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1902-76 collection in older style Seven Seas hingeless album with 1902 Postage Due mono-colours (7) to 5/- green & 1909-53 bi-colours (22) to 5/- CTO. Kangaroos (40) with 1st wmk (8) to 1/-, plus extra ½d, 1d, 2d wmk INV (cat $250). 2nd wmk 2d, 6d & 1/-. 3rd wmk set of 10 to 5/- inc 2/- maroon, plus wmk INV 2d, 3d, 9d Used ($525) & 1/- wmk sideways MUH sun-tanned gum ($275). SM wmk (5) to 5/-, CofA wmk to 5/-, plus 6d chestnut opt OS. KGV (60) to 1/4 1931-36 Pics & Commems comp inc 1931-32 OS opts set of 6 to 1/- Lyrebird inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d, 6d, 1932 Bridge set to 5/- (closed tear), 1935 ANZAC 1/- black & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI Def set to £1 Robes, 1949 Arms to £2, QEII pre-dec near comp inc 1964 Navigators to £2 King & comprehensive decimals to end 1976 inc high val Pics/Commems, plus 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. Some variable condition mixed G-F/VF Used. Estimate cat $3700.AVAILABLE at A$375

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1913-75 near comp collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk to 2/-, 2nd wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 2/- brown, SM wmk to 5/- & CofA wmk to 5/- inc 6d opt OS, plus 10/-, £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN. KGV comp (retail $750) inc single wmk 1d Die III & 4d lemon, SM wmk perf 14 to 1/4, 1d green Die II, 4½d violet Die II & opt OS set to 5d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet with pale Exhibition cancel. 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d. 1932 Bridge set to 5/- & all other 1930s high val Commem sets F-VFU. 1937 Robes to £1 thick & thin papers. 1949 Arms set to £2. 1953-75 QEII comp inc 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2 King, 1966 Defs to $4 Navigator, 1974 Paintings to $10 & all other Pic/Commem sets inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. A well balanced, neat, mostly F-VFU collection, nicer than most. ACSC cat/retail $4800. (670+)AVAILABLE at A$900

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1913-65 near comp collection to £2 in Seven Seas illustrated album with Kangaroos (40) inc 3rd wmk 5/-, 10/- (cat $675) & £2 bicolour & £1 grey both Telegraph Punctures, plus £1 bicolour 'facsimile' space filler. KGV (62) to 1/4 inc OS opts to 4d. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS. 1934 VIC Cent & Macarthur sets. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & 1936 SA Cent set. 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes. 1940 AIF set. 1949 Arms to £2 & high val QEII pre-dec Pics/Commems to £1 Bass. Some sl mixed condition inc bold cancels. Generally G-FU, retail $2200, plus the £1 & £2 Kangaroo Telegraph punches. (380)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1913-65 specialised collection in thick 60 black pg s/book with Kangaroos (140) with 1st wmk to 1/- inc wmk inverted ½d, 1d (3), 2d, 3d & 1/- (ACSC cat $675), 3rd wmk to 5/- inc wmk inverted 2d & 9d (cat $350), plus OS/NSW to 6d & perf OS to 5/-. SM wmk to 5/- & CofA wmk to 5/-. Total ACSC $3200. KGV (260) to 1/4 inc single wmk ½d orange wmk INV blk of 4, OS opt set of 7 to 5d, perf OS (30) to 1/4 & perf OS/NSW (22) to 4d lemon. Est ACSC cat $1050. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved M & U (cat $180). 1929-36 1½d/2d Commem plate number blks (28, cat $600) with 1936 Cable set of 4 UL cnr, 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 2d (14) & Kingsford Smith (3), plus 1½d Sturt (4) & 1½d Swan (3), imprint blks (10, cat $300) from 1½d Swan to 2d Cable. 3d Commem plate number blks (10, cat $440) with Kingsford Smith plates 1 & 3, 3d Bridge plates 3 & 4, 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee plate 1 all 4 cnrs & 1936 Cable plate 1 (2), plus 3d Bridge & 3d VIC Cent imprint blks (cat $100), 1931-37 Commem sets with 1934 VIC Cent (5), Macarthur to 9d (2), 1935 ANZAC 1/- (2) & KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/- (3), 1936 SA to 1/- (3) & 1937 NSW Sesqui to 9d (3). KGVI issues inc 1937 Robes set to £1, plus £1 Ash imprint pr CTO (cat $350). 1940 AIF sets (8), plus imprint blks (4) to 3d blue. Other KGVI era imprint blks (50) inc to 2/6 Aborigine. 1949 Arms set to £2 FU & useful QEII inc 1959 Pics to 5/- blks of 4, 1964 Navigator set to £2, plus extras to 10/- & 1964 Birds set blks of 4 MUH. Generally F-VF U/M/MUH, bit messy in places, total cat/retail $8200. (2300)AVAILABLE at A$1000

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1913-65 collection in Seven Seas illustrated album with Kangaroos (26) to 5/- inc 6d opt OS, plus Large OS perfin to 1/- (ex 2½d) cat $675 inc scarce 5d brown & 9d violet. Small OS perfin set of 14 to 5/- (cat $900) & perf OS/NSW (10) to 1/- ($350). KGV (55) inc CofA wmk set to 1/4 & all OS opts. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved W/C light pmk. 1931 Kingsford Smith set (2) inc OS opts. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS. 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- (2 sets), plus Macarthur set to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/-, plus KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 Robes set to £1 & 1949 Arms to £2 G-FU & other KGVI issues to 2/6 mixed M & U. 1953-66 QEII Defs & Commems mostly F-VF MUH inc 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle cream paper, 1964 Navigators to 10/-, 1964 Birds set of 8 to 3/-, 1966 1st decimal set MUH to $4 King. An useful G-VFU/MUH collection, cat/retail $3300. (415)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1935 KGV Silver Jubilee 2d (100), 3d (200), 2/- (20). SG 156/158 cat £3430 = A$6700. (320)AVAILABLE at A$160

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1937-66 blks of 4 collection inc 1937 NSW Sesqui set 2d, 3d, 9d Ash imprint. KGVI 1/4 magenta & 10/- Robes Ash imprints. 1937 Hermes 1/6 claret thick paper McCracken imprint (toned). 1949 Arms 5/- Authority imprint, plus others. Mostly F-VF M/MUH, ACSC cat $800. 1966 Navigator set of 6 in blks, tone spots MUH (FV $34). 1966/67 QEII 4c & 5c/4c booklet panes set of 6 MUH, retail 200. All F-VF M/MUH. Total cat $1000.AVAILABLE at A$200

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1966 Navigator set of 4 opt SPECIMEN (2 sets) MUH. 1966 QEII 4c booklet pane set of 6 slogans, 2 sets MUH & MLH. 1967 QEII 5c booklet panes MUH (20) inc 4 comp booklets. 1971 QEII 7c Plate 14, 3 diff types in blks of 20 (2) & strip of 10. 1971 Christmas 7c white paper blk of 25 MUH, plus odds MUH inc set of 7 & blks of 7 (2) CTO. A neat group, retail/cat $950++.SOLD at A$180

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Booklets: 1953-70s ranges inc 1953 3/6 booklet 3½d red QEII no wmk (40+), 1957 4/- booklet (7), 1967 $1 booklets (2), 1968 Fam Aust (4), 1969 PMs (6), 1970 Fam Aust (4). SG cat £1550+ = A$3000+. All seem to be intact & good condition. (60+).SOLD at A$275
Carton with collection of covers & stationery. Inc FDCs c1970-c2000 extensive range with some earlier mostly official, also some Commem covers, exhibition cancels noted AAT inc 1984 Scenes Plate 1 10 sets, 1988 Environment 5 sets base cds (approx 600 covers). Also PSEs UN & FDI from late 1970s-90s, some Commem cancels & others (approx 350 PSEs). Mostly F/VF. Also an interesting selection of 17 old-time USA & Great Britain share certificates. Mostly F/VF.(Qty) 967AVAILABLE at A$100

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Covers 1970-2023 FDC/PSE accumulation (220) inc 1979 Lindsay Creswick pmk & 1979 Red Cross with Billy Blood Drop red cachet, 1970 RV unaddressed FDC. 1967 Europa 1 Woomera Rocket Launch, plus 2013-23 mixed FDC (FV $340). Also 130 GB 1960s-80s FDC & misc items. (400).AVAILABLE at A$140

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Kangaroos 1st wmk 1d, 2d, 3d all wmk INVERTED. F-VFU. ACSC cat $375. Also 5/- grey & yellow CTO cat $300. Total $675. (4)AVAILABLE at A$150

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KGV ½d Green to 1/4 collection/accumulation neatly set out in VGC Lighthouse 32 pg s/book with ½d green (43), ½d orange (34) inc perf OS (11). 1d violet (46) inc shades, perf OS & varieties inc 'neck flaw' (2). 1d red (280) inc wmk inv (19) varieties inc 'neck flaw' (4), 'run N' (10), 'dot before 1' (11), 'RA joined' (11). Shades inc rough paper rosine perf OS (G69 cat $75) & Official Perfins inc OS/NSW. 1d green (130) inc wmk inv (5), no wmk (5) inc OS Perfin & LM wmk (7) inc OS Perfin. 1½d green (48). 1½d black-brown (35). 1½d brown (135) inc wmk inv (5, cat $500). 1½d red (260). 2d brown Die I (30) inc perf OS (9, cat $675). 2d orange (60) inc 'dry ink' perf OS ($200). 2d red (200) inc 'dry ink' perf OS ($275). 3d blue (110) inc wmk inv perf OS. 4d orange (58) inc yellow/lemon colours & Official Perfins (10). 4d violet (23) inc perf OS (4, $160), 4d blue (45) inc 'cracked electro LVT' (cat $200). 4d olive mixed wmks (60) inc perf OS. 4½d violet single wmk (58) inc perf OS (7, cat $875). 4½d violet SM wmk (40), plus Die II CTO (2). 5d/4½d violet (17), 5d brown (100). 1/4 turquoise (35) inc single wmk perf OS (3). OS opts with ½d (14), 1d (22), 2d (32), 3d (3), 4d (9) & 5d (3). Late Fee (120) & Ship Mail (120) pmk. Extra OS perfins (90) to 1/4 & OS/NSW to 4½d. Mostly F-VF all fresh & clean. ACSC est cat $13,000. (2300)AVAILABLE at A$800

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KGV: Semi-specialised collection ½d to 1/4 featuring normal stamps, Federal Official Perforations & State Official Perforations with single wmk to 1/4 (40) inc ½d Cypress Green (ACSC 63H cat $150), 1d red Die II (3) & Die III, 4d aniline-orange wmk INV CTO, 4d lemon, 4d violet & 5d chestnut. LM wmk 1½d black-brown M (4) with part imprint pr MUH. Very thin paper MLH & wmk INV MUH. SM wmk perf 14 4½d violet shades U. SM wmk perf 13½x12½ (31) to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II-I joined pr with part 'SEP 28' cds pmk (cat $250). 1½d golden-scarlet wmk INV blk of 6 (cat $120), 3d blue Die I A-B joined pr (cat $250) & 4½d Die II CTO. Federal Perfins with perf OS single wmk (38) to 1/4 inc 4d lemon (cat $400), 4d blue shades (3), 2d brown (2, cat $120), 1½d pink, 1½d deep intense red, 1½d dark brown & 4½d violet (cat $125), no wmk 1d green (cat $120) & 1½d red (3, cat $675). LM wmk perf OS (12) inc scarce 1d red. SM wmk perf 14, perf OS (14) inc 3d wmk INV (cat $175), 4d olive ($125) & 2d brown ($150). SM wmk perf 13½x12½ perf OS (30) to 14. State Official Perfins with OS/NSW (44) inc 1d red LM wmk, 4d orange shades (6), 4d violet (3), 4d blue (3), 3d blue shades (3) & 1½d green (2). Also some G/NSW, T, VG & WA perfins mostly in the CofA wmk stamps to 5d brown. Conservative cat/retail $4200, mostly F-VFU. (290)SOLD at A$600

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Postal Stationery: 1920s-40s group with Postcard KGV 1½d brown (ACSC P67), 1927 Lettercard 1½d (LC62) & 2d (LC64), envelopes 1924 KGV 1½d red Star (EP28), oval Die II 1 red white stock (toned) EP36 (2) & (6B), 1937 KGVI 2d EP40(2) & (3A), Reg envelopes 1928 oval 4½d RE21 & 1930 Surch 5d RE24A. Generally F-VF UN, odd tones. ACSC cat $860. (10)SOLD at A$170

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Postal Stationery - Wrappers: 1913-60s used collection inc 1913 Kangaroo ½d green CTO, 1931 KGV 1d green with extra stamp box to USA, & uprated KGVI 3d blue to Germany, 1942 1½d, 1954 2½d, 1953 QEII 2½d, 1967 5c uprated to England, & 6c uprated to England. Also PTPO 1935 use of KGV 1d green with no text, plus OHMS 1919 KGV 1d red OS dots in die uprated ½d. F-VFU. ACSC cat $1100. (10).AVAILABLE at A$180

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Three volume decimal specialised collection to early 1980s with 1966 QEII 1c-6c positional multiples (ACSC cat $900) inc 4c red plate number blks of 20 (8, cat $240) & scarce range of 3c plated cnr blks. 7c-10c Fish sheet nos & other multiples. Birds to 30c inc 24c UR pane of 40, 30c Autotrons LL cnr blk & LR cnr sheet no blk of 4. Navigator set to $4 blks of 4, plus 75c Plate 3 UR blk with re-cutting flaw (pos 2/1, 2/2), plus another 3 multiples with re-cuts. $1 Flinders variety 'missing LL frame' (pos R9/3) in LR cnr blk of 10. Extensive 1966-70 4c & 5c Commems in positional blks & large multiples (cat $1400) inc 4c Banking, 5c Medical 'needle in thumb' flaws (6) inc Autotron multiple, 5c Flight cnr blks of 25 (6) inc 4 sheet no multiples, 5c Cook sheet of 100 bi-sected vertically & 1970 RV 5c misplaced tiara blk of 20. Other 967-70 issues inc 1968 WWW 20c left pane of 50 & 25c Intelsat Autotron gutter blk of 20, 1968 Flowers 6c, 13c & 30c in positional multiples, 1970 Cook M/Sheet opt ANPEX consecutive pr (scarce) & forged opt number 1502. 1970 coil collection inc 7c missing buff & misplaced green (9, cat $2700 inc strip of 4), plus 4 diff coil wrappers (cat $100) 1970-73 6c & 7c Commems in blks & multiple (cat $2000) inc 1971 RAAF 6c study. 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 25 (2), plus Autotron mirror blk of 12 & 1972 Olympics varieties. 1972 Rehab group, 1974 Painting $2 gutter blk of 10 (cat $100) & 'fungus flaw' in sheet no blk of 9 ($100). 1974 Christmas plate no blk of 4 collection (cat $530). 1975 IWY 10c aniline print blk of 4 (2, cat $800). 1976 Olympics group. 1978 Australia Day pink & green gum gutter blks. 1978 Birds with large multiple to 25c, 1980 High Court 22c aniline print strip of 4 (cat $80), 1983 WCY 27c aniline print blk of 10 thematics, plus much more inc 1978 Flower 18c missing black, 1980 Aeroplane 22c imperf Proof (cat $100) & 1993 CPS candlestick trial set of 3 in vert prs (retail $600). Appears fresh & clean throughout. Total ACSC cat/retail $12,900.AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1854-1912 collection on old album pgs with NSW inc 1854-59 QV Diadem 6d & 1/-, imperf. 1861-97 QV Coin 5/-. 1888 Centenary to 1/- M. 1891 Surch set, plus perfs. 1841-88 OS to 5/- inc 5/- Coin & 5/- Map. Queensland 1860-80 QV Chalon to 10/- inc wmks & perfs. Tasmania 1857-67 QV Chalon to 1/-, imperf inc 1/- vert strip of 3. 1864-91 QV Chalon perf to 1/- inc shades. 1899-1912 Mount Wellington 1d range of varieties & pmks. Mostly G-VF M/U, mixed in parts. SG cat £3600+ = A$7000+. (285)SOLD at A$400

