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Search Result for "123"

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1928-31 semi specialised collection on loose leaves with 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet (tiny thins, 2), plus single with red Exhibition pmk. 1930 Sturt 1½d plate number set of 8 blks of 4 & 3d plate 1, 2 cnr blks of 4. 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d set of 8 plate numbers cnr blks of 4, 3d plate number trio cnr blks of 4, plus 2d, 3d imprint multiples. Mostly F-VF M/MUH. ACSC cat $1200.AVAILABLE at A$250

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Perf OS Mint selection inc 3d, 6d ultramarine, plus pale ultramarine, 9d, 1/- & 6d brown. Also 6d SM wmk. F-VF M/MLH, few imperfections. SG O45, O46, O47, O48, O76 cat £493. ACSC 14b, 19ba, 26ba, 32b, 21ba & 22b cat $1235. (7) (P)AVAILABLE at A$160

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1921-33 OHMS Registered Unclaimed covers with KGV perf OS 5d chestnut single wmk (ACSC 123Ab) dated 4 NO 21, 5d orange-brown SM wmk perf 13½x12½ (ACSC 126Ab) dated 29 MY 33, 1½d red single wmk (ACSC 89Abb) & 3d blue single wmk (ACSC 104Bba) dated 5 AUG 26. From Perth, various transit b/s, Not Known By Letter Carrier etc. VF. ACSC cat $395+. (3) (P)AVAILABLE at A$130

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5d Chestnut comb perf wmk INVERTED comb perf. VFM. SG 23bw cat £950. ACSC 123Aa cat $1250. (P)NO LONGER AVAILABLE

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1897-98 QV 1d vermilion vert pr, compound plain & black roulette & perf 12½-13. VFU, on piece. Sc 123e cat US$200. SG 261 cat £200. Rare used multiple. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1928 KGV 50th Anniversary £1 blue & bistre-brown. VF fresh MLH. Scott 123 cat US$275. SG 132 cat £300. (P)AVAILABLE at A$100

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1992 Olympics M/Sheet special issue on black (size 143x123mm). VF fresh MUH. Maury Blk 2741b. Yv BF 14b cat €500.AVAILABLE at A$80

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1872-88 QV surface printed selection inc 1872-73 QV 6d deep chestnut, 6d chestnut, 6d pale buff, 6d grey variety '12 doubled at left' all large white cnr letters, 1873-80 1/- orange-brown, 4d vermilion, 4d sage-green, 4d grey-brown, all large coloured letters, wmk Spray of Rose (4d Large Garter). 1880-83 4d grey-brown & 1/- orange-brown, wmk Imperial Crown. 1880-83 6d on 6d lilac. 1880-81 QV 1½d Venetian-red. F-VFU. Scott ex 59-95 cat US$3382. SG122, 122a, 123, 125, 151-154, 162, 167 cat £2910+ = A$5700. Useful group. (12) (P)SOLD at A$230

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1884-88 QV £1 brown-lilac, wmk 3 Orbs letters AH-HD from 1888 printing made in error on wrong wmk paper. VFU, light oval registered pmks, nice colour & excellent centring. Scott 123 cat US$5250+. SG Spec K16. SG 186 cat £6750 inc SG specified +50% premium for lightly used. Wmk Orbs many times scarcer than wmk Crowns. Unusually nice example. (P)SOLD at A$1600

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1935-37 KGV Pictorial set 1c-£1. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 110-123 cat £500. (14). (P)SOLD at A$220

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1935-37 KGV Pictorial set 1c-£1, to 10/- VF MUH, £1 VF M. SG 110-123 cat M £500+ for M, plus premium for all the MUH. (14) (P)SOLD at A$300

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1935 KGV Pictorial set 5c-£1. VF fresh MLH/MUH with most MUH inc £1. SG 110-123 cat £500+, plus premium for the many MUH. (14) (P)AVAILABLE at A$350

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1935-37 KGV Lion £1 black & red. Superb fresh M. Scott 59 cat US$325. SG 123 cat £325. (P)AVAILABLE at A$200

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1902-03 Crown 12c black & yellow, variety 'line through B'. VF fresh M. Scott 104c cat US$160. SG 123c cat £160. (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1918-23 opt KGV violet 5th setting SG 120b 'scarlet mark', SG 120c 'flaw under neck', SG 120 'wattle line' & SG 123, 4d violet with major variety 'LL frame worn' (ACSC 110(1)g). VF MLH. SG 120b & c cat £180, 'wattle line' not listed by SG but should be £90 & SG 123 variety not listed by SG but should be £100+, total est £370.AVAILABLE at A$110

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1996 Scenes $1 Pohutukawa Tree self adhesive blk of 4 with blank reverse, die-cut perfs with surrounding blank margin paper still in place, apparently from 'Jumbo roll' in strips, not sold in blks. VF fresh MUH. SG 1991. CP PC123a(X). (P)AVAILABLE at A$80

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1908 Rama V Jubilee Statue 20T brown & greyish slate. VF M. Scott 123 cat US$700. SG 123 cat £700. Rare with high value. (P)SOLD at A$500

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1908 Rama V Jubilee Statue 20T brown & greyish-slate. Superb U/CTO. Scott 123 cat US$125+. SG 123 cat £140. (P)SOLD at A$100

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1914 narrow opt 'One Penny' on Yacht 5pf green, blk of 4, UL stamp variety 'TOG' for 'TOGO'. VFU, 'Lome 4.12.14 Togo' cds. Scott 47/47a cat US$154+. Yv 33A/33Ab cat €590+. SG H28/H28A cat £123+ as singles, plus premium for positional se-tenant blk which should be +50%, so est cat £185. Only 26850 printed. Exp Ceremuga AIEP. (P)AVAILABLE at A$120

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1869 Shield, Eagle & Flag 30c ultramarine & carmine. VF fresh UN, nice bright colours. Sc 121 cat US$1400 (or US$3350 for M). SG 123 cat £6500. (P)AVAILABLE at A$800

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1869 Shield, Eagle & Flags 30c ultramarine & carmine. F-VF U, red pmk. Sc 121 cat US$700. SG 123 cat £500. (P)AVAILABLE at A$250

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1873 Official PO set 1c-90c black, plate proofs on thick card, imperf, in issued colour. Superb UN as made, all 4 margins. SG O225-O234(p) cat £1000 as normals. Sc O47P4-O56P4 cat US$100 (normal cat US$1230). (10) (P)AVAILABLE at A$110