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Cook Islands - Aitutaki: 1972-96 M/U collection in springback album with 170 Pic/Commem sets to 1996 Olympics both M/MUH & CTO inc 1974 Shells to $5 (cat £76), 1978 OHMS opts on Shells to $5 (cat £60), 1981 Birds to $5 Kingfisher (£125), 1983 Surcharge set of 19 to $5.60 (cat £120). 1984 Birds set of 20 to $9.60 (cat £160). 1985 OHMS opt set of 25 to $9.60 (£200). 1989 Moon Landing 20th Anniv (£35). 1992 Pacific Arts set inc Royal Visit opts (£45) & 1994 Flowers set to $5 Hibiscus MUH/CTO (cat £40). Then 60 M & 60 CTO M/Sheet, plus some uncounted extras at the back. Mentioned Pic sets add up to £860 (A$1600) with grand total much higher with a FV NZ$1100 = A$1000. Some light foxing sighted, a mostly fresh & clean collection. (100s)AVAILABLE at A$200

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5/- Grey & pale yellow. F-VF fresh MLH. SG 42c cat £300. ACSC 44D cat $475. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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5/- Grey & pale yellow, variety 'shading breaks in top of Bight' (bit diff to pos R22). VF fresh MLH, tiny natural paper irregularity at left. SG 42c(var) cat £300+. ACSC 44D cat $475 as normal or cat $1750 for other varieties. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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£2 Grey-black & crimson. F-VF fresh MLH, nice original gum & beautiful deep colour. SG 45a cat £4750. ACSC 56B cat $7500. Rare mint top value & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)SOLD at A$3000

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£2 Purple-black & rose, perf OS. VF fresh CTO, nice colours. SG O53(var) cat £2500+. ACSC 56Cwa cat $4750. Rare perf OS top value & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)SOLD at A$2400

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10/- Black & light pink. The ACSC only lists 1 shade grey & light pink, this is a distinctly deeper shade with the Kangaroo in black (or grey-black) & deserves separate listing. VF fresh MLH. SG 112 cat £475. ACSC 49 cat $1100. (P)SOLD at A$375

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10/- Grey & pale pink. VF fresh MLH, lower marginal. SG 112 cat £475. ACSC 49 cat $1100. (P)SOLD at A$325

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1½d Green variety 'cracked electro above 1½d at right', light Machine Cancel. FU. SG 61(var), ACSC 88C(17)r cat $475. (P)NO LONGER AVAILABLE

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1½d Green, unsurfaced paper with coarse mesh. F MUH. ACSC 88Aa cat $1250. SG 61a cat £475 as M, should be at least double, £950 = A$1600. 2022 Drury photo-cert.AVAILABLE at A$150

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1½d Green coarse mesh paper. VF MLH. SG 61a cat £475 = A$950. ACSC 88Aa cat $800. 2024 Drury photo-cert.AVAILABLE at A$100

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4d Ultramarine variety 'thin Four Pence retouch' (2R12). F-VF fresh MLH, excellent colour. SG 64b cat £475, ACSC 112A(2)ra cat $850 & undercatalogued. BPA photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$275

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1928 Kookaburra 3d blue M/Sheet. VFU with 1 NO 28 International Philatelic Exhibition Melbourne cds in red. SG 106 M/S cat £250 U. ACSC 133MS cat $475. (P)SOLD at A$200

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1964 Navigators set 7/6-£2 opt SPECIMEN. VF MUH. SG 35T-60s cat £475. ACSC 406-9 cat $1125. (4). (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Registered Envelopes: 1924-28 KGV 4½d violet with DLR saw-toothed edges, Hodgson straight edges or 1925 with red text. Superb fresh UN. ACSC RE18, 19d, 20B cat $475. (3)AVAILABLE at A$140

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1870s-1900s range with Postcards (3), Lettercards (7 inc 2 Specimen) inc unusual pale pink stock, Reg Envelopes (3). All diff. F-VF UN. PSSA cat $475. (14).AVAILABLE at A$110