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Tasmania: 1853-1912 collection used with m/s cancels on Seven Seas pgs inc 1853 QV Courier 4d (cut to shape). 1857-67 QV Chalon imperf to 1/-, plus shades (inc 2 pr). 1864-80 QV Chalon perf to 1/-, plus shades. 1870-1912 QV Sideface vals to 5/-. 1892-99 QV Tablet vals to 10/-, plus £1 opt REVENUE. 1863 Postal Fiscals vals to 5/- imperf & 1864 to 10/- perf. 1880 Platypus set. 1900 Revenue opt selection to £1. Most G-VF U & F/C. SG cat £2900+ = A$5600+ for normal U. (71).SOLD at A$400

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Tasmania: 1855-1912 collection on old album pgs inc 1855 QV Chalon 4d wmk Star. 1857-67 QV Chalon to 1/- imperf. 1864-91 QV Chalon, perf Chalon range to 1/-, plus perfs & shades. 1870-96 QV Sideface to 5/- inc perfs & wmks. 1892-99 QV Tablet to 10/-. 1899-1900 Pic set to 6d M, plus later wmks & perfs to 6d. Most G-VF M/U, some mixed earlies. SG cat £1800+ = A$3500+. (97)SOLD at A$300

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Tasmania: 1857-1912 collection in binder inc 1857-67 QV Chalon imperf to 1/-, plus shades. 1863-91 QV Chalons to 1/-, perf. 1870-96 QV Sideface to 5/-. 1899-1912 Pics to 6d inc values & perfs. Mostly G-VF M/U, mixed in parts. SG cat £2400+ = A$4700+. (220)SOLD at A$300

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Tasmania: Govt Railway Parcel Stamp collection in binder with Newspaper Stamp 1938 1d black sheets of 12 (2), both with toning. 1955-66 5th (void panel) issue set of 14 diff 1d-£1 sheets of 12. 1965 Surch 3/-, 5/-, 6/-, 8/- set in sheets of 12. 1966 1st decimals, error of date 1925 instead of 1935 with sheets of 10 for 1c, 30c, 35c, 40c, 60c, 80c & $2, mostly 2 sheets of ea value. 1967 Transport Dept reprints with correct 1935 date 2c blue (2 sheets). 1968 Transport Dept with sheets 1c (5 sheets), 2c (3), 5c (2), 10c (3), 15c, 20c (2), 30c (4), 35c (4), 45c, 60c (4) & 80c (3 sheets) all with plateable varieties. 1968 Transport Commission sheets 15c (2), 20c (2), 25c (2), 40c (2), 50c (2) & $1 (2). Some mostly light tropicalisation, now not often seen, particularly the pre-decimal sheets. (82 sheets, approx 850 stamps)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Tasmania: Pic/Commem pmk cover collection mainly 1980s inc 67 diff Pictorial FDC pmks on 24c Botanical Congress PSE, appears to cover most POs open at that time inc Beaconsfield, Cygnet, Fingal, Mole Creek, Port Arthur, Savage River, Sheffield etc. 15 diff cds for 150th Anniv of Postal Services with 1 June 82 QV 27c, other illustrated envelopes, 1949 cover with marking 'CALLED POSTMEN 7 DEC 49, GPO HOBART', few Letterbills Claremont, Launceston 1897-1902, plus 1962 Registered Pontville to Myrtlebank, with black Devonport 'Paid' machine pmk, & 1949 5½d envelope to Hobart with Tarraleah Registered label. 1980s covers fresh CTO, others F-VF. (90+ covers)AVAILABLE at A$120

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Antarctic: Ross Dependency 1957-82 MUH sets with 1957 Pic set of 4 to 1/6 (20, cat £90) inc blks of 6. 1967 First Decimals (6 sets, cat £240). 1972 Pics (18, cat £22). 1982 Def sets (24, cat £28) inc imprint blks of 8 & 7 PO Packs. All fresh & clean, total SG cat £380. NZ retail $1290. Also 1957 sets of 4 on 2 Scott Base illustrated Commem covers. (70 sets)SOLD at A$200

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Argentina: 1858-2010 collection in s/book inc 1858 Confederation 5c. 1862 Arms to 15c. 1864-67 Rivadavia 5c & 10c. 1853 Portrait to 90c 1876 Surch 8 on 10c. 1890-91 Portrait High val set 1P, 5P & 20P. 1896 San Martin set to 5P. 1899-1903 Liberty to 20P. 1930-31 Revolution to 10P. 1928 Air to 1.80P. 1931 1st Anniv opt to 5p. 1930 Zeppelin opt to 3.60p. 1936-37 Pic Def to 10p. Good coverage of later commems. 1913-38 Departmental opt selection, plus Officials 2009-10 Comp Commem sets. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, with 1990s & 2020s period being VF fresh MUH. SG cat £4500+ = A$8800+. No rarities but comprehensive collection. (2200 + 59M/S).SOLD at A$1100

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Big British Commonwealth carton lot with Asia/Pacific Is 1990s MUH Pic sets (40) & M/Sheets (20). 1978 Coronation SJ set of 21 M/Sheets. 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 diff, FV A$150). Indonesia 1996 Cuscus Joint Issue with Australia booklets (4, cat $100 ea). Aust/NZ Local Railway M/Sheets, plus more, all in black binder. General collection in blue springback album with GB inc KGVI high vals to £1 brown, NZ KGV inc Official opts & Indian States. Neat NZ collection to early 1980s in small s/book inc QV 2d Chalon black printing blk of 4, 1930s-60s Healths, 1967 Pics to $2 Geyser & other MUH decimal Pics. Australia 1970s-80s FDC with Darwin pmks in thick cover album. USA 1970s 3 volume Commem FDC collection. SG 1930s empty Ideal loose leaf album. Norfolk Is 1960s-70s Pic/Commem accumulation inc comp sets. KUT dealer back-up stock (100s) to early 1960s inc KGV Defs to 3/-, 1940s KGVI to £1, 1950s QEII to 20/-, plus plenty in between inc some Pics/Commems. 9 albums in total, mixed G-F/VFU, M/MUH.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Big British Commonwealth carton lot with Great Britain 1840-1990 collection in 2 SG Illustrated Albums inc QV 1840 1d black & 2d blue. 1841 QV imperf 1d UN (cat £600), U (2) & 2d blue lines. 1854 QV letters in lower cnrs 2d blue (3, cat £330). 1847 QV Embossed 6d mauve (£1000) & 10d brown (£1500) both cut square. 1855 QV no cnr letters 4d, 6d. 1867 QV 10d brown & 2/- blue. 1873-80 QV (9) to 1/- brown inc 6d/6d lilac (2), 8d orange & 1/- green. 1884 QV 2/6, 5/-, 10/- (cat £900). 1902 KEVII to 5/- carmine, 1912-35 KGV to 10/- indigo U. KGVI to £1 brown M & U, plus extras inc QEII inc plenty of Pic/Commem sets. Variable G-F/VFU with some M, est cat £900 = A$17,500. Australia 1913-2003 collection in 120 hagners with pre-dec to £1, decimals to $10 inc 1971 Christmas blk of 25 & odd SPECIMEN opt, plus album of PSE. Also 1913-65 Lighthouse illustrated album & 1966-2000 hingeless albums, in thick German made binders (near new, retail $800+). British Solomon Is MUH collection to 1978 in 24 hagners inc 1935 KGV SJ, 1948 KGVI SW sets (2), 1956 QEII Pics to 10/- & 90 1960s-80s Pic/Commem sets inc vals to $5, plus 12 assorted M/Sheets. Nauru 1954-79 comp collection in hingeless album pre-dec Pics to 5/-, 1974 UPU M/Sheet & 1978 Pics to $5. Variable condition as noted, mixed G-F/VFU M/MUH. (Many 100s)SOLD at A$500

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Big double carton lot with plenty to play with inc Australia 1980s PO Packs (FV $280). Box of Australia UN PSE. Sweden 1970s FDC (130). British Commonwealth FDC collection (80) inc Christmas Is 1958 QEII set to $1, Fiji 1960s 8c QEII Registration envelopes UN (6), Ross Dependency 1959 Pic set to 1/9, Norfolk Is 1947 Ball Bay set, NZ 1954 QEII to 10/- blue, 1967 Lighthouse opt sets (2, retail $250) & 1967 Defs to $2 Geyser (2 sets, retail $150). 1960s-70s British Commonwealth collections in 3 VGC SG Senator springback albums (new retail $300+) with Australia MUH/VFU 1966-71 inc Navigator $1 perf 14¾ MLH & 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25. Fiji 1969-84 with 150 MUH/CTO Pic/Commem sets inc 1969 Defs to $2 QEII. NZ 1967-84 inc 1967 Defs to $10 (retail $160) & 1967-75 Health M/S comp ($360) & Tokelau 1967-84. Thin blue s/book with British Antarctic Territory Pic sets (16) inc vals to £3, plus small India 1920s-30s selection. Interesting 1930s-40s collection in medium springback album inc Ceylon, China, Cyprus, India, GB, Malaya & USA. Pacific Islands collection in 46 hagners with PNG 1952-80 inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman, Nauru 1954-80, plus Fiji, Tonga & Samoa. Red s/book with 1970s-80s MUH collection with Australia, Nauru & Norfolk Is. Finally GB 1940s-1940s accumulation in 2 s/books inc 1841 QV 2d blue imperf, 1847 QV 6d embossed, 1890s QV to 1/- green KGV Seahorses 2/6 (37), 5/- (22), 10/- (3), 1937 KGVI sets of 6 to £1 (4) & 1952 KGVI high val sets (10). Usual variable condition for carton lot with G-F/VFU, M & MUH Pics, Commems, Defs & Thematics. (Few 1000)AVAILABLE at A$400

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British Commonwealth MUH collection/accumulation in 50 hagners with Australia 1930s-40s imprint blks of 4 (50) inc 1937 Hermes 1/6 claret, KGVI 1/4 magenta (2) & 1½d brown, Kangaroo 2/- maroon (2), 1940s-50s KGVI Defs to 2/6 Aborigine, mostly VF MUH, est ACSC cat $900. Decimal booklet panes (14) inc 1967 opt set of 6. British Pacific Def/Pic sets (5, cat £230) with Cook Is 1949 to 3/-, Niue 1950 to 3/-, Norfolk Is 1966 Surcharges (8 diff imprint blks of 4). NZ 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser & Tonga 1953 to £1 Arms. Mixed M/Sheets (75) inc Cook Is, Pitcairn, Samoa, Seychelles, Singapore, Tristan da Cunha, Tuvalu & Vanuatu. Minor duplication, mostly fresh MUH. (Many 100s)SOLD at A$275

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British Commonwealth: 1953-2000s collection in 4 binders & s/books. Antigua to Bahamas range of QEII Commems & Defs inc Antigua 1970 Ship set to $5. Bahamas 1954 QEII Pic to £1. 1964 New Constitution opt set to £1. Also BIOT inc 1965 opt set to 10R. Mauritius 1967-2017 collection in 2 s/books inc 1967 Self Govt opt set to 5R. 1969-73 QEII Fish set to 10R. Good coverage of Commems & M/S. Thematic collection in binder of Turtles inc M/S. F-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £2200+ = A$4300+. Attractive collection. (1500 + 45 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$400

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British Commonwealth 1940s-70s MUH accumulation with Australia 1967 Commems 4c Banking Lion, YWCA, Gynaecology & 1988 Soil/Medical 5c in sheets of 100, plus 1974 UPU sets (60) opt SPECIMEN in blks of 30. Anguilla Tercentenary opt set of 6 in large blks or part sheets (60 sets, cat £225). Bechuanaland opts on South Africa Victory set of 3 prs (30, cat £105). Montserrat & St Helena 1946 Victory sets (60 of ea, cat £78). Southern Rhodesia 1947 RV set (100, cat £60), plus others. (2800+)AVAILABLE at A$200

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British Commonwealth 1970s-80s MUH collection/accumulation in hagners with Kiribati (95 Pic sets, FV $168) with 10 diff inc 1979 Defs to $5 Flag (5 sets). Nauru (70) to 1979 Flight with 20 diff. 1954 to 5/- (4). 1963 to 3/3 blks of 4, 1966 Defs to $1 & 1968 opts. PNG (210 Pic sets) with 55 diff to 1987 Fish inc 1970 Artefacts (60), 1971 Fauna (12), 1973 Panorama to $2 (3), 1976 Fish (10), Headdress to K2 (3) & others, 1987 Marine Life. Tokelau (230 sets, FV $210) with 24 diff to 1987 Olympic Sports inc 1966 opts trio to 2/- (34), 1967 decimal opt set of 7 (7 sets), 1977 Pics to $1 (6), 1984 Fish to $2 (5) & 1987 Flora to 75c (5). Tuvalu (170 sets) mixed MUH/CTO (FV $250) with 12 diff to 1981 Butterflies inc 1978 Independence (7), 1979 Fish to $5 (5), 1980 Cowries, 1980 Moths & 1981 Ships. Also M/Sheets inc 1982 RV opt SPECIMEN (10) & 1996 Year of the Rat (20). Huge FV. All fresh & clean with 775 sets in total, plus scattered M/S. (2000+)AVAILABLE at A$275

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British Commonwealth 1970s-80s MUH collection/accumulation in hagners with PNG to early 1970s with pre-dec Pic/Commem sets (55) inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman. 1960 Postal Charges opt set of 5 M to 3/- (SG cat £60). 1963 Rabaul 10/- (5) & QEII £1 (5). 1964 Birds to 10/- (3 sets) & Headdresses to 5/- (10) sets in blks of 4 & 6. Decimal Pic/Commem sets (100+) to 1969 Heritage inc 1966 Butterflies, 1966 Myths (10), 1966 Games (22), 1967 Industries (26), 1967 WWII Anniv (14) & 1969 Shells to $2 (8). Mostly fresh MUH, retail $1200+. Pitcairn is Pic sets (40) to 1987 inc 1964 Pics to 8/- & 22 diff decimal sets inc 1984 Fish to $3, plus 1981 QM M/Sheets (10, FV $45). Vanuatu 1980s M/Sheets (16) with 5 diff & 1982-87 Pic/Commem sets (36), mostly all diff inc 1987 Fish (3) & 1987 Hurricane Relief Surcharges (3 sets). Also red binder with Aust scarcer 1970s FDC (8, retail $200) inc 1974 Paintings (2), 1971 Christmas blks of 7 (2) & 1970 Large Cook (addressed) MUH Frama sets (6 diff, retail $65). Christmas Is 1987 Wildlife sheetlets (2, retail $120) & other pacific is MUH pic sets (28). 4 albums in total with wide variety mostly F-VF MUH.AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth carton lot. Australia to early 2000s in 2 Vols with States (90) inc NSW 1860s Registered (3) & VIC 1860s beaded oval 6d orange (faded, SG 93 cat £750). Kangaroos (100) to 5/-, KGV (230) to 1/4, 1934 Macarthur set, KGV SJ to 2/- M, 1967-72 booklets (7), 1974 Paintings set to $10 MUH & plenty of decimal Pics G-FU, plus unsorted pre-decimals in glassines. Also 2001 PO Year Album, leather edition. AAT pics to early 1980s. Christmas Is 1958 QEII Def set. Nauru 1920s Ships to 2/6, 1950s Pics to 5/- & decimal Pics/Commems to early 1970s. New Caledonia 1905-07 Pics to 2Fr. New Hebrides 1970s Pics/Commems MUH inc 1972 Defs to 5Fr. British Solomon Is 1950s Pics to £1 QEII. PNG pre-dec inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman, 1963 QEII £1 & 1964 Birds to 10/-. Gilbert Is 1970s M/Sheets, Norfolk Is comp pre-dec inc 1947 Ball Bay, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge & 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird G-FU, plus MUH 1970s Pics/Commems. Others inc Nevis (4 diff) 1980s progressive Proof folders. Mixed M/MUH/G-F/VFU est cat £2000. Also Europe in Schaubek loose leaf album with Luxembourg 1882-1984 & Switzerland 1862-1982 inc Pro Juventute & Pro Patria Charity sets. Finally Russia (approx 2500) 1880s-1980s collection in thick black s/book. Some variable condition mostly F-VF. All neatly packed into large carton.SOLD at A$250

