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Search Result for "575"

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Good British Commonwealth carton lot with 1970s booklet collection (40) inc 1977/78 QEII SJ types & PNG 1970-93 collection (13, cat £135). Norfolk Is 1947-74 collection inc 1947 Ball Bay to 2/- blue, 1953 Pics to 5/- Brown Bridge (2 sets), 1960 Pics to 10/- Bird (2 sets), plus 10/- opt SPECIMEN (3 diff UN), 2/8 Local Govt (2), 1966 opt set to 1/- & 1969 Birds set to $1. Mixed MUH/M/U. Australia 1890s-1980s accum in 25 hagners. 1997 Diana Memorial sheets of 50 (8 diff, FV A$150) inc Fiji, Solomon Is, Tokelau & Vanuatu. 1970s-90s M/Sheet inc NZ Health prs MUH 1968, 69, 71 & 73 (retail $170), plus 1995 Singapore sheetlet ($40). NZ 1930s-80s Used collection inc 1970 Pics to £1 Geyser. GB 1930s-70s in hagners & s/book. Australia 1966-80 collection in illustrated album inc 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 & 1974 Paintings to $10, Singapore 1970s Pics/Commems in hagner album inc 1971 Painting PO Pack, Festival M/Sheet & 1970 Expo M/S. Eleven albums in total, mixed MUH/M/G-F/VFU. Large carton. (many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$300

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6d Ultramarine perf Large OS. F fresh MLH, irregular perfs at right. SG O8 cat £300. ACSC 17Abb cat $575. (P)AVAILABLE at A$140

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6d Ultramarine perf Large OS. F fresh MLH, irregular perfs at right. SG O8 cat £300. ACSC 17Abb cat $575. (P)AVAILABLE at A$95

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3d Yellow-olive Die II. F-VF fresh M. SG 37d cat £225. ACSC 13B cat $575. (P)SOLD at A$140

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4d Olive coarse mesh paper. Lightly sun-tanned gum, F-VF MUH. SG 80(var), ACSC 114Aaa cat $575. 2024 Drury photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1913 KGV Engraved 1d pale red Pl No 1 blk of 4. Hinged in selvedge, stamps VF fresh M/MUH. SG 17(var), ACSC 59A(1)2 cat $575 as blk of 8. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1913 KGV Engraved 1d rose-red Pl No 1 imprint blk of 8. Stamps MUH with sl gum bends. SG 17(var), ACSC 59C(1)z blk of 8 cat $575+ for M. (8) (P)SOLD at A$220

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Lettercard: 1914-18 KGV 1d all diff Die 1 perf 12½, views Coogee w/o sky, Huon River, & Loading Wheat. Superb fresh UN view sides, text sides suntan bars. ACSC LC18 (42B, 65, 70) cat $575 (3)AVAILABLE at A$130

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Lettercard: 1914-18 KGV 1d all diff Die 1 perf 12½, views Huon River, Mob of Cattle with cracked plate & Perth. Superb fresh UN view sides, text sides with suntan bars. ACSC LC18 (65, 74, 98A) cat $575. (3).AVAILABLE at A$130

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1860-72 QV Diadem 8d yellow-orange, wmk '8', perf 13. VF fresh M, with nice original gum. Sc 41 cat US$575. SG 167b cat £600. Rare genuine M. (P)SOLD at A$300

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1860-72 QV Diadem 8d bright yellow, wmk '8', perf 13. VF fresh M, with nice original gum. Sc 41 cat US$575. SG 167c cat £550. Rare genuine M. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1860-72 QV Diadem 8d bright-yellow, wmk '8', perf 13. F-VF UN. Scott 41 cat US$575. SG 167c cat £550. (P)AVAILABLE at A$160

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1907-11 QV Large Chalon £1 deep bluish green, wmk crown A sideways. Superb fresh M. ACSC Q65B cat $1000. Scott 144a cat US$575. SG 312c cat £650. Rare stamp in perfect quality. (P)SOLD at A$500

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1886-96 QV Postage & Revenue £2 Venetian red perf 10, wmk 'crown/narrow SA' sideways. Postally GU, tear & crease, 'Wallaroo 22 DE 96' squared circle pmk & crayon line. Scott 86a cat US$575. SG 200 cat £650. Rare genuine used. (P)AVAILABLE at A$180

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Belgium: 1949-80 Railway Parcels Mint collection inc 1949 set to 300F (SG set £500). 1953 set to 300F (£500). 1953 Nord-Midi Junction 200F (both colours, £575). 1960 set to 60F (£225). 1968 set to 500F (£275). 1980 set to 500F (£130). VF fresh M/MUH. SG cat £2400+ = A$4700+. (143) (P)SOLD at A$500

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1880 'CYPRUS' opt QV 6d grey, plate 16, letters AQ-QA. VF fresh MLH. Scott 5 cat US$575. SG 5 cat £500. Only 3360 printed. (P)SOLD at A$450

