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Search Result for "223"

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Covers: Pre-Decimal FDC collection (340) to 1965 Churchill inc 1937 KGVI 1d, 2d Die I (7), 1946 Mitchell (registered), 1951 Federation (2 diff cachets), 1952 KGVI 1/0½d. Aborigine 2/6 on single FDC, 1953 Coronation, 1953 Tas Sesqui Cent. 1955 South Aust Cent registered St Paul's (2 diff cachets) 1959 Flowers to 3/- & 1964 Birds set. Decimals (300) to 1979 Trains with wide range of cachets inc 1970 Expo, Grasslands & RV unaddressed PO Pictorials then mostly Private cachets or PO Generic with good variety & minimal duplication. Nearly all addressed, some sl mixed condition inc minor tropicalising, generally F-VF. (640).AVAILABLE at A$150

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Gibraltar: 1933 Registered Zeppelin 4th Sth America flight card (diag crease UR), franked KGV 1½d Pic & 1/- Def, tied by 'Gibraltar 25 JY 33' pmk & by 'Berlin 5 8 33' cds. To Brazil with 2 flight cachets b/s Pernambuco cds. Sieger 223B. (P)AVAILABLE at A$450

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Sudan: 1933 Zeppelin 4th Sth America flight cover franked Airmail 2½Pi & 3Pi, tied by 'Sudan Airmail Wadi Halfa 27 VII 33' cds. To Brazil with 2 diff flight cachets, Recife & Pernambuco b/s. Sieger 223B. Extremely rare. (P)AVAILABLE at A$2200

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1902-10 KEVII 1½d to 1/-, DLR printing all on chalk-surfaced paper. VF fresh MUH, couple sl disturbed gum. Scott 129d-138d cat US$1445.SG ex 223-57a cat £1200. (9) (P)SOLD at A$400

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1921 3rd Tiger Scouts Fund opt set 2s-50s. VFU. Scott B24-30 cat US$415. SG 223-29 cat £450. Only 5000 sets printed. (7). (P)AVAILABLE at A$300

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Philippines: 1899-1901 opt Perry $1 black type I. F-VF fresh M. Scott 223 cat US$300. SG 264 cat £550. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200