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British Commonwealth carton lot with KGVI Coronation near comp omnibus collection, plus 6 diff FDCs. 1890s-1970s collection in thick loose leaf album inc Hong Kong QV to $1 on 96c grey, China opt on KGV $1 & KGVI to $5. Then Ceylon, Ireland, Malay States & Malaysia Pics to $10. Australia 1914-2004 collection in 3 albums inc Kangaroos, KGV. 1930s Commem sets inc 1934 VIC Cent, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & 1936 SA. KGVI Defs to £2 Arms & decimal Pics/Commems inc International Post to $10, plus 1969-75 PO Pack collection (40) est retail $400 inc 1970 RV Jap Pack, 1971 Christmas, 1971 Selected Issues, plus 1978-82 postcard wallets set of 4. Christmas/Cocos Is 1960s Pic set collection in Seven Seas hingeless albums. New Zealand 1984, 85 & 87 PO Year Albums. PNG 1967-69 FDC collection (70) inc Shell sets to $2 (3). Some sl mixed conditions as always in a carton lot, mostly F-VF M/MUH/U.AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth carton lot with Australia 1969-75 PO Pack collection (40, retail $550) inc 1970 Expo & RV Jap Packs 1970 Cook, 1971 Christmas & 1971 selected issues. Australia 1913-65 sparsely populated Seven Seas pre-decimal hingeless album (new retail $160). Seven Seas Territories hingeless album with 1963-72 Cocos/Christmas Is MUH Pic sets. Canada small 1890s-1970s collection on loose leaves. GB 1970s MUH Commem accumulation (250 sets) with 16 diff from 1971 Anniversaries to 1973 Christmas. Nauru 1970s/80s PO Packs (50), plus PNG Year Packs 1981 (2), 1983 & 1985 (2). Marron binder with assorted British Commonwealth Pics/Commems in 50 hagners inc Indonesia/ Australia 1996 Cuscus Joint Issue booklet (4, cat $100 ea), AAT 1966 Defs to $1 Mock Sun (2), Aust 1966-71 decimal MUH Pic/Commem sets. British Pacific Is 1960s-70s Pic/Commem sets, plus M/Sheets. PNG 1969-85 FDC collection (90). Great Britain National Army Museum set of 60 Commem covers Feb 1970 - Feb 1972 in special album. Finally Norfolk Is 1947-80 comp MUH collection in collector album, plus extras inc 1967 Ships to $1 cnr blks of 4. Overall mostly F-VF condition, mixed M/MUH/Used with much to commend. Many 100s.AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth carton lot with Norfolk Is 1953-66 M/MUH/U collection (110) inc 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pic sets (3), plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN, plus 1967 Ships to $1 blks of 4 MUH. 1966 decimal opt set. AAT 1966 Pic sets (2) to $1 MUH. NZ 1957-75 Health M/Sheet MUH collection (14, retail $300) & 1996 Best Of M/Sheet trio ($60). Tuvalu 1982 RV M/Sheets opt SPECIMEN (6). 1997 Princess Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 diff) inc Tokelau $1, Fiji 81c, Solomon Is $2 & Vanuatu 95t, plus others inc Indonesia/Australia 1996 Joint Issue Cuscus booklet (4, cat $100 ea). All in pink binder. Then Australia in 4 albums, strength in decimals inc 1971 Christmas sets UN/M (6), plus unaddressed FDC & over 140 other 1970s-80s FDC. AAT 1957-84 Christmas Is 1958-82 & Cocos Is 1963-82 comp MUH collections (retail $400) in Seven Seas hingeless pgs. NZ 1984, 85 & 86 PO Year Albums, plus 2 maroon springback binders with around 80 unused pgs. 11 albums in total. Large carton. (Many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Commonwealth large double carton lot with Collection in 16 albums with Australia inc Kangaroos to 2/- G-FU, plus SM wmk 5/-, 2/- perf OS CTO (cat $325). 1931 Airmail 6d brown opt OS, 1934 Vic Cent set to 1/-, Macarthur set to 9d, 1937 KGVI 3d blue Dies (6) mixed M/MUH (cat $540). 1930s Plate Num blk of 4 (3, cat $110). 1930s-40s Imprint blks MUH (11, cat $230) inc 1/6 Hermes McCracken Imprint, 1934 Vic Cent 2d & 1937 KGVI 1/4, plus 1969-75 PO pack collection (retail $300) inc 1970 RV Jap pack, 1970 Cook, 1971 selected issues & 1971-75 Christmas packs. British Commonwealth inc Pitcairn KGVI Defs to 2/6 & Nauru strips to 1/- M & U, Cook Is to 3/- & Norfolk Ball Bay to 2/-. Great Britain Decimal PO packs (FV £110 = A$210). New Guinea 1920s Huts/1930s Birds (67 cat £300), plus 1931 ½d orange opt AIRMAIL sheet of 30 (£100). New Zealand 1930s-1970s M/MUH/U collection inc 1934 Faith in Australia 7d Blue. 1935 Pics to 3/-, 1940 Pics to 1/-. 1954 QEII 10/- blue & 1971 Health M/Sheet pr. Papua Lakatoi collection (25) to 1/-, plus 1932 Pics (16) to 1/- M (cat £60). Russia 1950s-60s Pictorial Collection in, plus 2 shoebox with MUH Pic/Commems in glassines inc 1946 Victory sets. Bit messy in places, all in 2 neat cartons. (many 100s).SOLD at A$350

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British Commonwealth selection on hagners with Australia Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk set to 1/- (2, ACSC cat $600), plus 1d red wmk INV (2, cat $100). 1916 set to 2/- maroon (3 sets, cat $675 inc 2/- brown), plus extras 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/- (2 of ea cat $180) & 5/- bicolour ($250). British Occupation of Cyrenaica 1950 Pic set to 500M MLH SG 136-148 cat £225. British Occupation of Italian Colonies 1942-52 collection (116) with GB KGVI Defs for MEF, EAF, Eritrea, Somalia, Tripolitania opts. Mixed M & U, STC £340. Morocco Agencies QV-QEII 2 opt collection (490) mixed M & U from all zones inc French & Spanish, plus Tangier to 1957. New Zealand 1860s-1960s collection (630, retail $4200). 1860s QV Chalons, 1d brown, 2d blue (3), 2d orange & 3d lilac. 1870s QV Sidefaces to 1/- green. 1880s-90s QV to 1/- chestnut inc Adverts (12). 1890s Pics to 1/- inc 4d Terraces (3) & 6d green Kiwi. 1908 KEVII set to 1/-, 1915 KGV of 15 to 1/-, plus extras. 1920 Victory set. 1976 Admirals 2/- (2) & 3/-. 1935 Pics to 3/- inc perf variations. 1940 Centennial set. 1953 Pics to 2/- & 1940 Centennial set. Arms Postal Fiscals (27) to £1 wmk INV. 1980s-1930s Lighthouses to 6d pink, plus others inc 1939 Express 6d. Mostly F-VFM/U. Retail $6450+. Well worth inspection. (1300+)AVAILABLE at A$550
British Commonwealth collection in 2 s/books & hagner binder. Great Britain QV to c2000 mostly Used, noted KGVI 1948 Silver Wedding, 1951 Festival high vals ( 2 sets) G/FU. Extensive collection of 1980s-90s with extras. New Zealand 1930s-c2000 mostly G/FU inc 1960 to £1, 1967, 1968 to $2, later issues extensive with extras. Some MUH inc Best of 1996 etc FV $90 FD & other covers 1981-96 (75). Few others F/VF. (3000+)AVAILABLE at A$80

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British Empire & Commonwealth 1870s-1980s collections with extras in 2 Vario binders, 1 Seven Seas hingeless album & Tuvalu PO hingeless album inc Fiji 1876 VR 1d-6d inc 2d Surch, 1882 QV 5/-, 1903 KEVII to 5/-, 1912 KGV to 5/-, 1938 KGV set to £1 inc some shades & perfs, 1954 & 62 QEII set to £1, Gilbert & Ellice 1911 set to 1/-, 1912 KGV to 5/-, 1939 KGVI to 5/-, 1956 QEII set to 10/-, 1965 QEII to £1. Kiribati 1977-80s collection inc 23 PO Packs, Pitcairn Island 1940 KGVI set to 2/6, 1948 Wedding, 1957 QEII set to 2/6, 1964 QEII set to 5/-, usually 1 set Mint & VFU of each. Many comp sets, large collection. F-VF MLH & G-VF U, tropicalisation effecting some stamps particularly on pages. SG cat £3400+ = A$6700+. (2100 + 40+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$400
British Pacific 1940s-70s MUH collection/accumulation in 3 albums with 100s of Pic/Commem sets with Norfolk Is (150) inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/-, 1966 opts to $1 (2 sets), 1967 Ships (5), 1969 Birds (3) & others to $5. Nauru (165) inc 1966 opts & others to $5. Fiji (85) inc vals to $2 or $5. Pitcairn (30). NZ (200) inc 1967 Defs to $2 Geyser (2 sets). PNG (570) inc 1968 Shells & 1973 Panorama sets to $2 & 1976 Stamp Anniv (50 sets) in sheets, plus extra scattered Aitutaki, GB, Niue, Penrhyn, Sierra Leone, Solomons & Tuvalu. 1350 sets in total. Mostly VF MUH. Huge cat & retail value. (1000s)AVAILABLE at A$300

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British Pacific Islands accumulations & collection in carton with Fiji 1912-80 inc 1938-55 to 5/- M/MLH with extras, 1954 to £1 MUH, 1959-67 to £1 M/MUH, 1969 Defs MUH & many others cat £600+, Nauru collection 1954-80s mostly MUH inc late 1970s-80s in packs, sheets FV $490. New Zealand collection 1882-1978 inc 1898 Pics to 9d, later 1930s issues & sets, retail $540. Solomon Is collection 1981-85 MUH sets & M/S with extras cat £100+. Largely VF. (700+, 30+)AVAILABLE at A$200

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British Pacific MUH collection in 4 s/books with Australia 1966-84 (retail $560) inc 1970 ANPEX M/Sheet & 1971 Christmas blk of 25. Duplicate 1966-84 collection MUH (near comp, retail $420) inc Paintings to $10. Extra 1966-73 collection (retail $180), plus various odds to 1980 FV $100, total retail/FV $1260. PNG 1966-82 with over 90 MUH Pic/Commem sets (minor duplication) inc 1966 Butterflies to $2, 1969 Shells & 1972 Panorama (retail $350). AAT 1966-80 MUH collection (retail $80) inc 1966 Defs to $1 Mock Sun. New Zealand 1967-81 MUH collection (retail $300) with 85 Pic/Commem sets inc 1967 Pics to $2 Geyser (both), plus Arms set of 4 to $10.AVAILABLE at A$200

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British Pacific: 1966-86 collection on hagners in 4 APO albums inc Samoa 1970-86, 1967 Birds to $4, 1972 to $5, 1983 Fruits to $5 in blks of 4 (SG cat £700, FV $600), TPNG 1966-93 inc 1952 10/- Map, 1973 to $2, 1982 Coral to $7, 1987 Ships to 3K, 1989 Stamp Duty 5K on 25t (SG cat £300+, FV 250K), Nauru 1968-82 range, Fiji 1969-82 range inc blks & sheets. Some U/MLH, mainly fresh MUH. SG cat £1400. High FV estimate A$800+. (2800+, 100+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Cambodia: 1951-2000 collection on leaves inc 1951 Pics to 15p M/MLH, to 10p U. 1954-55 to 20p M/U. 1956 Coronation set, 1957 Air set M/MLH. Then extensive range of 1960s & 70s Pic sets & M/Sheets M/U & a reasonable range to 2000. Mostly F/VF, SG cat £820 = A$1600. (670, 12 M/Sheets)SOLD at A$150

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Canada Provinces: 1851-70 small collection on Harris pgs. British Columbia & Vancouver 1865 QV 5c. 1867-69 crown V 2c. New Brunswick from 1851 inc 1860-63 QV Pic set to 17c. Also 1851 1/- (doubtful & not counted in total). Nova Scotia 1860-63 QV to 12½c Prince Edward Island 1861 QV 1d & 6d, perf 9. 1862-65 QV vals to 6d. 1870 QV Chalon 3d M & U. 1872 QV set 1c-12c. Most G-VF M/U, some mixed. SG cat £2350+ = A$4600+. (29)AVAILABLE at A$325

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Carton lot with British Empire omnibus collections (3) for 1937 KGVI Coronation M/U in Westminster album, 1946 Victory & 1953 QEII both appear comp M in 2 small s/books. SG cat £430. World, mostly Thematic collection, in large s/book with wide range of Pics & Commems, plus 30 M/sheets. Australian pre-decimal in 48pg KEK s/book inc 1934 Vic Cent 1/- (4), KGVI to 5/- Robes. Arms sets to £1 (3), 1950s 2/- Commems (40) & Cattle 5/- (40) cream & white papers, plus dec FDC (200) inc Commem/Pic cancels. Then more covers inc FAI History of Aviation Stamp Collection with 56 World FDC in over-size custom album, & 1981 RW Omnibus collection with 24 FDC. Finally Norfolk Island near comp MUH (odd CTO) to end 1974 in VGC Seven Seas hingeless album (pgs to Dec 1991) inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, surcharges set of 5 to 2/8, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1966 dec opts to $1 (both), 1967 Ships, 1969 Birds & other Pics/Commems to 1974 UPU M/sheets retail $600 inc the VGC hingeless album. Variable M/MUH/U.AVAILABLE at A$325

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Carton lot with Antarctica collection inc AAT 1966 & 1973 Pic sets (cat £45) TAAF 1972 Crozet 100Fr & 250Fr set (£130), BAT 1973 Pics to £1 & Belgium 1957-58 Expedition M/Sheet (UN, cat £225) thematics, plus covers (54) in a separate vol inc AAT 1971 Treaty & 1972 Cook Base cancel set of 4 (retail $100). TAAF (17, cat £580) inc 1956 Penguin 85f (cat £85), 1968 St Paul Isle 40f, 1969 Airmails 100f Kerguelen & 200f Island Atoll & 1969 Concorde. BAT 1963 Pics (9) to 5/- pmk 'Adelaide Island' & Ross Dependency set. All variable condition. Ethiopia 1909-78 collection with 250 stamps inc 1931 Airmail set. Native/Folk Art collection (300) with good variety throughout. Dominica/Ecuador M/U collection with 1100+ stamps in well-filled 1950s s/book. World collection in 2 'Swift-Sure' springback albums. Pacific Island collection inc Nauru 1970s Pic/Commem sets (120) inc blks of 4, NZ 1970s Health M/Sheets (12) to 1975 Children's Art (retail $80), plus 1967 Lighthouse set of 6 blks of 4 M (retail $60). Norfolk Is 1970s CTO/FDC collection, plus 1967 Ships & 1969 Birds to $1 blks of 4 MUH. Usual variable condition as always in carton with 14 albums in total.AVAILABLE at A$375

