Cross cancel (SG cat £180). 1880 QV 5d indigo VFU (SG 169 cat £175). 1883 QV 5/- rose. 1887 QV 1/- green opt 'I.R./OFFICIAL' cat £375 with 2021 photo-cert. 1902-12 KEVII 10d (11, cat £825) inc Private Perfins. 1913-18 KGV Seahorses 2/6 VFM. 5/- VFU & 10/- FU (cat £470). 1912 KGV ½d green with underprint M (small thin) with photo-cert, SG PP 251a cat £180. 1924 & 1925 Exhibition prs M (£80). 1948 KGVI SW £1 MUH. 1951 KGVI high vals to £1 brown MUH (cat £100) & Used, Selected MUH decimals (FV £100) inc 1990s Castles to £5, Britannia £10 & QEII Anniv, Pictorials. Mixed G-F/VFU, plus mentioned MUH. SG cat £3300 to 1953, plus £100 FV for decimal MUH, total £3400 = A$6500. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$375
Great Britain: 1940-2010 collection on leaves in 2 large binders with 1840 QV 1d black (2), 1841 QV 2d blue imperf (2), 1840s-1870s 1d plates (300+) inc odd imperf & pmk interest. 1850s-80s QV Sidefaces to 1/- brown inc 4d red (8), 6d lilac (12), 6d/6d mauve (2), 6d brown (12), 8d orange, 10d chestnut & 1/- green. 1883-1901 QV high vals 2/6 (9, cat £1440), 5/- (6, £1300), 10/- (3, £1575) & £1 green cat £800. 1902-10 KEVII 2/6 (5), 5/- (4) (cat £1470), 1913-34 Seahorses Used range inc 1934 5/6, 5/-, 10/- Used on piece. KGVI 1939 Defs inc high values. 1948 RSW set M & set U, 1951 Festival 2½d, 4d set on FDC, QEII extensive Commems, Pics & Defs mostly Used, few M/MLH. Channel Is 1948 set on FDC, Jersey Occupation issues M/U, then 1969-2011, Guernsey similar & others. Also covers inc 1929-1923 range of 27 covers inc 7 sent to J.A. Costello (Irish PM 1948-51, 1954-57) by Ida O'Malley in 1917 prior to their marriage. Few others F/VF. Early GB condition mixed as usual but many useful stamps can be extracted. Huge cat value. (2000+)SOLD at A$700

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Great Britain: 1902-2000 collection in 6 albums with 1902-10 KEVII to 5/-, 1915-34 KGV Seahorses 2/6 (8), 5/- (9) & 10/- (3). 1924 Wembley sets (3), 1937 KGVI sets (2) to £1 (cat £120), 1948 £1 RSW (2), 1951 Festival to £1, 7 sets U & extras. Extensive & voluminous QEII M & U Machin Defs, Wilding Pics/Commems with many extras to 2000, also with Regionals. Few flts mostly G-F-VFU. (5000+)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Iceland: Collection to 2013 in near new Davo illustrated album (retail $180) with 1876 Numerals (5) to 20a blue, 1902 King 5Kr M (SG 55, cat £140). 1907 Double Kings to 50a. 1920 King (15) to 5Kr U. 1925 Pic set of 5. 1931 full set of 6 to 75a VFU (cat £45). 1938 Geyser set (cat £40). 1950 Pic set to 5Kr inc scarce 6a U. Then good range of Pic/Commem sets, plus 10 M/Sheets. All fresh & clean, mostly F-VFU with some M sighted. (800)SOLD at A$220