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1874-77 OS opt QV 1d green, perf 11½x10. F-VF U, perf GPO/SA/23 OC 74 cds. Scott O27a cat US$400. SG O2 cat £475+ & under catalogued. Rare genuine. 2002 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$375

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1854-55 Swan 1/- salmon, imperf. GU, 2 margins, barred oval pmk, sl pre-printing paper wrinkle. Sc 5c cat US$5000. SG 4 cat £4750. Extremely rare shade. 2001 BPA photo-cert. (P)SOLD at A$1400

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Ascension: 1922-80s Mint collection in binder inc 1922 opt KGV St Helena set to 3/- (SG cat £325). 1924-33 KGV Ship set to 3/- (£350). 1934 KGV Pic set to 5/- (£130). 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1938-53 KGVI Pic set to 10/-. 1948 Silver Wedding set. 1956 QEII Pic set to 10/-. 1963 QEII Bird set to £1. 1981-82 Flower set to £1. 1986 Ship set to £2. G-VF M/MUH, post 1960 MUH, some gum tropicalisation. SG cat £2300+ = A$4500+. (475 + 19 M/S) (P)AVAILABLE at A$600

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1875 'One Penny' opt QV 2d blue. F-VF U, barred pmk. Scott 13 cat US$475. SG 15 cat £375. (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1858-59 QV ½d deep rose, perf 11¾. F-VF UN, tiny thin. SG 25 cat £4750. Unitrade 11 cat C$6000/2000. Rare genuine unused. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)SOLD at A$800

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1851-60 QV 1d red-brown. GU, 3 margins, thin, barred 'H' pmk. SG 1 cat £475. Unitrade 1 cat C$700/350. (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1851-60 Crown & Flowers 6d yellow-green. F-VF UN appearance, sl diag crease, almost 4 margins. SG 5 cat £4750. Unitrade 4 cat C$7500/3000. (P)AVAILABLE at A$700

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Airmail Postal History 1920s-50s internal & international with SCADTA issues to pay internal air fees & normal Colombia stamps for the overseas portion of flight. With 1921 & 1923 issues (180 stamps on 135 covers) to 1P, with better issues inc 60c orange (2, SG cat £68), 30c/20c grey (3, £195) 30c 'Provisional' on 60c (2, £86), 'R'' opts etc. Also 1929 issues with & w/o opts (28 on 20 covers), Avianca 'A' opts (100+ on 47 covers), Lansa 'L' opts (38 on 17 covers) mixed a & L opts (3 covers). & more (16). Some better inc 1932 10c brown opt "Correo Aero' scarce printed matter rate solo franking, 1930 Bolivar opt 30c/1P rare on contemporary commercial cover, plus the good surch already noted. Destinations inc Canada, Canal Zone, Czechoslovakia, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Israel, Switzerland, USA & Venezuela. With some nice pictorial advertising, Flight covers etc. The 1921-23 cat £?475 for the SCADTA alone as loose stamps, plus the 100s of others & for on cover. Fantastic lot for specialist. (425+ stamps on 245+ covers). (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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Antioquia: 1868-1904 collection inc 1868 Arms set to 1p, Reprints from defaced plates. 1869 Arms to 1p. 1873 Arms to 5p. 1875 Berrio 10c on laid paper. 1888 Provisional type-set set to 5c. 18789-90 Arms set to 5p. 1890 Provisional type-set to 20c. 1896 Arms set to 5p (both colours), plus 5p frame only proof. 1899 General set to 2p horiz prs, error imperf between. 1902-03 Portrait & Numeral set to 5p. 1903-04 Portrait, Arms & Numeral set to 10p. Most F-VF M/U. Scott cat US$1475+. SG cat £1500+. Seldom seen issues. (374). (P)SOLD at A$500