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Carton lot with Australian Territories in Seven Seas album with AAT 1957-83 comp inc 1966 Pics to $1 Mock Sun, Christmas Is to 1979 inc 1958 QEII Defs & 1968 Fish sets. Cocos Is to 1976 comp. Norfolk Is 1966-79 inc 1969 Birds set & 1974 UPU M/Sheet. British Commonwealth collection to mid 1960s with Australia inc 1930s high val Commems, 1937 KGVI to £1 Robes, 1949 Defs to £2 Arms & QEII pre-dec to £1 Bass. Then Canada, GB, Hong Kong, Malaya, NZ, Portugal & USA. Faroes 1990s MUH Pic/Commem accumulation with 1995 Leaf Hopper Beetles (190 sets, SG cat £3000), Tourism pr (50 sets, £230), Europa pr (100 sets, £620), Raven pr (50 sets, £220) & 1995 Rural Life trio (50 sets, £600), all fresh MUH, total SG cat £4670 = A$8900. GB 1971-79 MUH collections inc QEII Machins to £5 blue. Germany Lighthouse illustrated pgs for 1872-1918 Empire & WWII General Govt (retail $80). Australia 1980s FDC accumulation in 2 FDC albums. New Zealand 1790, 73, 74, 75, 77, 83 PO Year Packs (retail $200), plus 1984 PO Year Album. San Marino collection in blue springback album. World general collection in 2 thick loose leaf albums inc Australia 1970s-80s Mint decimals, then Europe, South East Asia, Pacific Islands, USA. Some sl mixed condition, M/U/MUH. All in large carton.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Carton lot with British Commonwealth accumulation in 40 hagners inc 1978 QEII SJ set of 21 M/Sheets. Australia inc 1953 Tasmania 150th Anniv sets blks of 20 MUH, 1965 ICY 2/3 cnr blk of 20 & 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 7 & 25. Indonesia 1996 Joint Issue with Australia Cuscus booklet (4, cat $100 ea). Nevis 1984 Tourism $1.20 set of 4, UR cnr IMPERF plate number blks of 4 MUH. New Zealand 1968-74 Health M/Sheets (9), plus 2006 Kiwipex Exhibition set of 4 & 1969 Cook M/Sheet all VF MUH (retail $260). NZ 1953-85 collection in Seven Seas hingeless pgs (retail $350) with decimals near comp MUH inc 1967 Arms set to $10 & 1967, 69, 72-75 Health M/Sheets (retail $275). Germany 1995 PO Year Album, plus Lighthouse illustrated pages for 1945-49 Allied Occup & Saar new, retail $200. Israel 1990s MUH/CTO accumulation in thick Lighthouse s/book with M/Sheets, sheetlets & variety of Pic/Commem sets. GB 1970s FDC collection (66) in black album. USA mixed accumulation inc pre-cancels in maroon binder. Art collection in thick loose leaf album Australia. Norfolk Is 1947-81 collection in hagner album inc 1953 Defs to 5/- brown bridge. 1960 Birds set to 10/-, 1967 Ships sets (5), 1969 Birds, 1986 RW set gutter blks of 10, plus Framas & of Pics/Commems. Some sl mixed condition, generally F-VF MUH/M/U.AVAILABLE at A$300

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Carton lot: Stamps & covers, FAI (Federation Aeronautique International) Official 'History of Aviation' cover collection with 107 FDC in thick custom-made album, original cost well over $800! Australia decimal FDC/PSE (150) inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7. Then stamps with Norfolk Is (800) 1947-95 in 40 hagners inc Ball Bay to 2/-, 1967 Ships to $1, 1980s-90s high val Def sets to $5. Fiji 1935-86 near comp U/M/MUH collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with 1937 KGVI Defs to £1 Bugler MUH inc 5d blue Canes & 6d Map Die I (SG cat £275), 1950s QEII Defs to £1 Arms MUH, 1968 Defs to £1 QEII & 75 Dec Pic/Commem sets inc to $5, mostly fresh MUH. Other Pacific Is inc Samoa pre-dec Pics, Tokelau 1997 Diana Memorial $1 MUH (100) in 2 sheets of 50, FV A$90. Vanuatu 1997 Diana Memorial 95t (100) again in sheets of 50 MUH, plus Australia 1970s-80s decimals MUH/VF U in hagners inc to $5 Kangaroo. Finally more Australia with 1913-66 collection in illustrated album inc Kangaroos (35) to 5/-, KGV (45) to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II (2) & LM wmk (2), 1930s Commems to 1/- Vic Cent, high val KGVI to £1 Arms & QEII pre-dec Pic/Commem sets. Mixed M/MUH/U. (many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$450

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 13. British Commonwealth Part 2. 1981 RW collection/accumulation with 66 Commem sets, plus 70 M/Sheets. Mostly all diff, fresh MUH. 1997 Princess Diana Memorial M/Sheet accumulation (54, retail $260) with around 25 diff. Great Britain 1968-69 pre-dec MUH sets (560, est cat £220) with 10 diff inc 1968 Anniv to 1/9 Cook (140), 1969 Ships (40), Concorde (80), Prince of Wales (60) & 1969 Christmas (80). Nauru 1960s-80s pic/ sets (340) mostly fresh MUH inc 1978 Pics to $5 blks of 4, plus pre-decimals inc KGV opt set to 6d, 1950s Pics to 5/-. NZ to 1970 in red s/book inc 1953 QEII to 10/- blue & 1967 1st decimals to $2 Geyser. Then Vol 2 to mid 1990s inc 1971 Defs to $2 (12 sets, retail $180), 1972 Flowers (15 sets, $90), 1973-75 Scenic sets (29, $160), plus 1980s-90s Pics/Commems (FV $180) inc Birds to $10. PNG 1952-80 MUH accumulation inc 1960 Postage Due sets (3) to 3/-, 1958 Cattle 2/5 (18), 1964 Birds to 3/- (6 sets), 1960s Commem sets (25) & 1966-80 decimal Pic sets (110) inc 1969 Shells to $2 (3 sets).AVAILABLE at A$350

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Deceased Dealer's Estate Part 31. Pacific Islands 1970s-2000s M/Sheet accumulation Part Two with Niue (55, retail $280), Penrhyn Is (14, retail $120) inc stray William & Kate selection, Samoa (60, retail $290), Norfolk Is (50, retail $230), Pitcairn (16, 1900s-2000s, retail $150), plus London 1980 Exhibition (50, retail $110) & 1981 Queen Mother sheetlet (34, retail $230), Nauru (67, retail $270) inc 1974 UPU (10, retail $80) & Tuvalu (50, retail $290). Some mostly mild duplication. All fresh MUH, solid FV & good Thematic content inc a variety pf Philatelic Exhibition emissions, marked retail $2000. (395)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Enigmatic carton lot with Egypt 1890s-1950s in 2 s/books, plus post Millennium MUH New Issue sets in glassines. Australia 1988 Bi-Cent folder set of 5 in black Brisbane EXPO box. 1982 Year of the Scout collection with 106 FDC in Official brown box. 1983 Great Automobiles of the World Mint stamp collection with 106 diff MUH Pics on individual illustrated cards in custom green box. British Commonwealth M/Sheet collection (50) inc 1978 QEII Silver Jubilee set of 21. Fiji 1980s-90s MUH sets (46) inc Architecture to $5 (6 sets), London 1980 (10), plus mixed M/Sheet (10) inc 1990s WWF Bats & 1997 Rugby Championship. Nauru 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets 56, mostly blks of 4, Norfolk Is 1947-74 collection inc Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1952 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, 1966 decimal opts, 1967 Ships & 1969 Birds & 1974 UPU M/Sheets. World G-H collection in 40 hagners inc Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guyana, Holland & Hong Kong Defs to $50, plus 1996 Past & Present Prestige booklet. Australia 1913-80 collection G-FU in Seven Seas Junior Album with Kangaroos to 5/-, KGV to 1/4. 1931 Airmail 6d brown (2) inc OS opt. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/-, 1940 AIF set, 1949 Arms to £2 & decimals near comp to 1980. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$275

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Germany 1850s-2010 valuable & extensive collection in 22 various s/books & 3 Linder illustrated albums commencing with German States inc Bavaria (130+) 1850s 3k & 6k imperf, 1880 Arms to 80pf, 1911 Luitpold to 2m, range to 1920s inc 1m Official, Saxony (20+) 1850 Arms 3pf (as is & not counted in cat value), 1851 Friedrich to 3ngr, 1855 Johann to 3ngr, 1863 Arms to 3ngr, Prussia 1850s 3gr & 4pf, Oldenberg (5) 1861 imperf to 3g yellow (as is & not counted), Heligoland (10) 1867 to 6sch & 1875 3pf U, range of WWI German Occup issues inc Belgium (70+), 1916 various to 2f50c, Poland (18), Eupen & Malmedy (10), Russia (20+) etc, others inc Danzig (150+), Allenstein various 1920-26 issues inc Official to 10m, Memel (60+), Lithuania (8) etc, Saar 1920-59, Germany inc 1872 to 5g, 1880 to 50pf, 1902 to 5m, extensive range to 1945 inc Inflation issues to 100,000m, 1928 President comp to 80pf, 1932 Hitler M/S etc Bohemia & Moravia (150+), Allied Occup 1945 to 80pf, 1946 to 1m inc apparent 75pf offset, 1949 Buildings to 5DM, Soviet zone 1948 Politicians to 84pf, West Germany7 extensive range 1950s to 200g inc 1970-76 & 1982-86 comp MUH on Linder pgs, East Germany 1950s-90s, Berlin (West) 1949-90 inc 1951 Bell set comp, 1986 Famous Women comp to 500pf (MUH & FU sets cat £360), small range of German colonies. 1998-2004 Deutsche Post first day cds. This is a very extensive collection which has only briefly been summarised & has a lot of potential. Some earlies mixed condition mostly GU-VFU, VF M to Superb MUH. Some album have toning but largely not affecting stamps. SG cat £20,000+ = A$40,000+. (10,000 + 50+ M/S)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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Great Britain 1840-90 collection in folder with 1840 QV 1d black (2). One 4 margin sl thin, other 3 margins cat £750. 1841-54 1d red-brown (shades), imperf (15), variable margins & pmks. 1854-64 1d Stars (90) mixed plates & perfs. 1860s-70s QV 1d lake letters in all 4 corners (200). 1847 QV embossed 6d bold numeral 176 cancel (SG 60 cat £1000). 1855 QV Sidefaces 4d carmine (2), 6d lilac & 1/- green. 1867-80 QV 6d mauve, 6d chestnut, 9d straw & 10d red-brown. 1873-80 QV 6d grey, 6d/6d lilac, 8d orange & 1/- brown. Mostly heavy pmks except for the two 1d blacks & both lightly cancelled with red Maltese Cross pmk. (325)SOLD at A$350

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Hong Kong: 1962-2006 extensive accumulation of high val Defs inc 1967-73 $10 (13), 1973-82 $20 (3), 1982 Defs in blks of 4 & singles MUH. 1982-87 Def $10, $20 (15 ea), $50 (13) U, 1987-88 to $50 2 sets MUH, plus $10 (13), $20 (22), $50 (13) U, 1992 Def to $50 MUH, plus $10 (44), $20 (17), $50 (11), 1997 $10 (39), $20 (34), $50 (33), 1999 $10 (40), $20 (45), $50 (30). 2002 $10 (16), $13 (14), $20 (36), $40 (69), 2006 $50 (2) U. Some on piece, some varied condition mostly F-VF. SG cat £4600+ = A$9000. (c600)AVAILABLE at A$220

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Laos: 1951-2000 Extensive & Valuable M & U collection in white binder with 1951 Pic set of 12, 1952 Pic set of 8 & 1952 Postage Dues set of 6, all as individual M/Sheets (all with glassines adhering to reverse) (SG 21b cat £550). 1952 Defs set of 9 to 30s. 1958 Air set, 1956 United Nations sets, 1962 Malaria M/Sheet MUH (cat £400), 1962 Exhibition 50c used on Maxi card, plus Exhibition M/Sheets perf & imperf (cat £700), 1963 FFH set in Imperf sheetlets of 4, 1965 Butterflies set M, 1967 Reptiles sets M/MLH & FU, 1969 Ballet set M/MLH & FU. 1971 Twin Cities set in Imperf sheetlets of 2, 1972 Ceremonial Dress set of Deluxe sheets, 1974 UPU sets & M/Sheets, 1982 Surch inc 1K SG 572, 2K SG 573 & SG 573a G/FU, 5K SG 576 M & U, plus SG 577 (2 U), 10K SG 579 M & U (2), 20K SG 580, 30K SG 582, 50K SG 584 (3) U cat £820+. '1985' opt 50K SG 813b, 70K SG 813d(2), 80K SG 813e, 100K SG 813F, 250K SG 813i (2), 250K SG 813K (2) GU cat £1170+. Also later issues sets + M/Sheets mostly VFU/CTO. An interesting collection not often offered. Cat £5170 = A$10,000. (900+, 40+ M/S)SOLD at A$700

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Large carton inc Great Art Stamps of the World with 108 FDC 1978-81 inc comp sets in 'International Council of Museums Foundation' custom album (original cost ca.$500. Then more FDC with 150 Australian/AAT 1980s-90s Pic/Commem sets & odd M/sheet in 2 bags, plus EXPO 88 set in folder. Then stamps with Australia 1920s-60s M/MUH collection in black s/book, Africa Pics/Commems/Thematics in thick blue s/book, plus Tokelau $1 & Vanuatu 95c 1997 Diana Memorials, 100 of ea in MUH sheets of 50 FV A$180+. Jersey collection to 1987 in KABE hingeless album with 60 MUH Pic/Commem sets inc 1969 Defs to £1, other QEII to £5, plus 1941/43 Pics set of 8 to 3d (total SG cat £140). Norfolk Is near comp to 1974 UPU M/sheet in springback album inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Local Govt 2/8 & Defs set to 10/- Bird, 1966 opt set, 1967 Ships, 1969 Birds to $1 & most other Pic/Commem sets (160, retail $240). PNG 1952-85 collection inc 1952 Defs to £1 Fisherman, 1963 Pics to £1 QEII, 1964 Birds to 10/-, 1966 Butterflies to $2 & 110 other Pic/Commem sets, mixed M/MUH/U. Also 1973 RW & 1974 Churchill British Commonwealth Omnibus MUH collections.AVAILABLE at A$375

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Large British Commonwealth carton lot with Australia Die Proof replica Card group (10, ACSC cat $80), 1969-75 PO Pack collection (45, retail $450) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp & 1970, 71 Selected Issue packs, Seven Seas 1982-98 hingeless leaves for booklets only, 1940s, 60s pre-decimal cnr/imprint blks of 4 (55), 1974-89 collection inc to $10 Gardens in 40 hagners, Canada 1890s-40s collection on loose pgs, plus collection extras in Chinese s/book. NZ 1890s-1970s collection (100s) in springback album. More British Pacific inc Norfolk Is 1947-98 with 80+ Pic/Commem sets inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/-, 1953 Defs to 5/- brown Bridge, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets), 1966 opts to $1 (5 sets), 1967 Ships to $1 (6 sets), 1969 Birds to $1 (7 sets) inc blks of 4 & others to $8 1997 Stamp Anniv. Seven Seas Christmas Is 1958-85 hingeless album with scattered contents. Tokelau $1 & Vanuatu 95c 1997 Diana Memorial MUH (100 of ea, FV A$180) in sheets of 50. Then more MUH Vanuatu with 35 1990s MUH Pic/Commem sets, plus 18 M/Sheets. 10 albums in large carton & as always variable condition throughout but mostly F-VF. (many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Large carton with Australia 1969-75 near comp PO Pack collection (50) inc 1969-75 Christmas comp, 1970 & 71 Selected Issues & Aust Terr Packs to early 1970s (retail $480+). Australian Phonecard accumulation inc 1990 Adelaide Grand Prix $5 Packs (3) & Nauru Com Card $10 Mice pr (10 sets UN, FV $200). Australia Territories disorganised MUH/U accumulation (few 100) inc AAT 1966 Pic sets (5) to $1 Mock Sun & 2 1973 Def PO Packs, Christmas Is 1958 QEII sets MUH (2), plus M & CTO 1963 Pics to $1 Bird blks of 4 MUH & 1968 Fish to $1 blks of 4 MUH. Norfolk Is 1967 Ships to $1 blks of 4, plus 2 PO Packs, 1969 Birds PO Packs (2), plus set CTO, 1974 UPU M/Sheet (2), 1987 Scenes to $5, 1997 Explorers to $5, plus other MUH Pic sets. PNG M/Sheets for 1992 Columbian, 1993 Bangkok, 1994 Phila Korea & 1995 Singapore Exhib (5 of ea MUH), est retail $110. Australia 1991 (Jan) to 2006 (Dec) Seven Seas hingeless leaves in VGC (new retail $400). British Commonwealth collection in 1950s springback binder with 1946 Victory sets (45), Canada Pics & 1953 QEII Coronation odds. Australia 1988 First Fleet Limited Edition artists print, plus issued set in Commem folder. Lastly Airmails of the World Stamp Collection MUH collection on 108 artist drawn cards in unique custom-made album with estimated New Issue cost around $180. Large carton.AVAILABLE at A$350