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Neat carton lot with Official Collection of World Wildlife FDC with 108 covers in custom-made green album. Huge original costs. Australia 1973-79 WCS FDC collection (60) inc 1974 Painting trio, 1979 Paintings $5 & Pic/Commem sets or singles in mini album, plus 100 Official PO FDC to 1982 in another 2 albums. Australia 1930s-60s pre-decimals in thick blue s/book inc 1936 SA Cent sets (2), 1940 AIF to 6d (2), 1949 Arms £1 blk of 4 U, 12 1940s Commem imprint blks of 4 MUH (cat $140+), plus others. More Australia in brown s/book with Kangaroos (200) to 2/-, KGV (110) to 5d brown inc perf OS 4d blue (4) & 2d brown. Also KGVI to 10/- Robes & some Aust States. 4 large Chinese s/books with more Australia, 1970s British Pacific Is collection in 2 Chinese s/book & GB QEII Machins, Pics, Commems (100s) in the 4th. More GB to 1981 RW in medium springback album inc 1887 QV to 1/- green, 1902 KEVII to 1/- bi-colour, 1910 KEVII to 2/6 violet, 1912-34 KGV to 5/-, 1937 KGVI 2/6- £1 set of 6 & QEII dec to £5 blue (SG cat £950). Finally PNG 1980s-90s MUH Commem sets (16) mostly blks of 10 inc 1982 Coral to 3K. Large carton. (1000)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Nigeria: 1887-2000 used collection on pages in 2 binders & loose on hagners inc Lagos 1876-1906 inc 1887 QV to 1/-, 1904 KEVII to 1/-, Northern Nigeria 1900-12 inc 1902, 1905, 1910 & 1912 KEVII to 1/-, Southern Nigeria 1901-12 inc 1905 & 1907 KEVII to 2/6, 1914 Crown Colony to 10/- inc some shades, 1936 KGV to 5/-, 1938 KGVI to 5/- with shades & perfs, 1953 QEII set to £1, 1961 & 65 sets to £1. Seems fairly comp 1970-2000 inc M/S. Noted Biafra 1968 Independence FDC. Mainly G-VF U. SG cat £1800+. (1000+20 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Pacific Collection 1870s-1980s inc Gilbert & Ellice 1938 KGVI to 5/-, New Caledonia 1930s to 5F, Cook Is 1902 Bird to 6d, 1936 5/- NZ Arms opt Cook Islands, Pitcairn Is 1940 KGVI to 2/6, 1957 QEII to 2/6 both M & U, Samoa 1877 Samoa Express 1d, 3d, 6d unissued 2d & 9d offered as is (SG cat £1400) Western Samoa opt on 2/6, 5/- NZ Fiscal stamps, British Solomon Is 1939 KGVI to 5/-. Various comp sets inc 1993 Crabs, Tonga from 1890s inc 1920 Queen to 1/-, various Gold foil issues, range of M/S, covers throughout. Some light duplication, mostly F-VF M/U. SG cat £2000+ = A$3800+. (3000+, 20 M/S, 20 covers).AVAILABLE at A$220

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South Africa - Cape of Good Hope: 1864-1904 Mint collection inc 1864-77 Hope Seated 4d & 6d (2 shades) crown CC, with outer frame line. 1871-76 Hope Seated ½d, ½d wmk inverted, 1d & 4d, crown CC, no outer frame line. 1874-76 ONE PENNY on 1/-. 1879 THREE PENCE on 4d. 1880 3 on 3d. 1882-83 Hope Seated to 3d, wmk crown CA & 1884-90 to 6d, wmk Anchor. 1891 2½d on 3d. 1892 2½d green. 1893 1d on 2d, variety 'no stop'. 1893-1902 Hope Standing set. 1893-98 Hope Seated set to 5/-, plus ½d blk of 36. 1902-84 KEVII to 1/-. Mostly G-VF M/UN, some mixed. SG cat £3100+ = A$6000+. (80) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1902-04 completed design 2/- emerald-green wmk crown NSW, perf 11½-12 blk of 4. F-VF UN. SG D20 cat M £560 = A$1100. ACSC D40 cat M $700 as 4 singles. Scarce & attractive multiple. (P)SOLD at A$275

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1902-11 QV Thick Postage £1 blue, wmk crown SA, perf 12½. VF fresh MLH. Scott 143a cat US$350. SG 292a cat £275. ACSC S74 cat $450. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Stamp Duty: 1902-20s Numeral 3d black imperf plate proof full sheet of 80. F-VF UN as made, sl tropicalized. Bft 84(p). Possibly UNIQUE as a sheet. (80) (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1902-11 Swan 5d bistre wmk V crown (facing right), perf 12½. VF M. ACSC W41a cat $250. Scott 80 cat US$160. SG 120 cat £160. (P)SOLD at A$100

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1902-11 QV £1 orange-brown. Superb fresh MLH, excellent centring. ACSC W66 cat $600+. Scott 88 cat US$450. SG 128 cat £450+. Premium quality. (P)SOLD at A$425