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France: 1849-1983 Collection in Scott Album. 1849-50 Ceres to 1Fr, plus early forgeries to 4k. 1852 Napoleon 10c & 40c 1853-60 Emperor to 1Fr imperf. 1862 Emperor to 80c perf. 1863-70 Emperor with laurel wreath to 80c. 1869 Emperor 5Fr. 1870-71 Ceres Bordeaux to 80c, imperf, plus types. 1871-75 Ceres to 80c perf. 1876-1900 Peace & Commerce to 5Fr. 1900-29 Blanc, Mouchon & Merson to 20Fr. 1937 PEXIP M/S, then largely comp, defs & commems to 1983. Charities 1917-19 War Orphans to 1Fr+1Fr. 1918 Red Cross 15+5c. 1922 Surch set to 5Fr+1Fr. 1926-27 War Orphans to 5Fr + 1Fr. 1927-31 Sinking Fund range. Airmails 1927 opt 2Fr & 5Fr. 1936 set to 50Fr (SG cat £500). 1936 Banknote 50Fr (£475). 1936 Transatlantic 10Fr. 1950 Paris 1000Fr. Postage Dues 1859-78 vals to 60c. Alsace Lorraine 1870 Numerals to 25c inc types. Mostly G-VF M/U, some very mixed earlies. SG cat £20,000+ = A$38,000+. Valuable collection. (2575+) (P)SOLD at A$2100

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1930-31 Airmail Eagle booklet se-tenants inc 10pf red tete-beche pr, 10pf + 15pf pr (+ U) & 20pf with 'X' tab, plus 20pf panes with 5 or 6 'X' tabs. M/MUH, some tropicalised. SG 393a, 395b/c cat £1475 for the 2 panes & the tete-beche. Mi H-Bl47B & 49B, K7 & W22 cat £1350. (2 panes & 3prs) (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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Croatia: 1945 Storm Division set 50+50K - 100+100K. Superb fresh MLH, almost MUH. SG 142-144 cat £475+. Mi 170-172 cat €350+. Scarce genuine set. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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Croatia: 1945 Storm Division set 50+50K - 100+100K. Stamps superb fresh MUH, with never hinged original gum, upper marginal. SG 142-144 cat £475 for M, should be at least double, £950 MUH. Mi 170-172 cat €700. Scarce genuine set in perfect quality. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$400

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Estonia: 1941 sets with Eesti swastika sets both papers, Pic set perf & imperf & Pernau type II opt set to 50k. VFU. SG 3-5A, 3-5B & 6-11 cat £194+ (plus imperf Pics & Pernau unlisted). Mi 1-3x, 1-3y, 4-9 & 1II-10II cat €475, plus Pernau U not listed. (22)AVAILABLE at A$90

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Macedonia: 1944 3-line opt Pictorial set 1L/10st - 30L/40L tied to envelope by 'Skopie 30 X 44' cds. The 15L/4L & 30L/14L opt type I, others type II. SG 1-8 cat €475+ as loose stamps. Mi 1-8 cat €500 for set on such CTO cover. 2024 Ceremuga photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1938-63 Postage Due set 2c-50c, perf SPECIMEN. VF fresh M. SG D6-12s cat £475. Rare genuine set. (7) (P)SOLD at A$250

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Parma: 1853-55 Arms 15c pale red. VFU, 4 margins. SG 12 cat £475. Sass 7b cat €700. (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1922-27 KGV £75 purple & grey, opt SPECIMEN. VFM, nice deep colours. Scott 41E cat US$4750. SG 104s cat £4750 (normal cat £150,000). Very rare super high value. (P)SOLD at A$3000

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1912-23 KGV $500 purple & orange-brown wmk mult crown, opt SPECIMEN. Superb fresh M with nice original gum bright colours & perfect centring. Scott 174s cat US$4750. SG 215s cat £5500 (normal cat £100,000). Key British Empire top value & certificate can be obtained on request. (P)AVAILABLE at A$3000