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Malaya & States: 1886-1980 collection with extras with Straits Settlements 1867 QV to 24c, 1887 to 32c, 1912 KGV to $2, 1921 KGV to $5, BMA to $5 inc $5 green & red, 1957 Pictorial issue to $5 for Kedah, Kelantan, Negri Sembilan, Penang, Perak, Perlis, Selangor, Trengganu, extensive Singapore KGVI to $5, 1948 Wedding set, 1955 set to $5. Noted a few Japanese Occupation issues. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH, some G-VF U, some rather mixed & tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £3400+ = A$6600+. (3200 + 10 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Netherlands: 1852-1964 collection in Schaubek album. 1852-64 King set to 15c imperf. 1867-69 King set to 50c. 1869-71 King Arms to 2.50G. 1891-96 Princess to 5G. 1898-1907 Queen & Numeral to 5G. 1906 Anti TB set. 1913 Centenary to 2½G. 1914-25 Queen to 5G. Useful 1920s-30s Child Welfare sets. 1949-51 Queen to 10G. Postage Dues 170s 5c & 10c. Also 1983 Netherlands Catalogue. Mostly G-VF M/U. SG cat £3800+ = A$7300+. (750)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Netherlands Indies & Indonesia: 1864-1978 collection in 2 hingeless Lighthouse red turn bar albums with illustrated pages & matching slipcases. Commences with Netherlands Indies 1864-1908 inc 1864 10c & 1868 10c, 1870-88 to 2G50, 1908 Java opt to 1G & other opt to 1G, Netherlands New Guinea 1950-61 inc 1950 set to 5G (toning) & 1953 Flood Relief set, West Iran 1963-70, Indonesia 1951-78 inc 1953 Disasters Fund comp to 5R, 1971-74 Fish sets, 1975 Orchids sets, mainly comp from 1956-78, all diff. Strong in late 60s-early 70s M/S, inc 1967 Disaster Fund, 1968 Save Borobudur Monument, 1971 Visit Asean. Mainly VF MLH, some toning on early period. SG cat £1300+ = A$2300, plus albums retail $600+. (900 + 30+ M/S)SOLD at A$300

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New Zealand: Comprehensive near comp collection 1870s to 1995 in near new Davo illustrated album with 1882-1900 QV set of 8 to 1/-, 1898 Pics to 1/-, plus 5/- Mt Cook f/c. 1906 Christchurch Exhibition ½d & 1d. 1909 KEVII set to 1/-. 1915 KGV set of 15 to 1/-, all lightly cancelled. 1920 Victory set to 1/-. 1925 Dunedin set UN. 1926 Admirals 2/- & 3/-. Pre-dec Healths near comp inc 1931 Smiling Boy 2d blue. 1937 KGVI to 3/-. 1940 Centennial comp, 1954 QEII set to 10/-, 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser. Decimals virtually comp (ex Healths M/S) to 1995 Christmas with 1967 Defs to $2 Geyser (both), high val Commem sets Pics & $20 Mt Cook. Then Back of the Book with Officials (70) with vals to 5/- inc 1909 KEVII set to 1/-, 1938 KGVI to 2/-, 1940 Centennial set & 1953 QEII to 1/-. 1903 & 1939 Express 6d violet. Lighthouses to 1981 inc 1891 VR ½d, 1d, 2d & 3d. 1905-37 to 6d pink in very scarce 2d chestnut (retail $350), plus 3d brown ($75). Pre-decimal Arms (10) to £1, plus decimal set to $10. Ross Dependency comp to 1994 Arctic Wildlife. Generally F-VFU, NZ retail $4500. (1380 + 32 M/S)SOLD at A$350

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New Zealand: Collection in 3 VGC Lighthouse s/books with 1915 KGV to 1/-, 1919 Victory set to 1/-, 1926 Admirals 2/- & 3/-, 1930s Airmails to 6d, 1940 Centennial set to 1/- inc official opts, 1958 2d/1½d Stars M (NZ retail $350), 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser, 1967-69 Pics to $2 Geyser, other Decimal Pics to early 1990s, generally G-F-VFU. Healths to 1975 comp inc 1929 & 1930 Nurses (2 of ea), 1931 Smiling Boy set, plus 1d M (few tone spots), 1932 Hygeia M & U, 1933 Pathway prs M & U & 1934 Crusader M & U, retail NZ $1100, plus 1957-1975 M/Sheets set fresh MUH ($800+). Also Decimal MUH Pic/commem/sheetlets etc to 2022 (FV $420) with recent issues still hard to find, plus back of the book inc Lighthouses to 6d pink, railways (27) to 6d green & Decimal Arms to $10 blue F-VFU. Also 2016 SG New Zealand Stamp Catalogue. (100s)SOLD at A$450

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New Zealand: 1862-1995 collection in Davo illustrated album with 1862 Full Face Queens 1d (2), 3d & 6d. 1874 QV 1d, 2d, 6d & 1/-. 1882 2nd Side Face to 1/-, 1898 Pics (33) to 2/- with extras 1909 KEVII to 1/-. 1915 KGV near comp to 1/-, 1920 Victory set, 1926 2/- & 3/- Admirals. Healths 1929, 1930 Nurses. 1931 Smiling Boys 1d & 2d, 1935, KGV SJ set 1953 QEII to 10/- blue. 1960 Pics to £1 Geyser, comprehensive decimals to $20 inc 1967 & 1968 Pic sets to $2 Geyser. Then 1931-35 Airmails set of 8 inc 5d in 3d green & 7d Faith in Australia F-VFU. Official inc KEVII 6d, 8d & 1/-, 1915 KGV (9) to 1/- & 1940 Centennial rev comp to 1/-. Lighthouses (22) comp 1947-81 & small collection Ross Dependency. All fresh & clean, generally F-VFU. Est retail NZ$4000. (1300, 25 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$250

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New Zealand: 1865-1986 collection in locally made illustrated album with 1860s QV Chalons (5) to 6d brown inc 2d orange & 3d lilac. 1898 Pics to 2/- Milford Sound. 1901 Boer War 1½d brown. 1906 Christchurch Exhibition ½d & 1d. 1909 KEVII to 1/- inc Official opts 1920 Victory set. 1926 Admirals 2/- blue. 1931 Airmail trio to 7d brown. 1935 Pics to 3/- inc Official opts to 2/-. 1940 Centenary in Official opts to 1/-. 1954 QEII set to 10/-. 1960 Pic set to £1 & 1967-81 decimals inc higher val Commems. Health rev comp inc 1929 & 1930 Nurses. Then BOB with Arms to £1 inc 3/6 Surcharges, 5/- opt Official & 15/- olive, plus Revenues, Officials & Lighthouses. Some mixed condition, generally G-FU. NZ retail $2050. (800)AVAILABLE at A$240

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New Zealand 1940-1994 Collection in Seven Seas 1953-83 illustrated hingeless slipcase album & on 20 hagners inc 1953 QEII comp to 10/-, 1960 QEII comp to £1, 1967 Decimal Currency comp to $2, 1957-83 Health M/S comp (ex 1969), largely comp, few Ross Dependency, noted a few printing errors on 1970 issue, inc SG 932 '50c Missing Hill on Right'. Largely Fresh VF MUH, few VF MLH. Some toning on album pgs but most stamps are VF. SG cat £750+, FV of Decimals NZ $500 alone. (1100+ 80 M/S).AVAILABLE at A$200

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New Zealand: 1967-1993 MUH collection in two Seven Seas illustrated albums (hingeless 1981 onwards, retail $200) inc 1967 1st Decimal Defs to $2 Geyser (both), 1967-75 Health M/Sheets comp MUH (retail $375). 1969 Cook M/Sheet, 1970 Pics to $2. Early 1970s Commem sets, 1980-1993 Exhibition M/Sheets (16, retail $260), 1987 CAPEX pr, 1988 SYDPEX & 1991 Phila-Nippon pr, plus plenty of other Pic/Commem set inc vals to $10 & a variety of M/Sheets. All fresh & clean. Retail $600 to end 1975, $260 for the Exhibition Emission, $380 FV for the rest, total $1240, plus extra for the albums.AVAILABLE at A$250

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New Zealand: 1967-late 90s MUH collection in 2 part s/books inc 1967-69 Pic sets to $2 Geyser (both), then extensive 1980s/90s high val Pic/Commem sets with extras. Est FV $900 inc 1967 Arms sets (2) to $10 MUH, 1967 Lighthouse decimal opt sets (4, retail $120) MUH/VFU, plus 1990s CTO Pic/Commem sets. All appear fresh & clean. (100s)SOLD at A$220

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New Zealand: Collection 1855-2013 in 6 large Seven Seas binders (hingeless pgs 1953 on, retail $1200) inc 1855 QV Chalon imperf 6d yellow-brown, no wmk (retail $400). 1882 QV 2/- blue Postal Fiscal opt Official. 1898 Pics to 2/- inc Official opts to 6d. 1908 KEVII to 1/-. 1915 KGV to 1/- inc Official opts. 1919 Victory set of 7. 1931 Arms £1 pink & £3 green. 1931 Health 2d blue Smiling Boy. 1940 Centennial set. 1954 QEII Defs to 10/-. 1960 Pics to £1. Then strength in decimals (100s) inc 1967 Pics to $2 Geyser, 1970s-80s Pic/Commem sets, 1990s-2013 Exhibition M/Sheets inc 1994 Hong Kong, 1995 Singapore, 1996 CANPEX pr, 1999 World Expo & others to 2013 Upper Hutt National. Also over-size sheetlets inc 2006 Hawkes Bay, 2009 A Tiki Tour, 2011 Beyond the Coast & 2012 Tiki Tour No 2. Generally G-VFU to 1980, then mostly fresh CTO to Christmas 2013. Estimated retail $1500 to end 1966, plus $5600 for the decimals & another $1200 for the 6 albums. Also Ross Dependency collection. Total $8500+. (many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$550

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New Zealand: Collection/accumulation in 2 s/books & Seven Seas binder from Full Face Queens to 1980s. Inc 1855/62 selection varied condition G/FU. 1898 Pics inc 2½d Wakitipu blk of 4 M/MUH, 6d green, 5/- Cook M, plus selection G/FU, KEVII to 1/- M/U, 1926 Admirals 3/- M & 3 GU, 1935 KGV SJ (2 sets) U, 1935 Pics to 3/- U, plus Officials to 2/- U, 1940 Centennials to 1/- M & U, plus odd Official, 1960 Pics to £1 3 sets U, 1967 + 1969 Pics to $2. Also extensive range of QEII pre-dec & dec sets M/MUH & U with extras, 1988 PO Year Book. Some Ross Dep & others. Retail c$3000. Some mixed condition F/VF. (c1000)SOLD at A$300

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New Zealand: Health M/Sheet MUH accumulation to 1973 Prince Edward with 1957 prs (26), 1959 (6), 1960 Birds (8), 1961 Birds (3), 1963 Prince Andrew (7), 1966 Birds (12), 1967 Rugby (4), 1968 Olympics (2), 1969 Cricket (15), 1971 Hockey (18), 1972 Tennis, 1973 Prince Edward (3) & 1965 Birds. All appear fresh MUH, SG cat £1240 = A$2400. (105)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Norfolk Island: 1947-76 collection/accumulation in hagners with 1947 Ball Bay set to 2/- blue MUH, plus another 2 sets F-VFM. 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge MUH (2) & F-VFM (2). 1958-60 Surcharge set of 5 (5 sets, retail $150). 1960 Local Govt 2/8 (2). 1960 Pic sets to 10/- MUH (2, cat £75), plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN M (2 diff, cat £75). 1962 Fish sets MUH (3), plus extras to 1/6. 1964 Scenes set of 4 (14, retail $85). 1966 decimal opt sets (15, inc both $1, retail $180). 1967 Ships sets (2). 1969 Birds sets (3). 1974 UPU M/Sheets (5), plus others. Mostly VF MUH, retail over $1400. (850, plus 5 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$250

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Norfolk Island: 1958-71 MUH accumulation inc blks & prs. 1962-63 Fish set in blks/control blks of 4. 1967-68 Ship sets to $1. 1970-71 Bird sets to $1. Also selection of Cocos Is 1965 Christmas 5d blks. VF fresh MUH. SG cat £320+. (590)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Norfolk Island: 1947-2010 Used collection in 3 s/books inc 1947-59 Ball Bay set to 2/-. 1953 Pic set to 5/-. 1960-62 Pic Def set to 10/-. 1966 Decimal opt set to $1. 1967 Ship set to $1. 1970-71 Bird set to $1. 1979 Map set, plus M/S. 1976-77 Butterfly set to $2. 1980-81 Air set to $5. 1987-88 Views set to $5. 1990-91 Ship set to $5. Collection then appears comp for Defs & Commems inc M/S. From 2006 inc blks or gutter blks for ea set. VF U/CTO. SG cat £1800+ = A$3500+. FV alone is $1000+ & moderns purchased as new issues at above FV, plus high retail of earlies. (2700+, 55 M/S, 15 bklts).AVAILABLE at A$400

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Norfolk Island: 1947-69 collection in hagners with 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue MUH, 1956 white paper Ball Bay set to 2d MLH, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge MUH, 1958-60 Surcharges set, 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN, sl tropicalised gum, plus all other pre-decimals, decimals to 1969 Birds inc 1966 opt set & 1967 Ships to $1. Also 1974 UPU set inc M/Sheet. Mostly fresh MUH, SG cat £350, retail $540. (128, plus M/S)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Norfolk Is: Collection 1947-74 Christmas in Seven Seas hingeless album with extra pgs to end 1987 with 1947 Ball Bay set to 2/- blue MUH, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge FM. 1958-60 Surcharge set MUH, then fresh MUH inc 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN at UL (retail $120) & all other pre-dec Pic/Commem sets & decimals comp to end 1974 inc 1966 opt sets (2), 1967 Ships (2), 1969 Birds (2), 1973 Architecture & 1974 UPU sets (2) inc M/Sheets. Nearly all fresh MUH, SG cat £300, retail $570. (214, plus 2 M/S)SOLD at A$160

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1947-75 comp MUH collection in hagners with 1947 Ball Bay set to 2/- inc 1956 white papers to 2d. 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge. 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird inc extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN & all other pre-dec inc 2/8 Local Govt. Decimals to USA Bi-Cent inc 1966 opts, 1967 Ships & 1969 Birds, plus 1974 UPU M/Sheet. All fresh MUH, SG cat £400, retail $660. (184, plus M/S)SOLD at A$190

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Norfolk Is 1947-2011 FDC Extensive Collection on 240+ hagners in 7 binders, commencing with 1947 Ball Bay set to 2/-, various Pre-Decimal, Decimal Currency set to $1, 1967 Ships, 1971 Birds to $1, UPU Centenary M/S (x2), 1980 Planes to $2 (x2), 1987 Scenes, 1990 Ships, 1994 Pacific Explorers, 2002 Phillip Is Flowers all to $5, wide range most issues from 1970s included. 1980s PSE collection (70) with both UN & FDI of ea. VF fresh. Norfolk FDC collections are not often seen. (550+ covers).AVAILABLE at A$325