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1902-11 QV 2/- brownish-red on yellow, wmk V crown upright, perf 11. VF fresh M. Scott 84d cat US$325. SG 134 cat £300. ACSC W62A cat $500. (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1902-11 QV 2/- bright red on yellow, perf 11. VF fresh MLH. ACSC W62 cat $500, Scott 84d cat US$325. SG 134 cat £300. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1902-11 QV 10/- bright purple. VF fresh M, nice colour. ACSC W67B cat $1600. Scott 87a cat US$950. SG 142a cat £950. (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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Lettercards: 1902-12 2d & 1d/2d blue plated with 7 of 8 units annotating the varieties with 2 extras, 4 with reverse text, 1 w/o text & 3 Surch. Generally F-VF UN. PSSA LC3-6 inc with or w/o reverse text, or Surch, cat $770. (8)AVAILABLE at A$160

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Postcard: 1902 QV 1½d + 1½d blue on greenish stock double reply card. VFU both halves local use with 'L C Room PO Perth WA AP 1 03' cds, b/s 'P R Perth WA AP 1 03' cds. PSSA RPC2 cat $500.AVAILABLE at A$90

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Postcard: 1902 QV 1½d + 1½d blue on greenish double reply card. VFU to Switzerland, Albany AU 27 1905 duplex pmk, Swiss arrival cds. UN reply half attached. PSSA RPC2 cat $250. (P)AVAILABLE at A$90

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Wrapper: 1902 Swan ½d green & 1d red, both 2-line borders & single line (99mm spacing), plus ½d no border line, 133mm wide. F-VF fresh UN, some creases etc. PSSA WR1, WR2, WR3, WR4 & WR5.1 cat $1500. (5)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Wrapper: 1902 Swan 1d red (2 shades), 2-line borders, plus 1903 Swan ½d single border. VF CTO concentric rings cancel for UPU distribution. PSSA WR2 & WR3 cat $450. (3)AVAILABLE at A$160

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Postal Stationery: 1879-1900s collection with Postcards 1879 ½d & 1d, 1889 2d, 1892 1½d Surch & 1d brown, 1903 1d with extra text CTO concentric rings UPU cancel, 1905 1d/2d red & both double reply cards intact. Lettercards 1905 2d blue on grey & 1d/2d Surch. Reg envelope 1902 with red text & wrapper 1902 1d red with 2-line borders. VF-Superb fresh UN. PSSA cat $1070. (13)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1898-1917 proof of delivery forms franked Court Delivery stamps with 1898 use of 17½Kr blue-violet perf 12½, & use of 17½Kr blue perf 10½. 1901 use of 34h perf 10½, 1907 34h perf 12½(2) & 1902 34h perf 12½-10½. 1917 use of 10h bright blue, 1915 use 10h deep blue. Mi 1aA, 1bB, 2A, 2B(2), 2C, 3a & 3c cat €700. All from towns in Eastern Galicia (later Eastern Poland & now Western Ukraine). (8).AVAILABLE at A$160

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1898-1917 proof of delivery forms franked Court Delivery stamps with 1898 (2) use of 17½Kr violet-blue, 1902-04 use of 34h perf 12½, & 1902 perf 12½-10½. 1912 use of 10h blue & 1915 use of 10h deep blue. Mi 1bB(2), 2B(2), 2C, 3b & 3c cat €520. All from towns in Eastern Galicia (later Eastern Poland & now Western Ukraine). (7).AVAILABLE at A$130

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Bahamas: 1863-1980 collection in Vario binder with slipcase inc 1863 1d, 4d, 6d & 1/-, 1884 QV 5/- & £1, 1902 KEVII set to £1, 1911 Staircase to 3/-, 1912 KGV set to £1, 1938 KGVI to £1, 1942 Columbus set to £1, 1948 KGVI set to £1, 1954 QEII set to £1 (2 sets), 1964 New Constitution, 1965 QEII set to £1, 1967 Decimal Currency set to $3. Then virtually comp to 1980s inc M/S. Many comp sets. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH inc some FU, tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £3000+ = A$6000+. (600 + 50 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Bechuanaland: 1884-1960s collection inc Stellaland 1884 Arms set to 1/-. Bechuanaland 1885-87 opt Cape Hope vals to 6d. 1888 QV vals to 10/-. 1888 Surch set to 1s on 1/- inc 4d on 4d, red opt. 1888 One Half-Penny on 3d. 1891 QV GB opt set to 1/-. 1888 Protectorate opt vals to 1/-. 1889 FOUR PENCE on ½d. 1897-1902 QB GB opt set to 1/-. 1904-13 KEVII set to 1/-. 1914-20 KGV Seahorses selection to 2/6 & 5/- inc shades & printings. 1932 KGV Cattle set to 10/-. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938 KGVI Cattle set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1961 QEII Bird set to 2R. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, tropicalised spots in parts. SG cat £5100+ = A$10,000+. Valuable collection. (375) (P)SOLD at A$1600