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Johore: 1904-10 Sultan $50 green & ultramarine, wmk Rosette. Superb MUH, with darker never hinged original gum, bottom marginal. Scott 74 cat US$425. SG 76 cat £475 for M, should be at least double, £950 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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1939 Sarabia Flight opt Morelos Statue 20c blue red. Superb fresh MLH. SG 626a cat £475. Yv A89 cat €600. Scott C93A cat US$425. Exp Kessler. (P)AVAILABLE at A$160

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1923 25th Anniv 5G indigo. VF fresh MUH. Scott 134. NVPH 131 cat €475, SG 269 cat £300 for M, should be at least double, £600 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1914 'GRI 8d' 5mm opt Marshalls Yacht 80pf black & carmine on rose, with 2 black lines on gum from opt. VF fresh M. Scott 26 cat US$475. Mi 9I. SG 58 cat £500. Only 490 printed. Exp Grobe, plus 2024 Ceremuga AIEF photo cert . (P)SOLD at A$325

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1915-16 opt Kangaroo £1 chocolate & dull blue, 3rd wmk, opt type a. Superb U, 'PO Pleasant Island JA 28 17 Nauru' cds. Scott 26 cat US$525++. SG 99 cat £475++, plus premium for usage in Nauru which should be worth several times normal. Beautiful quality & rare item. 2017 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1915-16 opt Kangaroo £1 chocolate & dull blue, 3rd wmk, opt type c. VF MLH appearance but expertly regummed. Scott 26 cat US$400. SG 99 cat £475 for MLH. (P)SOLD at A$275

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1915-16 opt Kangaroo £1 chocolate & dull blue, 3rd wmk, opt type c. VFU/CTO with uncertain cnr cds. Scott 26 cat US$525. SG 99 cat £475. (P)AVAILABLE at A$220

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1940 Official opt Centennial set ½d to 1/-. VF fresh MUH. CP SO26a-38a cat NZ$475. SG O141-51 cat £225. (11) (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1928 Warsaw Exhib 50gr + 1zl sepia M/Sheet Superb U 'Warszawa 10.V.28' Exhib special cds, original size 117x88mm. SG MS270 cat £475. Mi Blk 1 cat £400. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1928 Warsaw Exhib M/Sheet 50gr & 1zl deep sepia tied to registered cover by special Exhib 'Wszechpolska Wystawa Filatelistyczna 12 3 28' pmks. To Cracow with arrival b/s. Superb. SG MS270 cat £475++, Mi Blk 1 cat €400++ - both as loose M/S, plus large premium for on cover. 2024 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1922-37 KGV Ship £1 grey & purple on red. Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. Scott 99 cat US$475 for M. SG 96 cat £450 for M, should be at least double, £900 MUH. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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1853 Triangle 1d deep brick-red on deeply blued paper, PB printing. Superb U, full margins, 'ivory head' on reverse, barred pmk. Scott 1b cat US$475+. SG 1a cat £500+. Unusually nice. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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1882-85 'B' opt QV Straits 5c purple-brown wmk crown CC. Fresh UN, pulled perf at base. Scott 3 cat US$475. SG 4 cat £475. (P)SOLD at A$130

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1851-57 Portrait set 1c-90c, plate proof on card, imperf, in issued colours. F-VF UN as made, almost all 4 margins. SG ex 5-43(p) cat £10,600+ as normals. Sc 40PU-47PU cat US$475 (normal cat US$48,000+). (8) (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1875-79 Newspaper Periodical 9c black, large DIE PROOF on India paper on card (145x225mm), imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG N185(p) cat £475 as normal. Sc PR14P1 cat US$100+ (normal cat US$600).AVAILABLE at A$80

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1875-79 Newspaper Periodical $12 blue-green, large DIE PROOF on India paper on card with imprint (145x225mm), imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG N199(p) cat £4500 as normal. Sc PR28P1(var) cat US$100+ (normal cat US$4750). (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1875-79 Newspaper Periodical $24 dark grey-violet, large DIE PROOF on India paper on card (145x225mm), imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG N200(p) cat £4750 as normal. Sc PR29P1(var) cat US$100+ (normal cat US$4750). (P)AVAILABLE at A$150