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Search Result for "1842"

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2006-16 Provisional Surcharge specialised collection in 20 hagners inc 1c/6c large XX error upper marginal plate no blk of 20 (pos 1/6, SG F1317c cat £100), 1c/23c opt INVERTED lower marginal blk of 4 (SG F1348 cat £160), 2c/1c types II c, d (large XX) 2 diff SG F1312, 13 cat £130 ea. 2c/6c three diff experimental opts (F1321-23, cat £110 ea). 2c/3c type IV opt (F1353, £120). 5c/23c opt INVERTED lower marginal blk of 4 (F1359a, £160). 6c/6c (error opt) (SG F1327 cat £200). 18c/6c opt shifted 14mm upwards (pos LP Row 1) in left gutter blk f 8 (unlisted SG). 20c/6c opt INVERTED right marginal blk of 4 (F1331a, £200). 20c/23c opt INVERTED marginal blk of 4 (F1373a, £200), plus another blk of 4 opt misplaced. 20c/31c opt INVERTED marginal blk of 4 (F1373a, £200), plus another 2 blks with misplaced opts. 20c/31c double opt, one INVERTED (F1373c, £50). 20c/31cLR cnr blk of 12 missing '20' in opt vert strip of 3 (unlisted in SG & very scarce). 40c/31c opt shifted upwards LL cnr plate number blk of 12, plus some other multiples inc opt variations. Some scarce to very rare opts shifted, fresh MUH. SG cat £2000+. Also comp sheets (minor rev tropicalisation) with 1c (6), 2c (7), 3c (5), 4c (6) & 5c, plus 8 covers with a variety of opts attached, plus selection of specialise literature. (P)SOLD at A$800