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Pacific Islands collection inc New Caledonia 1892-mid 1970s mostly Used inc 1928 Defs to 5F, 1928 Postage Dues to 3F, 1966/70 Birds to 37F with extras, 1967 Butterflies, 1968 Shells to 60F G/FU often with part set extras, then similar Pics/Commems also with extras G/FU, cat £950. Norfolk Is 1947-90s inc 1947 Ball Bay set of 12 to 2/- brown blks of 4, 1953 Pics to 5/- brown Bridge M, 1960 Defs to 10/- Bird, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN M, 1960 Local Govt M, 1966 Surch set MUH (2 sets), 1974 UPU M/sheet MUH. Then later issues FV $64. Pitcairn Is 1957-93 inc 1977 to $2 QEII (5 sets) mid 1970s-93 FV $135. Samoa 1962-80s MUH inc modern FV $40, Tuvalu 1979-89 inc 1989 Bird Officials (4 sets), 1981 Defs/Officials (5 sets), 1981 Defs (3 sets) FU/CTO cat £140 & various others. F/VF. (c1000+)AVAILABLE at A$170

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Portugal: 1853-1969 collection in hingeless KABE album 1853 Queen 5R & 25R. 1855-57 King to 100R. 1862-64 King to 100R. 1866-67 King Curved labels imperf to 100R. 1867-70 King Curved labels perf to 100R. 1870-76 King Straight labels to 300R. 1864-85 King to 500R. 1892-93 Range of Provisorio opts. 1895-1905 Carlos to 500R. 1910 Republica opt set to 1000R. 1923-28 Range of Commems 1928-29 Ceres Surch to 2E. 1930-38 Def to 1E. 1933-34 Red Cross opt to 10E. 1939 Legion to 1.75E. 1940 Centenaries set. 1940 Rowland set. 1949 Portraits M/S. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U, mixed in earlies. SG cat £4300+ = A$8400+. (865).SOLD at A$600

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Samoa 1890s-2014 Extensive Collection on 120 hagners in 4 binders inc 1899 opt Provisional Govt to 4d, NZ issues opt Samoa to 1/-, 1935 set comp to 3/-, 1952 comp to 3/-, & 1967 Birds set comp to $4, 1972 comp to $5 (x2). 1983 Fruit comp to $5, 1988 Birds comp to $20, 2014 Threatened Species opt Official comp to $25, 2015 Butterflies Express Letter stamps comp inc M/S to $75. Seems fairly comp from 1970s. Many thematic M/S. Mainly VF fresh MUH few earlies MLH. FV of moderns $2300 alone. (1400+, 140+ M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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Samoa: 1935-97 mostly M collection in 60 hagners inc 1952 Def, 1962 Def 10 sets mostly G/FU, 1967 Bird Def 3 sets MUH, 1972 Airmail Def 19 sets to $5 MUH & to $2 (8 part sets), 1976 US Bi-Cent M/Sheet (25), 1977 Flight M/Sheet (18) MUH cat £870. Then extensive range of later sets & M/Sheets MUH with extras, sometimes blks, M/Sheets in qty. FV of this period WST $1200. Mostly VF, a strong range.SOLD at A$100

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Shipping carton with British Commonwealth 1981 Royal Wedding extensive MUH collection in thick Lighthouse turn-bar binder (retail $120) with 67 diff Pic sets & 72 M/Sheets. Some minor foxing on the pgs, stamps appear fresh MUH. An impressive collection. Australia 1978-98 PSE collection in 3 miniature PW Albums inc 1979 Human Rights 20c opt 'IYC' pmk FDI (very scarce, contemporary retail $160). Nauru 1978 MUH Pics to $5 plate number blks of 15 MUH (FV $150), plus another set to $2 plate number blks (FV $75). More MUH Nauru with 52 1970s Pic/Commem sets inc 1978 Surcharges (15 sets, retail $225), plus 22 M/Sheets, Pitcairn Pic sets (20) inc to $2, plus 26 M/S. Norfolk is 1970s-80s Pic/Commem sets (54), plus 32 M/S, mostly fresh MUH inc blks of 4. Ross Dependency collection with 48 MUH sets to 2000 Transport (retail $500) inc 1957 Defs & 1967 1st decimal Pics. Australian States basic U collection in Seven Seas illustrated album inc NSW 1888 Cent set to 5/- Map. 8 albums, plus PNG 1986 PO Year Album. Large carton.AVAILABLE at A$250

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Shipping carton with Australia 1980-86 FDC collections (140) all with 'Currie King Island' pictorial FDI pmks. Lighthouse 'BOGA1' mint sheet file (3) with misc Australia inc 1970 Grasslands 5c comp sheet, Newspaper Wrappers & Aerogrammes. Tokelau 1948-90 collection in blue springback album with 37 MUH Pic/Commem sets to 1990 Handicrafts (SG cat £70). Christmas Is MUH collection with 38 Pic/Commem sets to 1986 Flowers inc 1958 QEII & 1968 Fish sets to $1 & 1984 Birds to $4. Samoa 1962-86 near comp MUH collection in Seven Seas illustrated/hingeless album with 37 M/Sheet & 98 Pic/Commem sets inc 1962 Independence, 1967 Birds to $5, 1972 Wildlife to $5 Lizard & 1983 Fruit to $5. Also 1996-2015 Pics/Commems (FV $585 = A$330) inc 2015 Marine Life trio FV $63 & 2015 WWF Snake M/Sheet set of 4, 2014 Marine Life set to $25 Shark, 2013 Tequila Festival $30 M/Sheet & 2013 Bird set to $15. Singapore 1880s-1990s collection (300) with QV (23) to 50c, KEVII (34) to $1, KGV (54) to $1, plus 1935 Silver Jubilee set, KGVI (50) to $2 & QEII Def/Pic set to $10 Ships, Insects, Tourism & Trains.AVAILABLE at A$200

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Shipping carton with Sweden 1971-78 MUH collection in solid Schaubek springback binder (retail $140) with useful selection of Pics & booklets, plus continuing collection on loose pgs with more booklets. Ceylon & Indonesia collection in small s/book & France in another. NZ 1940s-70s Pic/Commem collection in Lighthouse s/book. PNG Pics in Chinese s/book inc 1981 & '83 PO Year Packs, plus Seven Seas 1952-78 illustrated album. Nauru 1966-84 MUH Pic/Commem sets (150) in 3 albums inc 1973 Pics to $1 (14 sets), 1974 UPU blks of 10 & 1st Contact (4 sets). Ross Dependency MUH collection to 2001 with 11 Pic sets (retail $260) inc 1967 Defs set of 4. Also other odds & ends inc Australia 1970 Cook ANPEX M/Sheets (3) inc fresh CTO. Again a solid lot. Large carton. (1000s)SOLD at A$120

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Solomon Islands: 2012-16 M/Sheets MUH collection with 2000 diff inc individual vals to $35 & great thematic/local contents inc Marine Life, Shells, Mushrooms, History, Transport, Olympics, Sports, Flight, Space, Ships, Royalty & more. FV $6700 = A$1200.AVAILABLE at A$250

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Straits Settlements, Singapore, Brunei collection in loose leaf album with Straits Settlement 1867-1935 inc 1867 Opts 1½c/1/2a blue UN, 24c on 8a U, 1867 QV wmk CC to 96c grey U, plus 2c brown M, 1883-94 M selection 1906 KEVII to 2c & to 50c M, 1906 Labuan opt selection inc 50c U, 1912-33 KGV to 5c with extras U & 1935 set KG Silver Jubilee U. Also a selection of Flower covers (7), 1936-37 to Dunedin, NZ & a few others. SG cat £1200. Singapore 1948-2010 inc 1948-52 KGVI both perfs to $5 U with extras, plus selection M, 1955 to $2 M, plus to $5 U, 1970 Expo set & M/Sheet MLH + FU, 1972 Shipping M/Sheet, 1973 SEAP set + M/S U, good range of later sets Pics & Defs, mostly U, some others SG cat £1250. Also Brunei 1924-1980s M/U selection cat £100+. Some mixed condition but mostly F-VF. Total SG cat £2550 = A$5000. (1200+, 8 M/S)SOLD at A$275

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USA 1847-1943, Extensive Collection in 2 older style Schaubek hingeless albums inc slipcases with illustrated pgs 1847-1983, 2 s/books & 20+ hagners, inc 1861 range to 30c, 1867 30c, 1870 range to 30c, 1887 to 30c, 1890 to 15c, 1901 Pan American Expo range to 10c, then 1900s to 1983 inc 1904 Louisiana set to 10c. 1907 Jamestown Expo comp, 1908 Franklin to $1, 1916 Franklin to $1, 1920 Pilgrims comp, various Airmail, Special Delivery, Postage Due, various commems from 1934 National Parks mainly inc comp sets, Presidents, Famous Americans comp. Some M/S from 1936 Philatelic Exhib, 1976 Bicentenary sheet of 50, 1940s-80s marginal plate number blks of 4 (100+). Also range of multiples 1950-80s. Some earlies mixed condition mostly F-VF MLH/MUH, V-VFU. Some pgs are affected by toning. SG cat £3000+ = A$6000. (4000+ 10 M/S).SOLD at A$350

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USA: 1853-1970s accumulation in s/book. 1861-67 Portrait range to 30c inc 5c brown, 10c green, 12c black & 15c Lincoln. 1869 Pic to 12c. 1893 Columbus to 15c. 1894-98 Portrait to 50c. 1898 Omaha to 10c. Useful ranges of 1908-20s Washington & Franklin issues inc printings & perfs. Also odd Confederate States 1861-64 & Hawaii inc 1859-65 typeset 1c & 2c black, plus 5c blue. 1864-82 Portrait to 12c. Mostly G-VF M/UN/U, rather mixed earlies. SG cat £8000+ = A$15,000+. (3200)SOLD at A$600

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Vatican: Mint collection 1852-1987 almost comp in Lighthouse hingeless album & s/book. Papal States 1852 Arms 3b & 5b, 1867 Cents to 20c & 1868 perf to 80c, 1929 Pope & Arms set to 10L inc express (Sass cat €250), 1933 Holy Year set to 1.25L (€175), 1933 Pope Pictorial set to 20L (€190), 1934 Congress set (€1100), 1936 Exhib to 5L (€380+), 1938 Congress set to 1.25L (€225), 1939 "Sede Vacante" opt set to 75c (€150),1947 Air set to 100L, 1948 Air 250L, 1949 Pope & buildings set to 100L inc express (€170), 1951 Chalcedon set to 100L (€110+), 1953 Air set (€130), 1952 Stamp Cent M/S (€250), 1953 Lombard 100L, 1953-78 appears comp inc 80+ sets. S/book with 1979-87 inc 30+ sets, 1931 Postage Due opt set to 1.10L (€150). All diff, neat & clean. Mostly VF fresh MUH, odd M earlier. Mixed condition in Papal States as expected. Sass cat €5900 = A$10,500+. Seldom offered this comp. Nice lot. (950, 7 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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5/- grey & yellow F-VFU, 'SPECIAL Sydney 15' cds. ACSC 43A cat $675. SG 30 cat £350. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1½d Green variety 'cracked electro through kangaroo's tail at left', jumped perf at top (pos 12R22). F-VFU. SG67(var), ACSC 88C(12)n cat $500. (P)NO LONGER AVAILABLE

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1950 QM 2d yellow-green comp coil roll, 960 stamps in green starter wrapper. Foxing to outer perfs. SG 237a cat £3600 = A$6700. ACSC 48 bg/bi cat $4800 as 480 coil prs, plus extra for the wrapper. An extremely rare survivor. comp coils of this era are never seen.AVAILABLE at A$350

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Registered Envelopes: 1914-67 used range with Kangaroo 4d uprated (ACSC RE3B), 1916-20 KGV 4d uprated use of old NSW stock (RE6A & 8), 1920-21 KGV 5d old NSW stock (RE10A), 1921 new format 5d straight edge flap (RE11A & B), 1922 curved flap (RE12), 4½d surch (RE17 & 17d), 1928-30 oval die 4½d violet both sizes (RE21 & 22), same with 5d surch (RE24B & 25), KGVI oval die 5d 3 diff (RE 29-31), QEII 1/7 (RE 38), 2/5, 24c & 25c (RE 42, & 45-6). F-VFU. ACSC cat $1273+ with some very interesting usages. (20).AVAILABLE at A$250

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Wrappers: 1938-53 KGVI range of Used types inc 1938 1½d green ACSC cat $200, 1942-50 1½d green in both sizes, plus a PTPO ($200), 1½d violet (2), 2½d brown to USA uprated, plus 2½d red oval dies Doubleton (2). ACSC cat $675. (8)AVAILABLE at A$140

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1860-72 QV Diadem 8d yellow-orange, wmk '8', perf 13. VF fresh M, with nice original gum. Sc 41 cat US$575. SG 167b cat £600. Rare genuine M. (P)SOLD at A$300

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1860-72 QV Diadem 8d bright yellow, wmk '8', perf 13. VF fresh M, with nice original gum. Sc 41 cat US$575. SG 167c cat £550. Rare genuine M. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1860-72 QV Diadem 8d bright-yellow, wmk '8', perf 13. F-VF UN. Scott 41 cat US$575. SG 167c cat £550. (P)AVAILABLE at A$160

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1866-67 QV Chalon 4d grey-lilac, 2nd transfer. VFM, original gum. Scott 23 cat US$525. SG 56 cat £500. Rare genuine M. 2023 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert (P)SOLD at A$400

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1857-67 QV Chalon 1d carmine, imperf, wmk '1' error printed DOUBLE with both equally strong. VF F/C, m/s 15/12/68 cancel, 4 margins. SG 29(var). Spectacular error. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)SOLD at A$400

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1857-67 QV Chalon 1d, 3 diff shades, imperf, wmk '1', all error printed DOUBLE, with one impression weaker but all clear. F-VF F/C, m/s date cancels, almost 4 margins. SG 25/29(var). Rare group. (3). (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1867-70 QV Laureate 1/- blue on blue, wmk V crown, perf 13. F-VF UN. Sc 119 cat US$300. SG 138 cat £275. (P)SOLD at A$150

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1902-11 QV 10/- bright purple. VF fresh M, nice colour. ACSC W67B cat $1600. Scott 87a cat US$950. SG 142a cat £950. (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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Argentina: 1858-2000 Collection in s/book & binder. 1858 Confederation set 5c-15c, plus 5c & 10c blks of 4. 1862 Arms to 15c inc types & noted reprints. 1864-67 Rivadavia set to 15c, perf, plus 5c imperf. 1873 Portrait set to 90c M. 1873 Surch 1 on 5c - 8 on 10c. 1887 Portrait set to 50c. 1890 High val set 1p-20p, plus set opt MUESTRA (Specimen). 1899 Liberty set to 20p. 1910 Centenary set to 20p. 1912 Ploughman no value imperf proof. 1916 San martin 5p-20p opt MUESTRA. 1917 San Martin set to 20p imperf proofs. 1923 Belgrano 3c blk of 4, error imperf between stamps & right margin. 1930 Revolution to 20p, plus set to 50p opt MUESTRA. 1920 Airmails to 3.60p. 1930 Zeppelin opt to 3.60p inc blue & green opts. 1932 Zeppelin opt set. 1935-51 Pic Def to 20p. 1944 Anthem M/S imperf, both shades. 1952 Eva Peron set to 50p. Useful later commems inc M/S. Also 1891 Tierra Def Fuego 10c Local Post. Mostly G-VF M/MUH/U. SG cat £6700+ = A$13,000+. (2250, +85M/S). A valuable collection. (P)SOLD at A$1400

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1931 Rotary opt set 10g-1S. VF fresh M/MLH. Mi 518-523 cat €350. SG 666-671 cat £350. (6)AVAILABLE at A$70