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Belgium: 1902-45 Railway Parcels Mint collection inc 1902-14 set to 10F. 1923 set to 50F (SG cat £225). 1928 'Journaux Dagbladen 1928' opt set to 20F (£190). 1929-31 opt set to 20F (£225). 1934 set 3Fr-5Fr (£100). Mostly F-VF fresh M/MUH, few blemishes. SG cat £750+. (99) (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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Bermuda: 1865-1970s collection in binder inc 1865-1904 QV range to 1/-, plus shades & wmks. 1902-10 Dry Dock to 4d. 1910-34 Ship to 1/-. 1918-32 KGV high vals to £1. 1920 & 1921 Tercent sets to 1/-. 1936-47 KGV Pic set to 1/6. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-52 KGVI Pic set to £1, plus shades. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1953-62 QEII pic set to £1. 1962-68 QEII Buildings set to £1. Range of later Commems & M/S. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £850+. (650 + 4 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$250

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1900-80s collection in binder inc 1900 QV set ½d & 1d. 1902-05 KEVII to 1/-, plus wmks. 1907 h/s Surch ½d & 1d on 5/-. 1907-09 KEVII set to 10/-. 1912-20 KGV set to 10/-, & 1921-26 KGV to 10/-, plus wmks. 1932 Centenary set to 10/-. 1938-48 KGVI Pic set to 10/-, plus perfs. 1948 Silver Wedding set M&U. 1950 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. 1953-62 QEII Pic set to £1. 1962-64 QEII Pic set to £1. 1969 QEII Def set to £1, plus 1969 dec Surch set to $2. Good coverage of Commems. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, some tropicalisation in parts, 70%+ being M/MUH. SG cat £4600+ = A$9000+. (1100 + 27 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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Colombia: 1859-2009 Collection s/book inc 1859-60 New Granada Arms to 1p. 1861 United States of Granada Arms to 1p. 1862 Colombia Arms to 1p & 1863 to 50c, plus 1864 set to 1p. 1865 Foreign Mail set to 1p. 1865 Arms set to 1p. 1866-67 Arms set to 10p. 1865 Registration set A&R. 1881 Registration 10c. 1870-74 Arms to 1p. 1886-88 Republic Arms to 10p 1899-1902 Cartagena Civil War Provisional selection 1902 Bogota Arms to 10P. 1935 Games to 2p M. 1932 Air to 2p. 1919 Sociedad Colombo-Alemania 30c. Range of 1880s-90s Cubiertas (Registration labels) 1950 Air 'A' opt to 80c & L opt to 5p. Most G-VF M/U, some earlies mixed. SG cat £3100+ = A$6000+. (1600). (P)SOLD at A$725

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Antioquia: 1868-1904 collection inc 1868 Arms set to 1p, Reprints from defaced plates. 1869 Arms to 1p. 1873 Arms to 5p. 1875 Berrio 10c on laid paper. 1888 Provisional type-set set to 5c. 18789-90 Arms set to 5p. 1890 Provisional type-set to 20c. 1896 Arms set to 5p (both colours), plus 5p frame only proof. 1899 General set to 2p horiz prs, error imperf between. 1902-03 Portrait & Numeral set to 5p. 1903-04 Portrait, Arms & Numeral set to 10p. Most F-VF M/U. Scott cat US$1475+. SG cat £1500+. Seldom seen issues. (374). (P)SOLD at A$500