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France: 1849-1983 Collection in Scott Album. 1849-50 Ceres to 1Fr, plus early forgeries to 4k. 1852 Napoleon 10c & 40c 1853-60 Emperor to 1Fr imperf. 1862 Emperor to 80c perf. 1863-70 Emperor with laurel wreath to 80c. 1869 Emperor 5Fr. 1870-71 Ceres Bordeaux to 80c, imperf, plus types. 1871-75 Ceres to 80c perf. 1876-1900 Peace & Commerce to 5Fr. 1900-29 Blanc, Mouchon & Merson to 20Fr. 1937 PEXIP M/S, then largely comp, defs & commems to 1983. Charities 1917-19 War Orphans to 1Fr+1Fr. 1918 Red Cross 15+5c. 1922 Surch set to 5Fr+1Fr. 1926-27 War Orphans to 5Fr + 1Fr. 1927-31 Sinking Fund range. Airmails 1927 opt 2Fr & 5Fr. 1936 set to 50Fr (SG cat £500). 1936 Banknote 50Fr (£475). 1936 Transatlantic 10Fr. 1950 Paris 1000Fr. Postage Dues 1859-78 vals to 60c. Alsace Lorraine 1870 Numerals to 25c inc types. Mostly G-VF M/U, some very mixed earlies. SG cat £20,000+ = A$38,000+. Valuable collection. (2575+) (P)SOLD at A$2100

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Kiautschou: 1898-1918 Used collection with forerunner 3pf (SG cat £75), German PO China opts with Tsingtao cds (£1050), 1900 Tsingtao provisional 5pf/10pf (£70), 1901 Yachts to 2Mk (£450), 1905 Chinese currency to $1 (£460) & 1905 with wmk to $1½ (£575). Mostly F-VF U. SG cat £2680. (44). (P)AVAILABLE at A$650

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Poland General Govt: 1939-45 collection Used comp inc 1939 opt Hindenburg set to 2zt. 1940 Eagle & Swastika opt set to 3zt inc 12g & 50g both types. 1940-41 Views set. 1941-44 Hitler set to 1.60zt. 1944 5th Anniv 10zt. 1940 Official set large to 5zt & small to 50g, plus scarce 1941 Radio licence '4' & 'A' set of 2. VFU. Mi cat €457. SG cat £575+. Nice collection. (169).AVAILABLE at A$150

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Poland-General Govt: 1939-45 collection Used comp in special Fischer album inc 1939 opt Hindenburg set to 2z. 1940 Eagle & Swastika opt set to 3z inc 12g & 50g both types. 1941-41 Views set. 1941-44 Hitler set to 1.6z. 1944 5th Anniv 10z. 1940 Official set Large to 5z & small to 50g. 1941 Radio '4' & 'U' set of 2. VFU. Mi cat €487. SG cat £575+, plus cost of album. (169).AVAILABLE at A$150

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1873-80 QV 2½d blue, plate 19, large coloured cnr letters FG-GF. VF fresh M. Scott cat US$675. SG 142- pl 19 cat £575. (P)SOLD at A$90

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1873-80 QV 6d grey plate 16, large coloured cnr letters LN-NL, wmk Spray of Rose. VF fresh MLH. Scott 62 cat US$575. SG 147 pl 16 cat £500. (P)SOLD at A$80

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Cochin & Travancore: 1892-1950 Collection with Cochin 1892-94 Arms to 2p. 1898-1905 Numeral set 1911-50 Raja issues inc officials, plus surch with a range of blks inc 1949 Official 9p sheet of 48 (2 margins) & 1948-50 3p full sheet of 48 with full margins. Travancore 1889-1904 Cochin shell selection to 14ch, plus blks. 1932 Surch selection inc blks. 1937 Temple set in blks of 4. 1939 Raja Pic set to 14ch M (SG cat £40). Travancore-Cochin 1949 Surch to 14ch inc blks with a 1a on 2ch gutter blk of 32. G-VF M/MUH/U with 80%+ being M/MUH. SG cat £2000+ = A$3900+. (575).SOLD at A$500

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1945-48 Work, Justice & Family 100L carmine, perf 14. VF fresh MUH. SG 669 cat £600, Sass 565 cat €575. (P)SOLD at A$80

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1893-98 Princess 5G lake & bronze-green. Superb U, neat cnr cds & excellent centring. Scott 54 cat US$700. NVPH 48 cat €575. SG 165 cat £700. Unusually nice high value. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1932-40 Pictorial set ½d - £1, inc both ½d shades. VF fresh MUH. SG 130-45 cat £575 for M, should be at least double, £1150 MUH. (17) (P)AVAILABLE at A$850

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1861 Triangle Woodblock 4d deep bright blue. FU, on small piece with light cancel, 1½ margins, beautiful deep colour. Scott 9c cat US$5750. SG 14c cat £5500. Attractive genuine example of this rare classic. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P)SOLD at A$1300

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1875-79 Newspaper Periodical set 2c-$60 dull orange, trial colour plate proofs on India paper, imperf, instead of various issued colours. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG ex N180-N203(p) cat £18,575 as normals. Sc PR9TC3g-PR32TC3f cat US$245+ (normals cat US$21,650). Rare. (7) (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1875-79 Newspaper Periodical set 2c-$60 green, trial colour plate proofs on India paper, imperf, instead of various issued colours. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG ex N180-N203(p) cat £18,575 as normals. Sc PR9TC3h-PR32TC3g cat US$245+ (normals cat US$22,550). Rare. (7) (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1879 Newspaper Periodical set 2c-$60, plate proofs on card, imperf, in issued colours, American Banknote Co printing. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG N228-N250(p) cat £15,760 as normals. Sc PR5754-PR79P4 cat US$345 (normals cat US$16,415). (23) (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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1891 Postage Due 30c claret. VF fresh M. Sc J27 cat US$575. SG D241 cat £700. (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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1930 Zeppelin Airmail $1.30 brown. Superb fresh MUH. SG A688 cat £550 for M, should be at least double £1100 MUH. Sc C14 cat US$575+. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500