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Bahamas: 1863-1980 collection in Vario binder with slipcase inc 1863 1d, 4d, 6d & 1/-, 1884 QV 5/- & £1, 1902 KEVII set to £1, 1911 Staircase to 3/-, 1912 KGV set to £1, 1938 KGVI to £1, 1942 Columbus set to £1, 1948 KGVI set to £1, 1954 QEII set to £1 (2 sets), 1964 New Constitution, 1965 QEII set to £1, 1967 Decimal Currency set to $3. Then virtually comp to 1980s inc M/S. Many comp sets. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH inc some FU, tropicalisation in parts. SG cat £3000+ = A$6000+. (600 + 50 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1867-70 St Ursula 4d lake-red on pale rose, no wmk, perf 15. VF MUH. Scott 5 cat US$50 for M. SG 15 cat £55 for M, should be at least double, £110 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1867-70 St Ursula 4d green, imperf engraved die proof, on card (33x42mm). Superb UN as made, 4 large margins. SG 15(p). Scarce. Ex William Frazer & originally sold for £550+ in 2004. (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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1867 St Ursula 1/- black & rose-carmine, with crimson frame extending into margins, on toned paper, perf 15. VF MUH, LR cnr marginal. Scott 8 cat US$83 for M. SG 19 cat £75 for M, should be at least double, £150 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1943 Elephant 20c yellow-green & 30c olive-brown, plus Watch Tower 1R red-orange & 2R bright violet all FULL SHEETS of 200 with marg ea 2 panes of 100 with gutters. VF MUH, mostly very fresh. JSCA 2B67-70 cat Y130,000+ = A$1500+. SG J94-J97 cat £520+ as singles, plus premium for scarce gutter prs, & for full sheets which are very impressive. (4 sheets = 800).AVAILABLE at A$150

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1897 QV Jubilee ½c-$1. VFM, mostly fresh. SG 121-136 cat £1573. Unitrade 50-61 cat C$3620/1467. (12) (P)AVAILABLE at A$425

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1927 Atlantic Airmail Flight 'Air Mail / DE PINEDO / 1927' red opt 60c black. Superb fresh M, with original gum & exceptional centring. SG 163 cat £42,000++, Unitrade C4 cat C$60,000++, plus significant premium for the superb centring. Only 300 printed of which over 230 were used on mail, and remaining 66 presented to De Pinedo & other dignitaries of which less than half are now recorded as surviving. Thus in mint condition this is one of the major rarities of world airmails, especially with such nice centring. Exp Kessler & Sanabria, plus 1967 Bolaffi & 1967 Alberto Diena photo-certs, while diff new certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$38000

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1860-63 QV Chalon 8½c-12½c, trial colour plate proofs selection on India paper, imperf inc 8½c orange, 8½c green, 10c orange, 10c vermilion, 12½c green, 12½c vermilion, opt SPECIMEN diag, type A with serifs, 12½c black & 12½c orange. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG 14, 15, 16 (p). Unitrade 11P, 11 TC vii, 12 TC xiii, 12P, 13TCV, 13TCi, 13P, 13TCix cat C$670. (8) (P)AVAILABLE at A$190

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1964 Petroleum Industry set 4f-20f. Superb fresh MUH. S67, SG 2216-20. (5) (P)SOLD at A$650

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1967 Thoughts of Mao 8f set of 2 se-tenant strips, plus single. Superb fresh MUH, with, pristine never hinged original gum, UNFOLDED & gold colour much nicer than usual. W1. SG 2343-53 inc 2344a & 2349a cat £4250. Rare genuine examples of this very popular issue & certificates can be obtained on request. (11) (P)AVAILABLE at A$2500

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1967 Long Live Chairman Mao set 4f-10f. Superb fresh MUH with, pristine never hinged original gum. W2. SG 2354-58 & 2367-69. Key set in perfect quality & certificates can be obtained on request. (8) (P)AVAILABLE at A$2400

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1967 Talks on Literature & Art 8f set. Superb fresh MUH. W3. SG 2359-61. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$850

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1967 Mao 4th Anniv set 4f-52f. Superb fresh MUH. W4, SG 2362-66. (5) (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Colombia: 1859-2009 Collection s/book inc 1859-60 New Granada Arms to 1p. 1861 United States of Granada Arms to 1p. 1862 Colombia Arms to 1p & 1863 to 50c, plus 1864 set to 1p. 1865 Foreign Mail set to 1p. 1865 Arms set to 1p. 1866-67 Arms set to 10p. 1865 Registration set A&R. 1881 Registration 10c. 1870-74 Arms to 1p. 1886-88 Republic Arms to 10p 1899-1902 Cartagena Civil War Provisional selection 1902 Bogota Arms to 10P. 1935 Games to 2p M. 1932 Air to 2p. 1919 Sociedad Colombo-Alemania 30c. Range of 1880s-90s Cubiertas (Registration labels) 1950 Air 'A' opt to 80c & L opt to 5p. Most G-VF M/U, some earlies mixed. SG cat £3100+ = A$6000+. (1600). (P)SOLD at A$725

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1912-20 KGV 5/- deep rose-red. VF fresh M. Scott 37 cat US$120. SG 67 cat £130. (P)SOLD at A$70

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1912-20 KGV 5/- maroon. VF fresh MLH. Scott 38a cat US$140. SG 67b cat £140. (P)SOLD at A$80

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1866-67 Arms serpentine roulette 1Mk brown roulette C with teeth 2¼mm. Fresh MLH, 2 shortish teeth but better than usual condition. Fa 10C cat Kr20,000, Mi 10C cat €3000+, SG 49 cat £3500+ & all under-catalogued. Ex Faberge - position 33 in his reconstruction (colour photocopy provided). 2011 Schwenson photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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1866-67 Arms serpentine roulette 1Mk brown roulette C with teeth 2¼mm. VF fresh MLH, tiny natural paper pinhole but superb appearance. Fa 10C cat Kr20,000, Mi 10C cat €3000+, SG 49 cat £3500+ & all under-catalogued. Ex Faberge - position 8 in his reconstruction (colour photocopy provided). 2022 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$950

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1929 Charity Arms booklet panes from booklet sheet with 5pf pane of 6 multi-colour right margin, 8pf + 15pf pane with extra large left margin. VF fresh MUH. SG 451a & 452a(var) cat £360+. Mi H-Bl66B & 67(var) cat €450+. (P)AVAILABLE at A$140

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1929 Charity Arms booklet panes 5pf (6) + 2 tabs & 8pf (4) & 15pf (3) se-tenant pane. F-VF M/MUH, sl perf tones. SG 451a & 452a cat £360. Mi H-Bl66B & 67B cat €270.AVAILABLE at A$65

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New Guinea: 1898 opt Postcards 5pf with opt stamps 5pf, 10pf, & 50pf, 10pf with opt 100pf & 25pf. VFU, tied by 'Matupi 4/6 01' cds. SG 2-6 cat £267+ as loose stamps. Mi 2-6 + P1 & P2 cat €345 as loose stamps & PC. Both with messages, but unaddressed & assumed sent under cover. (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1921 Pictorials 3Mk black & brown, 5Mk violet & yellow, 10Mk brown & green imperf DIE PROOFS with uncleared margins. Superb fresh UN as made. SG 64-66(p). Mi 66P 67P& 68PI. Exp Dr Dub. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1921 Pictorial 5Mk violet & yellow imperf DIE PROOF with uncleared margins (70x110mm). Superb fresh MUH. SG 66(p). Mi 67PI. Exp Dr Dub. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Croatia: 1941 Gold opts on Castle set 1.50+1.50D & 4+3D in sheetlets of 16 stamps & 9 gutter tabs - 5 tabs with gold 'Shield' opts, top margin also opt 'Nezavisna Drzva Hrvatska'. 1st sheet pos 9 variety 'engravers mark 5'. Mostly VF fresh MUH, margin blemishes. Mi 39-40 KLB cat €1670. SG 26-27 cat £704 as M singles alone, should be at least double, £1408 MUH, plus large premium for tabs & full sheets. Very scarce & most attractive. (2 sheetlets) (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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Montenegro: 1944 'Fluchtlingshilfe' opt set 0.15+0.85 RM/3D to 0.50+1.50 RM/2L. VF fresh MUH. Mi 20-28 cat €500, SG 95-103, Sass 15-A8 cat €675. (9). (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1840 QV 1d black, plate 10, letters NL. VFU, 4 large margins, black Maltese Cross pmk distinctive type of Norwich. SG Spec A1ug AS67 cat £2500 as cheapest plate for pmk. SG 2 - pl 10 cat £950 as normal pl 10, premium for rare pmk, est cat £3075 as such. (P)SOLD at A$450

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1865-67 QV large white cnr letters, 3d rose, 4d vermilion, plate 12, 6d lilac, plate 5, 9d straw & 1/- green, plate 4, wmk emblems or large garter (4d). F-VF U. Scott 43,44,45,46,48 cat US$1523. SG 92, 93, 97 & 100 cat £1340. (5). (P)SOLD at A$120

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1865-80 QV Surface Printed collection 1865-67 4d vermilion, range of Plates 7-13 inc Used in Alexandria (B01), Malta (A25). 3d rose, Plates 4-10. 6d lilac, Plates 6-9 & 1/- green, Plates 5-7, all with large white cnr letters. 1873-80 large coloured letters inc 3d Plates 11-19. Selection 6d grey, Plates 13-17. 2½d mauve, range of Plates to 17. 2½d blue, Plates 17-23 & 1/- green, Plates 9-12. Mostly G-VFU, with U selected for nice pmks. SG cat £6300+ = A$11,500+. (69) (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1867-80 QV 6d shades, large white cnr letters, wmk spray of rose, inc 6d lilac with hyphen wmk inverted, 6d deep lilac, 6d purple, 6d bright lilac, with 'A26' Gibraltar pmk, 6d dull violet, with 'A25' Malta pmk & 6d mauve, also with 'A25' Malta pmk. F-VF U. SG ex 104-108 cat £1215+ A$2350. Nice group. (6). (P)AVAILABLE at A$140

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1867-80 QV 9d straw plate 4, large white cnr letters JA-AJ, wmk Spray of Rose. F-VF fresh M, small tear LL cnr. Scott 52 cat US$2900. SG 110 cat £2500. (P)SOLD at A$220

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1867-80 QV 10d pale red-brown, plate 1, large white cnr letters BA-AB, wmk Spray of Rose. F-VF M, original gum. Scott 53 cat US$4250. SG 113 cat £3600. Rare genuine M. (P)SOLD at A$550

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1867-80 QV 2/- blue 4 shades, with dull blue, deep blue, pale blue & the rare milky blue. F-VFU. Scott 5555a-d cat US$3145. SG 118-20 & 120b cat £2740 = A$5350. (4). (P)SOLD at A$275

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1867-80 QV 2/- cobalt, large white cnr letters BP-PB, wmk Spray of Rose. FU, barred oval pmk. Scott 55c cat US$3450. SG 120a cat £3000. Very rare shade. RPSL photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$675

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1867-80 QV 2/- brown, large white cnr letters IO-OI. Superb fresh MLH, nice original gum, sl reperfed, unusually nice bright colour. Scott 56 cat US$35,000. SG 121 cat £30,000. Extremely rare in genuine mint original gum condition. Brandon photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$6000

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1867-83 QV 5/- rose, plate 1, wmk Maltese Cross. F-VFU, barred oval LS pmk, nice colour. Scott 57 cat US$775. SG 127 cat £675. (P)SOLD at A$90

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1867-83 QV 10/- greenish-grey, letters EF-FE, wmk Maltese Cross. VFU, light Glasgow cds. Scott 74 cat US$3750++. SG 128 cat £5250 inc SG Specified + 75% premium for lightly used. (P)SOLD at A$650

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1867-83 QV 10/- greenish-grey, cnr letters HD-DH, wmk Maltese Cross. F-VF U, barred oval pmk, nice perfs. Scott 74 cat US$3750. SG 128 cat £3000. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1867-83 QV 10/- grey-green, plate 1, letters GB-BG, wmk Large Anchor on paper. VFU, squared circle 'Lombardy MR 29 83' pmk, perfect perfs & excellent centring. Scott 91a cat US$4675. SG 131 cat £4500. Rare high value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1867-83 QV 5/- rose, plate 4, letters FC-CF, wmk Large Anchor on sl blued white paper. Superb U, Edinburgh MY 18 83 cds. Scott 90 cat US$4700++. SG 134 cat £6125 inc SG Specified + 75% premium for lightly used. Rare so nice. (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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1867-83 QV 10/- grey-emerald, plate 1, letters DF-FD, wmk Large Anchor on sl blued white paper. VFU, 'Registered DE 9 83' cds, perfect perfs & excellent centring. Scott 91 cat US$5250. SG 135 cat £4000. Rare high value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1867-83 QV 10/- greenish-grey, wmk Large Anchor, white paper. Superb U, neat 'Registered Charing Cross' cds, excellent centring. Scott 91a cat US$4675++, SG 135 cat £7000 inc SG specified +75% premium for lightly used. Unusually nice quality. (P)SOLD at A$1900

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1867-83 QV £5 orange, BLUED paper, letters DA. F-VFU, boxed pmk plus 'High Holborn WC / 28 NO 88' small cds from correct blued paper period, nice colour. Scott 93b cat US$14,500. SG Spec J128, SG 133 cat £12,500. Rare top value & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$3000

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1867-83 QV £5 orange, letters CM, white paper. VF fresh M, nice original gum & beautiful bright colour. Scott 93 cat US$14,500+. SG 137 cat £12,500+. Very rare in genuine mint condition as very few collectors could afford to buy such a high denomination stamp (=5 gold sovereigns!). Iconic Great Britain QV stamp. Exp (in pencil) by Tommy Allen, Giulio Bolaffi & Alberto Diena, while new certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$7500

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1872-88 QV surface printed selection inc 1872-73 QV 6d deep chestnut, 6d chestnut, 6d pale buff, 6d grey variety '12 doubled at left' all large white cnr letters, 1873-80 1/- orange-brown, 4d vermilion, 4d sage-green, 4d grey-brown, all large coloured letters, wmk Spray of Rose (4d Large Garter). 1880-83 4d grey-brown & 1/- orange-brown, wmk Imperial Crown. 1880-83 6d on 6d lilac. 1880-81 QV 1½d Venetian-red. F-VFU. Scott ex 59-95 cat US$3382. SG122, 122a, 123, 125, 151-154, 162, 167 cat £2910+ = A$5700. Useful group. (12) (P)SOLD at A$230

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1873-80 QV 2½d rosy mauve plate 1, white paper, wmk small anchor, plus 2½d rosy mauve plate 12, wmk orb. F-VF M/UN. Scott 66,67 cat US$1375. SG 139 - pl 1 & 141 - pl 12 cat £1200. (2). (P)AVAILABLE at A$110

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1873-80 QV 2½d blue, plate 19, large coloured cnr letters FG-GF. VF fresh M. Scott cat US$675. SG 142- pl 19 cat £575. (P)SOLD at A$90

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1883-84 QV 5d dull green. VF fresh MUH with, pristine never hinged original gum, nice colour. Scott 104 cat US$675 for M. SG 193 cat £580 for M, should be at least double, £1160 MUH. Rare MUH. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$400

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1884-88 QV £1 brown-lilac, wmk 3 Orbs letters AH-HD from 1888 printing made in error on wrong wmk paper. VFU, light oval registered pmks, nice colour & excellent centring. Scott 123 cat US$5250+. SG Spec K16. SG 186 cat £6750 inc SG specified +50% premium for lightly used. Wmk Orbs many times scarcer than wmk Crowns. Unusually nice example. (P)SOLD at A$1600

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Circular Delivery Company: 1865-67 Mint selection inc 1865-66 Edinburgh & Leith ¼d imperf range of 4 diff colours. 1866 Parcel Delivery set 2d & 3d, imperf. 1866 Clarke & Co, Edinburgh (¼d) blue. 1866 Glasgow ¼d black imperf. 1867 Liverpool ¼d brown & ½d blue, perf. 1855 London ¼d blue, imperf & ½d mauve & ½d grey, perf. London & Districts 1867 ½d claret, perf. VF fresh M/MUH in overall unusually nice quality. SG cat £286+, plus premium for the many MUH. (14).AVAILABLE at A$90