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Boyaca & Cundinamarca: 1870-1907 collection with Boyaca 1899-1902 Perez 5c range inc 5c horiz pr & singles on blue paper. 1903 Arms Pic to 10p inc 5p & 10p blks of 4. Cundinamarca 1970 Arms set 5c & 10c. 1877-82 Arms set to 1p. 1883 type-set Provisional set to 1p. 1886 Arms set to 1p. 1883 Registration label. 1904 Arms & numeral to 1p. 1883 Cubierta. Most F-VF M/U. Scott cat US$1100++. SG cat £1000+. Seldom seen material. (94). (P)SOLD at A$400

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1902 Bird ½d green, vert marg pr, error IMPERF horiz. Fresh MLH, tiny thin. Scott 27a cat US$1400. SG 23a cat £1300. Rare bird thematic. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Gambia: 1880-1980s collection in s/book inc 1880-93 QV Cameo to 1/-, plus shades & blks of 4. 1898-1902 QV Tablet set to 1/-. 1902-05 KEVII set to 3/-. 1906 Surch ½d on 2/6 & 1d on 3/-. 1909 KEVII New Colours set to 3/-, plus set opt SPECIMEN. 1912-22 KGV set to 5/- & 1921-22 set to 4/-. 1922-29 KGV Elephant set to 5/-, wmk mult crown & set to 10/-, wmk script. 1938-46 KGVI Elephant set to 10/- M &U. 1935 Silver Jubilee set M & U. 1948 Silver Wedding set M & U. 1953-59 QEII Pic set to £1. 1963 QEII Birds set to £1. 1965 Independence opt set to £1. Useful later Commems inc M/S. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, 80% being M/MUH. Some tropicalised gum. SG cat £3000+ = A$5800+. (790 = 27 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$800

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1900 Reichpost 10pf carmine, imperf, plus 1902 or 1905 Deutsches Reich 5pf green & 10pf red proofs on yellowish rough paper. VF fresh M or UN as made, 4 margins. SG 55a, 69(var), 70(var). Mi 56aU, 70/85(p) & 71/86(p). 1st exp Jashke-Lantelme BPP. (3) (P)SOLD at A$75

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1872-1933 collection in Lindner hingeless album inc 1872 Eagle Small Shield ¼g-18Kr. 1872 Numeral 10g & 30g. 1872 Eagle Large Shield ¼g-18Kr. 1874 Surch 2½ & 9. 1875-79 'Pfennige' to 50pf & 1880-87 'Pfennig' to 50pf. 1889-1900 Eagle set to 50pf M. 1899-1900 Reichspost 20pf-3Mk. 1902 Germania to 5Mk, plus 1902-11 to 5Mk. 1920 opt Bavaria set to 20Mk. Good coverage of Inflation issues. 1923-25 Gold Currency high to 5Mk. 1925-29 Arms Welfare sets. 1928-32 President set to 80pf. 1930 IPOSTA M/S. 1930-32 Welfare Fund sets. 1932 Zeppelin Polar Flight set. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, with 80% being M/MUH, sl mixed earlies. Mi cat €11,000+. SG cat £12,500+ = A$24,000+. Nice collection. (635 + M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300

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Cameroon: 1897-1919 Postal Cards with 1897 opts 5pf & 10pf both singles & Double replies UN, & 5pf singles 2U. 1900 Yacht 5pf (UN/2U), 10pf (UN/4U), 1902 5+5pf Double reply card, 1904 Postkarte at left (2U), 1908 with footnote removed (2U), 1912 5pf singles & double reply divided front UN & 1917-19 Postkarte at centre 5pf & 10pf singles & double replies of each, plus at PTPO PPC of Victoria UN. VF UN/U/CTO - 8 of the U with full messages & some scarcer pmks also. Mi cat €505, plus the PTPO est another €200 = €700+. (26).AVAILABLE at A$250

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Kiautschou: 1901-14 Postal Cards Used with 5pf green to Germany with 'Kaumi 23 8 05' cds (cat €50 premium for this cds) -multiple redirections. 10pf red 1902 use to German Cruiser Cormoran in Sydney with Hong Kong transit cds. 5+5pf & 10+10pf Double Reply Cards philatelic use with Reply Cards attached. 1905 New Currency 2c & 4c - last with 'Tsingtao -Gr. Hafen' cds & MISSENT h/s & Mt Vernon NY arrival duplex pmk. 1905 Double Reply Cards 5+5c & 10+10c philatelically U to Germany, plus front half card uprated, 1c, 2c & 4c with full message & 2c green divided front to Germany & redirected multiple times inc 'Via Siberia'. Mi 1-8 & 10 cat €505+, plus premium Kiautschou: 1901 PTPO Yacht 5pf PPC with colour view of 'Tsingtau (Kiautschou)' F-VF fresh UN. Mi PP1.AVAILABLE at A$130

