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FDC collection 2000-04 mostly Pics/Commems inc Sydney 2000 Olympic Gold medallist set of 16 FDC, International Post, some AAT, largely VF. High cost/FV. (490)AVAILABLE at A$120

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New Zealand: 1950s-70s MUH accumulation in 72 hagners with Health M/sheets 1958 (22 prs, NZ retail $440), 1971 Health (15 prs, $600), 1974 Health M/Sheet (10, $350). 1988 Centenary of RPSNZ M/sheets (17, $85). Then 1970s Commem sets imprint/plate num multiples (20 diff, retail $800+) inc 1969 Cook blks of 9, 1970 Pics to $2 blks of 4, 1971 Cars plate num/imprint blks of 10, 1972 Flowers blks of 10, 1972 Lakes imprint cnr blks of 9 & 1973 Anniv blks of 15. All fresh MUH. Also some F-VFM pre-decimals inc 1954 QEII 5/-, 10/- horiz prs. Total NZ retail $2450. (many 100s)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1905-12 Pictorial 2d reddish-lilac, Litho, wmk crown A, perf 12½x11. VF fresh MLH. ACSC T33. SG 245fb cat £200. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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Airmail Postal History 1920s-50s internal & international with SCADTA issues to pay internal air fees & normal Colombia stamps for the overseas portion of flight. With 1921 & 1923 issues (180 stamps on 135 covers) to 1P, with better issues inc 60c orange (2, SG cat £68), 30c/20c grey (3, £195) 30c 'Provisional' on 60c (2, £86), 'R'' opts etc. Also 1929 issues with & w/o opts (28 on 20 covers), Avianca 'A' opts (100+ on 47 covers), Lansa 'L' opts (38 on 17 covers) mixed a & L opts (3 covers). & more (16). Some better inc 1932 10c brown opt "Correo Aero' scarce printed matter rate solo franking, 1930 Bolivar opt 30c/1P rare on contemporary commercial cover, plus the good surch already noted. Destinations inc Canada, Canal Zone, Czechoslovakia, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Israel, Switzerland, USA & Venezuela. With some nice pictorial advertising, Flight covers etc. The 1921-23 cat £?475 for the SCADTA alone as loose stamps, plus the 100s of others & for on cover. Fantastic lot for specialist. (425+ stamps on 245+ covers). (P)AVAILABLE at A$1500

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1939 large Registered Airmail cover (310x245mm) franked Arms 70pf, 1924 Airmail 2½G plum w/o network & 1935 Air 1G, tied by 'Danzig Lupost 25 7 39' pmk. To England with arrival b/s. SG 192, 199a & 237 cat £358+. Mi 206F, 249 & 255 cat €275+ both as loose stamps alone & rarity on cover. (P)AVAILABLE at A$500

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Montenegro: 1941 use of 'CRNA GORA' opt Italy 30c brown Postcard uprated opt King 30c tied by 'Danilov-Grad 15.X.41' cds to Croatia with censor cachets. SG 33. Sass 20 cat €70+, plus the card Interitalia P2 cat €175, total €245. Rare usage. (P)AVAILABLE at A$150

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1977 Surch sets 5FNH - 500FNH (Paris opts), both British & French issues, ea with decorative tabs. Mostly VF MUH. SG 220-32 & F234-46 cat £74. Yv 50-75 cat €245. (26).AVAILABLE at A$55

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1873 Official State 1c-90c green, plate proofs on card, imperf in issued colours. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O235-O245(p) cat £4300 as normals. Sc O57P4-O67P4 cat US$110+ (normals cat US$4415). (11) (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1873 Official Dept of State set 1c-90c blue, trial colour proofs on thin card, instead of green issued colour, for Atlanta Exhibition. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O235-O245(p) cat £4300 as normals. Sc O57TC4e-O67TC4e cat US$407 (normals cat US$4415). Only 1 sheet of ea printed. (9) (P)SOLD at A$375

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1873 Official Dept of State 90c green, blk of 4, plate proofs on India paper, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O245(p) cat £44000 as normals. Sc O67P3 cat US$100+ (normal cat US$4400). Rare multiple. (4) (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1875-79 Newspaper Periodical set 2c-$60 dull orange, trial colour plate proofs on India paper, imperf, instead of various issued colours. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG ex N180-N203(p) cat £18,575 as normals. Sc PR9TC3g-PR32TC3f cat US$245+ (normals cat US$21,650). Rare. (7) (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1875-79 Newspaper Periodical set 2c-$60 green, trial colour plate proofs on India paper, imperf, instead of various issued colours. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG ex N180-N203(p) cat £18,575 as normals. Sc PR9TC3h-PR32TC3g cat US$245+ (normals cat US$22,550). Rare. (7) (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1879 Newspaper Periodical $9 orange, American Bank Note Co printing on soft paper. F-VF UN. SG N245 cat £800. Sc PR74 cat US$325 for UN or US$800 for M. (P)SOLD at A$200

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1893 Columbus 1c-50c, plus shades inc 1c(2), 2c(3), 3c, 4c(2), 5c(2), 6c(2), 8c, 10c(2), 15c & 30c. Also 2c broken hat variety. F-VF U/UN. Sc 230-240 cat US$740+. SG 235-245 cat £915+. (28).SOLD at A$160

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1893 Columbus $5 black. VF fresh M with disturbed gum. Sc 245 cat US$2400. SG 250 cat £3000. (P)AVAILABLE at A$1300