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Search Result for "264"

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KGV collection on leaves arranged as per SG with 1914 single wmk ½d, 1d (2), 4d orange & 5d brown (2). 1918-23 ½d orange, 1d violet (2), 1½d black-brown, 1½d brown (3), 1½d green, 2d orange, 4d violet, 4d blue & 1/4. 1924 3d blue, 4d olive & 4½d violet. 1924 LM wmk 1d green & no wmk 1d, 1½d. 1926-30 SM wmk perf 14 2d brown, 4d olive, 1/4 & perf 13½x12½ 3d Die II, 4d, 4½dd, 1/4, plus 4½d Die II CTO as always. 1931 CofA wmk set of 8 to 1/4. Generally F-VFM, plus others to 4½d F-VFU. All fresh & clean, ACSC cat $3100. F-VF M inc all four 1/4. A near comp basic collection. (66)SOLD at A$375

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1900 QV Boer War Charity set 1d & 2d. VF fresh MLH with nice colours. Scott B1-B2 cat US$535.SG 263-264 cat £500. (2) (P)AVAILABLE at A$230

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1873 Official War Dept 6c black, trial colour proof on India paper, imperf, instead of rose issued colour. Superb UN as made, 4 margins. SG O264(p) cat £650 as normal. Sc O86TC3a cat US$80 (normal cat US$675). (P)SOLD at A$75

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Philippines: 1899-1901 opt Perry $1 black type I. F-VF fresh M. Scott 223 cat US$300. SG 264 cat £550. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200