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Turkey POs 1884-1908 Mint collection with 1884 opts (4, SG cat £555) inc 1¼/25pf & 1½/50pf, 1889 opts (£215), plus 2½pi/50pf better 'dunkelrosarot' shade - Mi cat x10 of cheapest shade - so est £500+ (Steuer photo cert). 1900 opt Germania set to 25Pi/5Mk (£500), 1902 diff font 'A' set of 5 (£840), 1905 opt Germania set with wmk (£650) & with wmk set ex 10p & 20p cheapies (£325) & finally 1908 French currency set to 100c/80pf (£140). Mostly F-VF M/MLH. SG cat £3500. (59). (P)AVAILABLE at A$900

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Gold Coast: 1884-1970 collection in binder inc 1884-91 QV to 2/-. 1889-94 QV Tablet 10/- M (SG cat £150). 1898-1902 QV Tablet set to 10/- opt SPECIMEN (£325). 1902 KEVII to 10/- opt SPECIMEN. 1913-24 KGV to 10/-, plus shades. 1928 KGV Castle set to 5/- (£120). 1935 Jubilee set. 1938-43 KGVI Castle set to 10/-. 1948 Wedding set M & U. 1952-54 QEII Pic set to 10/-. 1957 Independence opt set to 10/-. 1959-61 Pic Def set to £1. Useful 1960s Commems. Most G-VF M/MUH/U, 80% being M/MUH, some tropicalised gum in parts. SG cat £1800+ = A$3500+. (1175 + 58 M/S)SOLD at A$550

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1883-1902 'GOVT PARCELS' opts inc QV 1½d lilac, 1/- orange-brown, plate 13. QV Jubilee 1½d, 6d, 9d & 1/- green. QV 1d lilac, QV Jubilee 2d, 4½d & 1/- green & carmine. KEVII set 1d to 1/-. F-VFU. Scott O27,O30-43 cat US$2428.SG O61, O64-72, O74-78 cat £1847. Scarce genuine & in above average quality for these. (15) (P)SOLD at A$300

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1896-1902 'O.W. OFFICIAL' opt QV 1d lilac. VFU, on piece. Scott O45 cat US$165. SG O33 cat £150. Scarce genuine. (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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1902-10 KEVII ½d to 1/- (ex 7d), plus 1½d (2), 1d & 2½d shades, DLR printing. VF fresh MUH, never hinged original gum, nice bright colours. Scott ex 127 - 138 cat US$1883. SG ex215-57 cat £1272. Very scarce MUH. (16) (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1902-10 KEVII ½d to 1/-, plus ½d shade, DLR printing. VF fresh MUH, beautiful bright colours. Scott ex 127 - 138 cat US$1758. SG ex 215-257 cat £1300. Very scarce MUH. (15) (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1902-10 KEVII ½d to 1/-,, plus ½d shade, DLR printing. VF fresh M/MLH. Scott ex 127 - 138,145 cat US$783. SG ex 215-259 cat £1346 as cheapest. (15) (P)SOLD at A$325

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1902-10 KEVII 1d red, DLR booklet printing, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 22). F-VF fresh MUH, typical bklt perfs. SG 219s, SG Spec M5w cat £275 for M, should be at least double, £550 MUH. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert . (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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1902-10 KEVII 1d red, DLR printing, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 17), wmk Imperial Crown inverted. Superb fresh MUH. SG 219wis, SG Spec M5au cat £400 for M, should be at least double, £800 MUH. Rare genuine example. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1902-10 KEVII 1½d to 1/-, DLR printing all on chalk-surfaced paper. VF fresh MUH, couple sl disturbed gum. Scott 129d-138d cat US$1445.SG ex 223-57a cat £1200. (9) (P)SOLD at A$400

