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Search Result for "259"

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KGV collection 1913-30s with shades & varieties from 1d Engraved to 5d. Noted 1d Engraved (2) single wmk ½d green (9) inc inv wmk (1), 1d green (3) inc inv wmk & RA joined, secret mark, 1½d black-brown (9) inc inv wmk (2), 1½d green (3), 1½d red inc inv wmk, 2d orange, 2d red (2), 4d orange inv wmk, 4d blue (2), 5d brown comb perf, l multi ½d green inc thin paper, s multi perf 14. 1d green (3) inc inv wmk (2), 1½d red (3) inc pale pink, thin paper, 3d blue type B, s mult perf 13½x12½ 1d green (5) inc Die II (2), Die I/II pr, 1½d red inc type A/B pr shading behind roo. Mostly F-VF MUH, some MLH, odd blemishes. ACSC cat $3700+. (70)SOLD at A$275

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1902-10 KEVII ½d to 1/-,, plus ½d shade, DLR printing. VF fresh M/MLH. Scott ex 127 - 138,145 cat US$783. SG ex 215-259 cat £1346 as cheapest. (15) (P)SOLD at A$325

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1938-49 KGVI set 2c-10R, all from 1938 printing with 25c-10R on chalk surfaced paper. VF MUH. SG 252-258, 259, 260, 261, 262 & 263 cat £296. (12) (P)AVAILABLE at A$170

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1885 Newspaper Periodical 84c rose-carmine, American Bank Note Co printing on soft paper. VF UN. SG N259 cat £800. Sc PR88 cat US$350 for UN or US$900 for M. (P)AVAILABLE at A$300