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1933 Air Balbo Flight opt set 1Kr-10Kr. VF fresh MLH. SG 205-07 cat £2250,Scott C12-14 cat US$2600, Fa 165-67 cat 17,500Kr. The key set of Iceland. Exp Enzo Diena, plus 2022 Ceremuga photo cert. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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Fiume-Arbe: 1920 small 'ARBE' opt 5c green, 10c red, & 25c blue (2) tied to tri-fold colour panoramic PPC of Arbe by 'Arbe 30 XI 20' cds. VF. SG 1B, 2B & 4B cat £167++. Sass 5, 6, & 8 cat €300++ - both as loose stamps, plus premium on card. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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Burma: 1943 Elephant 20c yellow-green & 30c olive-brown, plus Watch Tower 1R red-orange & 2R bright violet all FULL SHEETS of 200 with marg ea 2 panes of 100 with gutters. VF MUH, mostly very fresh. JSCA 2B67-70 cat Y130,000+ = A$1500+. SG J94-J97 cat £520+ as singles, plus premium for scarce gutter prs, & for full sheets which are very impressive. (4 sheets = 800).SOLD at A$210

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1895-96 BEA opt QV India 1R green & aniline carmine, error opt DOUBLE one SIDEWAYS. VFM. Scott 67a cat US$525. SG 60d cat £900. Important & rare error as only part of 1 pane existed. 2004 RPSL photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$400

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Mauritius: 1860-1980s collection in s/book inc 1860-72 QV to 1/-, 1876-78 QV Surch to 50c, 1883 QV to 25c & 25c wmk inverted (SG 110w cat £400), 1895 Badge to 18c, 1900 Badge set to 5R M & to 50c U, 1913-21 KGV to 10R, 1938 KGVI set to 10R, 1950 KGVI to 10R (2 sets), 1953 QEII set to 10R, 1965 QEII set to 10R (2 sets), 1967 Self Govt set to 10R, 1969 QEII set to 10R (3 sets), fairly comp to 1980s inc M/S, many sets. Mainly F-VF MLH/MUH, some F-VFU, sl tropicalisation. SG cat £2300+. (600+, 15 M/S) (P)SOLD at A$500

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1914-15 'GRI 2½d' 5mm opt DNG Yacht 10pf carmine. VFM. Scott 20 cat US$250. SG 20 cat £225. Only 1675 printed. Exp Dr Bohne. (P)SOLD at A$140

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1915-22 opt KGV 1d red 4th & 5th setting, range of shades in blks, prs, singles & a,b,c strips of 3, shades inc carmine-red (G10), reddish-pink (semi-surfaced G15), scarlet (G17), carmine-rose (G30), brown-red (G32). F-VF fresh MLH/MUH. SG 67 & 103 cat £333 as M singles, MUH should be at least double, £470+. (48)SOLD at A$275

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1915-16 NWPI opts all with 'PO Pleasant Island Nauru' pmks opt Kangaroo 1st wmk 2d, 3d & 6d, & opt KGV 1d & 4d. Mostly F-VF U. SG 67, 70, 73, 76, 78 cat £282++, plus premium for Nauru pmks. (5) (P)SOLD at A$120

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1915-22 opt KGV 1d red 4th & 5th setting, range of shades in singles & prs (30+), shades inc carmine-red (G10), reddish-pink (semi-surfaced G15), scarlet (G17), carmine-rose (G30), brown-red (G32), many are on piece, most cds RABAUL. VFU with nice cds. SG cat 67 & 103 £480+. (85+)SOLD at A$275

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1915-16 opt KGV 1d carmine-red, Die II opt type abc vert strip of 3. F-VF fresh MUH. SG 67c cat £420+ for M strip, should be at least double, £840 MUH. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (3) (P)SOLD at A$575

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1907-11 OFFICIAL opt Mt Cook 5/- deep red wmk sideways. VF fresh MLH. Scott O30 cat US$350. SG O67 cat £300. CP EO21e cat NZ$500. (P)AVAILABLE at A$140

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1967 Pictorial Def 5d Flower LL cnr vertical pr, error yellow OMITTED from flowers on both stamps, due to major shift with yellow details printed in lower margin. VF fresh MUH. SG 787a(var) cat €850 as singles. CP O7a(Za) cat NZ $1500 for such pr. Very rare, only 20 such strips could have existed. 2024 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$550

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Norfolk Island: 1947-72 MUH collection in binder inc 1947-59 Ball Bay set to 2/- inc ½d, 1d, 1½d & 2d on white paper. 1953 Pic set to 5/-, 1960-62 Pic Def set to 10/-, plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN in 3 diff positions, 1960 surch set in blks of 4, 1962 Fish set in blks of 4, 1966 Decimal Def set to $1 in blks of 4 (top 3 vals imprint blks). 1967 Ship Def set to $1, blks of 4, 1970-71 Bird Def set to $1 in blks of 4. VF fresh MUH, odd U extras not counted. SG cat £480+. (440)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Norfolk Island: 1953-71 MUH blks collection inc some control blks. 1953 Bloody bridge 5/- blk. 1960-62 Pic Def vals to 5/-. 1962-63 Fish set to 2/3. 1967-68 Ship set to $1. 1970-71 Bird set to $1. VF fresh MUH. SG cat £340+ as singles, plus premium for multiples. (65 blks)AVAILABLE at A$110

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1940-41 Soviet Occup of Eastern Poland with Workers 10k (3), 20k & 30k postcards (2 ea), covers 1940 Airmail 80k Plane & Workers 15k green (2), Aviation (2 prs) & 30k blue 92 prs) & 30k purple. Stamps Mi 576, 679, 681, 682 & 699 cat €13+. The cards Mi P150-52 cat €74. Scarce usages from towns now in Ukraine. (12) (P)SOLD at A$325

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Portugal 1853-1972 Extensive collection in 2 SG loose leaf albums, most issues from 1853 are present in quantity inc 1853 25R (4), 1856 King 5R (2), values to 100R, 1862 King to 100R, 1866 to 120R, 1867 to 240R, 1870 to 1000R, 1882 to 500R. Fairly comp from 1892 to 1972 inc 1892 Provisorio opt. 1894 500th Anniv to 300R, 1898 Vasco da Gama to 150R, 1912 Ceres to 20E with various printings & shades, 1931 Don Pereira set 1940s better M/Sheets inc 1945 President M/S, 1946 Castle M/S, 1946 Bank M/S, 1952 NATO set M&U (cat £570). Also 1876 Newspaper stamps, 1920s-30s Parcel Post. The vendor some years ago calculated a cat value of £21,000 as marked by pg. A check with latest SG cat shows is definitely higher. Mainly VF MLH, U-FU early issue have some faults. SG est cat £24,000+ = A$47,000. Valuable collection. (3300+ 10M/S). (P)AVAILABLE at A$1800

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1935 Anti-War set 5K-35K. VFM. Mi 494-498 cat €850. SG 673-677 cat £400. (5) (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1935 Air Rescue Exped set 1K-50K. VFM. Mi 499-508 cat €1100. SG 678-687 cat £800. (10) (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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1922 inflation card franked Imperial Russia Arms (12, 6 diff) revalued at 100 times face in mixed franking with 'Science & Arts 100,000R on 250R, tied by 'Petrograd 1 12 22' cds. To Bandung in Netherlands East Indies! 'Via Genova' with arrival & transit cds. SG 111A, 112A, 113A, 114A, 108B, 109B & 251. Mi 671IB-70IB, 64IIB, 65IIB & 190. Rare usage & destination. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1932 KGV Palm Trees £1 purple. Superb U, Freetown cds. Scott 152 cat US$275. SG 167 cat £300. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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1896-32 SPECIMEN opt collection inc 1896-97 QV Tablet set to £1. 1907-12 KEVII New Colours set to £1. 1921-27 KGV Elephant set to £5. 1932 KGV Palm Trees set to £1. F-VF M/MLH, some tropicalised gum. SG 41-53, 73-85, 99-111, 131-48, 155-67(s) cat £1775. (64) (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1967 Housing Congress 10c, error opt '1967 & bar' OMITTED, with normal to compare. VF fresh MUH. SG 95a cat £1600. Very rare. (2) (P)SOLD at A$1200

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1894-96 QV Tablet £1 purple on red. Superb fresh M, nice deep colour. Scott 23 cat US$675. SG 28 cat £650. Exp Diena. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1888-93 'ZULULAND' opt QV GB ½d to 1/-, plus 1893 Natal 6d dull purple & 1891 Natal 1d Postal Fiscal. VFU. SG 1-10, 16, F1 cat £674. (12 (P)SOLD at A$350

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1850-1960 collection on illustrated pages in Davo album inc 1850 10r, 1851 5r, 1852 15r, 1854 5r-1Fr imperf, 1962 2c-1Fr comp, 1862 1Fr bronze-gold, 1867 2c-50c comp, 1881 2c-1Fr comp, 1882 2c-15c comp, 1882 to 3Fr, 1923 Air set to 2Fr comprehensive to 1950s inc 1945 Pence set comp to 10Fr with many both M & VFU, 1913-63 Pro Juventute sets comp, few League of Nations, Officials & Stamp Duty issues mostly comp sets, all diff. Mostly F-VF fresh M/U, some mixed classics as expected, while there are many superb stamps in later issues. SG cat £12,000+ = A$23,500. Valuable collection. (900 + 2 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1200

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1907 'Siam Postage 20 Ticals' opt Rama V 20T olive-green. VF fresh MLH appearance (but expertly regummed). Scott 107 cat US$6750. SG 107 cat £7000. Very rare genuine & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$4500

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1954-78 selection of unusual items inc 1954 QEII Pic ½d - 2d h/s SPECIMEN. 1965 QEII Map ½d blk of 4, h/s SPECIMEN twice on ea stamp. 1967 Surch 4d on ½d, UL cnr marginal blk of 4, with additional diag perfs in cnr. 1966 WHO imperf proof. Range 1970 National Savings Postal Fiscal 6d inc M & Postal Used, plus on National Savings cards & a National Savings bklt. Also 1971 h/s 2½p on 6p M&U. 1979 Ship 10p-20p with HAMVSHIRE local mail or Air Mail opts 25p, 35p, 50p & 75p, plus 25p error opt shifted. 1978 Rocket Mail Label for Silver Jubilee. VF fresh MUH/UN/U. Interesting lot. (39 items). (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1918 Kiev II violet trident h/s opts on Russia Arms perf 1k inc strip of 5 shifted opts, 20k/14k sheets of 100 & 1R sheet of 50 inc 2 opts shifted partially off stamps. Mostly F-VF MUH, some sl staining from storage from storage in plastic pgs. SG L51, 62 & 67 cat £77++, Sc 8f, 22f & 28f cat US$75++ - both as M singles & should be at least double, £154++ or US$150++ as M, plus premium for full sheets, & for shifted opts. (3 sheets).SOLD at A$80
1918 Odessa III black trident opts on Russia Arms 1k perf & 1k, 15k, 35k & 50k imperf sheets of 100. Mostly F-VF MUH, some sl staining from storage in plastic pgs. SG L149-52 & 154 cat £335++, Sc 8j, 29j, 34j, 37j & 38j cat US$380++ - both as M singles & should be at least double, £670++ or US$760++ as Mi, plus premium for full sheets. (5 sheets).SOLD at A$150

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1873 Official State 1c-90c green, plate proofs on card, imperf in issued colours. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O235-O245(p) cat £4300 as normals. Sc O57P4-O67P4 cat US$110+ (normals cat US$4415). (11) (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1873 Official Dept of State set 1c-90c blue, trial colour proofs on thin card, instead of green issued colour, for Atlanta Exhibition. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O235-O245(p) cat £4300 as normals. Sc O57TC4e-O67TC4e cat US$407 (normals cat US$4415). Only 1 sheet of ea printed. (9) (P)SOLD at A$375

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1873 Official Dept of State 90c green, blk of 4, plate proofs on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O245(p) cat £44000 as normals. Sc O67P3 cat US$100+ (normal cat US$4400). Rare multiple. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1873 Official War Dept 6c black, trial colour proof on India paper, imperf, instead of rose issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG O264(p) cat £650 as normal. Sc O86TC3a cat US$80 (normal cat US$675). (P)SOLD at A$75

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1873 Official War Dept 12c black, trial colour proof on India paper, imperf, instead of rose issued colour. VF UN as made, 4 margins. SG O267(p) cat £275 as normal. Sc O89TC3a cat US$80 (normal cat US$275). Rare. (P)SOLD at A$75

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1895 Newspaper Periodical $5 ultramarine, large trial colour DIE PROOF on India paper on card (152x202mm), imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made. SG N286(p) cat £2500 as normal. Sc PR109TC1A cat US$675+ (normal cat US$2250). Extremely rare proof. (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1930 Zeppelin Airmail 65c, $1.30 & $2.60. VF fresh MUH all with never hinged original gum. SG A687-A689 cat £1400 for M, should be at least double £2800 MUH. Sc C13-C15 cat US$1675+. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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China: 1919 'SHANGHAI CHINA' opt Washington & Franklin 2c on 1c - 60c on 30c. F-VF fresh M/MLH, 24c/12c spot. Scott K1-15 cat US$880. SG 1-14 cat £1267. (14). (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Philippines: 1901 opt Marshall $5 dark green. Fresh M, tiny thins, superb appearance with perfect centring. Scott 225 cat US$500 & under-catalogued. SG 267 cat £1000. Only 782 printed. (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Vatican: 1852-1997 Vatican & Papal States comp collection used in Lighthouse album. Papal States 1852-64 Arms set to 1S inc 1b (3 shades), 2b (3 shades inc white paper), 3b (3 shades), 4b (3 shades), 5b (4 shades), 6b (3 shades), 7b (2 shades), 8b (2 shades), 50b dull blue 1852 printing (with 2013 Scheller cert) & 50b deep blue 1864 worn impression (with Scheller cert), 1S top value (with Scheller cert). 1867 New Currency Arms set imperf to 80c inc 3c grey & lilac papers. 1868 Arms perf set to 80c inc 2c (3), 10c (3), 2c lilac & magenta, 40c (2) & 80c (2). Vatican 1929 Arms & Pope set to 10L. 1931 Postage Due set to 10L. 1931 Parcel Post set to 10L, plus extras. 1933 Holy Year set. 1934 surch set to 3L70 (Sass cat €2000, Hunziker photo cert).1933 Pope Pictorial set to 20L. 1935 Congress set (€275). 1936 Expo set (€185). 1938 Congress set. 1949 Pope Pictorial set. 1948 Airmail set (€550). 1949 UPU Air set (€150). 1951 Gratian Air set (€300). 1952 Centenary M/S (€275). 1953 Lombard 100L. All later sets & M/S comp. All diff inc shades. Vatican all VFU, some mixed Papal States as expected, but most G-VFU. SG cat £28,000+, Sass cat €44,000+ = A$66,000+. Nice clean comp collection. (1250, plus M/S). (P)SOLD at A$2400

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Vatican: 1852-2011 collection on Marini alb pgs in 6 binders starting with Papal States 1852-57 Arms vals to 8b imperf & 1867 vals to 80c imperf. Vatican 1929 Pope & Arms set to 10L. 1931 Parcel Post opt set to 10L. 1933 Pope & Pictorial set to 20L. 1934 Provisional Surch set to 3L70 on 10L (SG cat £1900). 1935 Congress set to 1L25. 1936 Expo set to 5L. 1939 Sede Vacante opt set. 1949 Pope & Pictorial set to 100L. 1953 Lombard 100L. Then a large comp run of sets. F-VF mostly fresh M/MUH/U, post 1960 being 90%+ MUH. SG cat £4000+ = A$7800+. (1290 + 40 M/S)AVAILABLE at A$800