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1902-10 KEVII 2/6 pale dull purple, chalk-surfaced paper, DLR printing. F-VF fresh M. Scott 139c cat US$345. SG 261 cat £350. (P)SOLD at A$90

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1902-10 KEVII 2/6 dull purple, DLR printing. VF fresh MLH. Scott 139c cat US$345. SG 262 cat £350. (P)SOLD at A$100

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1902-10 KEVII 10/- ultramarine, DLR printing, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 16). VF fresh M. SG Spec M53s. SG 265s cat £500. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1902-10 KEVII £1 dull blue-green, DLR printing. Superb fresh MLH, with nice original gum, bright colour & excellent centring. Scott 142 cat US$2000. SG 266 cat £2000. Scarce top value in premium quality. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1902-10 KEVII £1 dull blue-green, DLR printing, opt SPECIMEN (SG type 17). F-VF fresh M, nice colour. SG 266s cat £2000 as normal. SG Spec M55t cat £3800. Very rare & sought after opt type. 2021 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2800

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1902-10 KEVII £1 dull blue-green DLR printing opt SPECIMEN type 16. F-VF fresh M. SG 266s cat £1400. (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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1902 'GOVT PARCELS' opt KEVII 6d pale dull-purple, variety 'broken E in PARCELS'. VFM. SG Spec MO11(var). SG O76(var) cat £275, plus premium for variety.SOLD at A$55

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1902 'GOVT PARCELS' opt KEVII 1/- green & carmine. VF fresh MUH. Scott O43 cat US$1550 for M. SG O78 cat £1350 for M, should be at least double, £2700 MUH. Rare genuine example & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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Grenada: 1860s-190s collection with extras in Vario binder with slipcase inc 1863 QV to 6d, 1881 Surch on ½d deep mauve with variety 'OSTAGE' superb cds on piece (cat £130), 1883 QV set to 1/-, 1883 QV 1d tete-beche blk of 6 with 3 prs (cat £900), 1886 1d on 1½d orange Surch Double, sold 'as is', 1895 QV set to 1/-, 1902 KEVII set SPECIMEN to 10/-, 1913 KGV set to 10/- inc some shades, 1906 Badge set to 10/-, 1934 KGV set to 5/-, 1938 KGVI set to 10/- with some shades & perfs inc 10/- (5), 1951 KGVI & 1953 QEII sets to $2.50, then fairly comp to 1980s, plus Barbados 1900 Seal to 10d, 1938 to 5/-, 1950 KGVI set to $2.40, 1953 QEII set to $1.20 with shades. Mostly F-VF MLH/MUH, some G-VF U, tropicalisation on some stamps. SG cat £4000+ = A$8000+. (1600+, 170 M/S, 6 S/B) (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1902-07 selection used blks of 4 inc 1902-04 King 16a-50a. 1902 Official King set 3a-50a & 1907 Official 2 Kings 5a-50a. Mostly VFU. Mi 40-44, D17-D23, D26-D31 cat €576+. SG 48-52, O81-O87, O101-O106 cat £688+ as singles, plus premium for rare multiples. (18 blks)AVAILABLE at A$140

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Leeward Islands: 1890-1954 collection inc 1890 QV Tablet set to 5/-. 1897 Diamond Jubilee opt set to 5/- (5/- with Friedl photo-cert). 1902 KEVII set to 5/-. 1912-32 KGV vals to £1. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-51 KGVI set to £1, plus perfs & shades. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1954 QEII set to $4.80. Also few St Christopher 1870-90 QV vals to 6d. Most F-VF M/MLH, some with tropicalised gum, plus few U. SG cat £2500+ = A$4900+. (199) (P)SOLD at A$700

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1902-03 KEVII $100 purple & green on yellow, wmk crown CA, opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh M. Scott 104A cat US$800. SG 122s cat £800 (normal cat £22,000). (P)SOLD at A$575

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1902-03 Crown 8c black & vermilion, variety 'line through B'. VF fresh M. Scott 102b cat US$140. SG 121c cat £140. (P)AVAILABLE at A$70

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1902-03 Crown 12c black & yellow, variety 'line through B'. VF fresh M. Scott 104c cat US$160. SG 123c cat £160. (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1902-03 Crown 25c green & greenish-blue variety 'line through B'. VF fresh M. Scott 107c cat US$140. SG 126c cat £150. (P)AVAILABLE at A$75

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1902-07 Pictorial 1/- orange-red wmk NZ Star inverted (w12b) as used on QV issues, perf 11. F-VF U. CP E18c cat NZ$4000. SG 315ba cat £2000. Extremely rare. RPSL photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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Niue: 1902-70 collection in Vario binder with slipcase inc 1902-03 Surch to 1/-, 1917 set to 1/- with some perf varieties, 1918 Postal Fiscals to £1, 1931 Postal Fiscals to £1, 1938 1/- to 3/- then range to 1970s inc M/S, some Penrhyn Islands. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH, some VFU, sl tropicalisation. SG cat £800+. (600+,100+ M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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1900-12 SPECIMEN opt collection inc 1900 QV set to 10/- (SG cat £225). 1902 KEVII set to 10/- (£200). 1912 KGV vals to 10/-. Mostly G-VFM, some with tropicalised gum. SG est £600+. (40) (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Nigeria 1882-2000 mint collection on pages in 2 binders inc Lagos 1887 QV to 1/-, 1904 KEVII to 1/-, Nthn Nigeria 1902 KEVII to 2/6, 1912 KGV to 5/-, Sthn Nigeria 1903 KEVII to 2/6, 1907 to 2/6, Nigeria 1914 KGV to 10/- inc rare shades & papers inc SG 8a & 10e cat £300+, 1912 KGV to 2/-, 1936 KGV comp to £1 inc 1½d perf 12½x18½, 1938 KGVI set to 5/- with all perfs & shades, 1953 QEII set to £1 with shades & most dies, noted 2d Re-entry, 1961 set to £1, then 1962-2000 seems reasonably comp, plus small Biafra collection inc 1968 Sovereign issue to 5/-, various unissued stamps inc 1970 Christmas £1 M/S, 1970 Biafra £1 M/S. Also Nigeria £1 Sterling banknote & Biafra 10/- banknote. Large majority of cat is in pre 1953. Mostly F-VF, earlies M/MLH, 1970s onwards mainly MUH. SG cat £4500+. Attractive collection. (900+30 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$1300

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1902-04 KEVII 5/- brown-orange. VF MLH. Scott 71 cat US$160. SG 78 cat £160. (P)SOLD at A$100

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South Africa: 1850s-2000 ex dealer's stock in 10 s/books & a binder, inc various colonies with Cape of Good Hope 1853-64 Triangles 1d & 6d (2), 1864-84 Hope to 5/-, Natal 1859 QV 3d blue, various to 1902 KGVI to 2/6, others inc Orange Free State, Orange River Colony, Transvaal, Zululand. Also inc Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, Swaziland KGVI set to 10/-, Nyasaland KGV £1, Rhodesia & South West Africa. South Africa inc 1913 KGV to 10/- inc some inverted wmks, 1½d tete-beche pr, 1929 Air set inc 1/- (8) with various cds, 1926-54 to 10/- various bilingual prs, large number of higher values 2/6 (80+), 5/- (30+), 10/- (30+), range to 1980s inc some Homelands. This is a large accumulation with wmk inverted, perforation varieties, bilingual prs & varieties noted throughout, mainly comp sets. Mostly G-VF U, fresh VF MLH-MUH. SG cat £6500+ = A$13,000. (10,000 + 40 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1940-46 Zarogosa Virgin/Cathedral set 10c+5c - 10P+4P. VF fresh MLH. SG 982-95 cat £325. Ed 889-902 cat €250. (14). (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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Sudan: 1897-30s sets with 1897 SOUDAN opts on Egypt set 1m-10Pi (9). 1902-21 Camel set 1Pi-10Pi (11). 1935 General Gordon set 5m-50Pi (9). 1927-40 Camel set 1M-3Pi (9). VF M/MLH. SG cat £500. (38) (P)AVAILABLE at A$190

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1902-03 Marshall $5 dark green, perf 12. Superb fresh MLH, with nice original gum & excellent centring. Sc 313 cat US$2250. SG 319 cat £2750. Rare mint top value in excellent quality. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1700

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1899-1902 Bolivar 5c-2B (ex 50c orange). VFU. Yv 59-64 cat €420. Scott ex 142-149 cat US$240. SG ex 179-184 cat £348. (6) (P)AVAILABLE at A$70